222 research outputs found

    Studi Struktur Lapisan Termoklin Di Perairan Selat Makassar

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    Selat Makassar merupakan salah satu daerah perairan di Indonesia yang mempunyai lapisan termoklin sekaligus sebagai jalur lintasan Arlindo yang mendapatkan pengaruh musiman akibat pergerakan angin muson yang akan berpengaruh pada struktur lapisan termoklin. Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan software Ocean Data View 4.3.2 menunjukkan bahwa struktur lapisan termoklin di perairan Selat Makassar memiliki sebaran batas atas dengan kisaran kedalaman antara 44,7 – 61,7 m dengan temperatur batas atas 28,34 – 27,61 oC, rata-rata kedalaman sebaran batas atas atas adalah 53,58 m dengan temperatur 28,01 oC. Sebaran batas bawah lapisan termoklin berada pada kisaran kedalaman antara 135,6 – 254,9 m dengan temperatur batas bawah 19,35 – 13,24 oC, rata-rata kedalaman sebaran batas bawah adalah 164,63 dengan temperatur sebesar 17,56 oC. Ketebalan lapisan termoklin berkisar antara 82,2 – 200,11 m dengan ketebalan rata-rata setebal 111,04 m. Gradien temperatur lapisan termoklin berkisar antara 0,073 – 0,123 oC/m dengan rata-rata sebesar 0,1oC/m

    Kajian Sebaran Ukuran Butir Sedimen Di Perairan Gresik, Jawa Timur

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    Tiap tahun pengangkutan sedimen menuju laut dapat mencapai jutaan meter kubik. Hal tersebut dapat mengakibatkan Perubahan muka bumi dan dapat mengganggu aktivitas dari biota perairan. Sedimen yang telah masuk dalam lingkungan perairan akan mengendap dan terdistribusi oleh proses oseanografi. Lokasi Perairan Gresik yang berada pada muara sungai memiliki kesesuaian dengan kajian penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis sedimen di Perairan Gresik dan pendistribusiannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua fraksi sedimen di Perairan Gresik, yaitu sedimen pasir dan pasir berlanau, dimana pola distribusinya menunjukan daerah pesisir didominasi oleh sedimen pasir dan di laut lepas yang berjenis pasir berlanau

    Working Posture Evaluation of Clinical Student in Faculty of Dentistry University of Indonesia for the Scaling Task in Sitting Position in a Virtual Environment

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    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are global issues in the dental profession. This research evaluated the MSDs risk caused by the sitting working posture of clinical students performing the task of scaling. The evaluation using the virtual environment approach shows risk of MSDs in the students’ upper extremities such as neck, shoulder, and trunk. Further simulation based on the ideal sitting working posture shows that ergonomic scaling could be achieved when the patient sits at a 15° angle. When scaling the 1st and 4th quadrant of the teeth, the 9 o’clock position is used. Hence, the 11 o’clock position is used when scaling the 2nd and 3rd quadrant

    Penerapan Adaboost untuk Klasifikasi Support Vector Machine Guna Meningkatkan Akurasi pada Diagnosa Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Database masa kini berkembang dengan sangat pesat khususnya dalam bidang kesehatan. Data tersebut apabila tidak diolah dengan baik maka akan menjadi sebuah tumpukan data yang tidak bermanfaat, sehingga perlu adanya proses untuk mengolah data tersebut menjadi sebuah informasi yang bermanfaat. Proses tersebut biasa disebut dengan data mining yang merupakan suatu bidang ilmu penelitian yang mampu mengolah database menjadi pengetahuan yang dapat dimanfaatkan khusunya dalam penelitian ini akan digunakan untuk mendiagnosa penyakit, diantaranya chronic kidney disease. Salah satu metode data mining yang digunakan untuk memprediksi sebuah keputusan dalam suatu hal adalah klasifikasi, di mana dalam metode klasifikasi ada algoritma support vector machine yang bisa digunakan untuk mendiagnosa chronic kidney disease. Dalam penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan akurasi algoritma support vector machine dalam mendiagnosa chronic kidney disease menggunakan adaptive boosting (adaboost) sebagai ensemble learning dengan pemilihan kernel, nilai parameter C, dan iterasi yang sesuai. Dari hasil percobaan, menerapkan adaboost, dengan kernel linier dan pemilihan nilai parameter C pada algoritma support vector machine dalam mendiagnosa chronic kidney disease menunjukkan bahwa tingkat akurasi mempunyai peningkatan sebesar 37% dengan pemaparan hasil seperti berikut, 62,5% (SVM); 97,75% (SVM+linier kernel); 99,5% (SVM+linier kernel +adaboost). Kata Kunci: adaboost, data mining, SVM, Adaptive boosting, chronic kidney diseas

    Analisis Pengaruh Eco-Label Terhadap Kesadaran Konsumen Untuk Membeli Green Product

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    . The society\u27s viewpoint has shifted along with the increasing concern for the environment, causing the rise of demand for the businessman to provide a concrete solution to deal with the current environmental problems through the development of green products. Eco-label, as a quality assurance of green products, has been a global trade-related issue for years. This research aims to determine the effect of eco-labels on consumers\u27 awareness to purchase green products by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SEM is a multivariate technique incorporating a network of relationship between measured variables and latent construct. The variables used in this research consist of eco-label awareness, attitude towards the environment, belief in buying environment-friendly, eco-label knowledge, eco-label availability, attention towards eco-label, and purchase intention. By using Structural Equation Modeling, some of key findings from the data analysis are highlighted: belief in environment-friendly buying, eco-label knowledge, and attention towards eco-label show a direct influence on purchase intention, while eco-label awareness and eco-label availability only show the indirect effect on purchase intention

    Analisis Ergonomi Industri Garmen Dengan Posture Evaluation Index Pada Virtual Environment

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    Ergonomic  Analysis  of  Garment  Industry  using  Posture  Evaluation Index  (PEI)  in  Virtual  Environment.  This research tried to study, in a virtual environment, the ergonomics of four divisions in garment industry: cutting division, sewing division, button division, and finishing division. Variables that influence the working conditions in each division are different; depend on the real situations that happened. The purpose is to assess the real working conditions based on ergonomics  study  using Posture Evaluation Index (PEI). PEI integrates  the scores of  low back analysis (LBA), ovako working  posture  (OWAS),  and  rapid  upper  limb assessment  (RULA).  Analysis  phase  was  done  using  digital  human model  in  virtual  environment  that  available  on  Jack  6.0.  The  results show  that  the  working  conditions  in  garment industry had enough amount of risk that can injured the musculoskeletal system of the workers. This research enriches the  body  of  ergonomics  knowledge  in Indonesia  because  it  is  the  first  research  in  Indonesia that  applied  virtual environment approach to ergonomics analysis in industry. &nbsp

    Work System Improvement of Evacuation Process Conducted by Emergency Medical Technicians Using Virtual Environment Modeling

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    The work of emergency medical technicians (EMT) during patient evacuation involves lifting task in an emergency situation, which results in the increasing risk of musculoskeletal disorders such as low back pain. The purpose of this research was to investigate the workplace and ergonomic aspect that influence work posture of the EMT using simulation approach in a virtual environment. Biomechanic model (mannequin) of the EMT had been simulated and analyzed by using LBA and OWAS method. The mannequin was given an improvement based on ergonomic principle of manual lifting task and then was reanalyzed. Improvement that can be used for the work system of the evacuation process conducted by EMT considering its nature situation is the work posture of personnel during the process of lifting the patient into the stretcher. The technique that can be used is the proper lifting techniques. The results of this research can be used as a recommendation to the work system of the EMT

    Perancangan Roadmap Produk Dan Teknologi Pada Uang Elektronik Chip-Based Di Indonesia

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    . Due to the growing dynamism and complexity of technology development, early recognition and monitoring of technological, market, political and social developments is of growing importance to successful innovation. In this context, roadmapping is a method that answers the questions of creating new product development in innovation terms. Nevertheless, the important point is not solely to project what is technically feasible to be implemented, but rather to broaden the perspective with socio-economic aspects and particularly, as a critical factor, incorporating customer requirements at an early stage. This research elaborates the integration of conjoint analysis into product-technology roadmapping to develop a strategic e-money product-technology roadmap in Indonesia. This research focuses on the case of chip-based e-money and how to increase the utilization of the chip-based e-money in Indonesia. The chip-based e-money features resulted from conjoit analysis were minimum top-up Rp.20.000,-, no minimum amount on account, no minimum amount on one transaction, validity period 5 years and security mode on transaction using PIN. These features are then integrated into the product-technology roadmap, which was created and validated through in-depth interviews with experts from Bank Indonesia and University of Indonesia. The output of the research was a strategic product-technology roadmap of chip-based e-money in Indonesia until 2025, as the standard reference of the chip-based e-money development in Indonesia

    Strategi Pemanfaatan Sawah Bukaan Baru (Kasus Di Kabupaten Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat)

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