8 research outputs found

    Robotic Deployment of Extraterrestrial Seismic Networks

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    Manual installation of seismic networks in extraterrestrial environments is risky, expensive and error-prone. A more reliable alternative is the automated deposition with a light-weight robot manipulator. However, inserting a spiked sensor into soil is a challenging task for a robot since the soil parameters are variable and difficult to estimate. Therefore, we investigate an approach to accurate insertion and positioning of geophones using a Cartesian impedance controller with a feed-forward force term. The feed-forward force component of the controller is either estimated using the Fundamental Earth-Moving Equation, the Discrete Element Method or empirically. For the first time, both the geological aspects of the problem as well as the aspects of robotic control are considered. Based on this consideration, the control approach is enhanced by predicting the resistance force of the soil. Experiments with the humanoid robot Rollin’ Justin inserting a geophone into three different soil samples validate the proposed method

    "Vad stÄr det?" En kvalitativ studie om hur lÀrare stimulerar och frÀmjar elevernas lÀsförstÄelse i Är 1-3

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    Syfte: Syfte med vÄr studie Àr att undersöka hur lÀrarna stimulerar och frÀmjar elevernas lÀsförstÄelse. Teori: I vÄrt arbete utgÄr vi frÄn lÀsförstÄelsestrategierna och Vygotskijs tÀnkande om den proximala zonen. Teorins fokus ligger pÄ den aktiva eleven som ska i arbetet med vuxna erövra kunskap som ligger utanför sin existerande kognitiva förmÄga. Metod: Vi har anvÀnt oss av kvalitativa studier och observationer. Vi har intervjuat sex pedagoger i tvÄ olika kommuner och observerat dem under tvÄ veckor. Vid intervjuerna anvÀnde vi bandspelaren, skrev ner de svaren vi fÄtt samt analyserat dem. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar att respondenterna tycker att lÀsförstÄelse Àr en viktig del av lÀsinlÀrningsprocess och att de i sin undervisning anvÀnder olika metoder för att stimulera lÀsförstÄelseprocess hos sina elever. Resultat av vÄr undersökning uppvisar att samtliga intervjuade betonar att grundlÀggande ordavkodning, elevernas egna erfarenheter och positiv sjÀlvbild Àr av stor betydelse för en god lÀsförstÄelse, vilket ocksÄ litteratur tyder pÄ

    Automated Insertion of Geophones using Light-Weight Robots

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    Manual installation of seismic networks, i.e., geophones in extraterrestrial applications or in extreme environments on Earth is risky, expensive and error-prone. A more reliable alternative of inserting sensors into soil is the automatic deposition with a leight-weight robot manipulator. However, inserting a sensor into soil is a challenging task for robotic control since the soil parameters are variable and difficult to estimate. Therefore, this thesis investigates an approach to accurate insertion and positioning of geophones using a Cartesian impedance controller with a feed-forward force term. The feed-forward force component of the controller is estimated using the earth-moving equation and the Discrete Element Method. For the first time, both the geological aspects of the problem as well as the aspects of robotic control are considered. Based on this consideration, the control approach is enhanced by predicting the resistance force of the soil. Experiments with the humanoid robot Rollin’ Justin inserting a geophone into three different soil samples validate the chosen approach

    Hope, resilience and growth

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    This photo originally appeared in the 2014 research student photography and image competition. Blurb: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric condition involving a prolonged reaction to trauma that significantly impairs an individual's functioning in all areas of life. Even with the appropriate psychological and pharmacological treatment, only two thirds of people completely or partially recover. Unfortunately, one third of the affected population does not recover at all. This image was taken on the Big Island, Hawaii in May 2014. PTSD is like a volcano. When it erupts, it can significantly affect all the areas around it, destroying everything that comes in its way. Yet, in this image one can see that there is always hope, resilience and growth

    Identifying mathematical problem solving in a preschool activity

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    In this paper, we report on a study aimed at identifying mathematical problem solving in a preschool activity. Observations of mathematical activity with 9 preschool children have been analyzed in accordance with Variation Theory principles for how new aspects of phenomena can be discerned to identify necessary conditions for an activity to be considered problem solving. We have identified two such conditions. The first is attentiveness to different approaches in completing a task. The second is the availability of different types of activities open for children to transcend the given features of a task. The results show how the planned activity in empirical focus gives children limited opportunity to distinguish and work with problem solving. We argue that the results of this study can be used as a starting point in the planning of mathematical problem solving and to help preschool teachers in developing their work, but also to facilitate future research on the topic

    Comorbidity in PTSD: eye tracking and MEG

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    Background: Using binomial equation to identify potential symptom combinations, Galatzer-Levy and Bryant (2013) calculated 636,120 profiles under which one can meet the criteria for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) using the DSM 5. This brings the homogeneity of PTSD into question. Numerous studies have suggested comorbidity in PTSD appears to be the norm rather than the exception (e.g. Creamer et al., 2001). Consequently, the neuroimaging data on PTSD to date is unclear. The present review will present neuroimaging results of PTSD, and highlight the methodological limitations used in PTSD literature to date. Methods: The present paper will systematically review literature on neuroimaging and co-morbidity in PTSD. Results: Results of the systematic review of neuroimaging and comorbidity in PTSD will be discussed. Conclusions: An alternative approach to studying PTSD and comorbidity will be presented. This includes an attentional bias forced choice task divided into pictorial quadrants (neutral, positive, negative, trauma congruent and incongruent images) using MEG and eye tracking which controls for comorbidity in the stratification of group membership

    A systematic review of comorbidity in PTSD using eye tracking and MEG

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    A review of neuroimaging and electrophysiological literature of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) suggests conflicting results in relation to structural, functional and electrophysiological data available to date. For instance, a widely reported finding in the PTSD literature includes amygdala hyperresponsivity (e.g. Flemingham et al., 2010; Shin et al., 2005). However, upon closer inspection of the participants in the study by Flemingham et al. (2010), for example, out of the 23 participants in the 'PTSD group', 15 met the criteria for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), and 3 for Panic Disorder. Similar results were observed in the study by Shin et al., (2005) where within the 'PTSD group' (n=13), participants also met the criteria for MDD (n=4), dysthymia (n=2), bipolar disorder II (n=1), panic disorder (n=3), social (n=2) and specific phobia (n=1). One possible explanation for such discrepancy in findings is that "pure cases" of any psychiatric disorders, and particularly PTSD, are a minority and comorbidity is more frequently the norm. Regardless, research studies often make conclusions without considering the impact of comorbidity in the sample of participants. The present paper will systematically review neuroimaging findings and highlight the methodological limitations in the study of comorbidity in PTSD. Furthermore, it will propose a different methodological approach. This includes an attentional bias paradigm using MEG and eye tracking which controls for comorbidity in the stratification of group membership