317 research outputs found

    Measuring the Impact of Industrialization and Financial Development on Water Resources: A Case Study of Pakistan

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    The objective of the study examines the impact of industrialization and financial development on water resources, in the specific context of Pakistan. Data set from 1975-2009 are taken for time series analysis. The result reveals that economic growth positively linked with the water resource, as water plays a pivotal role in the economic development of a country. Thus limiting this resource would affect the process of economic growth. Industrial processes have a negative environmental impact which causing water pollution. Financial development has an indirect effect on water consumption, as it shows that private firms finds more funding opportunities in a country, therefore, avoid dirty industry game.Economics growth, financial development, industrialization, water resource, cointegration, bonds test, Pakistan.

    Major theories of Job Satisfaction and their use in the field of Librarianship

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    This study explored the importance of two major theories of Job satisfaction (content and process theories) and their sub domains and how LIS professionals could use these theories in the field of librarianship. The study was carried out by a review of the literature to identify the significant contribution of these two related theories in human resource management. Due to its multi-disciplinary nature, the literature on these two theories was wide among scholarly sources such as web-based sources, including Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and subject-specific e-databases namely JSTOR, Emerald, Sage Journals, Taylor &Francis, and ERIC. This study explores several aspects of job satisfaction, job happiness, job ethics, and job conduct in detail. The study elaborates that work productivity, employee engagement, absenteeism, safety and security, stress management, unionization, and all other factors have an impact on employees’ job performances. This study also explained several theories of job satisfaction in the context of librarianship, such as Abraham Maslow\u27s hierarchy of needs, Clayton Alderfers\u27 ERG theory, Frederick Herzberg\u27s two-wire theory, Douglas McGregor\u27s theory of X and Y, David\u27s theory of needs McKeland, Porter and Loller’s theory of similarity, and goal setting theories with models. The study also guides how to implement the theoretical ideas of job satisfaction in the field of Librarianship

    Common Histopathological spectrum of Posterior Fossa Tumors in Pediatric Age Group

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    Objective:  To know about the common posterior fossa tumors in the pediatric age group on basis of Histopathology in Neurosurgery Department, Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar. Material and Methods:  This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in the department of MTI Hayatabad medical complex Peshawar from January 2017 to January 2020. We included a total of 52 patients who operated for posterior fossa tumors and biopsy reports were observed to know the histological pattern of the tumor. We included all those patients who have posterior fossa tumors except those tumors which involved or arise from brain stem and infections. The data was collected and analyzed using SPSS version 21. Results:  Our study shows that the mean age was 6 years with a standard deviation ± 2.81. Fifty-eight percent of children were male and 42% of children were female. Histopathologic patterns were analyzed as 48% of children had Medulloblastoma, 25% of children had Astrocytoma, 19% of children had Ependymoma, 8% of patients had other histopathologic patterns. Conclusion:  Our study concludes that common histopathologic patterns of posterior fossa tumors in children were medulloblastoma (48%), Astrocytoma (25%), ependymoma (19%) respectively

    Pollen fertility estimation of some sub-tropical flora of Pakistan

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    A total of 46 species from 3 monocotyledon and 18 dicotyledonous families were investigated for percentage pollen fertility. The average fertility was 91.15% which showed the general stability of the flora in the study area. In the present research the highest 100% value was observed in Argyrolobium roseum (Camb.) Jaub. and Spach and the lowest 66.67% was observed in Spergularia arvensis L. The dominant families regarding number of species were: Brassicaceae having six species, whose average fertility was 91.82% and Papalionaceae having five species whose average fertility was 88.79%. The present studies showed that the flora of the area is a stable one.Key words: Pollen fertility, district tank, sub-tropical flora

    Industrial Sector Input Demand Responsiveness and Policy Interventions

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    In Pakistan, government intervention in the input market of the industrial sector is considerable. It regulates prices of virtually all energy and certain other non-labour inputs. To stimulate industrial production and output growth, it also encourages the provision of extended credit facilities to the industrial producers. Further, it has also often announced adjustments/reductions in duties and tariffs on products used in industrial production. Conversely, government also imposes taxes on outputs. It may desire to levy new taxes on the industrial inputs. All interventions have profound implications for producers, consumers and the government alike. Therefore, it is important to know how they may affect the industrial input demand. Further, it is equally important to know how effective they may be for the government in the realisation of its objectives. The most pertinent approach to ascertain the industrial input demand responsiveness to government interventions is to obtain valid estimates of price elasticities. In fact, competent elasticity estimates of the producer input demand derived with a sound methodology can serve as a solid basis to predict producer responsiveness to market changes and thereby the effectiveness and desirability of government interventions. While the price elasticities of products over the years have been estimated for Pakistan, renewed interest on estimating responsiveness of producer input demand with modern estimation procedures has recently surged. Idrees (1997) and Khan (1998) have determined elasticities for the domestic large-scale manufacturing sector from a demand system. Although these research studies make a good addition to the literature, their scope is extremely limited because they have combined industrial inputs into large aggregates. At present, there is no study that has investigated the input demand elasticities of the domestic industrial sector at the dis-aggregated level.

    Antimicrobial Resistance Spread and the Role of Mobile Genetic Elements

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    Alexander Fleming discovered the first antimicrobial agent, penicillin (a β-lactam), in 1928 in the mold Penicillium notatum. Penicillin was initially found to be active against staphylococcal strains, which at that time were a major source of infectious diseases. Indeed, the mortality rate of individuals with severe Staphylococcus aureus infection in the early 1940’s was about 80% [1]. The discovery of penicillin gave clinicians an effective means to combat fatal microbial infections for the first time. Since that time, many different types of antimicrobial agents have been discovered, including aminoglycosides, macrolides and cephalosporins to name but a few. Further, current advances in biochemistry and engineering now mean that novel antimicrobial agents can be produced by 1) synthetically altering the structure of known antimicrobial agents, or by 2) high throughput screening strategies. However, even as new antibiotics are being discovered, bacteria are acquiring mechanisms to neutralise their effect

    Internal Absorption and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: A new approach towards Market Size

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    Abstract. In continuation of the efforts to understand the dynamics of internal market, this study proposes Internal Absorption as an instrument for measuring market size for economies which confront large trade deficit over a longer period of time. The study empirically examines the impacts of Internal Absorption along with trade openness and gross private investment on FDI inflows in Pakistan. The ARDL approach to co-integration and ECM based on ARDL is used to test the existence of long run relationships among variables for the period 1976-2009. The result establishes strong positive relationship between Internal Absorption and FDI inflows in short as well as in the long run.Keywords. Foreign direct investment, Internal absorption, Trade openness, Private investment.JEL. F18, F21, F23, O47

    Clinico-epidemiological profile and treatment outcome of lip cancer: a retrospective study from north India

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    Background: Aim of present study to evaluate the Clinico-epidemiological profile and treatment outcome of Lip Cancer. Methods: This was a retrospective study performed in our hospital. All necessary clinical and epidemiological details of the 11 cases diagnosed with lip cancer from January 2016 to December 2021 were analysed. Results: The total number of new malignant cases diagnosed as lip cancer between January 2016 and December 2021 were 11, which comprised 6 male (55%) and 5 (45%) female. The male-to-female ratio was (1.2:1). The most common histological type was SCC, i.e., in 9 (81.8%) of the total number of cases and BCC was in 2 patients (18.2%). Overall survival at 5 years was 89% in our study. Conclusions: In conclusion, we have reported higher levels of lip cancer among men and those above 45 years of age. The important prognostic factors for overall survival in these patients were cancer stages. Better survival is achieved with surgery alone in the early stages and with adjuvant radiotherapy in the later stages

    Aquatic Plants of District Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan

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    In this taxonomic account 18 aquatic plants, which are reported for the first time from Dera Ismail Khan District are presented. The species were Alternanthera sessilis (Linn.) DC., Azolla pinnata R. Br., Bacopa moneiri (Linn.) Pennell., Ceratophyllum demersum Linn., Eleocharis palustris (Linn.) R. Brown., Hydrilla verticillata Royle., Marselia quadrifolia Linn., Nelumbium nelumbo (Linn.) Druce., Nymphoide cristata Roxb.) O.Ketze., Phragmites karka (Retz.) Trin., Pistia stratiotes Linn., Polygonum barbatum Linn; Polygonum flaccidum Meissn., Potammogeton crispus Linn., Potamogeton nodosus Poiret, Spirodela polyrrhiza (Linn.) Schield, Typha domenginsis Pers., Typha elephantia Roxb
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