4 research outputs found

    Mempertahankan Integritas Bangsa Indonesia Melalui Pendidikan Multikultural

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    Pendidikan multikultural sebagai proses penanaman cara hidup menghormati, tulus, dan toleran terhadap keanekaragaman budaya yang hidup di tengah masyarakat plural. Dengan pendidikan multikultural, diharapkan adanya kekenyalan dan kelenturan mental bangsa menghadapi benturan konflik sosial, sehingga persatuan bangsa tidak mudah retak. Multkulturalisme adalah sebuah ideologi yang mengagungkan perbedaan budaya, atau sebuah keyakinan yang mengakui dan mendorong terwujudnya pluralisme budaya sebagai suatu corak kehidupan masyarakat. Multikulturalisme dapat menjadi pengikat dan jembatan yang mengakomodasi perbedaan-perbedaan termasuk perbedaan kesukubangsaan dan suku bangsa dalam masyarakat multikultural. Dalam konteks Indonesia, yang dikenal dengan muatan yang sarat kemajemukan, maka pendidikan multikultural menjadi sangat strategis untuk dapat mengelola kemajemukan secara kreatif, sehingga konflik yang muncul sebagai dampak dari transformasi dan reformasi sosial dapat dikelola secara cerdas dan menjadi bagian dari pencerahan kehidupan bangsa ke depan

    Ibm Parenting Bagi Guru dan Orang Tua Paud di Kelurahan Pudak Payung Semarang

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    Science and technology program for the community (IbM) aims to provide teachers and parents knowledges and skills in educating early childhood, especially in the form of parenting and child counseling. The methods used in the implementation of community service activities on developing character of early childhood through modeling and and habituation in the form of counseling and mentoring, such as playing games involving both parents and children. The result shows that the implementation of early childhood education has good responses from the participants. Through habituation and modeling given by teachers/ educators and parents, the activities can convey moral messages to children. Hopefully the children can be developed to have intelligent and healthy personality, and virtuous character

    Ibm Pembelajaran Ramah Anak Bagi Orang Tua dan Guru Tk-paud di Kec. Godong Kabupaten Grobogan

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    Children are a gift from the Almighty so that every person who shall be blessed with a child to love , guide , provide the best education and welfare efforts in accordance with the ability of the child\u27s parents have since also the future of the family role of the teacher is also a central factor that will deliver learners . Analysis of the situation described above , we can identify some partner issues , among others : 1 ) Potential - kindergarten early childhood teachers in the district are still in need of assistance Godong in improving skills in educating children . So it takes a child-friendly learning activities for parents to students to be smart and love to learn . 2 ) lack of skills in using instructional media in AUD. 3 ) Lack of storytelling skills / storytelling for children . Storytelling is a skill that must be honed so often the message will be delivered at the time told me to be accepted by the students . Ape is as a medium for membelajarkan children to play and learn fun activities and messages to be delivered to be well received by the students . The role of the teacher is also a central factor that will lead learners . Skills necessary to educate very very well to the teaching and learning activities for children early childhood / kindergarten , educators are required to understand the child\u27s character and desire not the desire of parents