87 research outputs found

    Education and earnings in Peru's informal nonfarm family enterprises

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    This study presents an analysis of non-farm family businesses in Peru. It uses the enterprise rather than the individual as the unit of analysis, and incorporates enterprise characteristics (capital, nonlabor inputs, focus of operation) explicitly. The central question addressed is: does formal schooling make a difference? Women and children are included in the analysis since thay play an important, if not the preeminent, role in Peru's family business sector. We can thus see whether the payoff to education differs between male and female entrepreneurs after controlling for other factors. The paper proceeds as follows. After the introduction, sections 2 and 3 describe, respectively, the data and the regression model. Section 4 presents the empirical results. Section 5 assesses these results, including those for nonschooling variables, and section 6 discusses the implications with regard to education, comparing our findings with those obtained for some of the same people, considered as individuals, in other analysis.Banks&Banking Reform,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Municipal Financial Management,Environmental Economics&Policies

    Teoría Económica y Desarrollo Social. Exclusión, desigualdad y democracia. Homenaje a Adolfo Figueroa

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    Los autores de los artículos de este libro de homenaje a Adolfo Figueroa abordan temas de desigualdad, exclusión y políticas para el desarrollo social y de la democracia.ingreso, dinero, salud

    A despesa familiar e os preços dos alimentos como determinantes do consumo alimentício no nordeste brasileiro

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    Previous Brazilian food-consumption analyses using the ENDEF data have suffered from aggregated information, which may confuse regional price differences with differences in food habits, without considering family size. Consumption functions estimated for the Northeast only, separating metropolitan and rural areas, and based on individual observations, allow more reasonable estimates of how poor families respond to changes in income and prices. Such estimates are necessary for evaluating the gain in consumption due to food assistance programs, which is not measured directly. The poor are more responsive than was believed to income increases or transfers - therefore easier to help, provided assistance is goncentrated on the poorest. The tendency to improve diet quality even before consuming enough calories, is stronger in urban areas. Price responsiveness, which determinesthe viability of subsidies, is concentrated on basic grains, especially rice.Análises anteriores sobre o consumo alimentício brasileiro usando informações do ENDEF, apresentam limitações devido ao uso de dados agregados, visto que podem confundir diferenças regionais de preços com diferenças de hábitos de consumo, por não considerar o tamanho familiar. Funções de consumo estimados somente para o Nordeste, distinguindo áreas metropolitanas das rurais, e baseadas em observações individuais, permitem conclusões mais razoáveis sobre a resposta da família pobre ante mudanças na renda ou nos preços dos alimentos. Tais estimações são essenciais para avaliar o consumo adicional provocado por programas de assistência alimentar, nunca medido diretamente. Os pobres resultam ser mais sensíveis a aumentos de renda ou transferências do que se supunha portanto, mais fáceis de receber ajuda, sempre que esta for concentrada nos mais pobres. A tendência a melhorar a qualidade da dieta, antes mesmo de consumir o suficiente em calorias, é mais forte na área urbana. A sensibilidade aos preços - portanto, o impacto potencial de subsídios - está concentrado nos graos básicos, particularmente no arroz

    Ingreso y Consumo Permanente y su Relación, en Cuatro Ciudades Colombianas

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    This investigation examines two important aspects of permanent income and consumption: the relation of consumption to income, when the transitory components are excluded, and the relative importance of the transitory components. The results are fairly uni

    Desigualdad en la Distribución del Ingreso en Diez Ciudades Sudamericanas: Descomposición e Interpretación del Coeficiente de Gini

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    Measuring the inequality of incomes among individuals or households by some aggregate index gives an idea of how much incomes differ, but says nothing about why those differences exist. In order to explain income differences, it is necessary to find one o

    Reflexiones sobre la Demanda por Salud en América Latina

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    Suppliers of medical care, especially in the public sector, tend to think of matching supply to medically-defined needs for attention. Although needs are sometimes hard to diagnose, they are more objective than patients' demands for attention, and it is r