1,568 research outputs found

    The Impact of Student Response Systems on the Learning Experience of Undergraduate Psychology Students

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    Student response systems (SRS) are hand-held devices or mobile phone polling systems which collate real-time, individual responses to on-screen questions. Previous research examining their role in higher education has highlighted both advantages and disadvantages of their use. This paper explores how different SRS influence the learning experience of psychology students across different levels of their programme. Across two studies, first year students’ experience of using Turningpoint clickers and second year students’ experience of using Poll Everywhere was investigated. Evaluations of both studies revealed that SRS has a number of positive impacts on learning, including enhanced engagement, active learning, peer interaction, and formative feedback. Technical and practical issues emerged as consistent barriers to the use of SRS. Discussion of these findings and the authors’ collective experiences of these technologies are used to provide insight into the way in which SRS can be effectively integrated within undergraduate psychology programmes

    Technology Enhanced Learning in Psychology: Current Direction and Perspectives

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    Contemporary use of digital technologies has rapidly transformed the learning and teaching environment within higher education (Beetham and White, 2013; Jordan, 2013). When used effectively, technology can improve the usefulness and quality of feedback to support learning and create unique opportunities for active, independent learning (Trapp et al., 2011; Higher Education Academy, 2012; UoW, 2015). However, identifying appropriate technology and effectively embedding this within teaching practices can be challenging. Here we outline the way in which Psychology staff at the University of Worcester have used technology to enhance the student learning experience in four key areas: promoting engagement in large groups, enhancing participation in research, teaching via blended learning and fostering a learning community. We hope that sharing our experiences will be of value to colleagues interested in using technology for similar purposes

    Heat exposure and resilience planning in Atlanta, Georgia

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    The City of Atlanta, Georgia, is a fast-growing urban area with substantial economic and racial inequalities, subject to the impacts of climate change and intensifying heat extremes. Here, we analyze the magnitude, distribution, and predictors of heat exposure across the City of Atlanta, within the boundaries of Fulton County. Additionally, we evaluate the extent to which identified heat exposure is addressed in Atlanta climate resilience governance. First, land surface temperature (LST) was mapped to identify the spatial patterns of heat exposure and potential socioeconomic and biophysical predictors of heat exposure were assessed. Second, government and city planning documents and policies were analyzed to assess whether the identified heat exposure risks are addressed in Atlanta climate resilience planning. The average LST of Atlanta’s 305 block groups ranges from 23.7 °C (low heat exposure) in vegetated areas to 31.5 °C (high heat exposure) in developed areas across 13 summer days used to evaluate the spatial patterns of heat exposure (June-August, 2013-2019). In contrast to nationwide patterns, census block groups with larger historically marginalized populations (predominantly Black, less education, lower income) outside of Atlanta’s urban core display weaker relationships with LST (slopes ≈ 0) and are among the cooler regions of the city. Climate governance analysis revealed that although there are few strategies for heat resilience in Atlanta (n=12), the majority are focused on the city’s warmest region, the urban core, characterized by the city’s largest extent of impervious surface. These strategies prioritize protecting and expanding the city’s urban tree canopy, which has kept most of Atlanta’s marginalized communities under lower levels of outdoor heat exposure. Such a tree canopy can serve as an example of heat resilience for many cities across the United States and the globe

    What Patients Want to Know about Imaging Examinations: A Multiinstitutional U.S. Survey in Adult and Pediatric Teaching Hospitals on Patient Preferences for Receiving Information before Radiologic Examinations

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    Purpose To identify what information patients and parents or caregivers found useful before an imaging examination, from whom they preferred to receive information, and how those preferences related to patient-specific variables including demographics and prior radiologic examinations. Materials and Methods A 24-item survey was distributed at three pediatric and three adult hospitals between January and May 2015. The χ2 or Fisher exact test (categorical variables) and one-way analysis of variance or two-sample t test (continuous variables) were used for comparisons. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine associations between responses and demographics. Results Of 1742 surveys, 1542 (89%) were returned (381 partial, 1161 completed). Mean respondent age was 46.2 years ± 16.8 (standard deviation), with respondents more frequently female (1025 of 1506, 68%) and Caucasian (1132 of 1504, 75%). Overall, 78% (1117 of 1438) reported receiving information about their examination most commonly from the ordering provider (824 of 1292, 64%), who was also the most preferred source (1005 of 1388, 72%). Scheduled magnetic resonance (MR) imaging or nuclear medicine examinations (P < .001 vs other examination types) and increasing education (P = .008) were associated with higher rates of receiving information. Half of respondents (757 of 1452, 52%) sought information themselves. The highest importance scores for pre-examination information (Likert scale ≥4) was most frequently assigned to information on examination preparation and least frequently assigned to whether an alternative radiation-free examination could be used (74% vs 54%; P < .001). Conclusion Delivery of pre-examination information for radiologic examinations is suboptimal, with half of all patients and caregivers seeking information on their own. Ordering providers are the predominant and preferred source of examination-related information, with respondents placing highest importance on information related to examination preparation

    Strengthening Competence of Therapists-in-Training in the Treatment of Health Anxiety (Hypochondriasis): Validation of the Assessment of Core CBT Skills (ACCS)

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    Although the observation and assessment of psychotherapeutic competences is central to training, supervision, patient care, quality control, and life‐long practice, structured instruments are used only occasionally. In the current study, an observation‐based tool for the Assessment of Core CBT Skills (ACCS) was translated into German and adapted, and its psychometric properties were pilot evaluated. Competence of therapists‐in‐training was assessed in a random sample of n = 30 videos on cognitive‐behavioral therapy including patients diagnosed with hypochondriasis. Two of three raters independently assessed the competences demonstrated in the entire, active treatment sessions (n = 60). In our sample, internal consistency was excellent, and interrater reliability was good. Convergent validity (Cognitive Therapy Scale) and discriminant validity (Helping Alliance Questionnaire) were within the expected ranges. The ACCS total score did not significantly predict the reduction of symptoms of hypochondriasis, and a one‐factorial structure of the instrument was found. By providing multiple opportunities for feedback, self‐reflection and supervision, the ACCS may complement current tools for the assessment of psychotherapeutic competences and importantly, support competence‐based training and supervision

    RNA polymerase is poised for activation across the genome

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    Regulation of gene expression is integral to the development and survival of all organisms. Transcription begins with the assembly of a pre-initiation complex at the gene promoter, followed by initiation of RNA synthesis and the transition to productive elongation. In many cases, recruitment of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) to a promoter is necessary and sufficient for activation of genes. However, there are a few notable exceptions to this paradigm, including heat shock genes and several proto-oncogenes, whose expression is attenuated by regulated stalling of polymerase elongation within the promoter-proximal region. To determine the importance of polymerase stalling for transcription regulation, we carried out a genome-wide search for Drosophila melanogaster genes with Pol II stalled within the promoter-proximal region. Our data show that stalling is widespread, occurring at hundreds of genes that respond to stimuli and developmental signals. This finding indicates a role for regulation of polymerase elongation in the transcriptional responses to dynamic environmental and developmental cues

    Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes in Hospitals in the City of Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Case of the Jason Sendwe General Reference Hospital in 2015 to 2019

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    Gestational diabetes is defined as a carbohydrate tolerance disorder leading to hyperglycaemia of varying severity, occurring or first diagnosed during pregnancy, regardless of the treatment required and the course of the postpartum period. Its prevalence has been estimated at between 2.2% and 8.8% of pregnancies, depending on the populations studied and the screening criteria used. We determined the prevalence of gestational diabetes at the Jason Sendwe General Referral Hospital. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out from January 2015 to December 2019 at Sendwe Hospital. It concerned 48 pregnant women from 24 weeks of pregnancy. The diagnosis of gestational diabetes was made by blood glucose obtained with the O'Sullivan test or by fasting blood glucose. The prevalence of gestational diabetes was 2.15%. Modifiable and non-modifiable factors associated with gestational diabetes in this study are age ≥ 35 years, parity, history of macrosomia, and history of type 2 diabetes in the surrogates of the pregnancies. The prevalence rate remains high and shows that gestational diabetes is a public health problem in the city of Lubumbashi. The O'Sullivan test is a valid alternative for its good detection. We found that age, especially after 35 years is the major determinant of gestational diabetes in the population living in Lubumbashi

    Cell-specific discrimination of desmosterol and desmosterol mimetics confers selective regulation of LXR and SREBP in macrophages.

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    Activation of liver X receptors (LXRs) with synthetic agonists promotes reverse cholesterol transport and protects against atherosclerosis in mouse models. Most synthetic LXR agonists also cause marked hypertriglyceridemia by inducing the expression of sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)1c and downstream genes that drive fatty acid biosynthesis. Recent studies demonstrated that desmosterol, an intermediate in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway that suppresses SREBP processing by binding to SCAP, also binds and activates LXRs and is the most abundant LXR ligand in macrophage foam cells. Here we explore the potential of increasing endogenous desmosterol production or mimicking its activity as a means of inducing LXR activity while simultaneously suppressing SREBP1c-induced hypertriglyceridemia. Unexpectedly, while desmosterol strongly activated LXR target genes and suppressed SREBP pathways in mouse and human macrophages, it had almost no activity in mouse or human hepatocytes in vitro. We further demonstrate that sterol-based selective modulators of LXRs have biochemical and transcriptional properties predicted of desmosterol mimetics and selectively regulate LXR function in macrophages in vitro and in vivo. These studies thereby reveal cell-specific discrimination of endogenous and synthetic regulators of LXRs and SREBPs, providing a molecular basis for dissociation of LXR functions in macrophages from those in the liver that lead to hypertriglyceridemia

    Deletion of PPAR-γ in immune cells enhances susceptibility to antiglomerular basement membrane disease

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    Activation of the nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ) has been shown to be immunoregulatory in autoimmune diseases by inhibiting production of a number of inflammatory mediators. We investigated whether PPAR-γ gene deletion in hematopoietic cells would alter disease pathogenesis in the antiglomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) mouse model. PPAR-γ+/+ and PPAR-γ−/− mice were immunized with rabbit antimouse GBM antibodies and lipopolysaccharide and evaluated for two weeks. Although both the PPAR-γ+/+ and PPAR-γ−/− mice had IgG deposition in the glomerulus and showed proteinuria two weeks after injection, glomerular and tubulointerstitial disease in PPAR-γ−/− mice were significantly more severe compared with the PPAR-γ+/+ animals. We observed that the PPAR-γ−/− mice had decreased CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells and an increased CD8+:CD4+ ratio as compared with the PPAR-γ+/+ mice, suggesting that PPAR-γ has a role in the regulation of T cells. Furthermore, plasma interleukin-6 levels were significantly increased in the PPAR-γ−/− mice at two weeks as compared with the PPAR-γ+/+ animals. Taken together, these studies show that the lack of PPAR-γ expression enhances inflammatory renal disease in the anti-GBM antibody-induced glomerulonephritis mouse model and suggests targeting PPAR-γ may have therapeutic efficacy