45 research outputs found

    Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders: A Systematic Review

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    The main purpose of this study is to describe how negative emotions were investigated in the sphere of dermatological diseases, in order (1) to summarize literature trends about skin disorders and emotions, (2) to highlight any imbalances between the most studied and neglected emotions, (3) and to offer directions for future research. A computerized literature search provided 41 relevant and potentially eligible studies. Results showed that the study of emotions in skin disease is limited to Sadness/depression and Fear/anxiety. The emotions of Anger and Disgust have been poorly explored in empirical studies, despite they could be theoretically considered a vulnerability factor for the development of skin disorders and the dermatological extreme consequences, as negative emotionality toward self and the pathological skin condition. The bibliometric qualitative analysis with VOSViewer software revealed that the majority of the studies have been focused on the relationships between vitiligo and Sadness/depression, dermatitis and Fear/anxiety, psoriasis, and Anger, suggesting the need of future research exploring Disgust and, in general, a wider emotional spectrum

    The risk of bleeding and encephalopathy in surgical patients with liver cirrhosis

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    Liver cirrhosis is a disease with an increasing incidence. Surgical procedures in patients with cirrhosis are also increasing, due to a longer life expectancy in these patients and also to the improvement of therapeutic and diagnostic resources. Digestive hemorrhage in the cirrhotic patient requires emergency medical intervention (intensive therapy, endoscopic or even surgical approaches), being at the same time a factor that precipitates episodes of encephalopathy, i.e. the conventional complication of cirrhosis. Hepatic encephalopathy represents one of the most severe clinical events of cirrhosis, being associated with high morbidity and mortality. The causes of hepatic encephalopathy are briefly presented in this paper. Therapeutic approaches currently available consist in the administration of non-absorbable disaccharides such as lactulose and non-absorbable antibiotics such as rifaximin. New therapeutic perspectives are under evaluation, e.g. ammonia scavengers and the modulation of gut microbiota. Clotting disorders in patients with liver cirrhosis are more severe as the disease progresses and involves complex mechanisms, as presented in this review. The correction of possible disorders of hemostasis should be promptly made as a sine qua non condition prior to surgery

    Psychological violence and manipulative behavior in couple: A focus on personality traits

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    Psychological violence is characterized by systematic denigration and humiliation of the partner (victim). It is an insidious and manipulative behavior put in place to ensure that the victim begins to doubt themselves, and their own judgments, to the point of feeling confused and wrong. This behavior pattern is called Gaslighting and the personality traits are characterized by lack of empathy, psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism. These three conditions are part of the so-called dark triad and distinguished by the lack of empathy. The aim of this study is to explore psychological aspects and consequences of Gaslighting phenomena. This systematic review was conducted according to Systematic Reviews guidelines (PubMed and Google Scholar databases), using 2 key terms related to this topic “Psychological Violence” AND “Gaslighting”. Data for this systematic review were collected in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The reviewed studies focused on violence on affective manipulation, abuse trauma that compromises a subject\u27s identity, psyche, self-esteem and sense of self, in women\u27s mental health conditions. Most of the research analyzed is focused on the gender violence and manipulative behavior in couples

    “Comment on: Psychopathology and female detention at the “Pagliarelli” jail of Palermo: preliminary results.”

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    We read with great interest the article by Ferraro et al. about the presence of current and lifetime psychiatric disorders among a sample of Italian female inmates. However, despite the strengths of the article, we have certain reservations on the methodology followed and conclusions drawn in the study that need to be elaborated for a better understanding of this very important research. Our correspondence thus, emphasizes the need for further explorations on this important area of research on mental health in inmates, in order to identify appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to be applied in this population

    Overlap and common correlates between depression and COPD: a narrative review

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    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by a burden of comorbid conditions, including depression, that has been related with an increased risk of exacerbations, low adherence to pharmacological treatments and behavioral interventions, and overall mortality rates. The aim of the present review was to explore the comorbidity between depression and COPD by examining epidemiological and etiopathogenetic perspectives, along with shared risk factors including the potential role of hypoxia, systemic inflammation, and drugs for COPD treatment. Methods: the aim of this work was to review studies published in the last eleven years, using Medline/PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar as search engines and the following terms “Mood Disorders", "Hypoxia "Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive", “Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”, linked by the Boolean operator “AND”. Articles were included in the review if written in English and containing quantitative and qualitative information on Depression, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and Hypoxia.  Exclusion criteria were studies in languages other than English, irrelevant articles to the examined topic reviews, case reports, case series, and articles on animal models. Results: The present review has confirmed the increased risk of depression onset in COPD patients, suggesting a strong multifactorial and bidirectional correlation between the two conditions. Hypoxia has been emphasized as a key mechanism in both diseases, whereas evidence on shared inflammatory and molecular pathways is still limited.  Conclusions: The multifactorial nature of the bidirectional correlation between COPD and depression is far from being entirely understood. Comorbid depression negatively affects COPD course and severity, along with patients’ functioning, psychological well-being and quality of life. Well-designed pre-clinical and clinical studies on the genetic, molecular, and neurobiological pathways which underlie the comorbidity between COPD and depression are needed for addressing the clinical implications and treatment options. needs more research efforts to be clarified. Further studies are mandatory to improve our knowledge on the co-presence of these two widespread diseases

    Abnormal illness behavior and Internet addiction severity: The role of disease conviction, irritability, and alexithymia

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    While the association between health anxiety and maladaptive Internet use is a well-established finding, no studies have been performed to examine the possible effect of abnormal illness behavior (AIB). AIB is a maladaptive manner of experiencing, evaluating, or acting in response to health and illness that is disproportionate to evident pathology. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between AIB and Internet addiction (IA) severity in a sample of Italian University students. The possible effect of alexithymia, anxiety, and depression was also taken into account. Methods Participants were 115 men and 163 women (mean age = 23.62 ± 4.38 years); AIB was measured via the Illness Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ), and IA severity by the Internet Addiction Test (IAT). Results The most powerful IBQ factor predicting IA severity scores was disease conviction. Irritability was the only emotional IBQ factor associated with IA severity. Nevertheless, disease conviction and alexithymia remained the only significant predictors of IAT scores when hierarchical regression analysis was executed. Discussion and conclusions Our results support previous findings showing that those characterized by health anxiety are more prone to an excessive and maladaptive use of Internet. Moreover, this study showed that irritability was the only emotional aspect of AIB predicting IA severity. This finding is consistent with the cognitive model of hypochondria, which states that cognitive factors (dysfunctional beliefs and assumptions) play a major role in the explanation of this psychopathological condition

    Affective temperaments and personality traits in couple well-being

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    Background. The objective of this study is to establish the link between affective temperament traits and maladaptive personality traits, to verify whether the potential presence of elements related to emotional, affective and dysfunctional relational functioning can affect the couple satisfaction, modifying the well-being or discomfort condition. Materials and Methods. A data collection questionnaire was developed to investigate the factors associated with dysfunctional emotional, affective, and relational modes of functioning. The sample consisted of 473 subjects. Data were collected including the TEMPS-A questionnaire, The Dirty Dozen Italian Assessment and the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS). Results. The findings of this study showed that the subscales of affective temperament were predictors of dark triad traits. The expressive, irritable and hyperthymic temperamental traits were found to be predictors of trait psychopathy; hyperthymic temperament is also a predictor of narcissistic traits and cyclothymic temperament is a predictor of lower couple satisfaction; men show higher scores than women in Dark triad. Conclusions. This study confirmed that temperamental traits can predict maladaptive personality traits belonging to the dark triad and confirms the importance of evaluating maladaptive personality traits to prevent forms of psychological violence in couple

    Somatic Symptom Disorder: a narrative review of literature of the last twenty years

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    Background: according to the DSM-5, somatic symptom disorder (SSD) is characterized by physical symptoms that cause a disruption in patient functioning and by excessive preoccupation about symptoms. There is a high prevalence of SSD in the general population, with a range going from 5 to 7% and with a relevant cost burden for healthcare system. So, it appears useful to know what the state of art regarding this significant problem is. Methods: the aim of this work is to review studies published in the last twenty years, using Pubmed, Scopus, Cochrane and PsichInfo, as search engines and the following terms: “somatic symptom disorder”, “somatization”, “somatoform disorder”, “medically unexplained symptoms”, “bodily distress syndrome” and “psychosomatic medicine”, linked by the Boolean operator “OR”. Exclusion criteria are studies in languages other than English and French, studies about pediatric population and animals, type of publication other than journal articles. Results: etiology of SSD is multifactorial, involving internal and external factors. Neuroanatomical studies show the presence of abnormalities in CNS of SSD patients. Assessment still results a problematic field, due to uncertainty of nosography. The therapeutic approach toward SSD can be pharmacological, but also the psychotherapy in its different approaches. Conclusions: the issue of SSD is complex and needs further investigations. To correctly analyze this phenomenon, it is necessary to consider both psychological and organic factors, being on the base of this disorder. It is worth to develop this research because an improvement of the state of art about this matter could lead to improve the approach to SSD, resulting in better quality of patients’ life

    A Rorschach investigation of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adulthood:

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    Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by deficits in the areas of communication, socialization and behavior. Current diagnostic criteria have been modified in a restrictive sense, thus the possibility that individuals with milder impairments may not reach the diagnostic threshold is concrete. Furthermore, heterogeneity in phenotypic expression and the high rate of comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders would make even more difficult the diagnostic classification in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The present study was a Rorschach investigation aimed to identify specific psychopathological elements to properly orient the diagnosis of ASD in adulthood. Results have shown that the examined subjects were characterized by pragmatism, documented by the presence of details and little details, falls in formal thinking, thought inflexibility, lack of answers with human content, and the prevalence of particular phenomena (denial, perseveration). Data obtained in the study showed a specific pattern of psychopathological signs in adults with ASD, thus suggesting the importance of projective methods for a better understanding of the clinical features of avoidance behaviors and relationships

    The Role of Basic Symptoms and Aberrant Salience in Borderline Personality Disorder

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    Background: The prevalence of pre-psychotic symptoms and aberrant salience in BPD has not been systematically studied. The present study aims to investigate the intensity, frequency and correlation between basic symptoms, aberrant salience and borderline personality traits, in subjects that have not yet developed a frank psychotic episode.  Methods: Twenty-eight subjects, 8 males and 20 females, aged between 24 and 55 years (M = 41.36 ± 9.9) has been individually tested throughout the Frankfurt Complaint Questionnaire (FBF), the Aberrant Salience Inventory (ASI) and the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5- Adult (PID-5).  Results: Findings showed that 85.7% of the sample (n = 24) reported significant scores of the aberrant salience traits, which in turn were correlated to basic symptoms. Furthermore, emerged several correlations between pre-psychotic symptoms and PID-5 personality dimensions not only with Negative Affectivity and Detachment but also with Psychoticism. Conclusions: This study highlights the phenomenological continuity between the borderline personality traits and the attenuated manifestation of the psychotic disease