85 research outputs found


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    Exactly today, when the set of the companies should fight for the segment, the product, service or even idea in the concrete market, high degree of relevance are got by a problem of influence of social methods of management on financial and economic aspects of activity of the companies. In the offered article, the special attention is paid to questions of valuable management of the companies, in part, formations of valuable reference points, and also determination of characteristics of process of valuable management. Article is executed within a state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


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    Exactly today, when the set of the companies should fight for the segment, the product, service or even idea in the concrete market, high degree of relevance are got by a problem of influence of social methods of management on financial and economic aspects of activity of the companies. In the offered article, the special attention is paid to questions of valuable management of the companies, in part, formations of valuable reference points, and also determination of characteristics of process of valuable management. Article is executed within a state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    Current determinants of the national accounting system transformation in Iraq

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    The article examines the most relevant issues of the external and internal factors’ influence on the accounting current development in Iraq. Historically, Iraq’s accounting system has been shaped by cultural traditions, religion, economic development and political trends over a long period, from ancient times to the present. Its origins date back to the Sumerian kingdom and before the overthrow of the S. Hussein regime. At present, not only national priorities but also global accounting trends have changed. Being formed in parallel with the development of the Republic of Iraq, the current accounting system is not oriented towards the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards. In order to identify the current determinants of the national accounting system development, the actual model features and the conditions for consolidation with international standards have been analysed. The main directions of accounting harmonisation in the Republic of Iraq towards the international standards integration into the national system have been identified. The main steps of the transformation of national standards to international standards have been presented

    Morphology, mineralogical composition and genesis of vertisols in liman Bolshoi (Volgograd region)

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    The morphological structure of the profiles of two vertisols on microelevations of the gilgai complex of the Bolshoi liman (Svetloyarsk district of the Volgograd region) was studied. Despite the same microrelief position and equal relative heights of microelevations, morphological differences in the profiles at the subtype level were revealed. In one of the profiles, due to the higher humidity, the signs of vertisol genesis were less pronounced. Whereas in the second, more pronounced signs of vertic processes were described – slickensides with 15–30 cm length, smaller slickensides up to 10 cm, wedge-shaped aggregates. The proportion of the clay fraction in the mixed horizons, obtained by the Gorbunov method, was 45– 52%. Analysis of the qualitative mineralogical composition of the clay (<1μm) fractions showed that the smectite phase is represented mainly by disordered and mixed-layered smectite-illite formations. Individual illite belongs to the biotite variety according to the filling of the octahedral layer. Analysis of the ratio of the main mineral phases showed the predominance of illite (53–87%) in all soil samples. In the first pit an increase in the proportion of the smectite component with depth (from 1 to 35%) is noted. In the second pit, there are no regularities in the distribution of mineral phases (fluctuations within 24–37%), which may be associated with the involvement of chocolate clays layers in the profile during soil formation. Mineralogical analysis of chocolate clays (parent rocks) showed their high heterogeneity depending on the depth of the studied layer. No correlation was found between the severity of the signs of vertic processes and the proportion of the swelling component. Illustration of the stages of the formation of the soil cover on the investigated plot of the liman is given. The main reasons that led to the formation of different soils on microelevations are the unevenness of the “squeezing out” of soil blocks upward in the process of microrelief formation in combination with local erosion

    Glucocorticoids prime the inflammatory response of human hippocampal cells through up-regulation of inflammatory pathways

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    Increased pro-inflammatory cytokines and an overactive hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis have both been implicated in the pathogenesis of depression. However, these explanations appear contradictory because glucocorticoids are well recognised for their anti-inflammatory effects. Two hypotheses exist to resolve this paradox: the mediating presence of glucocorticoid receptor resistance, or the possibility that glucocorticoids can potentiate inflammatory processes in some circumstances. We sought to investigate these hypotheses in a cell model with significant relevance to depression: human hippocampal progenitor cells. We demonstrated that dexamethasone in vitro given for 24 hours and followed by a 24 hours rest interval before an immune challenge potentiates inflammatory effects in these neural cells, that is, increases the IL-6 protein secretion induced by stimulation with IL-1\u3b2 (10 ng/mL for 24 hours) by + 49% (P < 0.05) at a concentration of 100 nM and by + 70% (P < 0.01) for 1 \u3bcM. These effects are time- and dose-dependent and require activation of the glucocorticoid receptor. Gene expression microarray assays using Human Gene 2.1st Array Strips demonstrated that glucocorticoid treatment up-regulated several innate immune genes, including chemokines and Nod-like receptor, NLRP6; using transcription factor binding motifs we found limited evidence that glucocorticoid resistance was induced in the cells. Our data suggests a mechanism by which stress may prime the immune system for increased inflammation and suggests that stress and inflammation may be synergistic in the pathogenesis of depression

    The Effectiveness of Biopreparations on the Qualitative Properties of Feedstuff

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    It has been shown that in the process of enrichment of different green grass (silage), using a consortium endemic probiotic LAB strains (which sintesized bacteriocins) and yeast strain of Kluveromyces marxsianus 83(which synthesizing mycocin) led to increasing amounts of essential amino acids (in particular lysine and methionine) and protein. It has been shown that in the content of spore microflora, mold, bacteria contaminating silage was decreased with respect to the control. The technological parameters of silage have been determined

    The Effectiveness of Biopreparations on the Qualitative Properties of Feedstuff

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    It has been shown that in the process of enrichment of different green grass (silage), using a consortium endemic probiotic LAB strains (which sintesized bacteriocins) and yeast strain of Kluveromyces marxsianus 83(which synthesizing mycocin) led to increasing amounts of essential amino acids (in particular lysine and methionine) and protein. It has been shown that in the content of spore microflora, mold, bacteria contaminating silage was decreased with respect to the control. The technological parameters of silage have been determined

    Molecular genetic characteristics of colorectal cancer depending on the status of microsatellite instability

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    Introduction. The emergence of new markers that determine the choice of therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) has led to an increase in overall survival. The optimal treatment tactics now take into account both clinical and molecular-genetic characteristics of the tumor.Aim. Investigation of the features of the KRAS, NRAS and BRAF mutations and amplification of the HER2 gene depending on microsatellite instability (MSI) in CRC.Materials and methods. The study included 400 patients with CRC. MSI, BRAF V600E mutation, mutations in the KRAS and NRAS genes was identified to them. MSI was determined by fragment analysis, and mutations in the KRAS, NRAS, BRAF genes by realtime PCR. HER2 amplification was determined in 100 patients with a negative RAS/BRAF. NTRK translocations were determined in all patients with MSI. Data on preoperative levels of CEA and CA19-9 were obtained from 185 patients.Results and discussion. The prevalence of MSI was 6.8%. The prevalence of KRAS, NRAS, BRAF mutations in CRC with MSI was 66.7%, and in CRC with MSS - 52.3%. In patients with MSI, the level of CEA was lower than in MSS (p = 0.0061). The overall prevalence of KRAS and NRAS mutations was 45% and 2.5%. The overall prevalence of the BRAF V600E mutation was 5.8% and was more common in MSI-positive tumors (p < 0.0001). Regardless of MSI, BRAF-positive tumors were characterized by right-sided localization (p < 0.0001), category T3-4 (p = 0.013), lymph node involvement (p = 0.004), carcinomatosis (p = 0.046), high levels of CA19-9 (p = 0.014). HER2 amplification was found in 7% of wild-type RAS/BRAF cases and was associated with rectal cancer (p = 0.044), category T3-4 (p = 0.041), and distant metastases (p = 0.038). HER2 amplifications and NTRK translocations were not detected in cases with MSI.Conclusion. MSI-positive CRC had a higher prevalence of mutations in major genes. CRC with the BRAF V600E mutation and HER2 amplification had aggressive clinical and morphological parameters


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    The article describes the clinical case when malignant hyperthermia was diagnosed in the patients during the cardiac surgery. The patient had anesthesia with desflurane. The state of the patient was stabilized due to timely diagnostics and aggressive therapy with non-specific agents and cardiopulmonary bypass. The article presents different variants of clinical manifestations of this complication, ways of diagnostics and specific therapy. Представлен клинический случай лечения больного, у которого была диагностирована злокачественная гипертермия во время кардиохирургического вмешательства. Больному проводили анестезию с использованием десфлурана. Состояние пациента удалось стабилизировать за счет своевременной диагностики и агрессивной терапии неспецифическими средствами с применением искусственного кровообращения. Рассмотрены различные варианты клинических проявлений этого осложнения, способы диагностики и направления терапии.