5,791 research outputs found

    Low-cost multimode waveguide couplers for multimode fiber-based local area networks

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    Novel, ultra-compact multimode fiber-matched integrated optical 1Ă—2, 1Ă—3 and 2Ă—2 couplers with low excess losses and large tolerances have been designed and simulated using a fully three-dimensional beam propagation metho

    Starfruit classification based on linear hue computation

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    In this paper, a classification process to group starfruit into six maturity indices is proposed based on 1- dimensional color feature called hue, which is extracted from the starfruit image. As the original hue is quantified from the nonlinear transformation of the 3-dimensional Red, Green and Blue color, this paper proposes a linear hue transformation computation based on the 2 colors of Red and Green. The proposed hue computation leads to a reduced computational burden, less computational complexity and better class discriminant capability. The hue is then applied as the input for the maturity classification process. The classification process is based on the hypothesis that for each of the maturity index, certain area of the starfruit surface is supposed to have distinctive value of the hue. In this work, the said starfruit surface area is set as 70% of the total area and based on 600 samples, the proposed technique results in 93% classification accuracy

    Fabrication of Polymeric Multimode Waveguides for Application in the Local Area Network and Optical Interconnects.

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    We report the fabrication of multimode polymeric waveguides using spin coating, photolithography, and reactive ion etching. Different layer structures have been used, e.g., a UV curable resin is used as a core layer and PMMA as a lower and upper cladding. The layer systems can be spun with good uniformity with thicknesses matching multimode fiber dimensions, and smooth waveguide side-walls have been obtained after etching. The measured performance of these waveguides demonstrates that low-loss waveguides can be fabricated cheaply. The waveguides are used in the realization of novel compact multimode power splitters and star couplers

    Aphid complex associated with potato in agro-climatic conditions of Kosovo

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    Field surveys for aphids infesting potato crops in three most important localities for potato production in Kosovo (Podujevë, Prishtinë and Vushtrri) were conducted in vegetation seasons of 2018–2019. With the purpose to monitor and confirm the aphid composition in potatoes, aphid leaf count was used as a method which is applied worldwide. Sampling for aphids from the leaves of potato plants was undertaken during cropping season, every 10 days, where 100 leaves were taken at random and checked in triplicates, from each field. During of this experimental work, the following aphid species were registered Myzus persicae, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Aphis nasturtii and Aulacorthum solani. From the total number of aphids recorded (4,210 individuals), the following percentage belongs to the different aphids: M. persicae (57.24%), A. nasturtii (25.72%), A. solani (7.77%), M. euphorbiae (5.68%), and other none identified aphids (3.59%). Relying on the results of this research we have confirmed to exist statistical significant differences with regard to the number of aphid’s species according to the localities and aphids that infests the potatoes. With the goal to manage and control aphids spread infields with potatoes, it is extremely useful to evaluate and to see the possibility for an Integrated Management against these pests at farmer level

    Design and fabrication of 1xN and NxN planar waveguide couplers for multimode fiber-based local area networks.

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    We report on the design and fabrication of compact and potentially low-cost multimode fiber matched 1 x N and N x N couplers for LAN’s. The design utilizes the self-imaging effect and tapering of the Multi-Mode Interference (MMI) section. An extended mode propagation analysis and 3-D beam propagation method (BPM) were used to analyze and design these structures. The simulations show that the couplers exhibit low excess losses, low power imbalance, and relaxed fabrication tolerances at very short device length. The devices were fabricated in polymer waveguide technology using spin coating, photolithography, and reactive ion etching. Preliminary experimental results show promising characteristics

    Stem cells conditioned medium: a new approach to skin wound healing management

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    Stem cell biology has gained remarkable interest in recent years, driven by the hope of finding cures for numerous diseases including skin wound healing through transplantation medicine. Initially upon transplantation, these cells home to and differentiate within the injured tissue into specialised cells. Contrariwise, it now appears that only a small percentage of transplanted cells integrate and survive in host tissues. Thus, the foremost mechanism by which stem cells participate in tissue repair seems to be related to their trophic factors. Indeed, stem cells provide the microenvironment with a wide range of growth factors, cytokines and chemokines, which can broadly defined as the stem cells secretome. In in vitro condition, these molecules can be traced from the conditioned medium or spent media harvested from cultured cells. Conditioned medium now serves as a new treatment modality in regenerative medicine and has shown a successful outcome in some diseases. With the emergence of this approach, we described the possibility of using stem cells conditioned medium as a novel and promising alternative to skin wound healing treatment. Numerous pre-clinical data have shown the possibility and efficacy of this treatment. Despite this, significant challenges need to be addressed before translating this technology to the bedside.Article Link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cbin.10138/pd

    Fabrication of Polymeric Multimode Waveguides and Devices in SU-8 Photoresist Using Selective Polymerization.

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    Large cross section multimode waveguides have been realized in SU-8 using selective polymerization. SU-8 is a negative photoresist, which has shown good optical properties and it is mechanically and chemically stable. The fabricated waveguides have very smooth sidewalls and exhibit low optical losses. The fabrication method is simple and potentially very cost effective. N x N and 1 x N multimode power splitters have been realized using this fabrication technology

    Fungsi Utama Motor Induksi Listrik Prototape Pada Sistem Peringatan Dini Pengendalian Banjir Menggunakan Elektronik Data Proses

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    Perkembangan ilmu teknik elektro makin maju, sehingga teknik elektro memiliki beberapa cabang yaitu elektro arus kuat, elektronika, komputer, instrument, automesin, telekomunikasi, penaumatik, hidrolik, serta maintenance total solution. Motor induksi listrik adalah mesin yang dipergunakan untuk mengubah tenaga listrik menjadi tenaga induksi magnit dan tenaga induksi magnit dirubah menjadi tenaga gerak. Bagian utama motor induksi listrik terdiri dari: stator, coil stator, rotor, housing, bearing, shaft rotor, body motor, fan dan terminal motor. Persyaratan untuk motor listrik yang telah diservice atau baru beli perlu pengujian Motor listrik ini bekerja secara forward dan reves yang dikendalikan melalui panel kontrol dengan bantuan level switch, elektrode switch, pelampung switch, yang kemudian memberi signal pada transmitter untuk mengirimkan perintah kepada indikasi alarm berbunyi agar masyarakat cepat-cepat mengungsi bahwa bahaya banjir akan datang dan juga memberi perintah pada kontrol panel untuk menjalankan motor induksi listrik sehingga actuator bergerak untuk membuka pintu tanggul aliran air hingga level teratas sampai menyentuh limit switch dan motor berhenti dengan terputusnya rangkaian kontrol motor. Air dapat mengalir dengan lancar, motor bekerja berputar forward. Ketika kondisi air dibagian hulu sudah normal sensor switch akan memberikan perintah pada transmitter terputus mengirimkan radio frekwensi dan receiver juga putus dan rangkaian kontrol menggerakan motor induksi listrik untuk menggerakkan actuator berputar reves dan pintu tanggul tertutup. Setelah menekan limit switch, motor induksi akan berhenti sehingga pintu hampir menutup. Diusahakan terbuka sebagian agar aliran air ada yang keluar
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