3,082 research outputs found

    The North Samoyedic interrogative verb meaning ‘say what’

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    A cross-linguistically rare interrogative category (i.e., an interrogative verb with the meaning ‘say what’) is observed in the North Samoyedic (Uralic) languages. The interrogative verb in these languages is used in content questions, and functions as the predicate of the main or the embedded clause. It takes the regular verb morphemes with two exceptions: it (i) does not display object agreement, and (ii) cannot combine with the regular past tense morpheme. Furthermore, there is also an ordering restriction on multiple questions containing the interrogative verb. The morphosyntactic evidence suggests that the North Samoyedic interrogative verb is analyzed as a result of a wh-object incorporation. Kokkuvõte. Nikolett Mus: Põhjasamojeedi keelte küsiverb tähendusega ‘mida ütlema’. Põhjasamojeedi (uurali) keeltes esineb keeleüleselt haruldane küsiv kategooria (st küsiverb tähendusega ’mis asja’). Nendes keeltes kasutatakse küsiverbi sisuküsimustes ja küsiverb toimib pea- või kõrvallauses predikaadina, liitudes tavaliste verbimorfeemidega, välja arvatud kahel juhul: küsiverb (i) ei väljenda objektiühildumist, ja (ii) ei kombineeru lihtmineviku morfeemiga. Lisaks on küsiverbil teatavad järjestuspiirangud küsiverbi sisaldava kompleksküsimuse korral. Morfosüntaktilised andmed viitavad, et põhjasamojeedi küsiverb on analüüsitav kui küsisõnalise objekti inkorporatsiooni tulemus. Аннотация. Николетт Муш: Северосамодийский вопросительный глагол ‘что сказать’. В северосамодийских языках (уральская языковая семья) есть типологически редкий вопросительный глагол со значением ‘что сказать’. Этот глагол используется в частных вопросах в качестве предиката главного или подчиненного предложения. Он принимает обычные словоизменительные суффиксы за двумя исключениями: он не сочетается (i) с объектным спряжением и (ii) с показателем прошедшего времени индикатива. Кроме того, существуют ограничения на относительный порядок вопросов с вопросительным глаголом. Данные морфосинтаксиса свидетельствуют о том, что северносамодийский вопросительный глагол возник в результате инкорпорации объекта — вопросительного местоимениия

    De Brugse compagnie Despars op het einde van de 15e eeuw

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    Charismatic leadership involves determination, authority, openness, and the optimism of the leaders in Bengkulu City HarsallakumPesantern (Pesantren = Islamic Boarding School). This research uses descriptive method, as well as qualitative case study. The processing of data is done by data reduction, serving of the next, as well as doing the valid checking using triangulation technic, followed by concluding the findings. The result of the research, has swon that the leadership of Pesantren leaders has been a model for the people around. Being an example or a role model has created a harmonic relationship between Santri (cultural 'stream' of people within the population of Javanese who practice a more orthodox version of Islam) with the Usthad (Islamic leader). The prestige of the Pesantren leaders has created an awareness for their subordinates, that to accept, prestige has to rise from the bottom going upwards. The openness of the Pesantren leaders acts truthfully, humble, just, as well as open in accepting opinions and critics from others. The openness of Pesantren leader shows the clearliness in taking decisions, planning process that gives a chance to all subordinates. Optimism of the Pesantren leaders are behaviors that is born or created inside of the leaders in perceiving their problem, facing hardship, and thinking optimistic. So that the biggest strength is giving enery and directions in reaching the destination. Keywords:Charismatic, Leadership, and Islamic Boarding Schoo

    Perdagangan Internasional: Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perubahan Sistem Nilai Budaya Orang Maluku

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    The involvement of the Moluccan in the International trade and the interaction with the foreign traders has brought the transformation in the civilization of tbe Moluccas. Through these foreign traders sultans and the kings achieving knowledge on religion, trade, seafaring and new technologies. The International trade has created major impacts on the social and cultural life in the moluccas asnit save as a interaction space for countries with variois background and has influenced the original cultural of the Moluccas although the identity of the Moluccas is the existed with the monodualism characteristic. In the perspective of the monodualistic culture every group has to still exist and must depend one another to support every part. As the meaning of one always depends on the existence of the other. In the same time the brotherhood relationship has grew based on tbe mutual benefit principal. This phenomenom was existed as an effort to create the new balance in difference to control the conflict and violence and as a good will to live in peace

    Liquens silicícoles de l'illa de Menorca (I)

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    Slow polynomial mixing of Glauber dynamics at criticality

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    folklore conjecture states that the Glauber dynamics on the set of k-colourings of a maximum degree D graph mixes rapidly as long as k>=D+2, namely in O(n log(n)) steps. This yields efficient almost uniform samplings and give FPRAS for counting the number of k-colourings of a graph. At criticality k=D+1, the chain isn't always ergodic due to the existence of frozen colourings. While this is a natural barrier for mixing, in this thesis we will explore other obstructions of local nature that might slow down mixing

    Deep Learning for earthquake detection

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    The creation of accurate ground motion models can only be achieved with the help ofvast amounts of labelled data. The manual cataloging makes the processing of this data.The project proposes the automation of the labeling through real data and DL.Previous study show that CNN are the best architecture for this type of problems. Theproject also implements FFNN, a simpler architecture, with the intent of achieving com-petitive results. To make this objective possible the project proposes a novel preprocessing.The results show that CNN reach an accuracy of 98.2%, while FFNN achieves 91.2%.Moreover, the project includes an encoder based algorithm to approximate arrival timesto the station. Finally, the project make use of meta-learning to detect seismic eventsproviding from a single station.Models realistes per la detecció automàtica de sismes només es poden aconseguir analitzant un gran volum de dades. Aquestes dades són difícils de processar amb un catalogat manual. Aquest projecte proposa la automatització d'aquest procés mitjançant l'ús de dades reals i tècniques de DL. Estudis anteriors demostren que els millors resultats per resoldre problemes d'aquest tipus s'obtenen utilitzant CNN. A part d'aquestes xarxes, el projecte implementa unes xarxes més simples, com les FFNN, esperant obtenir resultats competitius en comparació als obtinguts per les CNN. Per obtenir aquest objectiu, el projecte proposa una tècnica de preprocessament de traces sísmiques innovadora. Els resultats mostren que les CNN arriben a detectar el 98,2% dels events, mentre que les FFNN ho fan en un 91,2%. Per un altra part, el projecte inclou un algoritme basat en codificadors per aproximar el temps de arribada del event a la estació. Finalment, el projecte utilitza la metodologia de meta-learning per realitzar la detecció de sismes per les dades que provenen exclusivament d'una única estació.Modelos realistas para la detección automática de sismos solo se pueden conseguir anal-izando grandes cantidades de datos. Estos datos son difíciles de procesar por catalogado manual. Este proyecto plantea la automatización de este proceso usando datos reales y técnicas de DL. Estudios anteriores demuestran que los mejores resultados, para resolver este tipo de problemas, se alcanzan usando CNN. A parte de estas redes, el proyecto implementa redes más simples, como las FFNN, esperando obtener resultados competitivos respecto a los obtenidos por las CNN. Para alcanzar este objetivo, el proyecto propone una técnica de preprocesamiento novedosa de trazas sísmicas. Los resultados muestran que CNN llega a detectar el 98,2% de los eventos, mientras que FFNN lo realiza en un 91,2%. Por otra parte, el proyecto incluye un algoritmo basado en codificadores para aproximar el tiempo de arrivo del evento a la estación. Finalmente, el proyecto utiliza la metodología de meta-learning para realizar detección de sismos para los datos que provienen de una única estación