1,862 research outputs found

    Nitrogen isotopes in mantle-derived diamonds: indications of a multi-component structure

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    Mantle nitrogen trapped in diamonds is commonly defined by an isotopic composition (δ15N) of ~-5% based on the central tendency of total combustion diamond data that vary from -25 to +18%. We present here the nitrogen isotopic data from stepped combustion of diamonds, which together with data from other mantlederived materials suggest a multi-component structure of diamond-nitrogen. Mantle nitrogen sampled in diamonds apparently has δ15N ~-15%, similar to that observed in mantle xenoliths and mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORBs), while nitrogen in a minor population of diamonds from China is consistent with contributions from an ocean island basalt like mantle source

    Structure of nanocomposites of Al-Fe alloys prepared by mechanical alloying and rapid solidification processing

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    Structures of Al-based nanocomposites of Al-Fe alloys prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) and subsequent annealing are compared with those obtained by rapid solidification processing (RSP). MA produced only supersaturated solid solution of Fe in Al up to 10 at.% Fe, while for higher Fe content up to 20 at.% the nonequilibrium intermetallic Al5Fe2 appeared. Subsequent annealing at 673 K resulted in more Al5Fe2 formation with very little coarsening. The equilibrium intermetallics, Al3Fe (Al13Fe4), was not observed even at this temperature. In contrast, ribbons of similar composition produced by RSP formed fine cellular or dendritic structure with nanosized dispersoids of possibly a nano-quasicrystalline phase and amorphous phase along with α-Al depending on the Fe content in the alloys. This difference in the product structure can be attributed to the difference in alloying mechanisms in MA and RSP


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    Based on an assessment of the repeat periods of great earthquakes from past seismicity, convergence rates and paleoseismological results, possible future source zones of tsunami generating earthquakes in the Indian Ocean (possible seismic gap areas) are identified along subduction zones and zones of compression. Central Sumatra, Java, Makran coast, Indus Delta, Kutch-Saurashtra, Bangladesh and southern Myanmar are identified as possible source zones of earthquakes in near future which might cause tsunamis in the Indian Ocean, and in particular, that could affect India. The Sunda Arc (covering Sumatra and Java) subduction zone, situated on the eastern side of the Indian Ocean, is one of the most active plate margins in the world that generates frequent great earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. The Andaman- Nicobar group of islands is also a seismically active zone that generates frequent earthquakes. However, northern Sumatra and Andaman-Nicobar regions are assessed to be probably free from great earthquakes (M!8.0) for a few decades due to occurrence of 2004 Mw 9.3 and 2005 Mw 8.7 earthquakes. The Krakatau volcanic eruptions have caused large tsunamis in the past. This volcano and a few others situated on the ocean bed can cause large tsunamis in the future. List of past tsunamis generated due to earthquakes/volcanic eruptions that affected the Indian region and vicinity in the Indian Ocean are also presented

    Interallelic relations among endosperm variants in sorghum

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    Evaluation of CSM-CERES-wheat in simulating wheat yield and its attributes with different sowing environments in Tarai region of Uttarakhand

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    Crop Environment Resource Synthesis (CSM-CERES)-Wheat model was used to simulate responses of two wheat varieties with various sowing environments. In this context, during the year 2007-08 and 2008-09, experiments on three sowing dates viz. November 20, December 15, and January 9 and two varieties (PBW-343 and WH-542) with three replications were conducted at the Norman E. Borlaug Crop Research Centre of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar (29°N, 79.29°E with 243.80 m above msl). Soil, plant, management and climatic data were collected from the experimental field. The data of 2007-08 and 2008-09 were used for model calibration and validation, respectively. Results revealed that the for model outputs were in good agreement with their corresponding observed values with 20th November sown crop than other sowings of crop in terms of phenological events, biomass accumulation and grain yields. However, variety PBW-343 showed close proximity between simulated and observed outcomes with all sowing dates. The percent root mean square error (% RMSE) values ranged from 5.9 – 15.6%, 2.2 – 7.6% for days to attain anthesis and physiological maturity, respectively. Moreover, %RMSE and t-value ranged from 5.7–12.2% (t= -4.5 to 1.8), 1.6 – 3.3% (t= -4.1 to 4.5) and 1.9 – 5.8% (t= -3.7 to 1.5) for product weight, vegetative weight and product harvest index, respectively. Inspite of that, model fails to simulate maximum leaf area index having % RMSE from 53.2 – 62.9%. These results indicate that CERES-Wheat model can be used as a tool to support decision-making for wheat production in Tarai region of Uttarakhand

    On amorphization and nanocomposite formation in Al-Ni-Ti system by mechanical alloying

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    Amorphous structure generated by mechanical alloying (MA) is often used as a precursor for generating nanocomposites through controlled devitrification. The amorphous forming composition range of ternary Al-Ni-Ti system was calculated using the extended Miedema's semi-empirical model. Eleven compositions of this system showing a wide range of negative enthalpy of mixing (-ΔH mix) and amorphization (-ΔH amor) of the constituent elements were selected for synthesis by MA. The Al88Ni6Ti6 alloy with relatively small negative ΔH mix (-0.4 kJ/mol) and ΔHamor (-14.8 kJ/mol) became completely amorphous after 120 h of milling, which is possibly the first report of complete amorphization of an Al-based rare earth element free Al-TM-TM system (TM = transition metal) by MA. The alloys of other compositions selected had much more negative ΔHmix and Hamor; but they yielded either nanocomposites of partial amorphous and crystalline structure or no amorphous phase at all in the as-milled condition, evidencing a high degree of stability of the intermetallic phases under the MA environment. Hence, the negative ΔH mix and ΔH amor are not so reliable for predicting the amorphization in the present system by MA

    Retrofitting of a 420 kV draw-lead type bushing with a draw-rod type – Part II

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    On observation of deterioration of tan-δ value to 1.02 %, i.e., surpassing the limiting value of 0.7 %, as defined in IEC 60137, of the 420 kV OIP bushing of BHEL’s design installed on the Y phase (RYB convention, i.e., 1V in UVW convention) of the 315 MVA, 400 / 220 / 33 kV transformer No. 1 located at the 400 kV substation Katni of the Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Co. Ltd (India), a decision was taken to replace the said bushing in order to eliminate the threat of its failing. This in turn would have caused a catastrophic failure of the transformer. Such catastrophic failure would result in a colossal loss, causing system disturbance, loss of equipment and structures, as well as a loss of revenue to the utility. In the absence of a BHEL’s design 420 kV draw-lead type bushing, as was the existing one, there was no other option but to use the available 420 kV draw-rod type TELK bushing at the site. Since the manufacturers had shown their inability to depute any service personnel due to the Covid-19 pandemic in May 2020, the challenge was accepted by the engineers of the MP Power Transmission Company Ltd., who successfully completed the job with limited resources and in record time, and put the transformer back into service

    Conversion of Dynamic High Pressures from Air to Water for a Spherical TNT Charge

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    A numerical method has been applied to convert the dynamic high pressures from air-to-water for a spherical TNT charge. Standard equation of scaling law in air for TNT has been utilised to make the necessary conversions. The investigations have been made by taking into consideration the ambient pressure values for the two media. The calculations have been performed under the scaled distances to get better results. Experimental measurements using indigenous blast pressure gauge have been undertaken by detonating spherical charges of TNT under the same scaled distances in water to check the correctness of results and direct application of this method. A fairly close agreement between the theoretically computed and the experimental values of the dynamic high pressures shows the practical utility of this approach in that it enables an estimate of the experimental shock wave pressures, without conducting underwater experiments