58 research outputs found

    La FormaciĂłn pedagĂłgica para los profesores universitarios en Finlandia

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    [EN] In Finland, teachers’ pedagogical education is required at all levels from kindergarten to polytechnics except at the university level. In the 2010s, most Finnish universities are aiming at raising teachers’ level of pedagogical competence. Pedagogical training has organised systematically since 1990s and at the moment most universities have preparedness to offer pedagogical education for all new university teachers, and also to the permanent teachers, who are willing to participate.[ES] En Finlandia la formación pedagógica es un requerimiento para todos los niveles de la profesionalidad docente, desde la Escuela Infantil hasta las Escuelas Politécnicas, exceptuada la universidad. En 2010 la mayor parte de las universidades finesas expresaron su intención de alcanzar mayores niveles de competencia pedagógica. La formación pedagógica se ha ido organizando de manera sistemática desde los años noventa y en la actualidad la mayoría de universidades se han preparado para ofrecer una formación pedagógica a todos los nuevos profesores universitarios, así como para los profesores permanentes, los cuales muestran interés en participar. Murtonen, M.; Lappalainen, M. (2013). Pedagogical education for university teachers in Finland. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 11(3):65-72. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2013.5520OJS6572113Komiteanmietintö (1979). Korkeakouluopettajien pedagoginen koulutus. Korkeakoulupedagogisen koulutuksen suunnittelutoimikunnan mietintö. [Pedagogical training in Higher Education. Committee report.] 1979: 24. Helsinki.Ministry of Education (2009). Strategy for the Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions in Finland 2009-2015. Publications of the Ministry of Education, Finland. 2009:23. http://www.minedu.fi/export/sites/default/OPM/Julkaisut/2009/liitteet/opm23. pdf?lang=enMurtonen, M. (2012). Yliopistopedagogiset koulutukset vakiinnuttamassa asemaansa. Pääkirjoitus, Yliopistopedagogiikka 2/2012. [Editorial: University pedagogical education consolidating its role. Journal of University Pedagogy 2/2012.]Nummenmaa, A-R. (2007). University pedagogy from the 1970s to the 2000 century, directions and prospects. Oral presentation at the meeting of the Network for university pedagogy teachers and developers of Peda-forum, March 23, Tampere.Peurasaari, M., Tenhula, T. & Lappalainen, M. (2008). The TieVie project and the snowball effect - from a local idea to a national training programme. In Peurasaari, M. (ed.) 2008. Training University Personnel for the Information Society - the Finnish TieVie Project. Publications of the Finnish Virtual University 4/2008. Helsinki: Multiprint Oy, 15-29. http://tievie.oulu.fi/julkaisut/Training_University_Personnel_for_the_Informatio n_Society-The_Finnish_TieVie_Project_2008_Peurasaari_ed.pdfSnellman, J.V. [1840] (2000). Akateemisesta opiskelusta., Kootut teokset, Osa II. Opetusministeriö, [About Academic education. Complete works, part II. Ministry of Education.] , R. Savolainen (ed.). Helsinki: Edita, 452-476.Tenhula, T. (2007). Valtakunnallisesti vaikuttavaa koulutusta. Selvitys valtakunnallisen TieVie-virtuaaliyliopistohankkeen vaikuttavuudesta. Suomen virtuaaliyliopiston julkaisuja. [Nationally effective training. Report of the effect of the national TieVie-project. Publications of Finnish Virtual University.] 2/2007.Tenhula, T., Peurasaari, M., Lappalainen, M. & Närhi, M. (2008). Prerequisites and challenges of TieVie networking. In Peurasaari, M. (ed.). Training University Personnel for the Information Society - the Finnish TieVie Project. Publications of the Finnish Virtual University 4/2008. Helsinki: Multiprint Oy, 30-40. http://tievie.oulu.fi/julkaisut/Training_University_Personnel_for_the_Informatio n_Society-The_Finnish_TieVie_Project_2008_Peurasaari_ed.pd

    Yliopiston toimijoiden näkemyksiä vastuullisen yliopisto-opiskelijan taidoista

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata yliopiston toimijoiden käsityksiä siitä, millaisia ovat vastuullisen yliopisto-opiskelijan taidot. Aineisto kerättiin valtakunnallisten Peda-forum-päivien kyseistä teemaa käsittelevässä työpajassa. Osallistujia (n=31) pyydettiin kirjallisesti kuvaamaan vastuullisen opiskelijan taitoja, ja saatu aineisto analysoitiin sekä sisältölähtöisellä että teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysillä. Osallistujien vastausten perusteella yliopisto-opiskelijoiden vastuu kohdistuu sekä omaan että muiden oppimiseen ja yliopiston toimintaan kokonaisuudessaan. Tulosten mukaan vastuullisen yliopisto-opiskelijan taidot ryhmiteltiin oppimiseen, opiskeluun ja eettisyyteen liittyviin taitoihin. Vastuullisen opiskelijan oppimiseen liittyvät taidot kohdistuivat tiedollisiin, motivationaalisiin ja metakognitiivisiin taitoihin. Näistä eniten mainintoja saivat metakognitiiviset taidot. Opiskelutaidoissa vastuullisen opiskelijan määreet kuvastuivat alaluokissa opinnoissa toimimisen taidot, oman opiskelun taidot sekä geneeriset akateemiset taidot, jotka saivat eniten huomiota vastaajien maininnoissa. Eettisissä taidoissa vastuullisen opiskelijan ajateltiin edustavan eettisyyttä vuorovaikutustilanteissa, tieteellistä rehellisyyttä ja yhteistä vastuuta yliopistosta. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää opiskelijoiden tukemisessa esimerkiksi opiskelijatuutoroinnissa, mutta jatkossa aihealuetta tulisi tukia myös opiskelijoiden omasta näkökulmasta.</p

    Korkeakoulupedagogiikka suunnannäyttäjänä

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    University teachers’ digital stories of sustainable development: A method for learning to teach

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    In order to help teachers teach sustainability more effectively, we need more knowledge about both their understanding of suitable pedagogical methods and their own positioning in regard to sustainable development. This qualitative research focuses on how teachers see themselves as educators of sustainability and how they experience creative methods such as digital storytelling in supporting their learning. Interviews were carried out with nine university teachers during a staff training course on sustainable development and how it is best taught and learnt. Findings indicate that teachers’ positioning in regard to the teaching of sustainable development varied according to their discipline and their understanding of its four dimensions, namely ecological, social, economic and cultural. Digital storytelling thus proved to be a promising method for supporting holistic learning and teachers’ self-positioning in regard to education concerning this complex domain. However, some restrictions exist in relation to resource-taking and teachers’ need for additional support.In order to help teachers teach sustainability more effectively, we need more knowledge about both their understanding of suitable pedagogical methods and their own positioning in regard to sustainable development. This qualitative research focuses on how teachers see themselves as educators of sustainability and how they experience creative methods such as digital storytelling in supporting their learning. Interviews were carried out with nine university teachers during a staff training course on sustainable development and how it is best taught and learnt. Findings indicate that teachers’ positioning in regard to the teaching of sustainable development varied according to their discipline and their understanding of its four dimensions, namely ecological, social, economic and cultural. Digital storytelling thus proved to be a promising method for supporting holistic learning and teachers’ self-positioning in regard to education concerning this complex domain. However, some restrictions exist in relation to resource-taking and teachers’ need for additional support

    Change in University Pedagogical Culture – The Impact of Increased Pedagogical Training on First Teaching Experiences

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    This study aims to explore whether the increase in pedagogical training has had any effect on new teachers’ experiences. We consider first teaching experiences to be crucial for a teacher’s career and the development of the environment’s pedagogical culture. We hypothesised that even if new faculty begin their teaching career without any formal pedagogical training, due to the changed pedagogical culture within faculties, they receive more support from their colleagues than their peers did 10 or 20 years ago. In this study, teachers with different amounts of teaching experience were asked to describe their first teaching experiences to get an overall picture of topical issues (Study A). Then, a larger sample was collected to shed more light on the assumed change in teaching cultures (Study B). According to the results, the majority (63.6%) of novice teachers with 0 to 4 years of teaching experience did not have pedagogical training. However, the amount of aid that novice teachers received from their colleagues was higher among those who had recently begun their careers compared to more experienced teachers, suggesting a change in teaching cultures. Novice teachers’ experience that teaching interferes with their research indicates that the changes in pedagogical culture are only partial, leaving the professional identity underdeveloped.</p

    University teachers’ focus on students: Examining the relationships between visual attention, conceptions of teaching and pedagogical training

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    Teachers’ focus on their students’ learning is considered central in high-quality university teaching. This frontline research introduces a novel way to study how focusing on students’ learning can be found on the level of teachers’ visual noticing combined with verbal interpretations, i.e. their professional vision, when they observe teaching situations. A central question is also, whether professional vision skills are connected to teachers’ pedagogical education. Two short videos depicting teaching during a lecture, including different types of trigger events, were presented to teachers (N = 49), who were asked to think aloud while watching, and numerically evaluate the success of the teaching, to reveal their interpretation of the teaching situation. The results showed that pedagogically trained teachers paid more visual attention on the students and less on the teacher. Visual noticing of critical incidents preceded the formulation of accurate verbal interpretations. Noticing that the students were not active was connected to learning facilitating conceptions, which were further connected with corresponding numerical evaluation of the successfulness of teaching. Teachers who visually notice the important incidents during teaching can also formulate a more accurate verbal interpretation of the situation. Contrary to studies at lower levels of education, our study did not found evidence on the connection between teaching experience and professional vision. At the university level, pedagogical education seems to be a stronger predictor of professional vision

    Pedagogical education for university teachers in Finland

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    In Finland, teachers&rsquo; pedagogical education is required at all levels from kindergarten to polytechnics except at the university level. In the 2010s, most Finnish universities are aiming at raising teachers&rsquo; level of pedagogical competence. Pedagogical training has organised systematically since 1990s and at the moment most universities have preparedness to offer pedagogical education for all new university teachers, and also to the permanent teachers, who are willing to participate.En Finlandia la formaci&oacute;n pedag&oacute;gica es un requerimiento para todos los niveles de la profesionalidad docente, desde la Escuela Infantil hasta las Escuelas Polit&eacute;cnicas, exceptuada la universidad. En 2010 la mayor parte de las universidades finesas expresaron su intenci&oacute;n de alcanzar mayores niveles de competencia pedag&oacute;gica. La formaci&oacute;n pedag&oacute;gica se ha ido organizando de manera sistem&aacute;tica desde los a&ntilde;os noventa y en la actualidad la mayor&iacute;a de universidades se han preparado para ofrecer una formaci&oacute;n pedag&oacute;gica a todos los nuevos profesores universitarios, as&iacute; como para los profesores permanentes, los cuales muestran inter&eacute;s en participar

    Heuristics Hindering the Development of Understanding of Molecular Structures in University Level Chemistry Education: The Lewis Structure as an Example

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    Understanding chemical models can be challenging for many university students studying chemistry. This study analysed students’ understanding of molecular structures using the Lewis structure as a model, and examined what hinders their understanding. We conducted pre- and post-tests to analyse students’ conceptions and changes in them. The measures contained multiple-choice questions and drawing tasks testing their understanding of concepts, such as polarity, geometry, charge or formal charge and expanded octet. The pre-test revealed a lack of knowledge and several misconceptions in students’ prior knowledge. For example, the concept of polarity was well-known, but the combination of polarity and geometry appeared to be difficult. For some students, the representation of molecules was intuitive and lacking a systematic approach. Certain students used mnemonics and draw ball-and-stick models connected to surficial representations. After the chemistry courses, the conceptions and drawings had generally changed, and the level of the students’ knowledge increased markedly. Although, fewer ball-and-stick models were drawn in the post-test, some students still used them. The main result was that students who drew ball-and-stick models in the pre-test were less capable of drawing the correct Lewis structures with electrons in the post-test. In addition, heuristics seem to hinder learning and some concepts, such as resonance, remained difficult. This is probably due to the fact that understanding molecular structures requires systemic understanding, where several matters must be understood at the same time. Our study highlights that the understanding of molecular structures requires conceptual change related to several sub-concepts.Peer reviewe


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    Kemian oppiaineen ongelmana suomalaisissa yliopistoissa on ollut pääainettavaihtavien määrän suuruus. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin erityisesti kemianopiskeluun liittyvällä lomakkeella kemian opiskelijoiden lähestymistapoja oppimiseenja niiden yhteyttä halukkuuteen vaihtaa pääainetta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena oli, ettäpääaineen vaihtoa haluavilla on pinnallisempi lähestymistapa oppimiseen kuin niillä,jotka jatkavat opintojaan kemia pääaineenaan. Siirryttäessä perusopinnoistaaineopintoihin vaihtohalukkaiden määrä laskee huomattavasti ja käytännöllinensyväoppimisen lähestymistapa lisääntyy. Vaihtohalukkuutta voitaisiin mahdollisestivähentää kehittämällä opiskelijoiden syväoppimisen lähestymistapaa.</p
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