518 research outputs found

    Deep Learning based Cryptanalysis of Stream Ciphers

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    Conventional cryptanalysis techniques necessitate an extensive analysis of non-linear functions defining the relationship of plain data, key, and corresponding cipher data. These functions have very high degree terms and make cryptanalysis work extremely difficult. The advent of deep learning algorithms along with the better and efficient computing resources has brought new opportunities to analyze cipher data in its raw form. The basic principle of designing a cipher is to introduce randomness into it, which means the absence of any patterns in cipher data. Due to this fact, the analysis of cipher data in its raw form becomes essential. Deep learning algorithms are different from conventional machine learning algorithms as the former directly work on raw data without any formal requirement of feature selection or feature extraction steps. With these facts and the assumption of the suitability of employing deep learning algorithms for cipher data, authors introduced a deep learning based method for finding biases in stream ciphers in the black-box analysis model. The proposed method has the objective to predict the occurrence of an output bit/byte at a specific location in the stream cipher generated keystream. The authors validate their method on stream cipher RC4 and its improved variant RC4A and discuss the results in detail. Further, the authors apply the method on two more stream ciphers namely Trivium and TRIAD. The proposed method can find bias in RC4 and shows the absence of this bias in its improved variant and other two ciphers. Focusing on RC4, the authors present a comparative analysis with some existing methods in terms of approach and observations and showed that their process is more straightforward and less complicated than the existing ones

    Distinguishing Lightweight Block Ciphers in Encrypted Images

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    Modern day lightweight block ciphers provide powerful encryption methods for securing IoT communication data. Tiny digital devices exchange private data which the individual users might not be willing to get disclosed. On the other hand, the adversaries try their level best to capture this private data. The first step towards this is to identify the encryption scheme. This work is an effort to construct a distinguisher to identify the cipher used in encrypting the traffic data. We try to establish a deep learning based method to identify the encryption scheme used from a set of three lightweight block ciphers viz. LBlock, PRESENT and SPECK. We make use of images from MNIST and fashion MNIST data sets for establishing the cryptographic distinguisher. Our results show that the overall classification accuracy depends firstly on the type of key used in encryption and secondly on how frequently the pixel values change in original input image

    Assessment of GPS radiosonde descent data

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    Radiosondes are widely used to obtain basic meteorological parameters such as pressure (<i>P</i>), temperature (<i>T</i>), relative humidity (RH) and horizontal winds during the balloon ascent up to the altitude of balloon burst, usually ~ 32–35 km. Data from the radiosondes released from Gadanki (13.5° N, 79.2° E), a tropical station in India, have been collected during the ascent and during the descent as well without attaching any parachute or its equivalent since the year 2008. In the present study an attempt has been made to characterize the radiosonde descent data with the main objective of exploring its usefulness and reliability for scientific purposes. We compared the data obtained during ascent and descent phases of the same sounding. The mean differences in <i>T</i>, RH and horizontal winds between ascent and descent data are found to be small and are sometimes even within the uncertainty of the measurements and/or expected diurnal variation itself. The very good consistency observed between the ascent and the descent data shows that one more profile of the meteorological parameters can be constructed within 3 h of time of balloon launch practically at no additional cost. Further checks are done by utilizing the 3-hourly radiosonde observations collected during the Tropical Tropopause Dynamics campaigns conducted at Gadanki. In the process of checking the consistency between the radiosonde ascent and descent data, several new findings are arrived at and are reported in this study. In general, it has taken more than half an hour for the balloon to reach the ground from the burst altitude. It is also observed that the fall velocity is close to 10 m s<sup>−1</sup> near the surface. Finally, it is suggested to record the observations also when the balloon is descending as this information is useful for scientific purposes

    Exactly solvable toy models of unconventional magnetic alloys: Bethe Ansatz versus Renormalization Group method

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    We propose toy models of unconventional magnetic alloys, in which the density of band states, ρ(ϵ)\rho(\epsilon), and hybridization, t(ϵ)t(\epsilon), are energy dependent; it is assumed, however, that t2(ϵ)ρ1(ϵ)t^2(\epsilon)\propto\rho^{-1}(\epsilon), and hence an effective electron-impurity coupling Γ(ϵ)=ρ(ϵ)t2(ϵ)\Gamma(\epsilon)=\rho(\epsilon)t^2(\epsilon) is energy independent. In the renormalization group approach, the physics of the system is assumed to be governed by Γ(ϵ)\Gamma(\epsilon) only rather than by separate forms of ρ(ϵ)\rho(\epsilon) and t(ϵ)t(\epsilon). However, an exact Bethe Ansatz solution of the toy Anderson model demonstrates a crucial role of a form of inverse band dispersion k(ϵ)k(\epsilon).Comment: A final version. A previous one has been sent to Archive because of my technical mistake. Sorr

    A density matrix renormalisation group algorithm for quantum lattice systems with a large number of states per site

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    A variant of White's density matrix renormalisation group scheme which is designed to compute low-lying energies of one-dimensional quantum lattice models with a large number of degrees of freedom per site is described. The method is tested on two exactly solvable models---the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain and a dimerised XY spin chain. To illustrate the potential of the method, it is applied to a model of spins interacting with quantum phonons. It is shown that the method accurately resolves a number of energy gaps on periodic rings which are sufficiently large to afford an accurate investigation of critical properties via the use of finite-size scaling theory.Comment: RevTeX, 8 pages, 2 figure

    Report of the Task Force on Enhancing technology use in agriculture insurance

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    Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) is a flagship scheme of the Government of India to provide insurance coverage and financial support to farmers in the event of failure of any of the notified crops, unsown area and damage to harvest produce as a result of natural calamities, pests and diseases to stabilise the income of farmers, and to encourage them to adopt modern agricultural practices. The scheme is a considerable improvement over all previous insurance schemes in India and is heavily subsidised by the state and central governments. The scheme aims to cover 50 percent of the farming households within next 3 years. During its implementation in the last one season, several challenges relating to enrolment, yield estimation, loss assessment, and claim settlement were reported by farmers, insurance companies as well as the state governments. It was also noted that several technological opportunities existed for possibly leveraging support to the Indian crop insurance program for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness. NITI Aayog of the Government of India, therefore, constituted a Task Force to deliberate on this subject and identify such potential opportunities. This report summarises the recommendations of the Task Force. The Task Force constituted to address the issue of technology support to crop insurance comprised the following 5 sub-groups: (1) Remote Sensing & Drones; (2) Decision Support Systems, Crop Modelling & Integrated Approaches; (3) IT/ICT in Insurance; (4) Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs); and (5) Technologies for Livestock and Aquaculture Insurance. Each sub-group had several discussions with experts in the respective areas, and submitted draft reports. More than 100 experts related to professional research agencies, insurance industry, banks, and the government contributed to these discussions. Technological options available in the country and abroad were considered by all groups. The Task Force together with the sub-groups then deliberated on key issues and formulated its recommendations as presented in this report. During the discussions it was realised that there were many administrative and institutional issues that needed to be addressed in PMFBY. However, the focus of the Task Force was on its main mandate, technology use in crop insurance. We hope these recommendations would help the Indian crop insurance sector take full advantage of the technological options suggested so as to increase its efficacy and effectiveness leading to reduced agrarian distress in the country

    Zero-Bias Conductance Through Side-Coupled Double Quantum Dots

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    Low temperature zero-bias conductance through two side-coupled quantum dots is investigated using Wilson's numerical renormalization group technique. A low-temperature phase diagram is computed. Near the particle-hole symmetric point localized electrons form a spin-singlet associated with weak conductance. For weak inter-dot coupling we find enhanced conductance due to the two-stage Kondo effect when two electrons occupy quantum dots. When quantum dots are populated with a single electron, the system enters Kondo regime with enhanced conductance. Analytical expressions for the width of the Kondo regime and the Kondo temperature in this regime are given.Comment: to be published in the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Electron Correlations in New Materials and Nanosystems" held in Yalta, Ukraine, 19 - 23 September 2005 (NATO Science Series II, Springer 2006

    The numerical renormalization group method for quantum impurity systems

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    In the beginning of the 1970's, Wilson developed the concept of a fully non-perturbative renormalization group transformation. Applied to the Kondo problem, this numerical renormalization group method (NRG) gave for the first time the full crossover from the high-temperature phase of a free spin to the low-temperature phase of a completely screened spin. The NRG has been later generalized to a variety of quantum impurity problems. The purpose of this review is to give a brief introduction to the NRG method including some guidelines of how to calculate physical quantities, and to survey the development of the NRG method and its various applications over the last 30 years. These applications include variants of the original Kondo problem such as the non-Fermi liquid behavior in the two-channel Kondo model, dissipative quantum systems such as the spin-boson model, and lattice systems in the framework of the dynamical mean field theory.Comment: 55 pages, 27 figures, submitted to Rev. Mod. Phy

    Synthesis, Characterization and Magnetic Susceptibility of the Heavy Fermion Transition Metal Oxide LiV_{2}O_{4}

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    The preparative method, characterization and magnetic susceptibility \chi measurements versus temperature T of the heavy fermion transition metal oxide LiV_{2}O_{4} are reported in detail. The intrinsic \chi(T) shows a nearly T-independent behavior below ~ 30 K with a shallow broad maximum at about 16 K, whereas Curie-Weiss-like behavior is observed above 50-100 K. Field-cooled and zero-field-cooled magnetization M measurements in applied magnetic fields H = 10 to 100 G from 1.8 to 50 K showed no evidence for spin-glass ordering. Crystalline electric field theory for an assumed cubic V point group symmetry is found insufficient to describe the observed temperature variation of the effective magnetic moment. The Kondo and Coqblin-Schrieffer models do not describe the magnitude and T dependence of \chi with realistic parameters. In the high T range, fits of \chi(T) by the predictions of high temperature series expansion calculations provide estimates of the V-V antiferromagnetic exchange coupling constant J/k_{B} ~ 20 K, g-factor g ~ 2 and the T-independent susceptibility. Other possible models to describe the \chi(T) are discussed. The paramagnetic impurities in the samples were characterized using isothermal M(H) measurements with 0 < H <= 5.5 Tesla at 2 to 6 K. These impurities are inferred to have spin S_{imp} ~ 3/2 to 4, g_{imp} ~ 2 and molar concentrations of 0.01 to 0.8 %, depending on the sample.Comment: 19 typeset RevTeX pages, 16 eps figures included, uses epsf; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    A new non-Fermi liquid fixed point

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    We study a new exchange interaction in which the conduction electrons with pseudo spin Sc=3/2S_c=3/2 interact with the impurity spin SI=1/2S_I=1/2. Due to the overscreening of the impurity spin by higher conduction electron spin, a new non-trivial intermediate coupling strength fixed point is realized. Using the numerical renormalization group (NRG), we show that the low-energy spectra are described by a non-Fermi liquid excitation spectrum. A conformal field theory analysis is compared with NRG results and excellent agreement is obtained. Using the double fusion rule to generate the operator spectrum with the conformal theory, we find that the specific heat coefficient and magnetic susceptibility will diverge as T2/3T^{-2/3}, that the scaling dimension of an applied magnetic field is 5/65/6, and that exchange anisotropy is always relevant. We discuss the possible relevance of our work to two-level system Kondo materials and dilute cerium alloys, and we point out a paradox in understanding the Bethe-Ansatz solutions to the multichannel Kondo model.Comment: Revised. 20 page