15 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Wajar Dikdas 9 Tahun Pola Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah

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    One thing that is not separated in the discourse of education in Indonesia is a pondok resantren (Islamic boarding school). This is the model of the first and the oldest education system in Indonesia. Its presence has been inspiring to the models and systems of the present found. Even it is not weathered over the age with all the changes. Therefore many experts, both locally and Internationally consider it as their study materials. One of the boarding schools studied is salafiyah. Ponpes Salafiyahin its history has been doing a lot of incredible breakthroughs. One such is that ponpes salafiyahhas implemented 9 years of compulsory education (Wajib Belajar Pendidikan Dasar) in the pattern of boarding school. The implementation of this policy is one form of awareness of the boarding school in educating the nation's children. Therefore, the role of Ponpes Salafiyahin Indonesian education is not able to be underestimated since it is also recognized in the national education system

    Keilmuan Integralistik Berwawasan Lingkungan Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Islam

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    Humanity cannot live without nature, but nature canlive without humanity. For Wordsworth, nature is notsomething to be consumed and exploited, but natureis something that leads man to the universal soul. Hemakes use of his great descriptive talents to portraythat humanity is losing its connected feeling withnature by following the materialistic ideals of gettingand spending. When earth being exploited mercilesslyand violently by man, nature adjusts himself in hisown way; were by humans often called disasters, suchas floods, landslides, global warming, and so on.Indeed, sometimes the disasters caused by humanactivities through their world view, which sees humanbeings as the centre of the universe, as the impact of aanthropocentrism philosophy. Inevitably, thisphilosophy then led science and technology that willdamage the environment. Therefore, Islamic highereducation institutions (IAIN, UIN, STAIN, andSTAI), should respond these questions by creatingThe Environmental Integral Education

    Corak Pemikiran Hukum Islam Dalam Formulasi Perbankan Syari\u27ah: Antara Tekstualis Dan Substansialis

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    Sejauh mana sistem operasional perbankan syari\u27ah dapat merepresentasikan pengamalan ajaran Islam di bidang ekonomi dapat diperjelas dengan mencermati corak pemikiran hukum Islam yang mendasarinya. Konsepsi perbankan syari\u27ah merupakan produk ijtihad yang dibangun di atas prinsip pelarangan riba secara mutlak dengan memandang bahwa bunga bank termasuk riba. Konsepsi perbankan syari\u27ah, tidak secara murni memakai salah satu tipologi pemikiran hukum Islam. Kadang memakai kerangka pendekatan substansialis namun juga tidak terlepas dari pendekatan tekstualis. Ide dasar perbankan syari\u27ah yang berangkat dari prinsip pengharaman riba dan pemakaian prinsip bagi hasil, meskipun termasuk kategori pemikiran substansialis karena mengacu pada substansi ajaran Islam tentang prinsip keadilan dan prinsip tolong menolong, namun cenderung mendekati cenderung tekstualis karena interpretasi riba dilakukan dalam bentuk qiyas yang sangat ketat. Demikian juga dalam mengadopsi aqad-aqad yang ada dalam khazanah fiqh mu\u27amalah dengan mengedepankan aspek formalitasnya tampak lebih kental dengan nuansa corak pemikiran tekstualisnya. Dalam proses panjang menuju tata perekonomian yang benar-benar Islami, diperlukan kajian intensif berkesinambungan untuk merevisi kelemahan- kelemahan konsepsional maupun operasional perbankan Syari\u27ah

    Konsep Fiskal Islam Dalam Perspektif Historis

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    Fiscal policy is not synonymous with Islam taxation / tribute that made the king / emperor , nor synonymous with modern fiscal policy born of the failure of the free market mechanism. Referring to public finance policy at the beginning of the Islamic era, Islamic fiscal policy is a practical representation of the mission of the Islamic economic system oriented religiosity , justice and wealth distribution.Not only deal with the fiscal revenue and expenditure of state revenue but also about the mission of fair distribution of wealth . Jizya, kharaj and ghanimah is a fiscal instrument in accordance with the circumstances at that time for the mission fair distribution of wealth . Based on the concept of fiscal Islam , then the application of fiscal policy now must somehow form could lead to a fair distribution of wealth towards a comprehensive community welfare ( falah ), not just the budget defici

    Arah Pengembangan Kajian Ekonomi Islam Berbasis Kesatuan Ilmu Pengetahuan di Iain Walisongo

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    Nomenklatur ekonomi Islam atau ekonomi syari'ah sepintas memperlihatkan adanya dikhotomi antara ilmu ekonomi Islam/Syari'ah dengan ilmu ekonomi umum/konvensional. Karakteristik ekonomi Islam sudah terelaborasi dalam berbagai kajian kontemporer dengan kekhasan tersendiri. Di sisi lain, paradigma wahdat al-‘ulum/unity of science sebagai basis pengembangan ilmu dalam visi IAIN Walisongo berarti menafikan berbagai dikhotomi antara ilmu “Islam” dengan ilmu “non Islam”/umum/konvensional. Paradigma ini menuntut elaborasi lebih lanjut dalam konteks pengembangan ilmu ekonomi Islam di IAIN walisongo. Melalui strategi spiritualisasi ilmu ekonomi konvensional, humanisasi ilmu syariah dan revitalisasi budaya/praktik ekonomi lokal, arah pengembangan ekonomi Islam dapat diformulasikan dalam implementasi kesatuan ilmu pengetahuan

    Efektifitas dan Efisiensi Biaya Logistik Angkutan Udara di Bandar Udara Soekarno- Hatta

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    Biaya pengiriman kargo dan pos udara di Indonesia paling mahal diantara negara-negara ASEAN lainnya. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh rendahnya efektifitas dan efisiensi dalam pengiriman logistik/kargo yang berdampak membengkaknya biaya dengan proses yang lebih lama dibandingkan di luar negeri. Dari hal tersebut diatas maka perlu dilakukan penelitian efektifitas dan efisiensi logistik angkutan udara di Bandar udara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta. Untuk melihat efisiensi penanganan kargo udara maka dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisa perhitungan tarif biaya logistic kedatangan logistik/kargo dan alur atau proses penanganan logistik/kargo sampai dengan dinyatakan lengkap dan keluar dari terminal kargo. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa kedatangan logistik/kargo dinyatakan efisien apabila barang tersebut mempunyai dokumen yang lengkap dan segera diambil sehingga tidak perlu mengeluarkan tambahan biaya sewa gudang.[Effectiveness and Efficiency of Air Transport Logistic in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport] The cost of airmail and cargo shipment in Indonesia is the most expensive among the other countries in ASEAN. High cost and longer processing time are affected by below average logistic handling/delivery effectivity and efficiency. Therefore, study for air logistic effectivity and efficiency in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport need to be done. In order to determine the efficiency of air logistic, analysis of logistic cost calculation and logistic handling flow/process is applied. The results of this study conclude that logistic delivery can be stated as efficient when the cargo documents are complete and the cargo picked immediately so that the extra expense for warehouse can be neglected