8,096 research outputs found

    Lumpsum versus Non-lumpsum Redistribution: A Second Glance

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    It has been argued by Turunen-Red and Woodland that, on only mild empirical assumptions, any system of non-distorting international transfers can be replaced by an "equivalent set" of distorting national tariffs without disturbing the international allocation of resources. This remarkable claim is disputed on the ground that the assumptions required for equivalence are not mild, that in particular they rule out quite plausible models of Arrow-Debreu type, and on the further ground that, in a context of non-uniqueness, a set of tariffs which supports an initial transferridden equilibrium might also support several quite different equilibria. An alternative proposition is proposed.

    Tariff Reform: Some Pre-strategic Considerations

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    We consider the implications of improving on GATT/WTO tariff negotiations both the most-favoured-nation (MFN) clause and the twin Paretian rules (that negotiations leave the trading world on its efficiency locus and each participating country in a preferred position). It is shown that the set of tariff reforms that satisfy both rules (a) is always non-empty, (b) might include no reforms that end in world-wide free trade, (c) always includes reforms that are incompatible with free trade and (d) might include reforms that support a Pareto-optimal and Pareto-improving allocation but also support other allocations with neither of those characteristics.

    Goal Achievement Through Self-Directed Learning and Self-Regulation in Young Adulthood

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    The purposes of this research project were to: (a) explore the processes of self-directed learning and self-regulation throughout young adulthood, and (b) determine how young adults apply the concepts and principles of self-directed learning and self-regulation in goal setting and goal achievement. The researcher reviewed six major adult learning concepts and constructs, including self-directed learning and self-directedness, self-regulation and self-regulated learning, experiential learning, dialogue learning, critical reflection, and transformational learning, in order to better understand the autonomous and self-directed learning processes that adults engage in on a daily basis. A PowerPoint presentation with a practical goal setting and goal achievement framework was designed to help young adults (i.e., ages 18-28 years old) to increase their selfdirectedness and their ability to self-regulate their life activities. An increase in self-direction and self-regulation will influence adult learners\u27 learning direction and outcomes, as well as, foster their autonomy, empowerment and enlightenment. The PowerPoint presentation focuses on young adults in the following categories: (a) learners seeking more self-direction, (b) learners seeking upward mobility in their careers, and (c) learners seeking more autonomy and empowerment

    The Impact of Early Positive Results on a Mathematics and Science Partnership: The Experience of the Institute for Chemistry Literacy Through Computational Science

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    After one year of implementation, the Institute for Chemistry Literacy through Computational Science, an NSF Mathematics and Science Partnership Institute Project led by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Department of Chemistry, College of Medicine, and National Center for Supercomputing Applications, experienced statistically significant gains in chemistry content knowledge among students of the rural high school teachers participating in its intensive, year-round professional development course, compared to a control group. The project utilizes a two-cohort, delayed-treatment, random control trial, quasi-experimental research design with the second cohort entering treatment one year following the first. The three-year treatment includes intensive two-week summer institutes, occasional school year workshops and year-round, on-line collaborative lesson development, resource sharing, and expert support. The means of student pre-test scores for Cohort I (η=963) and Cohort II (η=862) teachers were not significantly different. The mean gain (difference between pre-test and post-test scores) after seven months in the classroom for Cohort I was 9.8 percentage points, compared to 6.7 percentage points for Cohort II. This statistically significant difference (p\u3c.001) represented an effect size of .25 standard deviation units, and indicated unusually early confirmation of treatment effects. When post-tests were compared, Cohort I students scored significantly higher than Cohort II and supported the gain score differences. The impact of these results on treatment and research plans is discussed. concentrating on the effect of lessening rural teachers’ isolation and increasing access to tools to facilitate learning

    Communication and re-use of chemical information in bioscience.

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    The current methods of publishing chemical information in bioscience articles are analysed. Using 3 papers as use-cases, it is shown that conventional methods using human procedures, including cut-and-paste are time-consuming and introduce errors. The meaning of chemical terms and the identity of compounds is often ambiguous. valuable experimental data such as spectra and computational results are almost always omitted. We describe an Open XML architecture at proof-of-concept which addresses these concerns. Compounds are identified through explicit connection tables or links to persistent Open resources such as PubChem. It is argued that if publishers adopt these tools and protocols, then the quality and quantity of chemical information available to bioscientists will increase and the authors, publishers and readers will find the process cost-effective.An article submitted to BiomedCentral Bioinformatics, created on request with their Publicon system. The transformed manuscript is archived as PDF. Although it has been through the publishers system this is purely automatic and the contents are those of a pre-refereed preprint. The formatting is provided by the system and tables and figures appear at the end. An accommpanying submission, http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/34580, describes the rationale and cultural aspects of publishing , abstracting and aggregating chemical information. BMC is an Open Access publisher and we emphasize that all content is re-usable under Creative Commons Licens

    Chemistry in Bioinformatics

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    A preprint of an invited submission to BioMedCentral Bioinformatics. This short manuscript is an overview or the current problems and opportunities in publishing chemical information. Full details of technology are given in the sibling manuscript http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/34579 The manuscript is the authors' preprint although it has been automatically transformed into this archived PDF by the submission system. The authors are not responsible for the formattingChemical information is now seen as critical for most areas of life sciences. But unlike Bioinformatics, where data is Openly available and freely re−usable, most chemical information is closed and cannot be re−distributed without permission. This has led to a failure to adopt modern informatics and software techniques and therefore paucity of chemistry in bioinformatics. New technology, however, offers the hope of making chemical data (compounds and properties) Free during the authoring process. We argue that the technology is already available; we require a collective agreement to enhance publication protocols

    Representation and use of chemistry in the global electronic age.

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    We present an overview of the current state of public semantic chemistry and propose new approaches at a strategic and a detailed level. We show by example how a model for a Chemical Semantic Web can be constructed using machine-processed data and information from journal articles.This manuscript addresses questions of robotic access to data and its automatic re-use, including the role of Open Access archival of data. This is a pre-refereed preprint allowed by the publisher's (Royal Soc. Chemistry) Green policy. The author's preferred manuscript is an HTML hyperdocument with ca. 20 links to images, some of which are JPEgs and some of which are SVG (scalable vector graphics) including animations. There are also links to molecules in CML, for which the Jmol viewer is recommended. We susgeest that readers who wish to see the full glory of the manuscript, download the Zipped version and unpack on their machine. We also supply a PDF and DOC (Word) version which obviously cannot show the animations, but which may be the best palce to start, particularly for those more interested in the text

    Invariant Regions and Global Asymptotic Stability in an Isothermal Catalyst

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    A well-known model for the evolution of the (space-dependent) concentration and (lumped) temperature in a porous catalyst is considered. A sequence of invariant regions of the phase space is given, which converges to a globally asymptotically stable region BB. Quantitative sufficient conditions are obtained for (the region BB to consist of only one point and) the problem to have a (unique) globally asymptotically stable steady state

    Biodiversity of Spongosorites coralliophaga (Stephens, 1915) on coral rubble at two contrasting cold-water coral reef settings

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    The authors would like to thank Bill Richardson (Master), the crew of the RRS James Cook, Will Handley and the Holland-I ROV team. We also thank all the specialists in taxonomy that provided important help with identification of species: Professor Paul Tyler (ophiuroids), Dr. Tammy Horton (amphipods), Dr. Graham Oliver (bivalves), Dr. Rob van Soest (sponges), Susan Chambers, Peter Garwood, Sue Hamilton, Raimundo Blanco Pérez (polychaetes). Also we would like to thank Val Johnston (University of Aberdeen) for her contribution to cruise preparations and John Polanski (University of Aberdeen) for his help onboard the RRS James Cook. Special thanks to Dr. Alexios P. Lolas (University of Thessaly, Greece) for all the artwork. Funding for the JC073 cruise was provided by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) UK Ocean Acidification (UKOA) research programme’s Benthic Consortium project (NE/H017305/1 to JMR). JMR acknowledges support from Heriot-Watt University’s Environment and Climate Change theme. GK was funded by a Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS) Ph.D. scholarship.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Some ground-state expectation values for the free parafermion Z(N) spin chain

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    We consider the calculation of ground-state expectation values for the non-Hermitian Z(N) spin chain described by free parafermions. For N=2 the model reduces to the quantum Ising chain in a transverse field with open boundary conditions. Use is made of the Hellmann-Feynman theorem to obtain exact results for particular single site and nearest-neighbour ground-state expectation values for general N which are valid for sites deep inside the chain. These results are tested numerically for N=3, along with how they change as a function of distance from the boundary.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; extra reference