234 research outputs found

    Iconography of Kinship. The Holy Family and Attems Family in the Holy Virgin’ s Church at Zagorje near Pilštanj

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    Memorializing his family was a key concept of Ignaz Maria Count Attems’ visual propaganda. The role of personal iconography has been recognised mainly in his secular fresco commissions. This paper focuses on the analysis of the ceiling painting and furnishings of the pilgrimage church of the Holy Virgin at Zagorje near Pilštanj in Styria (Slovenia) and decodes the interweaving of Virgin (Madonna with Grapes, Assumpta, Regina Coeli, the Immaculate Conception), Holy Family, Holy Kinship and other saints worship with representations of the Attems family. In 1708 and 1709, the church was frescoed by Matthias von Görz, and in the following years, it obtained the main Virgin’ s altar and the altars of St Joseph and St Dismas in the lateral chapels. The Baroque decoration followed a unified iconographic concept in which the family memoria systematically builds on and complements the theological programme. Attems presented himself in the imitatio of the Holy Family, following the example of the Habsburg family

    Eating disorder in men and nutritional counseling

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    Haploids and Doubled Haploids in Plant Breeding

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    The Visually Induced Motion Sickness Susceptibility Questionnaire (VIMSSQ): Estimating Individual Susceptibility to Motion Sickness-Like Symptoms When Using Visual Devices

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    Objective Two studies were conducted to develop and validate a questionnaire to estimate individual susceptibility to visually induced motion sickness (VIMS). Background VIMS is a common side-effect when watching dynamic visual content from various sources, such as virtual reality, movie theaters, or smartphones. A reliable questionnaire predicting individual susceptibility to VIMS is currently missing. The aim was to fill this gap by introducing the Visually Induced Motion Sickness Susceptibility Questionnaire (VIMSSQ). Methods A survey and an experimental study were conducted. Survey: The VIMSSQ investigated the frequency of nausea, headache, dizziness, fatigue, and eyestrain when using different visual devices. Data were collected from a survey of 322 participants for the VIMSSQ and other related phenomena such as migraine. Experimental study: 23 participants were exposed to a VIMS-inducing visual stimulus. Participants filled out the VIMSSQ together with other questionnaires and rated their level of VIMS using the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ). Results Survey: The most prominent symptom when using visual devices was eyestrain, and females reported more VIMS than males. A one-factor solution with good scale reliability was found for the VIMSSQ. Experimental study: Regression analyses suggested that the VIMSSQ can be useful in predicting VIMS (R2 = .34) as measured by the SSQ, particularly when combined with questions pertaining to the tendency to avoid visual displays and experience syncope (R2 = .59). Conclusion We generated normative data for the VIMSSQ and demonstrated its validity. Application The VIMSSQ can become a valuable tool to estimate one’s susceptibility to VIMS based on self-reports

    Development of single-phase electricity meter

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    V predstavljenem magistrskem delu je obravnavan razvoj shematike in tiskanin za enofazni merilnik električne energije ter spremljajočega bistabilnega stikala. Poudarek je na izbiri in opisu ključnih delov merilnika električne energije in odpravljanju nezdružljivosti z zahtevanimi testi oziroma standardi za merilnike električne energije. Za učinkovito rabo električne energije potrebujemo merjenje porabe električnih bremen ter možnost vklopa in izklopa bremen, ki to dopuščajo. Na trgu so že prisotna daljinsko vodena stikala s komunikacijo in merilniki energije s komunikacijo, vendar opisana rešitev prva omogoča merjenje energije ter odklop bremena s tokom do 32 A, v kompaktni obliki, primerni za tračnico DIN. Razvoj izdelka ni končan pri delujočem prototipuz delujočimi vzorci začnemo preizkušati obnašanje izdelka na vseh predpisanih testih. Čeprav poznamo glavna priporočila za izdelavo kakovostnih tiskanih vezij, običajno zaradi pomanjkanja prostora na majhni tiskanini oziroma konstrukcijsko pogojenih omejitev za postavljanje komponent, ne moremo upoštevati vseh priporočil. Razvoj izdelka običajno poteka v prilagajanju tiskanin za optimalno delovanje ter cenovno učinkovitost. V danih prostorskih ali projektnih omejitvah moramo doseči kompromis, ki bo čim bolje upošteval priporočila in s tem načrtovanje čim bolj kakovostne tiskanine, ki zadosti vsem predpisanim testom. Opisano je načrtovanje shematike in izračun ključnih sestavnih delov. Sledi zgoščena predstavitev shematike ter opis posameznih sklopov. Pri vsakem ugotovljenem neskladju z zahtevami je opisan postopek reševanja do ustrezne rešitve. Naloga se zaključi z uspešno izvedenimi popravki, ki zagotovijo elektronsko vezje, ki je v skladu z vsemi zahtevanimi predpisi in se lahko prodaja na trgu.The thesis addresses development of schematics and printed circuit board (PCB) for single- phase energy meter and adjacent bistable switch. Emphasis is on the selection and description of key parts of energy meter and removing obstacles in order to deliver product which complies with all required standards. Efficient energy use requires load side energy measurement and a way to connect or disconnect allowed loads. There are solutions on the market, which enable remote measurement via communication and remote load disconnection or connection via communication. However, presented solution is the first to offer compact measurement and switching of various loads up to 80 A on the DIN rail. Development of the product is not completed with working sample. The product has to comply with standards and regulations. Since PCBs has to fit into product and product’s space is quite limited. Therefore, PCB has space and other limitations, which prevents to design it with all recommendations of good practice. Some trade-offs has to be done and measurements of the product depicts whether trade-offs were either good enough or pcb design has undergo the new iteration. The thesis describes development of schematics and selection or calculation of key parts. Furthermore, it describes process of tackling with issues, which leads to pass all the tests. At the end of the thesis, product complies with all required standards, as a result of gained knowledge

    Iron removal from wastewater generated in foundry industry

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    Nowadays, industrial wastewater significantly contaminates our environment. There are many technologies for cleaning these waters. When we are constructing a new treatment plant we must take into consideration the existing standards and laws of the Republic of Slovenia. The company where I did my research is specialised in foundry industry and it is the manufacturer of the components for automotive and motorcycle industry. Wastewaters in the foundry are cleaned with ultrafiltration treatment plant. But there is a problem caused by excessively high concentrations of iron in the permeate.\ud In my graduation thesis I first described and schematically showed the foundry and the treatment plant. In the selected sources and reference materials I looked for all the available technologies for removing iron from wastewater. I described all the technologies of the process and their advantages and disadvantages. During cleaning iron must precipitate from the soluble divalent to the insoluble\ud trivalent form by oxidation, then the iron or iron oxide is removed with different filters. In experimental work I found the source of the iron in the foundry. In the laboratory I measured pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, concentration of iron and total organic carbon – TOC. With most congested waters I've done one filtration cycle at the membrane treatment plant with water containing the highest concentration of iron. I monitored the effect of cleaning. Finally, I chose the most appropriate technology for cleaning based on the pre-selected criteria

    The analysis of suitability of BABoK standard for faculty

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    In this thesis we describe the entire process of business analysis presented by the industry standard, BABoK (Business Analysis Body of Knowledge). Given the industry standard we try to assess how its tasks and activities can be used to improve the quality of the Faculty of Computer and Information Science's operations. Considering the fact that BABoK is primarily designed for use in the corporate world we try to choose the most appropriate tasks and rearrange others for the faculty's day to day operations. The main outcomes of this thesis are the descriptions of the tasks and activities the faculty can use and how they can be integrated. The thesis also shows how and in which areas these tasks and activities can improve the faculty's work

    Social Feedback Loop in the Organic Food Purchase Decision-Making Process

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    To ensure the food industry continues to grow, it is vital to properly understand the factors that impact the purchasing of organic food. Research offers ambiguous findings about what drives consumers to decide to purchase food labeled as organic. This study advances the current theories on organic food-purchasing behavior, which overlook the importance of the two-way interaction of social norms and individual behavior, suggesting that the role of social norms may have been simplified. We suggest the causal processes associated with organic food decision-making involve the social feedback loop, a powerful force that takes the current state into the phase of transition. Positive feedback is key to maintaining and developing the sustainable behavior of the society, where an initial change in consumer behavior to purchase organic food is magnified when that change resounds through social norms. This is especially pronounced in Norway and Slovenia, where marketers can make more cost- and time-efficient use of persuasive messages and requests. In addition, we provide a comprehensive delineation of organic food purchase decision-making of close to 14,000 individuals from 15 countries that includes key psychosocial antecedents, along with Schwartz’s values, attitudes, social norms, perceived behavioral control, and intentions. Using a mixed-methods approach (i.e., statistical matching, spatial econometrics, structural equation modeling), the present paper thus intends to add to the understanding of environmentally friendly purchase behavior beyond unidirectional and single-theory relationships

    DNA-Free Genome Editing of Brassica oleracea and B. rapa Protoplasts Using CRISPR-Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein Complexes

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    The CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system has already proved its efficiency, versatility and simplicity in numerous applications in human, animal, microbe and plant cells. Together with the vast amount of genome and transcriptome databases available, it represents an enormous potential for plant breeding and research. Although most changes produced with CRISPR/Cas9 do not differ from naturally occurring mutations, the use of transgenesis during varietal development can still trigger GMO legislation in countries that rely on process-based regulation. Moreover, stable integration of DNA coding for genome-editing tools into plant genomes can result in insertional mutagenesis, while its prolonged expression can cause mutations in off-target sites. These pitfalls can be avoided with the delivery of preassembled ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs) composed of purified recombinant enzyme Cas9 and in vitro-transcribed or synthesized sgRNA. We therefore aimed to develop a DNA-free protocol for site-directed mutagenesis of three species of the genus Brassica (B. oleracea, B. napus, and B. rapa) with the use of RNPs. We chose cabbage, rapeseed and Chinese cabbage as species representatives and introduced RNPs into their protoplasts with PEG 4000. Four sgRNAs targeting two endogenous genes (the FRI and PDS genes, two sgRNAs per gene) were introduced into all three species. No mutations were detected after transfection of rapeseed protoplasts, while we obtained mutation frequencies of 0.09 to 2.25% and 1.15 to 24.51% in cabbage and Chinese cabbage, respectively. In both species, a positive correlation was displayed between the amount (7.5, 15, 30, and 60 μg) of Cas9 enzyme and sgRNA introduced and mutation frequency. Nucleotide changes (insertions and deletions) were detected 24 h after transfection and did not differ 72 h after transfection. They were species-, gene- and locus-dependent. In summary, we demonstrated the suitability of RNP transfection into B. oleracea and B. rapa protoplasts for high-efficiency indel induction of two endogenous genes. Due to the relatively high mutation frequencies detected (up to 24.51%), this study paves the way for regeneration of precisely mutated Brassica plants without the use of transgenesis