17 research outputs found

    Pola Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Karakter Terhadap Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    : This study aims to determine the pattern of character education to students conducted by asuperior category of four elementary schools in the city of Padang, West Sumatra. The study used aqualitative method through a case study approach. Sources of data were taken from twelve informantsconsisting of the principal, classroom teacher, a teacher of Islamic education, art teacher andsports teacher selected from four elementary schools using purposive technique. Data were takenthrough in-depth interviews (depth interview) to all informants. The results showed that there areeight important themes on the pattern of implementation of effective character education conductedon students in four schools. Eight themes are carried through: (1) the learning materials; (2) the schoolrules (discipline, care for the environment, responsibility); (3) competition between students of science(creative, fond of reading, curiosity); (4) awards outstanding students (respect, hard work, democratic,caring); (5) commemoration day of nationality (the national spirit, love of the homeland, respect, care);(6) the practice of worship and spiritual guidance (honest, religious, responsibility); (7) scouting(creative, social care, hard working, honest, friendly, peace-loving democratic); (8) their talents andmusic classes (creative and work hard, respect)

    Behavior and Factors Causing Plagiarism Among Undergraduate Students in Accomplishing The Coursework on Religion Education Subject

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    The objectives of this study were to analyze the behavior and causal factors of plagiarism among the undergraduate students in accomplishing their coursework in Islamic religion subject. The study used methods combination of qualitative and quantitative research or Exploratory mixed methods designs. Qualitative data were taken from 15 papers of group works in the subjects of Islamic religion, while quantitative data were taken using questionnaires towards 80 students who are taking course in Islamic religion at State University of Padang (UNP). Data taken from papers of groupwork were analyzed thematically with method of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and taking conclusion, while questionnaires were analyzed descriptively using SPSS software version 18.0 for Windows.Results of the document analysis found that there are three forms of behavior of student plagiarism in accomplishing the coursework, first:  by quoting the entire writings of the other person without mentioning the source, second: by quoting part / half of the text/writings of others, third: by quoting the writing of others then converted into their own statements. While there are eight factors that cause plagiarism which are: not understand about plagiarism, the student’s instant culture in accomplishing academic tasks, the high volume of academic tasks given by lecturers, students’ low interest in reading, not enough time to find the answer in the book, the ease of Information Technology, low purchasing power and lack of knowledge in how to write a scientific papers.The objectives of this study were to analyze the behavior and causal factors of plagiarism among the undergraduate students in accomplishing their coursework in Islamic religion subject. The study used methods combination of qualitative and quantitative research or Exploratory mixed methods designs. Qualitative data were taken from 15 papers of group works in the subjects of Islamic religion, while quantitative data were taken using questionnaires towards 80 students who are taking course in Islamic religion at State University of Padang (UNP). Data taken from papers of groupwork were analyzed thematically with method of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and taking conclusion, while questionnaires were analyzed descriptively using SPSS software version 18.0 for Windows.Results of the document analysis found that there are three forms of behavior of student plagiarism in accomplishing the coursework, first:  by quoting the entire writings of the other person without mentioning the source, second: by quoting part / half of the text/writings of others, third: by quoting the writing of others then converted into their own statements. While there are eight factors that cause plagiarism which are: not understand about plagiarism, the student’s instant culture in accomplishing academic tasks, the high volume of academic tasks given by lecturers, students’ low interest in reading, not enough time to find the answer in the book, the ease of Information Technology, low purchasing power and lack of knowledge in how to write a scientific papers

    The Empowerment and Guidance of Religious Life of the Community in Kanagarian Sungai Nyalo Mudiak Aia, Koto XI Tarusan, Pesisir Selatan

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    maritime potential and requires commitment, multi-sectoral support that is developed in a planned, integrated and balanced manner. Tourism development must be able to mobilize all sectors of community life and need to be imbued with the basis of Minangkabau religious, social and cultural norms and must be directed to the preservation of religious and cultural values. The integration of tourism development issues in the Mandeh Region with issues of religious life development is intended so that development can develop in a positive and productive direction. Nyalo Mudiak Aia River. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques were carried out using interviews, observation and documentation methods. Data analysis in this study used the analytical method by Milles and Huberman in Sugiono (2009:16) which included data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. This study reveals that there are potential candidates for cadres to drive the religious life of the Nyalo Mudiak Aia River community with the community's interest in sending their children to religious schools and colleges. The participation of the government and universities is very strategic in realizing the continuity of good religious life, including in the form of providing facilities (enabling) and empowering in the form of mentoring the religious life of the community.Nagari Sungai Nyalo Mudiak Aia merupakan bagian dari Kawasan Mandeh yang memiliki potensi bahari yang kuat dan membutuhkan komitmen, dukungan multi sektor yang dikembangkan secara terencana, terpadu dan seimbang. Pembangunan  kepariwisataan  harus mampu menggerakkan semua sector kehidupan masyarakat dan perlu dijiwai dengan landasan norma agama, sosial dan budaya Minangkabau serta harus diarahkan kepada kelestarian nilai-nilai agama dan budaya. Pengintegrasian isu-isu pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kawasan Mandeh dengan isu-isu pembangunan kehidupan keagamaan dimaksudkan agar pembangunan tersebut bisa berkembang ke arah yang positif dan produktif.. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan potensi kehidupan  keagamaan masyarakat, dan mendeskripsikan pola pemberdayaan dan pembinaan kehidupan kegamaan masyarakat di Sungai Nyalo Mudiak Aia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini meng- gunakan metode analisis oleh Milles dan Huberman dalam Sugiono (2009:16) yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat potensi calon kader penggerak kehidupan keagamaan masyarakat Sungai Nyalo Mudiak Aia dengan adanya minat masyarakat menyekolahkan anaknya pada sekolah dan perguruan tinggi keagamaan.  Peran serta pemerintah dan perguruan tinggi sangat strategis dalam mewujudkan keberlangsungan kehidupan keagamaan yang baik di antaranya dalam bentuk memberikan fasilitas (enabling) dan empowering berupa pendampingan kehidupan keagamaan masyarakat

    The Concept of Maqasid al-Shariah As an Instruments of Ijtihad According to Imam al-Shatibi in al-Muwafaqat fi Ushuli Al-Shariah

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    As written in al-Muwafaqat fi Ushuli al-Syari'ah, Imam al-Shatibi explained that every divine law (the command of Allah) must be prescribed on purposes. The intended purposes or objective of the law is to fulfill for the benefit of humankind. Imam al-Shatibi divided the higher objectives of law into two categories: (1) the objectives of the Lawgiver (Allah), and (2) the human objectives (the benefits that refer to humankind as the doer of law). The human objectives are defined in three scales: from the ‘essential’ (dharûriyat), to the ‘necessary’ (hajiyât), and to the ‘complementary’ (tahsiniyât). Furthermore, Imam Al-Shatibi explained that there are four steps in understanding the human objectives. The first is understanding maqasid (objectives) through the purity of the command and prohibitions. The second is understanding maqasid through the existence of ‘illah (basis) contained in commands and prohibitions. And the third, understanding the maqasid through the law that related to 'adah (customs) and 'ibadah (worship) which have the main and additional objectives. Fourth, understanding the maqasid through silence on the part of Allah due to the absence of any occasions or circumstances for further declaration related to certain matter. In other word, there is no evidence from the Holy book on certain issue which provides the reasons of the law implementation despite the existence of the meaning (ma’na) behind the revelation

    Roles of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Toward the Development of Knowledge and Ulama

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    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the largest Islamic countries lies in Arabian Peninsula. The government bases its legitimacy on its interpretation of Sharia (Islamic law) and the 1992 Basic Law. The Basic Law sets out the system of governance, rights of citizens, and powers and duties of the government. The law also provides that the Qur'an and the Traditions (Sunna) of the Prophet Muhammad serve as the country's constitution.  As an Islamic country which is rich in culture and natural resources, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia plays prominent influence in Islamic world for various aspects in politics, culture, economics, trading and education. The contribution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can be clearly seen in education sector, particularly in Al-Quran and Sunnah studies. The country provides a wide opportunity and great facilitation for those who wants to study in Saudi Arabia in their own country. The founding of the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Science (LIPIA) in Indonesia as an important affiliation of Al Imaam University is regarded as real concern of Saudi Arabia in Islamic studies development. Further, pursuant to history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ulama plays respected crucial roles in the government. They are not merely respected for the high and exclusive knowledge in religion, but they are also regarded having capability in balancing the stability of the country. It implies that the government and ulama mutually work to protect the glory of Islam and the Kingdo


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    Pendidik atau Guru menjadi komponen terpenting dalam sebuah sistem pendidikan karena guru ibarat menjadi jantung yang mengedarkan darah ke seluruh jaringan tubuh, begitu pula posisi guru yang menjadi sentral transformasi, internalisasi dan eksternalisasi nilai-nilai dan materi pendidikan dalam sebuah sistem pendidikan. Kajian tentang pendidik atau guru baik dalam ranah konseptual maupun ranah aktual selalu menarik dan penting dilakukan terutama oleh para ahli atau intelektual yang concern dengan pendidikan. Makalah ini disusun juga sebagai bagian dari upaya intelektual untuk menjelaskan konsep pendidik dalam perspektif Alquran. Beberapa sub pokok kajian yang akan penulis jelaskan antara lain: pengertian pendidik, subjek-subjek pendidik yang tertuang dalam Alquran berikut tafsir terhadap ayat-ayat yang membicarakan konsep pendidik tersebut, dan beberapa karakter ideal pendidik dalam konteks pendidikan Islam

    Strategi Guru Aqidah Akhlak dalam Membiasakan Adab Berbusana Peserta Didik

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    The background of this research is that many of the clothes worn by students in madrasas and outside madrasas are not in accordance with Islamic teachings. There are many reasons, ranging from the social environment to social media, which make these clothes a trend for students. Therefore it is necessary to have guidance from various parties so that students are accustomed to wearing clothes based on Islamic teachings. One of them is the teacher's strategy carried out in madrasas. The purpose of this study is the teacher's strategy for Aqidah Akhlak in getting used to the etiquette of dressing for class XI IPA 2 students at MAN Lima Puluh Kota. This study used descriptive qualitative research methods with research informants: madrasa heads, Aqidah Akhlak teachers, and students in class XI IPA 2. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the Akidah Akhlak teacher's strategy in familiarizing students with dress etiquette is: a) providing knowledge about Muslim dress etiquette, b) the teacher is a role model in dress, c) reprimand    d) advice, e) giving sanctions

    Metode Pembentukan Karakter Tanggung Jawab Santri di Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an Surau Balenggek Sikabu Bukit Lubuk Alung

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    One method that can assist students in achieving learning goals is that a method is needed to make it easier for someone to carry out, this study aims to find out how the teacher's method, inhibiting and supporting factors and the teacher's efforts in shaping the character of the responsibility of students at TPA Surau Balenggek Sikabu Bukit Lubuk Alung, Padang Pariaman Regency. This study uses qualitative research methods with the type of field research. Sources of data were taken from several informants through in-depth interviews selected using purposive sampling technique. To obtain the results of interviews, this study used interview guidelines as a research instrument. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. While the data analysis technique that the author uses is the process of data reduction, data presentation (Data Display) and verification/drawing conclusions. Overall the results of this study show; The first method is the teacher's method in shaping the character of the responsibility of students at TPA Surau Balenggek Sikabu Bukit Lubuk Alung, Padang Pariaman Regency, including: a) the exemplary method, the teacher acts as a role model for students in the form of words, actions, words and things that are material and spiritual. b) The habituation method, the teacher familiarizes the students to always give assignments to the students in the form of rote memorization then deposited with the teacher and recorded, and assessed. c) Advice Method, the teacher gives advice by repeating what has been advised. Second, inhibiting and supporting factors consisting of Information and Technology Media in the form of HP, Internal factors (internal) the emergence of a sense of laziness in students, lack of attention from parents, lack of support and motivation from students' parents and environmental factors where students live such as play environment in the daily life of students, while the supporting factors are teachers and parents. Third, the teacher's efforts in shaping the character of the responsibility of students are to provide motivation and advice, the teacher gives encouragement and advises about the duties and importance of the character of responsibility, and the teacher must be patient. Collaborating with parents, teachers collaborate directly with students' parents regarding assignments and the learning process. Checking assignments and giving sanctions, teachers checking students' assignments and giving punishments for students who don't make assignments and don't follow religious programs