4 research outputs found


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    The success of educational institutions in achieving optimal learning quality cannot be separated from the central role of financing as the main support. An appropriate financing strategy is important to implement as a basis for sustainable educational development. This article aims to explore the urgency related to strategies for implementing internal financing management in MTs. Almaarif 01 Singosari. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was carried out by means of observation, interviews and documents. The data analysis method refers to the Miles and Huberman approach which starts from data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Meanwhile, to test the validity of the data, data triangulation is used, especially source triangulation. The research results show that financing management at MTs. Almaarif 01 Singosari is divided into three main stages. First, the financing plan is prepared by the deputy head together with the person in charge of the supporting work unit. Second, the management of the school's internal funding sources is taken from tuition fees and student stage money. Third, regular evaluations are carried out on a monthly basis by the heads of madrasahs and foundations. The main person responsible for this process is the head of the madrasah who always carries out an absorption check at the end of each year. The final results of this inspection are followed up with regular meetings to discuss the results openly and transparently. This entire process involves active participation from all relevant stakeholders, such as the foundation, madrasa heads, teachers, students and parents

    Pengamanan Pesan Rahasia dengan Algoritma Vigenere Cipher Menggunakan PHP

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    A message security system to maintain the confidentiality of data information is very important. To achieve this, a security system is required to maintain the confidentiality of information. Encrypting information sent for cryptographic purposes confidentiality, integrity, authentication and irrefutable proof is one of the methods used for this purpose. Algorithm is a collection of problem-solving commands. Algorithm also has a process of repetition (iteration) and decisions that cannot be made. Vigenere cipher is one of the traditional cryptographic algorithms with multiple alphabetical substitution. PHP stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is a scripting language that is commonly used to create dynamic web applications by deploying them on servers. The purpose of this research is to secure secret messages using the Vigenere Cipher algorithm using PHP


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    AbstractThis study aims to determine: (1) the presence or absence of difference learning outcomes taught by ARIAS learning model (Assurance, Relevance, Interest, Assessment, Satisfaction) assisted by booklet Edutainment media and students taught using conventional models, (2) the magnitude of the learning model ARIAS assisted Booklet Edutainment media effect on reaction of rate. The research form used Quasi Experimental Design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sample of this research is XI grade of MIPA 2 as control class and XI grade of MIPA 3 as experiment class in SMA Negeri 4 Pontianak. The sampling technique used simple random samping technique. For the data collection tool was using the learning test results in essay form. Based on the results of data analysis using U-Mann Whitney test, obtained by Asymp value. Sig. (2-tailed) 0,000 indicate that there are differences in student learning outcomes. The use of ARIAS assisted Booklet Edutainment model gives an effect of 29.96% on student learning outcomes. Keywords:  ARIAS Learning Model, Learning Outcomes, Booklet Media, Rate of Reactio


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    Keberhasilan lembaga pendidikan dalam mencapai mutu pembelajaran yang optimal tidak terlepas dari peran sentral pembiayaan sebagai penunjang utama. Strategi pembiayaan yang tepat menjadi hal yang penting untuk dilakukan sebagai landasan pembangunan pendidikan yang berkelanjutan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendalami urgensi terkait strategi implementasi manajemen pembiayaan internal di MTs. Almaarif 01 Singosari. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yakni kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Metode analisis data mengacu pada pendekatan Miles dan Huberman yang dimulai dari reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Sedangkan untuk uji keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi data, khususnya triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pembiayaan di MTs. Almaarif 01 Singosari dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan utama. Pertama, perencanaan pembiayaan yang disusun oleh wakil kepala Bersama dengan penanggung jawab unit kerja pendukung. Kedua, pengelolaan sumber pembiayaan internal sekolah diambil dari SPP dan uang tahapan siswa. Ketiga, evaluasi secara berkala dilakukan secara bulanan oleh kepala madrasah dan yayasan. Penanggung jawab utama dalam proses ini yakni kepala madrasah yang setiap akhir tahun selalu melakukan pemeriksaan serapan. Hasil akhir dari pemeriksaan ini ditindaklanjuti dengan dilakukannya rapat rutin untuk membahas hasilnya secara terbuka dan transparan. Seluruh proses ini melibatkan partisipasi aktif dari semua stakeholder terkait, seperti pihak yayasan, kepala madrasah, guru, siswa, dan wali murid