23 research outputs found

    Seguimiento remoto de la recaída de hernia después de procesos abiertos de plastia de la pared abdominal– estudio prospectivo que incluye 142 pacientes

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    ResumenAntecedentesLa hernia incisional sigue siendo una complicación común de las laparotomías. El propósito del estudio es analizar la recidiva de hernia en un año, después de varios métodos abiertos de plastia de la pared abdominal.Material y métodosEstudio longitudinal prospectivo, en el que se incluyó a 142 pacientes. Se analizaron: los datos individuales, el grado de obesidad, las variaciones intraoperatorias de la presión abdominal, la intensidad del dolor postoperatorio, las complicaciones postoperatorias y los tipos de plastias de la pared abdominal: simple y con malla de polipropileno.ResultadosEl análisis del grupo estudiado estableció una tasa general de reincidencia de 16.9% y, en los 4 procesos, del 40.74% en caso de plastias simples, del 16.07% después de plastias onlay, del 6.97% después de plastias retromusculares y del 6.25% después de la sustitución completa de la avería parietal. Mediante el análisis de los datos obtenidos, la recidiva de la hernia fue significativamente correlacionada con: el grado de obesidad, las variaciones de la presión intraabdominal, el dolor postoperatorio y el tipo de procedimiento realizado.ConclusionesLa recurrencia de la hernia fue más frecuente en las plastias simples. Entre los procesos con malla, a la plastia onlay se le asignó una mayor tasa de recaídas y complicaciones postoperatorias. La recurrencia de la hernia fue más frecuente en las variaciones de la presión intraabdominal y con el dolor postoperatorio aumentado. La realización de la ecografía puede aumentar la precisión de la presencia de la hernia.AbstractBackgroundThe incisional hernia continues to be a frequent complication of laparotomies. The purpose of study is the analysis of hernia disease relapse after one year after different open plasties methods of the abdominal wall.Material and methodsA prospective longitudinal study was performed that included 142 patients. An analysis was performed on the individual data, the level of obesity, intra-surgical variations in intra-abdominal pressure, the intensity of post-surgical pain, the post-surgical complications, and the types of plasties of abdominal wall, simple and with polypropylene mesh.ResultsThe analysis of studied group showed a general rate of relapse of 16.9%, and within the 4 procedures, 40.74% in the case of simple plasties, of 16.07% after the only plasties, 6.97% after the retro-muscular plasties, and 6.25% after the full substitution of parietal defect. On analysing the collected, hernia relapse was statistically significantly related to the level of obesity, variations in intra-abdominal pressure, post-surgical pain, and the type of procedure performed.ConclusionsHernia is a frequent complication of laparotomies. Hernia relapse was more frequent in the case of simple plasties. Among the mesh procedures, the onlay plasty showed a higher rate of relapse and post-surgical complications. Hernia relapse was more frequent in the case of variations of intra-abdominal pressure, and with increased post-surgical pain. The use of an echography examination may increase the accuracy of the presence of hernia disease

    Rare cause of digestive hemorrhage – synchronous gastrointestinal stromal tumor of jejunum – case report

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    Clinica Chirurgicală II Tg-Mureş, Departamentul de Anatomie PatologicăTumora gastrointestinală stromală este o neoplazie malignă rară, reprezentând 0,1-3% din neoplaziile gastrointestinale. Tumora interesează cel mai frecvent stomacul (50-70%), intestinul subţire (20-30%) şi colonul – mai puţin de 10%. Descriem cazul unui pacient de sex masculin în vârstă de 61 ani internat cu anemie severă, datorate unei hemoragii digestive grave prin tumoare stromală gastrointestinală sincronă jejunală cu ulceraţie dublă a mucoasei intestinale. Gastroscopia, colonoscopia şi irigografia nu poate preciza sursa hemoragiei. Computer tomografia evidenţiază îngroşarea marcată a peretelui jejunal (21 mm). Se intervine chirurgical constatându-se intraoperator două tumori jejunale, prima la 30 cm de unghiul Treitz aderent de o ansă ileală şi epiplon, iar a doua la 30 de cm distal de prima tumoră. S-a practicat rezecţie segmentară de jejun şi ileon ”en bloc” cu anastomoză jejuno-jejunală şi ileo-ileală. Evoluţia postoperatorie a fost favorabilă, cu externarea pacientului în ziua a 6-a postoperatorie. Rezultatul examinării histopatologice: tumori stromale gastrointestinale maligne, pleomorfe sincrone, CD117 pozitiv. Concluzii: tumorile stromale gastrointestinale pot fi evidenţiate prin explorări imagistice; rezecţia chirurgicală completă ”en bloc” constituie terapia în cazul tumorilor rezecabile.Gastrointestinal stromal tumor is a rare malignant neoplasia, representing 0,1-3% of gastrointestinal cancers. This tumor appeares most frequently in the stomach (50-70%), small bowel (20-30%) and colon – less than 10%. We describe here the case of a 61 years male patient who was admitted in our surgical department for severe digestive hemorrhage by jejunal gastrointestinal stromal tumours with synchronous double ulceration of intestinal mucosa. Gastroscopy, colonoscopy and irigography did not specify the source of bleeding. Computer tomography shows marked wall thickening of jejunum (21 mm). Intraoperatively we found two jejunal tumors, first at 30 cm from the angle of Treitz joint to the ileon and epiplon and the second at 30 cm from the first tumor. We performed “en bloc” segmental jejunal and ileal resection with jejuno-jejunal and ileo-ileal anastomosis. The postoperative outcome was favorable; the patient was discharged on day 6 after surgery. The histopathological examination showes: pleomorfe synchronous malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumors, CD117 positive. Conclusions: gastrointestinal stromal tumors can be revealed by echo and CT ; “en bloc” surgical resection is the therapy of choice for resectable tumors

    Equisetum arvense

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    Background. The antimicrobial activity of the Equisetum arvense L. extract and the mechanisms involved in the in vitro effects on endothelial vascular cells exposed to hyperosmotic stress were evaluated. Methods. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated by disk diffusion method and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination, and oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis, in pretreatment with Equisetum arvense L., caffeic acid, and cathechin, were quantified. Results. The results have shown that Equisetum arvense L. exhibited antibacterial effects only on pathogenic gram-positive cocci. The modulatory activity of Equisetum arvense L. on endothelial cells exposed to hypertonic medium was different and depended on the concentration used. Low concentrations of tested compounds exerted antioxidant effect and diminished the activity of caspase-8 and also increased IκB expression while in high doses, Equisetum arvense L. was prooxidant, induced apoptosis, and decreased IL-6 secretion. Conclusions. These experimental findings suggest that Equisetum arvense L. has antibacterial effects on gram-positive cocci and, administered in low dose, may be a new therapeutic approach for diseases associated with hypertonic conditions or oxidative stress and apoptosis

    Impact of Lavender Flower Powder as a Flavoring Ingredient on Volatile Composition and Quality Characteristics of Gouda-Type Cheese during Ripening

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    This study aimed to formulate a Gouda-type cheese from cow's milk, flavored with lavender flower powder (0.5 g/L matured milk), ripened for 30 days at 14 °C and 85% relative humidity. Physicochemical, microbiological, and textural characteristics, as well as the volatile composition of the control (CC-cheese without lavender) and lavender cheese (LC), were assessed at 10-day intervals of ripening. Consumers' perception, acceptance, and purchase intention were only evaluated for ripened cheeses. Moisture and carbohydrate contents, the pH, cohesiveness, indexes of springiness and chewiness decreased during ripening in both CC and LC; however, protein, ash, and sodium chloride contents, titratable acidity, hardness, lactobacilli, streptococci, and volatiles increased. Fat and fat in dry matter contents, respectively, the energy value did not vary with ripening time in LC and increased in CC; gumminess decreased in CC and did not change in LC. Lavender flower powder significantly affected the cheese's microbiological and sensory characteristics and volatile composition but did not considerably impact physicochemical and textural ones. Populations of lactobacilli and streptococci were substantially higher in LC compared to CC. The volatile profile of LC was dominated by terpene and terpenoids, and that of CC by haloalkanes. Sensory scores were slightly lower for LC than CC, even if it did not considerably affect consumers' acceptance and purchase intention


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    The new realities of a continously changing society the more and more aware about the ecological aspects, demanding a new quality of life, and rejecting the negative aspects of mass tourism, has founded the basis of the rural tourism