12 research outputs found

    Položaj kriminologa i kriminalista kao indikator ozbiljnost i savremene društvene zajednice / Criminologists and Criminalists Position as an Indicator of the Seriousness of Contemporary Society

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    Sigurnost predstavlja najosnovniju potrebu za sigurnost građana u lokalnim zajednicama. Zajednice se teško snalaze i vrlo često se stiče dojam da nisu u stanju pružiti adekvatne odgovore na narastajući trend „hard nasilja“ (Bakić, 1999). U čemu je tajna ovog trenda, koji je najizraženiji u tranzicijskom zemljama. Tranzicija se može korelirati sa ovim osjećajem, jer ona podrazumijeva prelazak iz sistema „apsolutne kontrole sigurnosti“ u „demokratski sistem kontrole“. Da li je to uistinu tako? Ko su savremeni „društveni higijeničari“ (Mlađenović, 2000)? Kako građani percipiraju „službe za provedbu zakona“? Koliko vodimo računa o kvalitativnoj selekciji u službe za provedbu zakona? Da li postoji BH profil službenika za provedbu zakona? Da li kriminolog i kriminalist imaju svoje mjesto u ovom sistemu? Šta je alternatva i čemu ona vodi? U ovoj prezentaciji, pokušat ćemo korelirati sve ove dileme i podstaći društvo da razmisli o tome. ---------------------------------------Security is the most basic need for community safety. Communities are difficult to manage and very often the impression is that communities are unable to provide adequate answers to the growing trend of „hard violence“ (Bakic, 1999). What is the essence of this trend, which is the most pronounced in the transition countries? Transition can be correlated with this feeling, because it implies the transition from a system of „absolute security control“ to the „democratic system of control“. Is this really so? Who are the modern „social hygienists“ (Mladenovic, 2000)? How citizens perceive „the law enforcement agencies“? How much do we take in account the qualitative selection in law enforcement agencies? Does the general profile of the B&H law enforcement officials exist? Do criminologists and criminalists have their place in this system? What is the alternative way and what it takes? In this presentation, it will be attempted to correlate all this dilemmas and to encourage society to think about it.

    Attitude, knowledge and practice of pediatricians in the prevention of early childhood caries

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    Background/Aim: The aim of the research was to examine the general attitude, knoweledge and practice of pediatricians about caries in children of preschool age. Material and Methods: The research was conducted from November 2019 to the end of January 2020. The research consisted of a survey of pediatricians. The questionnaire consisted of 4 modules and 37 questions, which related to the attitude, knowledge and practice of pediatricians on the prevention of early childhood caries. Results: The majority of pediatricians (84.9%) stated that they assess the nutrition of their patients, while 32.1% of them always do oral health assessment, and half of them in the second month of the child's life; and 39.6% assess oral health only if there is a problem. The majority of pediatricians (86.8%) recommended the first dental examination, most often in the first year of the child's life (79.5%), and then every 6 months (43.5%). The majority of respondents did not required information about the dental health of their patients' mothers, fluoride toothpastes and topical application of fluoride as well (62.3-75.5%). The majority of pediatricians (79.2%) have never provided or sometimes provided educational material on caries prevention and control to the parents of their patients. The most accurate answers and the highest percentage of correct answers that the pediatricians had were about attitudes (Z=8.98, 66.63%), while the fewest correct answers and the lowest percentage of correct answers regarding the practices on the prevention of early childhood caries (Z=11.91, 58.90%). Conclusions: The research showed that pediatricians have the good attitudes and knowledge, but do not implement prevention of early childhood caries in practice. The basic deficiency of attitude, knowledge and perception of the importance of prevention is a consequence of insufficient education of pediatricians

    Sistem privatne sigurnosti Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine

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    Zaznava socialnega nereda v soseski in odnos do občutkov varnosti v Sarajevu

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    Purpose: In this article, the authors examine how fear of crime levels vary depending upon the degree of quality of living conditions within neighbourhoods. Additionally, the intervening mechanisms that link the degree of living quality with the level of fear of crime within neighbourhoods of Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be explored. Design/Methods/Approach: This article shows the impact which neighbourly relations and social (dis) organization have on citizens’ perceptions of the so-called fear of crime. In order to measure the fear of crime in general, the authors relied on Van der Wurff’s model which has already been widely used in criminology and which is based on six vignettes describing six different social situations. The authors used a multi-stage random probability method to select a representative sample of households living in urban zones of Sarajevo. The sample population (N = 400) consisted of adult (18 years or older) inhabitants of urban areas comprising Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Findings: The Neighbourhood Disorder and Fear of Crime models indicate that welldeveloped social networks have a significant impact on feeling safe within Sarajevo’s neighbourhoods. Research Limitations/Implications: The most serious objection that can be raised with regard to this survey is the application of the interview as the only data collection technique. Most certainly, the inclusion of other techniques (e.g. focus groups) and methods would achieve more valid results. Practical implications: From the perspectives of practical implications, fear of crime can negatively impact citizens’ lives, and it is important to prevent this phenomenon in our communities, through everyday police activities and activities of other institutions of formal and informal social control. Originality/Value: The incidence and perceptions of safety in Sarajevo has become linked with perceived problems of social stability, moral consensus, and the collective informal control processes that underpin the social order of neighborhoods.Namen prispevka: V članku avtorja preučujeta intenzivnost strahu pred kriminaliteto glede na kakovost življenjskih pogojev v mestnih četrtih. Poleg tega se avtorja ukvarjata z vmesnimi mehanizmi med stopnjo kvalitete življenja in nivojem strahu pred kriminaliteto v soseskah Sarajeva, glavnega mesta Bosne in Hercegovine. Metode: Članek poskuša prikazati vpliv sosedskih odnosov in socialne (ne) organiziranosti na zaznavo tako imenovanega strahu pred kriminaliteto pri prebivalcih. V raziskavi sta avtorja za merjenje strahu pred kriminaliteto uporabila v kriminologiji večkrat uporabljen Van der Wurffov model, ki temelji na šestih vinjetah in opisuje šest različnih situacij, v katerih se posameznik lahko znajde. Avtorja sta uporabila večstopenjsko slučajnostno vzorčenje gospodinjstev v mestnih območjih Sarajeva. Vzorec populacije (N = 400) so sestavljali odrasli (18 let ali več) prebivalci mestnih območij Sarajeva, glavnega mesta Bosne in Hercegovine. Ugotovitve: Oba modela »Nered v soseski« in »Strah pred kriminaliteto« kažeta, da imajo dobro razvite socialne mreže velik vpliv na občutek varnosti v mestnih četrtih Sarajeva. Omejitve: Omejitve pri raziskavi se kažejo predvsem v uporabi intervjuja kot edinega načina zbiranja podatkov. Prav gotovo bi z vključitvijo tudi drugih metod (ciljna skupina itd.) dosegli bolj veljavne rezultate. Praktična uporabnost: Strah pred kriminaliteto lahko negativno vpliva na življenje prebivalcev, zato je pomembno, da se s pomočjo vsakodnevnih dejavnosti policije in dejavnosti drugih institucij formalnega in neformalnega družbenega nadzora ta pojav v naši skupnosti preprečuje. Izvirnost prispevka: Dojemanje varnosti je v Sarajevu povezano z zaznavo problematike socialne stabilnosti, moralnega konsenza in kolektivnega neformalnega nadzora vzdrževanja družbenega reda v soseskah

    Postopkovna pravičnost, legitimnost policije in sodelovanje bosanskih študentov s policijo

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to highlight the factors that influence police legitimacy in students’ eyes. More specifically, this study presents an empirical test and description of student attitudes based on prior experiences with the police and the criminal-justice system. This study aims at describing correlations between police legitimacy and the identified significant factors (procedural justice, compliance with the law, police effectiveness, moral credibility, personal morality, deterrence) which may determine legitimacy of the police. Furthermore, it is important to assess attitudes of students of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies at the University of Sarajevo about their cooperation with the police. The ultimate purpose of this study is to test various research hypotheses derived from the process-based model of policing. The findings may be used as a basis for the future related research in Sarajevo or Bosnia and Herzegovina. Design/Methods/Approach: This study tests process-based model hypotheses using cross-sectional data from students of the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, who successfully completed an online questionnaire (n = 583). In this empirical study, a survey was used as a method of data collection. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion) and statistical inference (factor analysis and correlation analyses). Findings: The study presents the findings of the survey conducted among the students of the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The majority of the surveyed respondents revealed that trust in the police is determined by the perceived police reputation. That means that if the police work effectively, morally, and in compliance with the law, the level of trust in the police increases. Moreover, the findings have shown that the threat of sanctions/costs (formal and informal) plays a significant role in the story about trust in the police, as well as the relationship between procedural justice and trust in the police. On the other hand, the analyses did not report significant correlations between police legitimacy and other factors such as cooperation with the police. Thus, demographic factors (gender and age), self-control and lifestyle do not play a significant role in terms of trust in the police, at least within this sample of college students. Research Limitations / Implications: The limitations of this study relate primarily to sampling. A convenience sample was used in this case, and although the online survey questionnaire was available to all students in the two faculties (N = 4014), a large number did not complete the survey, which can be considered as a research limitation. Considering that only 583 students successfully completed the online questionnaire, the response rate is 14.51%. Practical Implications: The results of this study have implications for police practices in Canton of Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Specifically, the findings can be considered as the indicators which can aid the police to improve their practice in Canton Sarajevo. Originality/Value: The study is important because studies of this kind are a rarity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, so it means that the results of this study could become the basis for such studies in the future. Furthermore, this study examines those factors that influence trust in the police among students of law, criminal justice, criminology and security studies in Sarajevo.Namen prispevka: Namen študije je osvetliti dejavnike, ki vplivajo na zaupanje študentov v policijo v Sarajevu. Natančneje, pričujoča študija predstavlja empirični preizkus in opis odnosa študentov, ki temelji na preteklih izkušnjah s policijo in sistemom kazenskega pravosodja. Namen študije je ugotoviti, ali obstaja povezava med postopkovno pravičnostjo, legitimnostjo policije in sodelovanjem javnosti s policijo, kakor tudi preučiti, kaj vpliva na zaupanje v policijo med študenti Pravne fakultete in Fakultete za kriminalistiko, kriminologijo in varnostne vede Univerze v Sarajevu. Glavni namen študije je preveriti različne raziskovalne hipoteze, ki izhajajo iz postopkovnega modela policijske dejavnosti. Ugotovitve študije je možno uporabiti kot osnovo za prihodnje podobne raziskave v Sarajevu ter Bosni in Hercegovini. Metode: Študija testira hipoteze, ki izhajajo iz na postopkovnem modelu temelječe policijske dejavnosti. Pri tem uporablja presečne podatke študentov Pravne fakultete in Fakultete za kriminalistiko, kriminologijo in varnostne vede Univerze v Sarajevu, ki so v celoti izpolnili spletni vprašalnik (n = 583). V pričujoči empirični raziskavi je bila kot metoda zbiranja podatkov uporabljena anketa. Podatke smo analizirali s pomočjo opisne statistike (mere srednjih vrednosti in razpršenosti) in statističnega sklepanja (faktorska analiza in analize korelacij). Ugotovitve: Članek predstavlja ugotovitve raziskave med študenti Pravne fakultete in Fakultete za kriminalistiko, kriminologijo in varnostne vede Univerze v Sarajevu v Bosni in Hercegovini. Večina respondentov je razkrila, da je zaupanje v policijo določeno z dojemanjem njenega ugleda. To pomeni, da če policija deluje učinkovito, moralno in v skladu z zakonom, se stopnja zaupanja v policijo povečuje. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da ima grožnja glede sankcij/stroškov (formalnih in neformalnih) pomembno vlogo v zgodbi o zaupanju v policijo, prav tako pa je pomemben tudi odnos med postopkovno pravičnostjo in zaupanjem v policijo. Po drugi strani pa analize niso pokazale pomembnih korelacij med legitimnostjo policije in drugimi spremenljivkami, kot je sodelovanje s policijo. Tako tudi demografski dejavniki (spol in starost), samonadzor in življenjski slog ne igrajo pomembne vloge glede zaupanja v policijo. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Omejitve te študije se nanašajo predvsem na vzorčenje. Za namen pričujočega prispevka je bil uporabljen priložnostni vzorec. Čeprav je bila spletna anketa na voljo vsem študentom obeh fakultet (N = 4014), veliko študentov vprašalnika ni izpolnilo, kar lahko štejemo za omejitev raziskave. Glede na to, da je samo 583 študentov v celoti izpolnilo spletni vprašalnik, je stopnja odzivnosti 14,51 %. Praktična uporabnost: Rezultati raziskave imajo vpliv na policijsko prakso v kantonu Sarajevo ter Bosni in Hercegovini. Natančneje, ugotovitve je možno obravnavati kot kazalnike, ki lahko pomagajo policiji pri izboljšanju svoje prakse v kantonu Sarajevo. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Raziskava je pomembna, saj so študije te vrste v Bosni in Hercegovini redkost, kar pomeni, da bi ti rezultati lahko postali podlaga za podobne raziskave v prihodnosti. Študija proučuje tudi tiste dejavnike, ki vplivajo na zaupanje v policijo med študenti prava, kazenskega pravosodja, kriminologije in varnostnih ved v Sarajevu

    Fear of crime in two post-socialist capital cities - Ljubljana, Slovenia and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Theorizing about the fear of crime is one of the main activities of contemporary research in the field of international criminology. The research on variations in fear levels has been dominated by sociological, socio-demographic variables, and social-psychological models of fear of crime. This article uses multiple regression techniques in order to examine these variables to compare fear of crime in two central European capitals: Ljubljana, Slovenia and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo was found to be more fearful overall than Ljubljana. This difference may be explained by differences in the roles of the two cultures in the war of the former Yugoslavia. The current article focuses on differences in culture (e.g., status of women and self-estimation) as well as post-war conditions such as economics, social deprivation, and disorganization in order to explain differing levels of fear of crime

    Strah pred kriminaliteto v mestnih soseskah

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    Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je predstaviti splošne ugotovitve ankete o strahu pred kriminaliteto na vzorcu 2377 izpraševancev v glavnih mestih republik in avtonomne pokrajine nekdanje Jugoslavije v letu 2009. Metode: Zbiranje podatkov je bilo opravljeno z intervjuji v gospodinjstvih. Intervjuje so izvedli usposobljeni anketarji. Uporabljeni statistični metodi sta bili faktorska in regresijska analiza. Statistični testi kažejo, da je uporabljen model veljaven in zanesljiv, prav tako je bilo ustrezno tudi vzorčenje. Ugotovitve: Glavne ugotovitve so podobne kot pri drugih zahodnoevropskih in ameriških študijah o strahu pred kriminaliteto. Rezultati kažejo, da je strah pred kriminaliteto odvisen od šibkih socialnih mrež v soseski, zaskrbljenosti zaradi kriminalitete, verjetnosti viktimizacije v naslednjih 12 mesecih, resnosti posledic viktimizacije, nizki sposobnosti samoobrambe pred napadalcem, vpliva viktimizacije na posameznikovo življenje, preventivnih ukrepov (previdnost), spola (ženske), izobrazbe, nizkega položaja na trgu dela in vpliva nedavne viktimizacije na intenzivnost strahu pred kriminaliteto pri posamezniku. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Rezultati raziskave so uporabni pri oblikovanju politike na področju omejevanja in preprečevanja kriminalitete in še posebej opozarjajo na uporabo socialnih in situacijskih preventivnih ukrepov za njeno zmanjševanje. Praktična uporabnost: Članek je uporaben tudi za izvajalce policijskega dela v skupnosti, še zlasti glede starejših ljudi, žensk in socialno in ekonomsko marginaliziranih posameznikov. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Raziskovalni projekt predstavljen v tem članku je prva primerjalna raziskava z uporabo sociodemografskega in socialnopsihološkega modela na območju Jugovzhodne Evrope. Kljub temu pa je raziskava tudi replikacija in preizkus že uporabljenih modelov za raziskovanje strahu pred kriminaliteto v Zahodni Evropi