100 research outputs found

    History of the Hall Thrusters Development in USSR

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    Abstract: As it is well known two types of the so-called "Hall Thrusters" had been developed in USSR, namely: the stationary plasma thrusters (SPT) and thrusters with anode layer (TAL). In the SPT and TAL the ions acceleration by an electric field within the gas were designed, created and tested. They were able to operate with gaseous propellants (Xe, Kr, Ar) within the discharge voltage range of (100-600) V and discharge powers (1-5) kW with thrust efficiency till 40% and specific impulses (1000-1800) s. Obtained performance level was estimated as prospective enough because it was higher than that one of the other EP types within the mentioned range of specific impulses. Therefore at level of the State Committee of Atomic Energy (SCAE) of USSR it was decided to realize the first SPT flight test and in 1972 SPT was successfully * Chief scientist, professor, department of the stationary plasma thrusters, [email protected]. † Chief designer on EP direction, Dr, EPS design development department. ‡ General designer of EDB "Fakel", Dr. § Head of EP laboratory, Dr


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    Aim. To assess the effectiveness of preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic work of the oncological service of Krasnodar Region, analyze the epidemiological features of morbidity, mortality, indicators reflecting the diagnosis (the proportion of early detection, neglect) in patients with melanoma skin cancer for the period 2007–2017, and the survival of cancer patients in Krasnodar Region for the period 2007–2016.Materials and methods. Subjects of the study were patients with newly diagnosed melanoma skin cancer in Krasnodar Region for the period 2007–2017. Using an automated information and analytical system the Population Cancer Registry, survival of 3 961 patients with melanoma skin cancer for the period 2007–2016 was analyzed. Standardized rates of morbidity and mortality were calculated according to the accepted world standard with the same age groupings. Statistical processing of data according to the studied indicators was carried out using statistical software packages Statistica. The reliability of the difference in the relative indicators was determined by the t test of the Student, the significance level was adopted as p <0.05.Results. For the period from 2007 to 2017, there has been a significant trend towards an increase in the incidence of melanoma skin cancer of the population of Krasnodar Region. The incidence of melanoma skin cancer in Krasnodar Region is higher than the average for the Russian Federation, which may be due to the presence of an increased level of insolation. During the analyzed period there has been a decrease in the indicator of neglect. With the increase in the stage of melanoma skin cancer, the survival rates both in general among all the diseased and among patients of working age are decreasing. The highest rates of observed and adjusted survival in patients with melanoma skin cancer reduce in the first three years from the date of diagnosis. The indicators of the observed and corrected survival of men of working age with melanoma skin cancer are lower than in women of working age. The indicators of the observed and corrected survival of women of working age with melanoma skin cancer are higher than among the population of all age groups.Сonclusion. The study showed a high level of early diagnosis and quality of treatment for patients with melanoma skin cancer in the Krasnodar Region, as positive trends in the rates of observed and adjusted survival of patients were noted

    Evolution of the CDK4/6 inhibitor abemaciclib: from palliative to adjuvant therapy. Clinical experience with abemaciclib in patients with hormone-receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer

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    Introduction. Cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors are indicated in endocrine therapy for the treatment of hormone receptorpositive, HER2-negative, advanced, or metastatic breast cancer. In the recent past, abemaciclib made its debut as a combinatorial partner for adjuvant therapy in hormone-dependent breast cancer. This article demonstrates the analysis of our own experience of introducing abemaciclib into clinical practice.Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate the preliminary results of treatment of patients with hormone receptor-positive HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer using abemaciclib outside the framework of clinical trials, in the real clinical practice of an oncological dispensary.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the results of treatment was carried out in 27 patients who were prescribed abe-maciclib in various regimens and lines from April 2021 to January 2022 in the conditions of routine practice in the Krasnodar region.Results and discussion. Analysis of the total population of 27 patients at a median follow-up of 8 months showed that the median PFS was not reached. The one-year PFS was 68.8%. Treatment outcomes were independent of prescribing abemaciclib to treat baseline metastatic disease or breast cancer progression after previous radical treatment (p = 0.60). The PFS did not depend on the expression of progesterone receptors in the tumor tissue (p = 0.326) and the proliferative activity index Ki-67 (p = 0.618). Patients who received no more than 2 lines of previous drug treatment for a history of metastatic breast cancer had the greatest benefit from abemaciclib therapy (p = 0.001).Conclusions. Despite a relatively difficult group of patients (96% of patients with visceral metastases), abemaciclib has demonstrated efficacy and safety. The effectiveness did not depend on the analyzed factors: Ki-67, the level of expression of progesterone receptors, the type of metastatic disease (de novo metastatic or progressive breast cancer). In view of the best results, it is advisable to prescribe abemaciclib in the early lines of therapy

    Advances in and Issues With Minimally Invasive Surgery for Rectal Cancer in Elderly Patients

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    Colorectal cancer ranks third after breast cancer in terms of incidence and second after lung cancer in terms of mortality.Management of rectal cancer requires a multidisciplinary approach, with the surgical management playing the main role. There are currently three resective techniques that complement the traditional open surgery: laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery, and transanal total mesorectal excision.Rectal cancer in elderly patients is particularly hard to diagnose and treat surgically due to multiple comorbidities and limited functional reserve. Treatment of such patients may be associated with poorer outcomes after both open and minimally invasive surgery.This article reviews the current state of advances in minimally invasive surgery for rectal cancer in general and in elderly patients in particular

    Pneumomediastinum as a predictor of negative prognosis in patients with coronavirus pneumonia

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    Aim of the study was to analyze the course of coronavirus pneumonia in patients with pneumomediastinum. Material and methods. The study included 139 patients, 71 of whom developed spontaneous pneumomediastinum against the background of coronavirus pneumonia. Laboratory, clinical and radiological data were analyzed and compared. Results. The relationship between the severity of viral pneumonia (3rd–4th degree of severity according to MSCT) and pneumomediastinum was revealed. It was found that spontaneous mediastinal emphysema in patients with COVID-19 signifcantly more often leads to the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ failure and can be a predictor of negative prognosis of the disease outcome. Conclusions. Pneumomediastinum in patients with viral pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus infection is a predictor of severe disease and poor prognosis. With an increase in spontaneous mediastinal emphysema without pneumothorax, it is recommended to perform mediastinotomy according to Razumovsky’s indications, and in case of clinically signifcant concomitant pneumothorax – drainage and revision of the mediastinum

    Ellinaite, CaCr2O4, a New Natural Post-Spinel Oxide from Hatrurim Basin, Israel, and Juína Kimberlite Field, Brazil

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    Ellinaite, a natural analog of the post-spinel phase β-CaCr2O4, was discovered at the Hatrurim Basin, Hatrurim pyrometamorphic formation (the Mottled Zone), Israel, and in an inclusion within the super-deep diamond collected at the placer of the Sorriso River, Juína kimberlite field, Brazil. Ellinaite at the Hatrurim Basin is confined to a reduced rankinite-gehlenite paralava, where it occurs as subhedral grains up to 30μm in association with gehlenite, rankinite and pyrrhotite or forms the rims overgrowing zoned chromite-magnesiochromite. The empirical formula of the Hatrurim sample is (Ca0.960Fe0.0162+Na0.012Mg0.003)0.992(Cr1.731V0.1833+Ti0.0683+Al0.023Ti0.0034+)2.008O4. The mineral crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group Pnma, unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray single-crystal data: A 8.868(9), b 2.885(3), c 10.355(11)Å, V 264.9(5)Å3 and ZCombining double low line4. The crystal structure of ellinaite from the Hatrurim Basin has been solved and refined to R1Combining double low line0.0588 based on 388 independent observed reflections. Ellinaite in the Juína diamond occurs within the micron-sized polyphase inclusion in association with ferropericlase, magnesioferrite, orthorhombic MgCr2O4, unidentified iron carbide and graphite. Its empirical formula is Ca1.07(Cr1.71Fe0.063+V0.06Ti0.03Al0.03Mg0.02Mn0.02)ς1.93O4. The unit-cell parameters obtained from HRTEM data are as follows: Space group Pnma, a 9.017, b 2.874Å, c 10.170Å, V 263.55Å3, ZCombining double low line4. Ellinaite belongs to a group of natural tunnel-structured oxides of the general formula AB2O4, the so-called post-spinel minerals: Marokite CaMn2O4, xieite FeCr2O4, harmunite CaFe2O4, wernerkrauseite CaFe23+Mn4+O6, chenmingite FeCr2O4, maohokite MgFe2O4 and tschaunerite Fe(FeTi)O4. The mineral from both occurrences seems to be crystallized under highly reduced conditions at high temperatures (>1000°C), but under different pressure: Near-surface (Hatrurim Basin) and lower mantle (Juína diamond). © 2021 Victor V. Sharygin et al.Raman spectroscopy and EBSD investigations for the Hatrurim ellinaite were done on state assignment of IGM SB RAS (IX.125.2) and the Initiative Project of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation (grant agreement no. 02.A03.21.0006)). SEM and microprobe studies for the Hatrurim ellinaite were supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 17-17-01056p). Crystallographic studies of the Hatrurim ellinaite were provided by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 18-17-00079)

    Surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in patients with liver cirrhosis

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    Objective: Improving the results of surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in patients with liver cirrhosis.Material and methods: The results of medical care for 328 patients with liver cirrhosis, who were treated in the surgical departments of the central district and city hospitals of the Krasnodar Region, were analyzed. The effectiveness of minimally invasive surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in 832 patients with liver cirrhosis treated at the Regional Clinical Hospital no. 2 of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Region were also evaluated.Results: The mortality rate in patients with liver cirrhosis, admitted in first-level institutions of medical care due to acute bleeding from esophageal varices, reached 26.3%. In conditions of surgical treatment of complications of portal hypertension in a third-level institution of specialized care it did not exceed 4.7%.Conclusion: The optimal approach to the surgical treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis is to stop the bleeding from esophageal varices at the first stage of medical care and to treat portal hypertension complications using minimally invasive technologies in a multidisciplinary clinic involving a multidisciplinary team of doctors