60 research outputs found

    Halictus hedini hedini (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) newly recorded from Japan, revealed by DNA barcoding and morphology

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    Halictus hedini hedini Blüthgen is newly recorded from Japan. The species had been previously mistaken for the Holarctic species H. rubicundus (Christ), which is removed from the Japanese fauna. Halictus hedini hedini was previously known from Eastern and Central Asia. Halictus hedini hedini is similar to H. rubicundus, but is separated by the first metasomal tergum with coarse and deep punctures in both sexes and the male flagellum ventrally with a fringe of short hairs. A key to Japanese species of Halictus is provided. DNA barcodes, phenology, and floral records from Japan are reported

    Colletes jankowskyi (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) newly recorded from Japan, with some biological notes and DNA barcodes

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    Colletes jankowskyi Radoszkowski is recorded from Japan for the first time.  It is similar to C. babai Hirashima & Tadauchi and C. floralis Eversmann of the Japanese congeners, but is separated from these allied species by the combination of following characters: malar space short, less than one-half of basal width of mandible; mesoscutum with whitish hairs mixed with darker ones; first metasomal tergum with dense punctures; and hair zone on disc of seventh metasomal sternum narrow in central area.  DNA barcodes are also useful for discrimination among these three species.  The habitat of Japanese C. jankowskyi may be limited to semi-natural grassland.  Adults appeared from mid-August to mid-September.  The number of individuals is richest from late August to early September, although the species had been collected earlier in the season on the Asian mainland.  Most specimens were collected on flowers of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya Miq. (Fabaceae).  In Japan, C. jankowskyi is suggested as a relict species judging from the distribution and habitat information

    The bee family Halictidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) from Central Asia collected by the Kyushu and Shimane Universities Expeditions

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    Central Asia is one of the important centers of bee diversity in the Palearctic Region. However, there is insufficient information for many taxa in the central Asian bee fauna. The Kyushu and Shimane Universities (Japan) Expeditions to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Xinjiang Uyghur of China were conducted in the years 2000 to 2004 and 2012 to 2014. Eighty-eight species of the bee family Halictidae Thomson, 1869 are enumerated including new localities in central Asia. Halictus tibialis Walker, 1871, H. persephone Ebmer, 1976, Lasioglossum denislucum (Strand, 1909), L. griseolum (Morawitz, 1872), L. melanopus (Dalla Torre, 1896), L. nitidiusculum (Kirby, 1802), L. sexnotatulum (Nylander, 1852), L. subequestre (Blüthgen, 1931), L. sublaterale (Blüthgen, 1931), and L. zonulum (Smith, 1848) are recorded from central Asia for the first time. Thirty-two species are newly recorded from Kazakhstan, 19 spp. from Kyrgyzstan, 2 spp. from Uzbekistan, and 11 spp. from Xinjiang Uyghur of China. The genus Lasioglossum dominated the number of species and individuals in the collection. The halictid fauna mostly composed of western to central Asian elements in our surveyed area

    Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) speculinum

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    Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) speculinum (Cockerell, 1925) Figs 11, 16C, 17F, 20G Halictus perplexans var. speculinus Cockerell,1925:11 (holotype:USNM, ♀,type locality =Preobrageniya Bay, Siberia, Russia, examined). Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) speculinum – Ebmer 1978a: 212; 1996: 294; 2006: 573. Evylaeus (Prosopalictus) speculinus – Pesenko 2007b: 111. Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) speculinum – Murao 2017a: 461. Diagnosis Females are separated from other members of the sexstrigatus group occurring in Japan by a combination of the following character states: head relatively longer than wide (length / width ratio 1.07); metasoma entirely black; metasomal terga with white fimbriae on latero-apical margins; and disc of T1 basally to medially with distinct lineolation (Fig. 16C) (Murao 2017a). Material examined Holotype RUSSIA – Siberia • ♀; Preobrageniya Bay; 12 Jul.; USNM. Other material JAPAN – Hokkaido • 1 ♀; Ashoro-cho, Ashoro; 43°20′0″ N, 143°40′0″ E; 2 Jul. 2013; O. Tadauchi leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Honbetsu-cho, Senbiri; 43°35′0″ N, 143°35′0″ E; 1 Jul. 2013; O. Tadauchi leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Ikeda (Tokachi); 14–16 Jul. 1953; Y. Hirashima leg.; ELKU • 2 ♀♀; Sapporo, Barato; 21 Jun. 1973; M. Matsumoto leg.; MNHAH • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 28 Jun. 1973; M. Matsumoto leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 22 Jul. 1973; M. Matsumoto leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 3 Aug. 1973; M. Matsumoto leg.; MNHAH • 2 ♀♀; Hamakoshimizu; 19 Jun. 1966; H. Fukuda leg.; MNHAH • 7 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 26 Jul. 1966; H. Fukuda leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 27 Jul. 1966; H. Fukuda leg.; MNHAH • 7 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 27 Sep. 1966; H. Fukuda leg.; MNHAH • 6 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 28 Sep. 1966; H. Fukuda leg.; MNHAH • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 19 Jun. 1967; H. Fukuda leg.; MNHAH • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 6 Jul. 1967; H. Fukuda leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; Asahikawa, Inosawa; 25 Jun. 1969; MNHAH • 12 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 27 Jun. 1969; MNHAH • 8 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 13 Jul. 1969; MNHAH • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 26 Aug. 1969; MNHAH • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 10 Jun. 1970; MNHAH • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 25 Jul. 1970; MNHAH • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 11 Aug. 1970 MNHAH • 3 ♀♀; Sapporo; 16 Jul. 1968; S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 23 Jul. 1968; S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 3 Aug. 1968; S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; Tobetsu; 9 Jul. 1974; M. Ishikawa leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; Sapporo, Hokkaido University Campus; 6 Jun. 1959; S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 11 Jun. 1959; S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 26 Jun. 1959 S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 30 Jun. 1959; S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 5 Jul. 1959; S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 6 Jul. 1959; S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 14 Jul. 1959; S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 2 Sep. 1959; S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 9 Sep. 1959; S.F. Sakagami leg.; MNHAH. – Honshu • 1 ♀; Aomori Pref., Misawa, Amagamori; 21 Jul. 1986; M. Yamada leg.; MNHAH • 1 ♀; Ibaraki Pref., Tsukuba, Kouyadai; 24 Jul. 1989; T. Matsumura leg.; MNHAH • 2 ♀♀; Tottori Pref., Seihaku-gun, Daisen-cho; 16 Jul. 2004; T. Sugimoto leg.; cMur • 1 ♀; Okayama Pref., Soujya-shi; 5 Jul. 2006; Y. Kenmotsu leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Hiroshima Pref., Asida river; 17 May 1997; S. Nakamura leg.; ELKU. – Izu Islands • 2 ♀♀; Hachijo Is., Okago-Sokoto; 27 May 1964; Y. Hirashima and M. Shiga leg.; ELKU • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 5 Jun. 1964; Y. Hirashima and M. Shiga leg.; ELKU. – Kyushu • 3 ♀♀; Kumamoto Pref., Aso-gun, Aso-machi, near Mt Komezuka; 23 Jul. 2004; R. Murao and T. Sugimoto leg.; cMur • 1 ♀, Kumamoto Pref., Kikuchigun, Ohzu; 2 Jul. 2003; M. Ishida leg.; AETU • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 14 Jul. 2003; M. Ishida leg.; AETU • 2 ♀♀; Kumamoto Pref., Aso-gun, Ichinomiya-machi, Tateyamabokuya; 22 Jul. 2004; R. Murao leg.; cMur • 1 ♀; Kumamoto Pref., Aso-gun, Aso-machi, Yamadaseibubokuya; 22 Jul. 2004; T. Sugimoto leg.; cMur. Redescription Female MEASUREMENTS (n=5, unit mm). BL =4.50–5.00 (4.85± 0.21), WL= 4.38–4.63 (4.50 ± 0.13), HL=1.48– 1.61 (1.55 ±0.05), HW= 1.39–1.48 (1.45± 0.04), IOD =0.26–0.31 (0.28 ± 0.02), OOD=0.26–0.29 (0.28 ± 0.01), OCD= 0.16–0.19 (0.18± 0.01), UOD= 0.90–1.00 (0.96± 0.04), MOD =1.06–1.13 (1.08± 0.03), LOD =0.74–0.84 (0.80 ± 0.04), IAD =0.11–0.15 (0.13 ±0.01), AOD =0.27–0.29 (0.28 ± 0.01), CAL =0.27–0.31 (0.30 ± 0.02), CPL=0.27–0.34 (0.32 ±0.03), EL=1.65–1.75 (1.70± 0.05), EW =0.35–0.39 (0.37 ± 0.02), GW=0.23–0.35 (0.31 ± 0.05), SPL=0.56–0.61 (0.59 ± 0.03), F1L=0.08– 0.11 (0.09± 0.01), F2L=0.08–0.29 (0.08 ± 0.00), F3L=0.08 (0.08± 0.00), F2W=0.11–0.15 (0.13± 0.01), MsW = 1.70–1.85 (1.75 ±0.06), SCL= 0.35–0.43 (0.38 ± 0.03), MNL=0.15–0.20 (0.19 ± 0.02), MPL =0.20–0.28 (0.25 ±0.03), MtW=1.70–2.00 (1.83± 0.11). COLORATION. Body black except for the following parts: mandible reddish brown apically; F8–F10 or F6–F10 yellowish brown ventrally; tegula yellowish brown translucent; tibial spur yellow; metasomal terga broadly yellowish brown translucent apically. Wings transparent, veins and stigma blackish brown. PUBESCENCE. Body hairs whitish, and covered with erect and sparse straight or fine branched hairs except for the following parts: pronotal dorsum to lobe and metanotum densely tomentose; hind trochanter, femur, and tibia mixed with plumose hairs, forming scopa. Disc of T1 with sparse short hairs on medial and posterior areas. Discs of T2–T4 with moderately dense short hairs over entire surface. STRUCTURE AND SCULPTURE HEAD. Slightly longer than wide; HW:HL= 1:1.07. Vertex rounded in frontal view. MOD:UOD:LOD=1:0.89:0.74. IOD:OOD:OCD =1:1:0.66. IAD:AOD =1:2.18. Ocellocular area densely puctate, IS smooth (IS =0.5–1.5 d). Paraocular area and frons weakly shiny, with shallow reticulate PP. Supraclypeal area slightly convex, weakly shiny, with moderately dense PP, IS nearly smooth (IS =0.5–4 d). CPL:CAL=1:0.94. Clypeus nearly flat, with dense PP on upper half and larger shallow PP on lower half; IS smooth over entire surface (IS =0.5–1 d on upper half). EW:GW =1:0.84. Genal area to postgena with straight ridges. Malar space linear. Occiput not carinate. Hypostomal carinae nearly parallel. Mandible bidentate. Labrum (Fig. 11C): basal area approximately 1.8 × as wide as long; distal process approximately 0.6 × as long as basal area, tongue-like, and without lateral projection; distal keel pointed apically. Antenna short, not reaching metasoma. F2L:F2W=1:1.56; flagellum nearly flattened ventrally. THORAX. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum obtuse; lateral surface without ridges; lateral lobe rounded. Tegula ovoid, nearly smooth. Mesoscutum (Fig. 11D) with dense PP over entire surface; IS weakly tessellate on anterior half, and nearly smooth on posterior half (IS=0.5–3 d); parapsidal line a narrow groove. Mesoscutellum with sparse PP on submedian area and denser PP on marginal area; IS smooth over entire surface (IS=1–4 d on submedian area, and 0.5–1.5 d on marginal area). Metanotum weakly rugulose. Mesepisternum with reticulate PP over entire surface. SCL:MNL:MPL=1:0.49:0.64. Propodeum: metapostnotum (Fig. 11E) weakly shiny and gently inclined, with nearly straight ridges reaching posterior area; junction between metapostnotum and posterior surface not carinate, weakly tessellate; lateral surface weakly rugulose; posterior surface with lateral carina on lower half, without oblique carina. Coxae normal shape, without tubercle. Fore trochanter narrow, longer than wide. Basitibial plate of hind leg carinate marginally. Inner hind tibial spur with 3–4 slender teeth as in Fig. 20G (n = 6). Fore wing with three submarginal cells. ABDOMEN. Disc of T1 with moderately dense distinct PP on medial area and with lineolation on anterior and medial areas (lineolation reaching punctate zone on medial area, but interrupted on submedial patch) (Fig. 16C). Disc of T2–T3 nearly smooth on medial area, and very weakly lineolate on remaining part. Disc of T4 with very weak lineolation over entire surface. Male Not examined in the present study. Variation Disc of T1 distinctly lineolate over entire surface in three specimens collected from Hachijo Is., Japan. Distribution Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Izu-shotô Islands), Korean Peninsula, Russian Far East, China. Flight period Female: June to September. Males have been collected from July to August in the Korean Peninsula (Ebmer 1978b). Flower records The specimens examined in this paper were collected on the flowers of 26 species in 13 families as follows. Apiaceae: Aegopodium podagraria L. Araliaceae: Aralia cordata Thunb. Asteraceae: Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) Sch.Bip.; Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.; Hieracium umbellatum L.; Inula salicina L. var. asiatica Kitam.; Leontodon taraxacoides (Vill.) Mérat; Picris hieracioides L. subsp. japonica (Thunb.) Krylov; Rudbeckia laciniata L.; Solidago virgaurea L. subsp. leiocarpa (Benth.) Hultén; Sonchus brachyotus DC.; Sonchus sp.; Taraxacum sp. Brassicaceae: Brassica rapa L. var. oleifera DC. Convolvulaceae: Calystegia pubescens Lindl. Fabaceae: Trifolium pratense L.; Trifolium repens L. Geraniaceae: Geranium sp.; Geranium yesoense Franch. & Sav. var. pseudopalustre Nakai. Hypericaceae: Hypericum erectum Thunb. Lamiaceae: Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Oxalidaceae: Oxalis corniculata L. Ranunculaceae: Ranunculus repens L. Rosaceae: Rosa multiflora Thunb.; Rosa rugosa Thunb. Rubiaceae: Galium verum L. subsp. asiaticum (Nakai) T.Yamaz. var. asiaticum Nakai f. lacteum (Maxim.) Nakai.Published as part of Murao, Ryuki, 2021, Redefinition of the sexstrigatus group of Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) Cockerell, 1897 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae), with a revision of Japanese species, pp. 1-74 in European Journal of Taxonomy 763 on pages 39-41, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.763.1463, http://zenodo.org/record/523596

    Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) ikudomei Murao 2021, sp. nov.

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    Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) ikudomei sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 2F66A01B-2176-4764-8DB7-59D53A335FB5 Figs 5, 15B, 18D, 20B Diagnosis Females are similar to Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) smilodon Ebmer & Sakagami, 1994 from Japan but are separated from them by the supraclypeal area shinier (IS weakly tessellate), the PP on the mesoscutum sparser (IS=3 d in maximum) (Fig. 5E), and T1 with very weak lineolation. In contrast, in L. (H.) smilodon, the supraclypeal area is dimly shiny (IS distinctly tessellate), the PP on the mesoscutum denser (IS = 2 d at maximum) (Fig. 9E), and the lineolation of T1 clearer. Etymology The specific name is dedicated to Dr Shuichi Ikudome (KWC), who contributed greatly to clarify the bee fauna of Ryukyus Islands, southwestern Japan. Material examined Holotype JAPAN – Ryukyus • ♀; Okinawa Pref., Miyako-jima, Henna-zaki; 3 Jul. 1992; S. Ikudome leg.; ELKU. [Verbatim label:MIYAKO-JIMA/ Henna-zaki/Okinawa Pref./ 3.VII.1992 /S.Ikudome leg.//HOLOTYPE // Lasiioglossum (Hemihalictus) ikudomei Murao] Paratypes JAPAN – Ryukyus • 1 ♀; Yoron Is., Maeno-hama; 4 Jun. 1989; KWC • 1 ♀; Okinawa Pref., Kunigami, Hedo; 5 Apr. 1979; K. Kusigemati leg.; ELKU • 2 ♀♀; Okinawa Pref., Hedo; 5 Apr. 1979; K. Ohara leg.; ELKU • 2 ♀♀; Okinawa Pref., Kunigami-gun, Kunigami-son, Cape Hedo; 26°52′ N, 128°15′ E; 2 Apr. 2017; K. Otsui leg.; cMur • 1 ♀; Okinawa Pref., Okinawa-jima, Kunigami-gun, Kunigami-son, Ada; 22 Aug. 2007; Y. Nishimura leg.; cMur • 1 ♀; Miyako Is., Nishi-heana; 27 Mar. 1995; T. Matsumura leg.; ELKU • 1 ♂; Okinawa Pref., Miyako-jima, Henna-zaki; 3 Jul. 1992; S. Ikudome leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Okinawa Pref., Iriomote Is.; 16–17 Mar. 2005; Y. Maeta leg.; SULE. Description Female MEASUREMENTS (n=5, unit mm). BL =5.13–5.63 (5.43± 0.23), WL= 4.25–4.88 (4.65 ± 0.26), HL=1.55– 1.65 (1.61 ±0.04), HW= 1.48–1.65 (1.57± 0.06), IOD =0.26–0.29 (0.28 ± 0.02), OOD=0.24–0.31 (0.26 ± 0.02), OCD =0.18–0.19 (0.19± 0.01, n=4), UOD =0.94–1.03 (0.98 ±0.04), MOD =1.10– 1.23 (1.15± 0.05), LOD =0.84–0.94 (0.88± 0.04), IAD =0.15–0.16 (0.16 ± 0.01), AOD=0.26–0.31 (0.28 ± 0.02), CAL =0.29–0.32 (0.31± 0.01), CPL=0.34–0.37 (0.35 ±0.01), EL=1.75–1.85 (1.80± 0.04), EW =0.39–0.45 (0.41± 0.04), GW=0.29–0.39 (0.35 ± 0.04), SPL=0.61–0.66 (0.64 ± 0.02), F1L=0.10 (0.10 ± 0.00), F2L =0.08 (0.08± 0.00), F3L= 0.08 (0.08± 0.00), F2W=0.13–0.15 (0.14 ± 0.01), MsW = 1.80–2.05 (1.93 ±0.09), SCL= 0.38–0.45 (0.43 ± 0.03), MNL=0.25–0.30 (0.27± 0.02), MPL =0.25–0.33 (0.28 ±0.03), MtW=1.75–2.10 (1.97 ± 0.13). COLORATION. Body black except for the following parts: mandible reddish brown apically; flagellum brown or blackish brown ventrally; tegula yellowish brown translucent; tibial spur yellow; metasomal terga narrowly yellowish brown translucent apically. Wings transparent, veins and stigma brown. PUBESCENCE. Body hairs whitish, and covered with erect and sparse straight or fine branched hairs except for the following parts: pronotum moderately densely tomentose dorsally and around lobe; hind trochanter, femur, and tibia mixed with plumose hairs, forming scopa. Disc of T1 without distinct short hairs on medial area. STRUCTURE AND SCULPTURE HEAD. Slightly longer than wide or nearly as long as wide; HW:HL=1:1.03. Vertex rounded in frontal view. MOD:UOD:LOD=1:0.85:0.76. IOD:OOD:OCD =1:0.95:0.69. IAD:AOD = 1:1.86. Ocellocular area with moderately dense PP, IS smooth (IS =0.5–3 d). Paraocular area and frons weakly shiny, with shallow reticulate PP. Supraclypeal area slightly convex, weakly shiny, with sparse PP, IS weakly tessellate (IS =1–4 d). CPL:CAL= 1:0.87. Clypeus nearly flat, with sparse PP over entire surface, IS very weakly tessellate on upper half or ⅓ and smooth on lower half or ⅔ (IS =1–5 d). EW:GW =1:0.86. Genal area to postgena with distinct straight ridges. Malar space linear. Occiput not carinate. Hypostomal carinae nearly parallel. Mandible bidentate. Labrum (Fig. 5D): basal area approximately 1.9 × as wide as long; distal process approximately 0.6× as long as basal area, tongue-like, and without lateral projection; distal keel rounded, pointed apically. Antenna short, not reaching metasoma. F2L:F2W=1:1.72; flagellum nearly flattened ventrally. THORAX. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum obtuse; lateral surface without ridges; lateral lobe rounded. Tegula ovoid, nearly smooth. Mesoscutum (Fig. 5E) with moderately dense PP over entire surface; IS weakly tessellate over entire surface (particularly very weak on posterior area) (IS =0.5–3 d); parapsidal line a narrow groove. Mesoscutellum with 2–4 PP on submedian area and denser PP on marginal area; IS nearly smooth on submedian area and very weakly tessellate on marginal area (IS =2–5 d on submedian area, =0.5–2 d on marginal area). Metanotum weakly rugulose. Mesepisternum weakly shiny, with dense shallow PP on upper area and reticulate PP on lower area; IS nearly smooth on upper area (IS=0.5–1 d on upper area). SCL:MNL:MPL=1:0.62:0.66. Propodeum: metapostnotum (Fig. 5F) gently inclined, with irregular sinuate ridges on anterior half in holotype and two paratypes (remaining five paratypes with short longitudinal ridges), with weak tessellation on posterior half, and nearly smooth among ridges; junction between metapostnotum and posterior surface not carinate, with weak tessellation; lateral surface weakly rugulose; posterior surface with lateral carina on lower half, without oblique carina. Coxae usual shape, without tubercle. Fore trochanter narrow, longer than wide. Basitibial plate of hind leg carinate marginally. Inner hind tibial spur with slender 2–4 teeth as in Fig. 20B (n= 7). Fore wing with three submarginal cells. ABDOMEN. Disc of T1 without distinct PP on medial area, and with very weak lineolation interrupted on medial area (Fig. 15B). Disc of T2 nearly smooth on anterior to medial area in holotype and two paratypes, and with weak lineolation on posterior area (anterior and posterior area with weak lineolation in four paratypes). Discs of T3–T4 with weak lineolation over entire surface. Male MEASUREMENTS (n=1, unit mm). BL=4.23, WL=3.92, HL=1.56, HW=1.51, IOD =0.29, OOD =0.29, OCD =0.16, UOD=0.98, MOD =1.04, LOD =0.84, IAD =0.20, AOD= 0.24, CAL =0.31, CPL=0.33, EL = 1.07, EW= 0.40, GW=0.44, SPL=0.44, F1L=0.11, F2L=0.18, F3L= 0.16, F2W=0.13, MsW = 1.55, SCL=0.36, MNL=0.22, MPL=0.27, MtW=1.35. COLORATION. Body black except for the following parts: mandible yellowish brown except for apically reddish brown; labrum dark yellow; pronotal lobe yellowish brown; tegula yellowish brown translucent; legs brown, without distinct yellow marks; tibial spur yellow; metasomal terga broadly yellowish brown translucent apically. Wings transparent, veins and stigma pale brown. PUBESCENCE. Body hairs whitish, and covered with erect and sparse straight or fine branched hairs except for the following parts: lower paraocular area and pronotal dorsum to lobe sparsely tomentose. Disc of T1 with sparse hairs only on marginal area. Disc of T2–T4 with sparse short hairs over entire surface. T2–T3 with thin apical fimbriae, less distinct than in the female. STRUCTURE AND SCULPTURE HEAD. Nearly as long as wide; HW:HL=1:1.03. Vertex rounded in frontal view. MOD:UOD:LOD =1:0.94:0.81. IOD:OOD:OCD =1:1:0.54. IAD:AOD =1:1.22. Ocellocular area with moderately dense PP, IS smooth (IS =1–4 d). Paraocular area and frons weakly shiny, with shallow reticulate PP. Supraclypeal area slightly convex, weakly shiny, with moderately dense PP, IS weakly tessellate (IS= 1–3 d). CPL:CAL= 1:0.93. Clypeus nearly flat, with sparse shallow PP over entire sutface; IS smooth (IS =1–6 d). EW:GW=1:1.11. Genal area on lower margin and postgena with straight ridges. Malar space linear. Hypostomal carinae nearly parallel. Mandible edentate. Labrum with basal elevation, but not examined in detail. Antenna short, not reaching metasoma. F2L:F2W =1:0.75; flagellum nearly flattened ventrally. THORAX. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum obtuse; lateral surface without ridges; lateral lobe rounded. Tegula ovoid, nearly smooth. Mesoscutum with moderately dense PP over entire surface; IS weakly tessellate on anterior margin, nearly smooth on rest parts (IS =1.5–3 d); parapsidal line a narrow groove. Mesoscutellum with sparse PP over entire surface; IS smooth (IS=2.5–6 d). Metanotum weakly rugulose. Mesepisternum with moderately dense PP over entire surface; IS smooth (IS=1–3 d). SCL:MNL:MPL=1:0.63:0.75. Propodeum: metapostnotum weakly shiny and gently inclined, with short straight ridges occupying anterior ⅔; junction between metapostnotum and posterior surface not carinate, nearly smooth; lateral surface weakly reticulate; posterior surface nearly smooth, with lateral carina on lower ⅓, and without oblique carina. Coxae usual shape, without tubercle. Fore trochanter narrow, longer than wide. Basitibial plate of hind leg carinate marginally. Inner hind tibial spur serrate. Fore wing with three submarginal cells. ABDOMEN. Disc of T1 nearly smooth. Disc of T2–T3 with sparse fine PP; T2 weakly lineolate on apical margin; T3 weakly lioneolate on apical half. Disc of T4 weakly lineolate over entire surface. S7 with moderately long, apically rounded median process. GENITALIA. Gonobase flat at bottom; gonocoxite smooth; ventral retrorse lobe tongue-like, moderately long but not reaching gonobase, with sparse short hairs ventrally. Distribution Japan (central to southern Ryukyus: Yoron-jima Is., Okinawa-jima Is., Miyako-jima Is., Iriomote-jima Is.). Flight period Female: middle March to late August. Male: July. Flower records Ixeris japonica (Burm.f.) Nakai (Asteraceae).Published as part of Murao, Ryuki, 2021, Redefinition of the sexstrigatus group of Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) Cockerell, 1897 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae), with a revision of Japanese species, pp. 1-74 in European Journal of Taxonomy 763 on pages 14-18, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.763.1463, http://zenodo.org/record/523596

    A Checklist of Bees in Mt. Hiko, Kyushu, Japan

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    Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) smilodon Ebmer & Sakagami 1994

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    Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) smilodon Ebmer & Sakagami, 1994 Figs 9, 15F, 18D, 20E Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) smilodon Ebmer & Sakagami in Ebmer et al., 1994: 32, figs 26–33 (♀ ♂) (holotype: ELKU, ♀, type locality =(TOKARA) Suwanose-Jima, Kagoshima Pref., Japan, examined). Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) smilodon – Sakagami & Ebmer 1996: figs 1c, 3c, 4c, 5b, 6a (♀ ♂). — Murao et al. 2010: 31–32 (in key). Diagnosis Females are similar to L. (H.) ikudomei sp. nov. but are separated from them by the supraclypeal area dimly shiny (IS distinctly tessellate), the PP on the mesoscutum denser (IS= 2 d in maximum) (Fig. 9E), and the lineolation of T1 more clear. In contrast, in L. (H.) ikudomei sp. nov., the supraclypeal area is more shiny (IS weakly tessellate), the PP on the mesoscutum sparser (IS= 3 d in maximum) (Fig. 5E), and T1 with very weak lineolation. Material examined Holotype JAPAN – Ryukyus • ♀; Kagoshima Pref., Suwanose-jima; 2 Aug. 1985; S. Ikudome leg.; ELKU. Paratype JAPAN – Ryukyus • 1 ♂; Kagoshima Pref., Akuseki-jima; 150–230 m a.s.l.; 2 Aug. 1985; S. Ikudome leg.; KWC. Other material JAPAN – Ryukyus • 1 ♀; Kagoshima Pref., Iwo-jima; 1 May 2011; T. Kawano leg.; cMur • 1 ♀; Kagoshima Pref., Ôsumi Is., Kuchinoerabu-jima; 21 Jul. 1989; H. Watanabe leg.; KWC • 1 ♀; Kagoshima Pref., Kuroshima Is., Osato; 4 Sep. 1981; Sk. Yamane leg.; KWC • 1 ♂; Kagoshima Pref., Osumi-shotô, Yakushima, Issô; 30 Jul. 1988; Sk. Yamane leg.; KWC • 2 ♀; Kagoshima Pref., Tokara Islands, Takarajima Isl., Oogomori; 31 May–4 Jun. 2005; T. Mita leg., yellow pan trap; cMur • 1 ♀; Kagoshima Pref., Tokara Islands, Nakano-shima, Mt On-take; 7 Jun. 2005; T. Mita leg.; cMur • 1 ♀; Kagoshima Pref., Tokara, Nakano-shima, Ikenobaru; 220 m a.s.l.; 14 Oct. 1985; S. Ikudome leg.; KWC • 1 ♀; Kagoshima Pref., Tokara Islands, Nakano-shima, Toshima; 21 Jun. 1973; H. Makihara leg.; ELKU • 1 ♂; Kagoshima Pref., Tokara, Suwanose-jima; 50–120 m a.s.l.; 31 Jul. 1985; S. Ikudome leg.; KWC. Redescription Female MEASUREMENTS (n =5, unit mm). BL =4.88–5.75 (5.48± 0.35), WL= 4.50–5.13 (4.80 ± 0.24), HL=1.48– 1.68 (1.59 ±0.07), HW= 1.45–1.61 (1.55± 0.06), IOD =0.26–0.29 (0.28 ± 0.01), OOD=0.24–0.26 (0.25 ± 0.01), OCD= 0.19–0.24 (0.21± 0.02), UOD= 0.87–1.00 (0.95± 0.05), MOD =1.03–1.18 (1.13± 0.06), LOD =0.77–0.90 (0.86 ±0.05), IAD =0.13–0.16 (0.15 ± 0.01), AOD=0.26–0.31 (0.28 ± 0.02), CAL =0.27–0.29 (0.28± 0.01), CPL=0.32–0.35 (0.34± 0.01), EL=1.60–1.85 (1.79± 0.11), EW =0.39–0.45 (0.41 ± 0.03), GW=0.29–0.35 (0.34 ± 0.03), SPL=0.63–0.66 (0.65 ± 0.01), F1L=0.08– 0.10 (0.09 ± 0.01), F2L=0.08–0.11 (0.09 ± 0.01), F3L= 0.08–0.10 (0.08± 0.01), F2W=0.11–0.15 (0.13 ± 0.01), MsW = 1.75–2.05 (1.92 ± 0.12), SCL= 0.38–0.43 (0.41 ± 0.02), MNL=0.23–0.28 (0.26 ± 0.02), MPL =0.28–0.33 (0.31 ± 0.02), MtW= 1.80–2.15 (2.00 ± 0.14). COLORATION. Body black except for the following parts: mandible reddish brown apically; F4–F10 yellowish brown ventrally; tegula yellowish brown translucent; tibial spur yellow; metasomal terga narrowly yellowish brown translucent apically. Wings transparent, veins and stigma blackish brown. PUBESCENCE. Body hairs whitish, and covered with erect and sparse straight or fine branched hairs except for the following parts: pronotal dorsum to lobe and metanotum densely tomentose; hind trochanter, femur, and tibia mixed with plumose hairs, forming scopa. Disc of T1 without short hairs. Discs of T2– T4 with moderately dense short hairs over entire surface. STRUCTURE AND SCULPTURE HEAD. Nearly as long as wide; HW:HL=1:1.02. Vertex rounded in frontal view. MOD:UOD:LOD =1:0.84:0.76. IOD:OOD:OCD =1:0.88:0.76. IAD:AOD =1:1.91. Ocellocular area moderately densely puctate, IS smooth (IS =1–2.5 d). Paraocular area and frons weakly shiny, with shallow reticulate PP. Supraclypeal area slightly convex, weakly shiny, with dense PP, IS weakly tessellate (IS=1–1.5 d). CPL:CAL=1:0.83. Clypeus nearly flat, with dense PP on upper half and larger shallow PP on lower half; IS weakly tessellate on upper half and nearly smooth on lower half (IS= 1–2 d on upper half). EW:GW =1:0.81. Genal area to postgena with straight ridges. Malar space linear. Occiput not carinate. Hypostomal carinae nearly parallel. Mandible bidentate. Labrum (Fig. 9D): basal area approximately 1.9 × as wide as long; distal process approximately 0.6 × as long as basal area, narrow, and without lateral projection; distal keel pointed apically. Antenna short, not reaching metasoma. F2L:F2W= 1:1.48; flagellum nearly flattened ventrally. THORAX. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum obtuse; lateral surface without ridges; lateral lobe rounded. Tegula ovoid, nearly smooth. Mesoscutum (Fig. 9E) with dense PP over entire surface; IS distinctly tessellate over entire surface (IS =0.5–2 d); parapsidal line a narrow groove. Mesoscutellum with sparser PP on submedian area and denser PP on marginal area; IS weakly tessellate over entire surface (IS =1–4 d on submedian area, and 0.5–2 d on marginal area). Metanotum weakly rugulose. Mesepisternum shallow reticulate-punctate on upper area and weakly rugulae on lower area. SCL:MNL:MPL =1:0.63:0.74. Propodeum: metapostnotum (Fig. 9F) dimly shiny and gently inclined, with straight ridges occupying anterior half, and distinctly tessellate on posterior half; junction between metapostnotum and posterior surface not carinate, distinctly tessellate; lateral surface distinctly tessellate; posterior surface with lateral carina on lower half, without oblique carina. Coxae usual shape, without tubercle. Fore trochanter narrow, longer than wide. Basitibial plate of hind leg carinate marginally. Inner hind tibial spur pectinate, with 3–4 teeth as in Fig. 20E (n =4). Fore wing with three submarginal cells. ABDOMEN. Disc of T1 without distinct PP and with weak lineolation over entire surface (Fig. 15F). Disc of T2 weakly lineolate on anterior and posterior area, and nearly smooth on medial area. Discs of T3–T4 with weak lineolation over entire surface. Male MEASUREMENTS (n=3, unit mm). BL =4.77–5.38 (4.90 ± 0.36), WL= 3.77–4.46 (4.21± 0.31), HL=1.42– 1.73 (1.60 ±0.13), HW= 1.36–1.76 (1.56± 0.16), IOD =0.27–0.31 (0.30 ± 0.02), OOD=0.27–0.29 (0.27 ± 0.01), OCD= 0.16–0.22 (0.19± 0.03), UOD= 0.89–1.13 (1.00± 0.10), MOD =0.93–1.24 (1.08± 0.13), LOD =0.69–1.02 (0.86 ±0.14), IAD =0.16–0.24 (0.20 ± 0.04), AOD=0.22–0.31 (0.25 ± 0.04), CAL =0.27–0.31 (0.30 ± 0.02), CPL=0.29–0.38 (0.34 ±0.04), EL=1.00–1.24 (1.13± 0.10), EW =0.38–0.47 (0.42 ± 0.04), GW=0.36–0.51 (0.44 ± 0.06), SPL=0.36–0.42 (0.46 ± 0.04), F1L=0.13– 0.16 (0.14± 0.01), F2L= 0.16–0.20 (0.18 ± 0.02), F3L=0.16–0.18 (0.17 ±0.01), F2W=0.13–0.16 (0.15 ± 0.01), MsW = 1.42–1.77 (1.60 ± 0.15), SCL= 0.36–0.42 (0.39 ± 0.03), MNL=0.20–0.22 (0.21± 0.01), MPL =0.27–0.29 (0.28 ± 0.01), MtW= 1.29–1.61 (1.46± 0.13). COLORATION. Body black except for the following parts: lower half or margin dark yellow; mandible reddish brown; labrum dark yellow; pedicel and F1 yellowish brown ventrally; tegula yellowish brown translucent; tibial spur yellow; tarsi yellowish brown or brown; metasomal terga narrowly yellowish brown translucent apically. Wings transparent, veins and stigma blackish brown. PUBESCENCE. Body hairs whitish, and covered with erect and sparse straight or fine branched hairs except for the following parts: pronotal dorsum to lobe and metanotum sparsely tomentose. Disc of T1 with sparse short hairs. Discs of T2–T4 with moderately dense short hairs over entire surface. T2–T3 with thin apical fimbriae, not clear in female. STRUCTURE AND SCULPTURE HEAD. Based on normal specimens (not cephalic polymorphism) Head nearly as long as wide; HW:HL=1:1.03. Vertex rounded in frontal view. MOD:UOD:LOD =1:0.92:0.79. IOD:OOD:OCD =1:0.93:0.65. IAD:AOD =1:1.11. Ocellocular area moderately densely puctate, IS smooth (IS =1–4 d). Paraocular area and frons weakly shiny, with shallow reticulate PP. Supraclypeal area slightly convex, weakly shiny, with moderately dense PP, IS weakly tessellate (IS =1–2.5 d). CPL:CAL=1:0.87. Clypeus nearly flat, with moderately dense PP over entire sutface; IS smooth (IS= 1–3 d). EW:GW =1:1.04. Genal area on lower margin and postgena with straight ridges. Malar space linear. Hypostomal carinae nearly parallel. Mandible edentate. Antenna short, not reaching metasoma. F2L:F2W= 1:0.83; flagellum nearly flattened ventrally. THOARX. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum obtuse; lateral surface without ridges; lateral lobe rounded. Tegula ovoid, nearly smooth. Mesoscutum with dense PP over entire surface; IS weakly tessellate on anterior half, nearly smooth on posterior half (IS =0.5–2 d); parapsidal line a narrow groove. Mesoscutellum with sparser PP over entire surface; IS smooth (IS =1–4 d). Metanotum weakly rugulose. Mesepisternum with moderately dense shallow PP on upper area and weak reticulate PP on lower area; IS smooth. SCL:MNL:MPL= 1:0.53:0.72. Propodeum: metapostnotum weakly shiny and gently inclined, with short straight ridges occupying anterior half and weakly tessellate on posterior half; junction between metapostnotum and posterior surface not carinate, weakly tessellate; lateral surface distinctly tessellate; posterior surface with lateral carina on lower half, without oblique carina. Coxae usual shape, without tubercle. Fore trochanter narrow, longer than wide. Basitibial plate of hind leg carinate marginally. Inner hind tibial spur serrate. Fore wing with three submarginal cells. ABDOMEN. Disc of T1–T3 with fine sparse PP. Disc of T1 basally weakly lineolate or smooth (paratype and 1 ♂ lineolate, but 1 ♂ not lineolate). Disc of T2–T3 weakly lineolate on anterior and posterior areas, and nearly smooth on medial area. Discs of T4 with weak lineolation over entire surface. S7 with moderately long, apically rounded median process. GENITALIA. Gonobase flat at bottom, ventral arms connected with each other at upper ends; gonocoxite smooth; ventral retrorse lobe tongue-like, moderately long but not reaching gonobase, with sparse short hairs ventrally. Distribution Japan (northern to central Ryukyus: Kuro-shima Is., Iwo-jima Is., Take-shima Is., Yaku-shima Is., Kuchinoerabu-jima Is., Nakano-shima Is., Suwanose-jima Is., Akuseki-jima Is., Takara-jima Is.). Flight period Female: April to October. Male: August to October. The flight records of male are based on the collecting data of the original description (Ebmer et al. 1994). Flower records Ampelopsis glandulosa (Wall.) Momiy. var. hancei (Planch.) Momiy. (Vitaceae), Artemisia indica Willd. var. maximowiczii (Nakai) H.Hara (Asteraceae), Psychotria serpens L. (Rubiaceae), and Sambucus racemosa L. subsp. sieboldiana (Miq.) H.Hara. (Adoxaceae).Published as part of Murao, Ryuki, 2021, Redefinition of the sexstrigatus group of Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) Cockerell, 1897 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae), with a revision of Japanese species, pp. 1-74 in European Journal of Taxonomy 763 on pages 28-32, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.763.1463, http://zenodo.org/record/523596

    Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) subsimplicior Murao 2021, sp. nov.

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    Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) subsimplicior sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: D4408B7F-6A84-4BB2-8B5D-8B9FDF35E031 Figs 13, 16E, 18B Diagnosis Females are similar to L. (H.) simplicior but are separated from them by the lineolation of T1 interrupted in part (Fig. 16E). In contrast, in L. (H.) simplicior, the lineolation of T1 is present across the entire surface (Fig. 15E). Etymology The specific name is derived from this species’ similarity to L. (H.) simplicior (Cockerell, 1931). Material examined Holotype JAPAN – Kyushu • ♀; Oita Pref., Kusu-gun, Kokonoe-machi, Chojyabaru; 33°7′6.773″ N, 131°13′49.331″ E; 1050 m a.s.l.; 13 Aug. 2010; Y. Murao leg.; ELKU. [Verbatim label: JAPAN: Kyushu / Chojyabaru/ Kokonoe-machi /Kusu-gun / Oita Pref./ 13. VIII. 2010 / Yumi Murao leg. / / HOLOTYPE / / Lasiioglossum (Hemihalictus) subsimplicior Murao] Paratypes JAPAN – Hokkaido • 4 ♀♀; Antaroma-Aizankei (Ishikari); 26 Jul. 1952; T. Shirôzu leg.; ELKU. – Honshu • 1 ♀; Ishikawa Pref., Negami-machi, Yamaguchi; 29 Aug. 1996; I. Togashi leg.; ELKU. – Kyushu • 1 ♀; Oita Pref., Kokonoe-machi, Chojyabaru; 33°7′6.773″ N, 131°13′49.331″ E; 1050 m a.s.l.; 13 Aug. 2010; R. Murao leg.; cMur • 2 ♀♀; Oita Pref., Kusu-gun, Kokonoe-machi, Handa-kogen; 33°7′58.702″ N, 131°14′2.412″ E; 9 Jul. 2013; R. Murao leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Oita Pref., Takeda, Nagayu; 28 Apr. 2009; O. Tadauchi leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Oita Pref., Mt Kuju; 9 May 2009; O. Tadauchi leg.; ELKU • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 23 May 2009; O. Tadauchi leg.; ELKU • 2 ♀♀; Oita Pref., Shimohanda; 12 Apr. 1975; O. Tadauchi leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Miyaji-Bochu (Mt Aso); 23 Jun. 1959; Y. Hirashima leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Kumamoto Pref., Aso-machi, Aso; 28 May 2001; A. Yamada leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 16 Jun. 2001; A. Yamada leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Miyazaki Pref., Takachiho-cho, Gokasyo-Sobosan; 27 Apr. 2003; F. Kodoi leg.; ELKU • 2 ♀♀; Miyakonojo- Hyuga, Nakao; 13 Apr. 1958; Y. Hirashima leg.; ELKU • 2 ♀♀; Makizono (Satsuma); 11 Apr. 1959; Y. Hirashima leg.; ELKU • 2 ♀♀; Kagoshima; 4 Apr. 1949; Y. Hirashima leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Sata (Osumi) Magome-Hetsuka; 24 May 1952; T. Esaki and Y. Hirashima leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Kagoshima Pref., Kiire-machi, Kiire; 31 Mar. 1975; O. Tadauchi leg.; ELKU • 1 ♀; Kagoshima Pref., Miyakonojo; 29 Mar. 1959; Y. Maeta leg.; ELKU. – Ryukyus • 1 ♀; Kagoshima Pref., Yaku-shima, Onoaida; 40– 200 m a.s.l.; 27 Jul. 1982; S. Ikudome leg.; KWC. SOUTH KOREA – Jeollabuk-do • 1 ♀; Namweon-gun, Sannae-myon, Sanlyong-ri; 14 May 1991; O. Tadauchi leg.; ELKU. – Gyeongsangnam-do • 1 ♀; Hamyang-gun, Macheongmeon, Samjeong-ri; 12 May 1991; T. Saigusa leg.; ELKU. Description Female MEASUREMENTS (n =5, unit mm). BL =5.00–5.63 (5.45± 0.27), WL= 4.63–5.00 (4.80 ± 0.14), HL=1.55– 1.65 (1.59 ±0.04), HW= 1.61–1.74 (1.69± 0.05), IOD =0.27–0.29 (0.28 ± 0.01), OOD=0.26–0.29 (0.28 ± 0.01), OCD =0.19 (0.19 ±0.00), UOD =1.00–1.06 (1.02 ±0.03), MOD =1.16–1.26 (1.21 ±0.04), LOD =0.87–0.94 (0.89 ± 0.03), IAD =0.13–0.15 (0.14± 0.01), AOD=0.29–0.31 (0.30 ±0.01), CAL =0.27–0.29 (0.29± 0.01), CPL=0.32–0.34 (0.34 ± 0.01), EL= 1.85–1.90 (1.88± 0.03), EW=0.42– 0.48 (0.46 ± 0.03), GW=0.29–0.32 (0.31 ±0.02), SPL=0.63–0.68 (0.65 ±0.02), F1L=0.08–0.10 (0.09 ± 0.01), F2L =0.08 (0.08± 0.00), F3L= 0.08 (0.08± 0.00), F2W=0.13–0.15 (0.14 ± 0.01), MsW = 1.85–2.10 (1.98 ±0.09), SCL= 0.40–0.45 (0.42 ± 0.03), MNL=0.23–0.25 (0.25± 0.01), MPL =0.28–0.30 (0.28 ±0.01), MtW=1.95–2.15 (2.04 ± 0.07). COLORATION. Body black except for the following parts: mandible reddish brown apically; F4–F10 yellowish brown (holotype and 18 paratypes) or brown (reamining paratypes) ventrally; tegula yellowish brown translucent; tibial spur yellow; metasomal terga broadly yellowish brown translucent apically. Wings transparent, veins and stigma brown. PUBESCENCE. Body hairs whitish, and covered with erect and sparse straight or fine branched hairs except for the following parts: pronotal dorsum to lobe and metanotum moderately densely tomentose; hind trochanter, femur, and tibia mixed with plumose hairs, forming scopa. Disc of T1 with sparse short hairs on medial area. Discs of T2–T4 with moderately dense short hairs over entire surface. STRUCTURE AND SCULPTURE HEAD. Wider than long; HW:HL= 1:0.94. Vertex rounded in frontal view. MOD:UOD:LOD =1:0.84:0.74. IOD:OOD:OCD =1:0.99:0.69. IAD:AOD = 1:2.11. Ocellocular area densely puctate, IS nearly smooth (IS = 0.5–2 d). Paraocular area and frons weakly shiny, with shallow reticulate PP. Supraclypeal area slightly convex, dimly shiny, with dense PP; IS distinctly tessellate (IS= 0.5–2 d). CPL:CAL=1:0.86. Clypeus nearly flat, with dense PP on upper half and larger shallow PP on lower half; IS nearly smooth over entire surface (IS =0.5–1 d on upper half). EW:GW =1:0.68. Genal area to postgena with straight ridges. Malar space linear. Occiput not carinate. Hypostomal carinae nearly parallel. Mandible bidentate. Labrum (Fig. 13C): basal area approximately 2 × as wide as long; distal process approximately 0.7× as long as basal area, narrow, and without lateral projection; distal keel narrow, pointed apically. Antenna short, not reaching metasoma. F2L:F2W=1:1.76; flagellum nearly flattened ventrally. THOIRAX. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum obtuse; lateral surface without ridges; lateral lobe rounded. Tegula ovoid, nearly smooth. Mesoscutum (Fig. 13D) with dense PP over entire surface; IS distinctly tessellate nearly over entire surface (but weakly tessellate on posterior margin) (IS=0.5–2 d); parapsidal line a narrow groove. Mesoscutellum with moderately dense PP over entire surface; IS weakly tessellate over entire surface (IS = 0.5–3 d in paratypes). Metanotum weakly rugulose. Mesepisternum with reticulate PP on upper area and weak rugulae on lower area. SCL:MNL:MPL= 1:0.58:0.67. Propodeum: metapostnotum (Fig. 13E) weakly shiny and gently inclined, with straight ridges reaching to near posterior margin; junction between metapostnotum and posterior surface not carinate, weakly tessellate; lateral surface weakly rugulose and distinctly tessellate; posterior surface with lateral carina on lower half, without oblique carina. Coxae normal shape, without tubercle. Fore trochanter narrow, longer than wide. Basitibial plate of hind leg carinate marginally. Inner hind tibial spur with 3–4 slender teeth (n=27). Fore wing with three submarginal cells. ABDOMEN. Disc of T1 with weak lineolation interrupted on medial area (Fig. 16E), and with sparse fine PP on medial area; submedian patch distinct and nearly smooth. Disc of T2–T3 with very weak lineolation on apical half, and without lineolation on basal half. T4 very weakly lineolate over entire surface. Male Unknown. Distribution Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, northern Ryukyus), Korean Peninsula. Flight period Female: late March to August. Flower records Brassica rapa L. var. oleifera DC. (Brassicaceae), Eleutherococcus sp. (Araliaceae), Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. (Asteraceae), Ixeridium dentatum (Thunb.) Tzvelev subsp. dentatum (Asteraceae). Habitat This species has been collected mainly from mountainous areas in western Japan. One of the collecting sites in Japan is shown in Fig. 19A.Published as part of Murao, Ryuki, 2021, Redefinition of the sexstrigatus group of Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) Cockerell, 1897 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae), with a revision of Japanese species, pp. 1-74 in European Journal of Taxonomy 763 on pages 45-48, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.763.1463, http://zenodo.org/record/523596

    Redefinition of the sexstrigatus group of Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) Cockerell, 1897 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae), with a revision of Japanese species

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    I propose a redefinition of the sexstrigatus group of Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) Cockerell, 1897, including a phylogenetic analysis. This group is characterised by a combination of the following 12 characteristics: male antenna short, not attaining to metasoma, male labrum with distal process and well-developed basal elevation, male head with genal process as variation, female mesepisternum reticulate-punctate on lower area, mesepisternum without tubercle in both sexes, female metasomal terga with distinct fimbriae on posterior margin, male S8 with well-developed median process, gonobase ventral arm of male genitalia connected with each other at upper ends, gonocoxite of male genitalia smooth, gonostylus of male genitalia small and simple, bud-like, and the ventral retrorse lobe of male genitalia not attaining to gonobase. The Japanese species of the sexstrigatus group are revised. Thirteen species in total are recognised, including three new species: Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) ikudomei sp. nov., L. (H.) spectrum sp. nov., and L. (H.) subsimplicior sp. nov. Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) perplexans (Cockerell, 1925) is synonymised under L. (H.) kiautschouense (Strand, 1910). A key to the Japanese species is provided. Bionomical data, such as flight and flower records or habitat, are reported for some species. The distributions of all species are mapped. DNA sequences including a part of the barcode region are given for L. (H.) kiautschouense, L. (H.) ohei Hirashima & Sakagami, 1966, L. (H.) speculinum (Cockerell, 1925), L. (H. ) spectrum sp. nov., L. (H. ) subsimplicior sp. nov., and L. (H. ) taeniolellum (Vachal, 1903

    Taxonomic notes on Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) subopacum (Smith) and L. (L.) okinawa Ebmer et Maeta (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) from Asia

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    Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) subopacum (Smith) is recorded from the Korean Peninsula for the first time. Lasioglossum (L.) okinawa Ebmer et Maeta from Japan is ranked to a subspecies of L. (L.) subopacum judging from the characteristics of the male. The male of L. (L.) subopacum okinawa is described for the first time. Some bionomical notes of both subspecies are presented
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