24 research outputs found

    Chapter Ludovica Torelli e lo Specchio interiore di fra’ Battista da Crema

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    The Specchio interiore (Interior Mirror) is a work by the dominican Fra' Battista da Crema partly dedicated to the theme of mystical union. Written close to the foundation, in 1522, of the Hospital of the Incurables in Venice, it remained unpublished for almost two decades and it was first published in 1540 thanks to Ludovica Torelli, countess of Guastalla (1499-1569), alias Paola Maria. Widow, for the second time at age twenty-eight, Ludovica Torelli enjoyed an unusually powerful position for a women. Forced to sell her small state to Ferrante Gonzaga, she spent the second part of her life founding religious institutions and hospitals in Milan and other cities in northern Italy

    On the compliance of thermal performance requirements for highly insulated building units

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    The target of the nearly zero-energy building (nZEB), stated by the European Union, represents one of the most strenuous challenges to reduce energy consumptions and greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector. In Italy, the nZEB concept refers to a set of energy performance requirements, fixed at national level and establishing a maximum allowable mean thermal transmittance value of the building envelope, as a function of the heating degree-days and of the shape factor. The building envelope is becoming more and more thermally insulated; this determines the reduction of the energy need for heating, but on the other hand it can cause the indoor overheating and the resulting increase of the energy need for cooling. In the design of highly energy efficient buildings, the different energy needs should be kept in balance as to increase the overall energy performance. The article aims to investigate the conditions and extent for which the envelope insulation is beneficial for containing overall energy needs. A sensitivity analysis that involves different insulation levels of the building envelope is performed on some apartments of a typical residential building, located in three different Italian climatic zones. The energy performance calculations are carried out by means of a detailed dynamic simulation tool (EnergyPlus). The results point out that, whereas the effect of increasing the thermal insulation causes a stable reduction of the energy need for heating, the energy need for cooling is very sensitive to the apartment storey; specifically, it increases in ground-floor apartments, and decreases for topfloor building units. Its reduction becomes progressively more consistent at the decrease of the heating degree-days. Considering the annual imbalances between the energy needs for cooling and heating due to the hyper-insulated envelope, reference values of thermal transmittance can be derived as to maximise the overall energy performance of the building

    I consilia giuridici dalla tradizione manoscritta alla stampa

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    Esiste una ampia bibliografia sui consilia sapientis e numerosi studi relativi a specifiche tematiche, prevalentemente rivolti alla sostanza giuridica e alla materia storica. Allo stesso tempo un numero ragguardevole di consilia e collezioni di consilia (libri consiliorum e consilia diversorum) conservati negli archivi e nelle biblioteche attendono ancora di essere inventariati o digitalizzati. Nonostante la loro intrinseca complessità, grazie ad una accurata descrizione è possibile distinguere gli originali dalle copie ed identificate così la scrittura di molti giuristi

    "Ã’ scritte di mia mano in su l'Isola della Rocca". Alfabetizzazione e cultura di Caterina da Siena

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    ITALIANO: Questo saggio si propone di indagare il livello di alfabetizzazione di Caterina da Siena. L’immagine tradizionale e tuttora persistente – costruita dal suo primo agiografo, il domenicano Raimondo da Capua – è che Caterina fosse analfabeta fino a quando non imparò miracolosamente a leggere (ma non a scrivere). Una serie di testi, presi in esame solo in parte fino ad oggi dagli studiosi, prova invece che Caterina era alfabetizzata. Il primo e più importante di questi testi è una lettera scritta da Tommaso Caffarini nel 1374 e indirizzata a Caterina concernente un problema filologico sul salmo 130. / ENGLISH: The aim of this essay is to investigate both reading and writing Catherine of Siena’s literacy. The traditional and still persistent image – built by his first hagiographer, the Dominican Raymond of Capua – is that Catherine was entirely illiterate until God miraculously endowed her with some reading (but not writing) literacy. The evidence that Catherine of Siena was throroughly literate comes from a range of sources only partially examined by scholars until now. The first and foremost of these texts is an almost unknown Thomas Caffarini’s letter to Catherine written in 1374 about a philological problem on ps. 130

    La fascicolazione ed i manoscritti universitari. Breve nota su un recente studio

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    Murano Giovanna. La fascicolazione ed i manoscritti universitari. Breve nota su un recente studio. In: Gazette du livre médiéval, n°37. Automne 2000. pp. 46-48

    Descrivere ed identificare (un testo medievale)

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    Murano Giovanna. Descrivere ed identificare (un testo medievale). In: Gazette du livre médiéval, n°52-53. Printemps-automne 2008. pp. 85-91

    L'exemplar cum additionibus delle Distinctiones Hugolini (MS Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, Chigi E VII 218)

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    Murano Giovanna. L'exemplar cum additionibus delle Distinctiones Hugolini (MS Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, Chigi E VII 218). In: Scriptorium, Tome 51 n°1, 1997. pp. 15-29

    Inter artifices longa est differentia (Dig. 46.3.31). Copisti a Bologna nella seconda metà del Duecento

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    Giovanna Murano, Inter artifices longa est differentia (Dig. 46.3.31). Copisti a Bologna nella seconda metà del Duecento, in "Decretales pictae. Le miniature nei manoscritti delle Decretali di Gregorio IX (Liber Extra)". Atti del colloquio internazionale tenuto all'Istituto Storico Germanico, Roma 3-4 marzo 2010. Indici compilati da Marta Pavón Ramírez. Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma 201

    Per il censimento dei manoscritti medievali conservati in Toscana

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    Murano Giovanna. Per il censimento dei manoscritti medievali conservati in Toscana. In: Gazette du livre médiéval, n°29. Automne 1996. pp. 12-17