2,249 research outputs found

    Comparative study of flux pinning, creep and critical currents between YBaCuO crystals with and without Y2BaCuO5 inclusions

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    In the Y-Ba-Cu-O system, YBa2Cu3O(x) phase is produced by the following peritectic reaction: Y2BaCuO5 + liquid yields 2YBa2Cu3O(x). Through the control of processing conditions and starting compositions, it becomes possible to fabricate large crystals containing fine Y2BaCuO5(211) inclusions. Such crystals exhibit Jc values exceeding 10000 A/sq cm at 77 K and 1T. Recently, researchers developed a novel process which can control the volume fraction of 211 inclusions. Elimination of 211 inclusions is also possible. In this study, researchers prepared YBaCuO crystals with and without 211 inclusions using the novel process, and compared flux pinning, flux creep and critical currents. Magnetic field dependence of Jc for YBaCuO crystals with and with 211 inclusions is shown. It is clear that fine 211 inclusions can contribute to flux pinning. It was also found that flux creep rate could be reduced by increasing flux pinning force. Critical current density estimates based on the conventional flux pinning theory were in good agreement with experimental results

    Tuning phase transition between quantum spin Hall and ordinary insulating phases

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    An effective theory is constructed for analyzing a generic phase transition between the quantum spin Hall and the insulator phases. Occurrence of degeneracies due to closing of the gap at the transition are carefully elucidated. For systems without inversion symmetry the gap-closing occurs at \pm k_0(\neq G/2) while for systems with inversion symmetry, the gap can close only at wave-numbers k=G/2, where G is a reciprocal lattice vector. In both cases, following a unitary transformation which mixes spins, the system is represented by two decoupled effective theories of massive two-component fermions having masses of opposite signs. Existence of gapless helical modes at a domain wall between the two phases directly follows from this formalism. This theory provides an elementary and comprehensive phenomenology of the quantum spin Hall system.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Evaluation of novel CEX resin for continous processing of MAb purification

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    We have evaluated novel cation exchange resin and membrane which is potentially suited for continuous process in biologics manufacturing. Typically cation exchange chromatography (CEX) is used in a bind/elute (B/E) mode for the MAb process since MAb act as cation at the buffer condition used for CEX due to the pI from neutral to weak basic. Generally, purpose of CEX chromatography is to remove aggregates and other impurities like HCP and DNA. Especially, aggregate removal is of interest to the industries. A continuous process in MAb downstream process can solve several bottlenecks in typical batch process. However its capability cannot be fully utilized if some step of chromatography is used in a B/E mode since it will take a longer process time due to the posing of product stream for binding and washing and it will take a more cost due to the requirement of large amount of resins as we use at the batch process. In such a case, chromatography in flowthrough mode has a potential to overcome those issues for both cost and time and enables us to develop more streamlined continuous process. We will present the result of our study to evaluate novel CEX resin developed by Merck Millipore by comparing with the existing process of Mab A and we obtained a conclusion that this resin is fitted to the continuous processing very much. The novel resin showed a better impurity clearance than our existing process. For example, over 65% removal of aggregate by the novel resin was obtained in contrast to no removal by the existing process. A 20-fold better clearance for DNA was confirmed for the novel resin than the existing process. This indicates an additional polishing step can be omitted and this new chromatography can be a strong option if we need to reduce such impurities further. Also the resin cost is expected to be reduced down to 1/10 in maximum since those impurity clearance results were obtained about 10-times larger load than the typical B/E mode operation of CEX. Considering those aspects, we conclude that this resin showed a better fit for a continuous process. We will also discuss an expected effect of the novel CEX resin on cost and process time savings by a continuous proces

    インターンシップ ノ トリクミ : アジア ジンザイ シキン コウソウ ニオケル ヤクワリ

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    Comparative study of flux pinning flux creep and critical currents between YBaCuO crystals with and without Y2BaCuO5 inclusions

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    In the Y-Ba-Cu-O system YBa2Cu3Ox phase is produced by the following peritectic reaction: Y2BaCuO5 + liquid yields 2YBa2Cu3Ox. Through the control of processing conditions and starting compositions it becomes possible to fabricate large crystals containing fine Y2BaCuO5(211) inclusions. Such crystals exhibit Jc values exceeding 10000 A/sq cm at 77 K and 1T. Recently, researchers developed a novel process which can control the volume fraction of 211 inclusions. Elimination of 211 inclusions is also possible. In this study, researchers prepared YBaCuO crystals with and without 211 inclusions using the novel process and compared flux pinning, flux creep and critical currents. Magnetic field dependence of Jc for YBaCuO crystals with and without 211 inclusions is shown. It is clear that fine 211 inclusions can contribute to flux pinning. It was also found that flux creep rate could be reduced by increasing flux pinning force. Critical current density estimates based on the conventional flux pinning theory were in good agreement with experimental results


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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the biomechanical behavior of immediately loaded implants in an edentulous mandible according to the "All-on-Four" concept. METHODS: A 3D-finite element model of an edentulous mandible was constructed. Four implants were placed between the bilateral mental foramen according to "All-on-Four" concept. A framework made of titanium or acrylic resin between the bilateral first molars was modeled. Immediate loading and a delayed loading protocol were simulated. A vertical load of 200N was applied at the cantilever or on the abutments region of the distal implants, simulating the absence of a cantilever. RESULTS: The peak principal compressive strains in the immediate loading models resulted in 24.0-35.8% and 26.4-39.0% increases compared with the delayed loading models under non-cantilever loading and cantilever loading, respectively. The loading position greatly affected the principal compressive and tensile strain values. The peak principal compressive strains in non-cantilever loading resulted in a 45.3-52.6% reduction compared with those in cantilever loading. The framework material did not influence the peak compressive and tensile strain. The maximum micromotion at the bone-implant interface in the immediate loading models was 7.5-14.4μm. CONCLUSIONS: Mandibular fixed full-arch prostheses without cantilevers may result in a favorable reduction of the peri-implant bone strain during the healing period, compared with cantilevers. The maximum micromotion was within the acceptable limits for uneventful implant osseointegration in the immediate loading models. Framework material did not play an important role in reducing the peri-implant bone strain and micromotion at the bone-implant interface.博士(医学)・乙第1398号・平成29年3月15日Copyright © 2016 Japan Prosthodontic Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Monetary Diet Cost is Associated with not only Favorable but also Unfavorable Aspects of Diet in Pregnant Japanese Women: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study

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    While several observational studies in European countries have shown that higher monetary diet cost is associated with healthier diets, information on the relationship of cost to diet quality in other countries is sparse, including Japan. This cross-sectional study examined the association between monetary diet cost and dietary intake in a group of pregnant Japanese women. Subjects were 596 pregnant Japanese housewives. Dietary intake was estimated using a validated, self-administered, comprehensive diet history questionnaire. Monetary diet cost was calculated using retail food prices. Values of monetary diet cost and nutrient and food intake were energy-adjusted using the density method. Monetary diet cost was associated positively with the intake of protein, total fat, saturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, D, E, C, and folate, and inversely with that of carbohydrate. For foods, cost was associated positively with the intake of potatoes, pulses and nuts, fish and shellfish, meat, dairy products, vegetables, and fruits, and inversely with that of rice and bread. No association was seen for noodles, confectioneries and sugars, fats and oils, or eggs. Cost was also associated inversely with dietary energy density. In conclusion, monetary diet cost was associated with not only favorable aspects of diet, including a higher intake of dietary fiber, key vitamins and minerals, fruits, and vegetables and lower dietary energy density, but also unfavorable aspects, including a higher intake of fat and sodium and lower intake of carbohydrate and rice, in a group of pregnant Japanese women