1,559 research outputs found

    Nonlinear regression of stable random variables

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    Let (X1,X2) be an α-stable random vector, not necessarily symmetric, with 0<α<2. This article investigates the regression E(X2∣X1=x) for all values of α. We give conditions for the existence of the conditional moment E(|X2|p|X1=x) when p≄α, and we obtain an explicit form of the regression E(X2∣X1=x) as a function of x. Although this regression is, in general, not linear, it can be linear even when the vector (X1,X2) is skewed. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for linearity and characterize the asymptotic behavior of the regression as x→±∞. The behavior of the regression functions is also illustrated graphically

    Analisis Energi Panas Pada Proses Pengeringan Manisan Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) Menggunakan Alat Pengering Tipe Rak

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    Conventional drying still has many deficiencies; weather dependence is one of the problems. Therefore, alternative treatment needed to be conducted by using mechanical dryer that use heat and require additional energy for heating the material and vaporized the water, such as a shelf type dryer. This study aims to analyze thermal energy and studying energy balance in candied papaya drying process at shelf-type. This research was conducted at Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering and Laboratory of Power and Machinery, in Studies Program of Agriculture Engineering, Faculty of Food and Agroindustrial Technology, University of Mataram. This study was performed using experimental design and energy equilibrium approach, with variable of air flowrates which varies at 3.43 m/sec and 4.55 m/sec. Amount of the outcoming energy obtained at 3.43 m/sec was 4477.12 to 4821.52 kJ/h and at 4.55 m/sec was 5437.80 kJ/h to 6797.25 kJ/h. While useful energy at 3.43 m/sec decreasing from 3675.37-1336.83 kJ/h and useful energy at 4.55 m/sec decreasing from 3891.71 kJ/h to 1082.45 kJ/h. The outcoming energy decreasing from 4926.06 kJ/h to 2292.07 kJ/h at3.43 m/sec and 5247.75 kJ/h to 2155.51 kJ/h at 4.55 m/sec. Keywords: candied papaya, energy equilibrium, shelf type dryer &nbsp

    Artificial dielectric optical structures: A challenge for nanofabrication

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    Diffractive optical components can be made using multiple level kinoforms or single level artificial dielectric structures. The latter require the fabrication of pillars of equal depth but differing width and spacing. As a demonstration device, the diffractive optic equivalent of a wedge has been made in GaAs for use at 1.15 Όm. The need for all pillars to have the same height was met by using a selective etch and a very thin etch-stop layer on AlGaAs. The experimental diffraction efficiency was 87.8%, among the best ever obtained and close to the theoretical maximum of 97.6%. © 1998 American Vacuum Society

    Identifying the Key Big Data Analytics Capabilities in Bangladesh’s Healthcare Sector

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    The study explores the crucial big data analytics capabilities (BDAC) for healthcare in Bangladesh. After a rigorous and extensive literature review, we list a wide range of BDAC and empirically examine their applicability in Bangladesh’s healthcare sector by consulting 51 experts with ample domain knowledge. The study adopted the DEcision MAking Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method. Findings highlighted 11 key BDAC, such as using advanced analytical techniques that could be critical in managing big data in the healthcare sector. The paper ends with a summary and puts forward suggestions for future studies

    Large magnetic anisotropy in Ferrihydrite nanoparticles synthesized from reverse micelles

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    Six-line ferrihydrite(FH) nanoparticles have been synthesized in the core of reverse micelles, used as nanoreactors to obtain average particle sizes ≈\approx 2 to 4 nm. The blocking temperatures TBmT_B^m extracted from magnetization data increased from ≈10\approx 10 to 20 K for increasing particle size. Low-temperature \MOS measurements allowed to observe the onset of differentiated contributions from particle core and surface as the particle size increases. The magnetic properties measured in the liquid state of the original emulsion showed that the \FH phase is not present in the liquid precursor, but precipitates in the micelle cores after the free water is freeze-dried. Systematic susceptibility \chi_{ac}(\emph{f},T) measurements showed the dependence of the effective magnetic anisotropy energies EaE_{a} with particle volume, and yielded an effective anisotropy value of Keff=312±10K_{eff} = 312\pm10 kJ/m3^3.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Nanotechnology, v17 (Nov. 2006) In pres

    Detection of Synergistic Hemolysis Between Vibrio Cholerae Non-o1 and Staphylococcal Beta-lysin with Modified Camp Test

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    Suatu hemolisis sinergistik pada lempeng agar darah domba diperlihatkan oleh Vibrio cholerae non-O1 dengan beta-lisin dari stafilokok. Sebanyak 167 galur (strains) non-Ol yang diuji dengan metode modifikasi CAMP menunjukkan suatu gambaran hemolisis berupa bulan sabit yang tipis; sedangkan V. cholerae biotipe El Tor dan biotipe klasik yang digunakan sebagai galur kontrol memperlihatkan reaksi CAMP berupa gambaran seperti sosis untuk biotipe El Tor dan negatif untuk biotipe klasik

    Application of an Equilibrium Vaporization Model to the Ablation of Chondritic and Achondritic Meteoroids

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    We modeled equilibrium vaporization of chondritic and achondritic materials using the MAGMA code. We calculated both instantaneous and integrated element abundances of Na, Mg, Ca, Al, Fe, Si, Ti, and K in chondritic and achondritic meteors. Our results are qualitatively consistent with observations of meteor spectra.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; in press, Earth, Moon, and Planets, Meteoroids 2004 conference proceeding

    In-situ Mössbauer Spectroscopy with MIMOS II at Rio Tinto, Spain

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    The Rio Tinto, located in southwest Spain, exhibits a nearly constant, acidic pHvalue along its course. Due to the formation of sulfate minerals, Rio Tinto is considered a potential analogue site for sulfate-rich regions on Mars, in particular at the landing site of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, where the ferric sulfate mineral jarosite was identified with Opportunity's M&ouml;ssbauer spectrometer. Primary and secondary mineralogy was investigated in situ with portable Raman and M&ouml;ssbauer spectrometers at four different Rio Tinto sampling sites. The two techniques analyse different sample portions due to their specific field of view and sampling depth and provide complementary mineralogical information
