224 research outputs found

    Growth and yield responses of sweet potato (ipomoea batatas) to time of potassium fertilzer application

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    Two field experiments were conducted at the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike research farm in 2005 and 2006 wet seasons to determine the growth and yield responses of two sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) varieties viz TIS 87/0087 and TIS 8164 to time of potassium (K) fertilizer application in a humid forest zone of south eastern Nigeria. In 2005 cropping season, the experiment was a 2 x 4 factorial laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Potassium (K) treatments comprised no K application, 100 kg K ha-1 at 4 weeks after planting (WAP), 100 kg K ha-1 at 8 WAP, 50 K ha-1 at 4 WAP + 50 K ha-1 at 8 WAP. Time of K application had no significant effect on the growth attributes of the varieties, except in tuber dry weight and total dry matter plant-1 at 16 WAP where it was higher with split K application at 4 and 8 WAP in TIS 87/0087. TIS 87/0087 was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in total tuber yield when 100 kg K ha-1 was applied at 4 WAP and also with split application at 50 kg K ha-1 at 4 WAP + 50 kg K ha-1 at 8 WAP. In 2006 cropping season, a 2 x 8 factorial in randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted at the same location as in 2005. The treatments comprised of no K application, 100 kg K ha-1 at 2 WAP, 100 kg K ha-1 at 4WAP, 100 kg K ha-1 at 6 WAP, 100 kg K ha-1 at 8 WAP, 50 at 2 WAP + 50 kg K ha-1 at 6 WAP, 50 kg K ha-1 at 2 WAP + 50 kg K ha-1 at 8 WAP and 50 kg K ha-1 at 4 WAP + 50 kg K ha-1 at 8 WAP. Tuber and total dry weights were highest when K was split applied at 4 + 8 WAP but lowest when it was applied whole at 8 WAP. TIS 87/0087 was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in tuber yield ha-1 when K was split applied at 2 WAP + 6 WAP or 50 kg K ha-1 at 4 WAP + 50 kg K ha-1 at 8 WAP. TIS 87/0087 which is a higher yielding variety is recommended for the study area with split application of K at 2 WAP + 6 WAP or at 4 WAP + 8 WAP.KEY WORDS: Sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, K, time of K application

    The need for a new convention to deal with aviation related crimes

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    In legal regime governing crimes on board aircraft, three international Conventions are very relevant and indispensable. They are Tokyo Convention (1963), Hague Convention (1970), and Montreal Convention (1971) together with their protocols. These instruments though have been very useful in dealing with crimes relating to aviation; yet they have been found to be inadequate in the face of current challenges of terrorism and global security needs. The challenge of security in the modern times relating to aviation is of a serious concern. This paper examines the three mentioned Conventions and points out the weakness of the Conventions as at today and therefore canvasses the need for a new Convention to address modern security challenges.Keywords: Aviation, Crimes, Convention, International La

    Synergistic Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Phyllantus Muellerianus and Eremomastax Speciosa Leaves on Lipid Profile of Wistar Rat

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    The study investigated the synergistic effect of ethanolic extract of Eremomastax speciosa and Phyllantus muellerianusleaves on the lipid profile of Wistar rats. The Wistar rats were assigned into two groups of 10 animals each; the control was given normal rat pellet and water, while the experimental group was given the mixture of the ethanolic plant extracts at 200mg/kg body weight, by orogastric intubations once daily. The animals were fed for 3weeks (21 days) during which anthropometric measurement and data were collected. Twelve hours after the feeding and administration of both plants extract, the animals were anesthetized under chloroform vapor and then dissected. Blood samples were collected from the heart by cardiac puncture into plain tubes and taken to the laboratory for analysis. The phytochemical result indicates that the extract contains a high amount of flavoniods and alkaloids; a moderate amount of saponins, tannins, and polyphenols with a mild amount of glycosides. The result of the study shows a mean significant decrease in the TC level and LDL-C level; an abnormal increase in the levels of TG, VLDLC, and an abnormal decrease in HDL-C between the experimental and control group at a probability level of p&lt;0.05. The phytochemical result indicates that the plant can be used to manage many health conditions like Stomach troubles, headaches, jaundice, and anemia (Obenet al., 2006). While the overall result of the study reveals that the administration of both extracts has both hypolipidemic effects and hyperlipidemic effects on the lipid profile levels correlate with cardiovascular disease

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

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    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a rare clinical emergency that is characterized by features of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia. The availability of effective therapy with therapeutic plasma exchange has decreased the mortality rate from 90 % to approximately 20%. The historical pentad of clinical features once thought to be needed to make the diagnosis include fever, anemia, renal failure, neurological findings and thrombocytopenia. Currently, clinical diagnosis is made by existence of thrombocytopenia and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia unexplained by other causes. The variety of clinical presentations and the lack of specific laboratory diagnostic criteria make the diagnosis of TTP highly dependent on a high index of clinical suspicion and can be easily missed. Early recognition and appropriate treatment with plasma exchange in clinical settings is very important and is frequently life saving. Current knowledge in the etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, trends in the diagnosis and treatment are reviewed herein

    Development and Evaluation of a Standard Weight (W\u3csub\u3es\u3c/sub\u3e) Equation for Blue Catfish

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    Using a data set composed of 33 populations from six states, we employed the regression-linepercentile technique to develop a standard weight equation for blue catfish Ictalurus furcatus and validated it with an independent data set composed of 43 populations from 10 states. The equation is log10Ws=-6.067+ 3.400 log10TL, where Ws is standard weight in grams and TL is total length in millimeters. The English-unit equivalent (pounds and inches) is log10Ws=-3.950+ 3.400 log10TL. The equation is valid for blue catfish 160 mm (approximately 6 in) TL and longer. Relative weight (Wr) values computed with this equation did not exhibit any systematic length bias

    Effect of intercropping varieties of sweet potato and okra in an ultisol of southeastern Nigeria

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    A field experiment was conducted at the research farm of the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike in 2000 and 2001 cropping seasons to access the productivity of three sweet potato cultivars intercropped with three okra cultivars. Intercropping generally increased okra plant height while intercropping with TIS 2532 OP.1.13 sweet potato significantly increased the number of pods per plant of okra than intercropping with other sweet potato cultivars. Tuber yield in sweet potato was higher in TIS 87/0087 than other cultivars. Both pod and tuber yields were not affected by intercropping. Land equivalent ratio was higher with intercropping TAE 38 okra and TIS 87/0087 sweet potato

    Effects of Microfinance Bank Credit on Small and Medium Scale Businesses: Evidence from Alimosho LGA, Lagos State.

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of microfinance bank credit and its debt servicing on the profitability of SMEs in Alimosho Local Government Area, Lagos State, Nigeria. A survey was carried out involving 387 SMEs in Alimosho LGA, Lagos State and information was extracted using a well-structured questionnaire to answer research hypotheses raised. Evidence from the simple linear regression outputs of SPSS v.25 shows that that MFBs loans and MFBs loans debt service deteriorates significantly the profitability of selected SMEs in the Alimosho local government area of Lagos state. Policy recommendations to the Federal Government, commercial banks, microfinance banks and the apex bank are; Micro Finance Banks (MFBs) should lighten the terms of lending including increasing the duration of the loans to ease repayment by SMEs; MFBs should adopt flexible requirements suitable for small-scale and medium enterprises as pertaining documentation and other specialized services to engender SMEs growth; MFBs should cover the lacuna of ex-post verification by setting up a digital platform where progress of projects cum businesses for which loans are granted are effectively monitored at lesser costs

    Prevalence of Retinitis Pigmentosa in Kano State, Nigeria

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    Background: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a slow degenerative disease of the retina which affects the photoreceptor layer, predominantly rods. Aim: A retrospective cross-sectional study aimed to determine the prevalence of RP in Kano State. Method: One thousand, five hundred folders were&nbsp; reviewed from 2010-2020 in the Retina and Low Vision Clinics of Makkah Eye Hospital (MSEH) and Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital Kano (AKTH).&nbsp; Clinical presentation, features, history of consanguinity, and degree of visual impairment were studied. Data were analyzed using SPSS's latest&nbsp; version 25.0. Results: Sixty patients were diagnosed with RP, representing a prevalence of 4%. The ratio of male to female is 1:1. The age range was 3 to 70 years&nbsp; (mean 31.17 years +/- 17.69 years). Twenty-nine patients had visual acuity of less than 3/60, indicating that half of the patients are blind. The&nbsp; commonest mode of presentation was night blindness in 58.3% of the patients. Bone spicule pigmentation is the most common sign in this study&nbsp; (61.7%), while those with macula edema (18.3%) and normal fundus present with the lowest frequency of 11.7%. The rate of RP correlated with&nbsp; consanguineous history in this study shows a positive correlation(r=0.022). Conclusion: The degree of visual loss in Kano state citizens with RP is severe and may be related to inadequate knowledge regarding the condition&nbsp; and late presentation of the patient to the hospital. There is a need for health education of the public and patients about the need for early&nbsp; presentation to the hospital.&nbsp

    Impact of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the postharvest fruit qualities of four "musa" (AAB sub-group) genotypes in sub-humid zone of Nigeria

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    The postharvest fruit quality responses of four plantain genotypes (‘29525’, ‘30456-3’, ‘PITA 14’ and Agbagba) to fertilizer types (inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilizer and control (no fertilizer) were evaluated in 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 cropping seasons. The experimental design was a 4 x 3 factorial in randomized block design with three replications. There were significant differences (


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    Abstract: We examined the extent to which SMEs financing influenced economic growth in Nigeria through the use of time-series data from 1999-2018. After a literature search, other factors possessing the potential to influence the dependent variable ASGDP was added to the research model. Relying on Ordinary Least Squares estimation using E-views 10.0, findings shows that lending rate reduces ASGDP by 7% and gross capital formation reduces ASGDP by 5%. On the other hand, surprisingly, credit to SMEs did not retain the massive effect on growth as seen in previous studies. We can attribute this to our choice of adopting SME contribution to GDP as our target variable. Electricity distribution increased ASGDP by 4.6%. Policy recommendations to the Federal Government and the apex bank are; capital inflows vis-à-vis affordable local loans to SMEs at single digit (interest rate) is necessary to enhance the performance of SMEs and growth simultaneously. Electricity tariffs should be heavily subsidized for small and medium scale enterprises to decrease their overhead cost
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