3 research outputs found

    Long Lasting Local and Systemic Inflammation after Cerebral Hypoxic ischemia in Newborn Mice

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    Background: Hypoxic ischemia (HI) is an important cause of neonatal brain injury and subsequent inflammation affects neurological outcome. In this study we performed investigations of systemic and local activation states of inflammatory cells from innate and adaptive immunity at different time points after neonatal HI brain injury in mice. Methodology/Principal Findings: We developed a multiplex flow cytometry based method combined with immunohistochemistry to investigate cellular immune responses in the brain 24 h to 7 months after HI brain injury. In addition, functional studies of ex vivo splenocytes after cerebral hypoxic ischemia were performed. Both central and peripheral activation of CD11b + and CD11c + antigen presenting cells were seen with expression of the costimulatory molecule CD86 and MHC-II, indicating active antigen presentation in the damaged hemisphere and in the spleen. After one week, naïve CD45rb + T-lymphocytes were demonstrated in the damaged brain hemisphere. In a second phase after three months, pronounced activation of CD45rb 2 T-lymphocytes expressing CD69 and CD25 was seen in the damaged hemisphere. Brain homogenate induced proliferation in splenocytes after HI but not in controls. Conclusions/Significance: Our findings demonstrate activation of both local and systemic immune responses months after hypoxic ischemic neonatal brain injury. The long term immune activation observed is of general importance for future studies of the inflammatory response after brain injury as most previous studies have focused on the first few weeks afte

    Erupção acneiforme aguda induzida por interferon beta-1b durante tratamento para esclerose múltipla Acute acneiform eruption induced by interferon beta-1b during treatment for multiple sclerosis

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    Esclerose múltipla é uma doença inflamatória desmielinizante, com presumida origem autoimune, que afeta o sistema nervoso central. A principal modalidade terapêutica é baseada no uso de imunomoduladores, como o interferon beta, que são geralmente bem tolerados. As manifestações cutâneas secundárias ao interferon beta-1b são representadas, na maioria das vezes, por reações no local de sua aplicação subcutânea. Descrevemos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino que desenvolveu um quadro de erupção acneiforme pelo interferon beta-1b.<br>Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of presumed autoimmune origin that affects the central nervous system. The main form of therapy is based on the use of immunomodulators such as interferon beta, which are usually well tolerated. Skin manifestations resulting from treatment with interferon beta-1b consist principally of reactions at the site of subcutaneous application of the drug. The present case report describes a female patient who developed an acneiform eruption resulting from treatment with interferon beta-1b