106 research outputs found

    Synaptic activity regulates AMPA receptor trafficking through different recycling pathways

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in eLife 4 (2015): e06878, doi:10.7554/eLife.06878.Changes in glutamatergic synaptic strength in brain are dependent on AMPA-type glutamate receptor (AMPAR) recycling, which is assumed to occur through a single local pathway. In this study, we present evidence that AMPAR recycling occurs through different pathways regulated by synaptic activity. Without synaptic stimulation, most AMPARs recycled in dynamin-independent endosomes containing the GTPase, Arf6. Few AMPARs recycled in dynamin-dependent endosomes labeled by transferrin receptors (TfRs). AMPAR recycling was blocked by alterations in the GTPase, TC10, which co-localized with Arf6 endosomes. TC10 mutants that reduced AMPAR recycling had no effect on increased AMPAR levels with long-term potentiation (LTP) and little effect on decreased AMPAR levels with long-term depression. However, internalized AMPAR levels in TfR-containing recycling endosomes increased after LTP, indicating increased AMPAR recycling through the dynamin-dependent pathway with synaptic plasticity. LTP-induced AMPAR endocytosis is inconsistent with local recycling as a source of increased surface receptors, suggesting AMPARs are trafficked from other sites.This work was supported by the U.S. National Institutes of Health under grant numbers NS043782, NS090903 and DA035430 (WNG). This project was also supported by the University of Chicago, Department of Neurobiology Erma Smith Scholarship from the Physiology Endowment Fund and faculty fellowships to WNG and JMM from the Marine Biological Laboratory

    Earplug-induced changes in acoustic reflex thresholds suggest that increased subcortical neural gain may be necessary but not sufficient for the occurrence of tinnitus

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    The occurrence of tinnitus is associated with hearing loss and neuroplastic changes in the brain, but disentangling correlation and causation has remained difficult in both human and animal studies. Here we use earplugs to cause a period of monaural deprivation to induce a temporary, fully reversible tinnitus sensation, to test whether differences in subcortical changes in neural response gain, as reflected through changes in acoustic reflex thresholds (ARTs), could explain the occurrence of tinnitus. Forty-four subjects with normal hearing wore an earplug in one ear for either 4 (n = 27) or 7 days (n = 17). Thirty subjects reported tinnitus at the end of the deprivation period. ARTs were measured before the earplug period and immediately after taking the earplug out. At the end of the earplug period, ARTs in the plugged ear were decreased by 5.9 ± 1.1 dB in the tinnitus-positive group, and by 6.3 ± 1.1 dB in the tinnitus-negative group. In the control ear, ARTs were increased by 1.3 ± 0.8 dB in the tinnitus-positive group, and by 1.6 ± 2.0 dB in the tinnitus-negative group. There were no significant differences between the groups with 4 and 7 days of auditory deprivation. Our results suggest that either the subcortical neurophysiological changes underlying the ART reductions might not be related to the occurrence of tinnitus, or that they might be a necessary component of the generation of tinnitus, but with additional changes at a higher level of auditory processing required to give rise to tinnitus

    What is the relationship between worker skills and outcomes for families in child and family social work?

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    Communication skills are fundamental to social work, yet few studies have directly evaluated their impact. In this study, we explore the relationship between skills and outcomes in 127 families. An observation of practice was undertaken on the second or third meeting with a family. Practice quality was evaluated in relation to seven skills, which were grouped into three dimensions: relationship building, good authority and evocation of intrinsic motivation. Outcomes at approximately six months were parent-reported engagement (Working Alliance Inventory), Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS), an eleven-point family life satisfaction rating, the Family Environment Scale and General Health Questionnaire and service outcomes from agency records including children entering care. Relationship-building skills predicted parent-reported engagement, although good authority and evocation had stronger relationships with outcome measures. Where workers visited families more often, relationships between skills and outcomes were stronger, in part because workers had more involvement and in part because these families were more likely to have significant problems. The relationship between skills and outcomes was complicated, although the findings provide encouraging evidence that key social work skills have an influence on outcomes for families

    Dynamic, adaptive sampling during nanopore sequencing using Bayesian experimental design

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    Nanopore sequencers can select which DNA molecules to sequence, rejecting a molecule after analysis of a small initial part. Currently, selection is based on predetermined regions of interest that remain constant throughout an experiment. Sequencing efforts, thus, cannot be re-focused on molecules likely contributing most to experimental success. Here we present BOSS-RUNS, an algorithmic framework and software to generate dynamically updated decision strategies. We quantify uncertainty at each genome position with real-time updates from data already observed. For each DNA fragment, we decide whether the expected decrease in uncertainty that it would provide warrants fully sequencing it, thus optimizing information gain. BOSS-RUNS mitigates coverage bias between and within members of a microbial community, leading to improved variant calling; for example, low-coverage sites of a species at 1% abundance were reduced by 87.5%, with 12.5% more single-nucleotide polymorphisms detected. Such data-driven updates to molecule selection are applicable to many sequencing scenarios, such as enriching for regions with increased divergence or low coverage, reducing time-to-answer

    Reversible Induction of Phantom Auditory Sensations through Simulated Unilateral Hearing Loss

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    Tinnitus, a phantom auditory sensation, is associated with hearing loss in most cases, but it is unclear if hearing loss causes tinnitus. Phantom auditory sensations can be induced in normal hearing listeners when they experience severe auditory deprivation such as confinement in an anechoic chamber, which can be regarded as somewhat analogous to a profound bilateral hearing loss. As this condition is relatively uncommon among tinnitus patients, induction of phantom sounds by a lesser degree of auditory deprivation could advance our understanding of the mechanisms of tinnitus. In this study, we therefore investigated the reporting of phantom sounds after continuous use of an earplug. 18 healthy volunteers with normal hearing wore a silicone earplug continuously in one ear for 7 days. The attenuation provided by the earplugs simulated a mild high-frequency hearing loss, mean attenuation increased from <10 dB at 0.25 kHz to >30 dB at 3 and 4 kHz. 14 out of 18 participants reported phantom sounds during earplug use. 11 participants presented with stable phantom sounds on day 7 and underwent tinnitus spectrum characterization with the earplug still in place. The spectra showed that the phantom sounds were perceived predominantly as high-pitched, corresponding to the frequency range most affected by the earplug. In all cases, the auditory phantom disappeared when the earplug was removed, indicating a causal relation between auditory deprivation and phantom sounds. This relation matches the predictions of our computational model of tinnitus development, which proposes a possible mechanism by which a stabilization of neuronal activity through homeostatic plasticity in the central auditory system could lead to the development of a neuronal correlate of tinnitus when auditory nerve activity is reduced due to the earplug

    A compact system for intraoperative specimen imaging based on edge illumination x-ray phase contrast

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    A significant number of patients receiving breast-conserving surgery (BCS) for invasive carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) may need reoperation following tumor-positive margins from final histopathology tests. All current intraoperative margin assessment modalities have specific limitations. As a first step towards the development of a compact system for intraoperative specimen imaging based on edge illumination x-ray phase contrast, we prove that the system\u27s dimensions can be reduced without affecting imaging performance. We analysed the variation in noise and contrast to noise ratio (CNR) with decreasing system length using the edge illumination x-ray phase contrast imaging setup. Two-(planar) and three-(computed tomography (CT)) dimensional imaging acquisitions of custom phantoms and a breast tissue specimen were made. Dedicated phase retrieval algorithms were used to separate refraction and absorption signals. A \u27single-shot\u27 retrieval method was also used, to retrieve thickness map images, due to its simple acquisition procedure and reduced acquisition times. Experimental results were compared to numerical simulations where appropriate. The relative contribution of dark noise signal in integrating detectors is significant for low photon count statistics acquisitions. Under constant exposure factors and magnification, a more compact system provides an increase in CNR. Superior CNR results were obtained for refraction and thickness map images when compared to absorption images. Results indicate that the \u27single-shot\u27 acquisition method is preferable for a compact CT intraoperative specimen scanner; it allows for shorter acquisition times and its combination of the absorption and refraction signals ultimately leads to a higher contrast. The first CT images of a breast specimen acquired with the compact system provided promising results when compared to those of the longer length system

    An assessment of multimodal imaging of subsurface text in mummy cartonnage using surrogate papyrus phantoms

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    Ancient Egyptian mummies were often covered with an outer casing, panels and masks made from cartonnage: a lightweight material made from linen, plaster, and recycled papyrus held together with adhesive. Egyptologists, papyrologists, and historians aim to recover and read extant text on the papyrus contained within cartonnage layers, but some methods, such as dissolving mummy casings, are destructive. The use of an advanced range of different imaging modalities was investigated to test the feasibility of non-destructive approaches applied to multi-layered papyrus found in ancient Egyptian mummy cartonnage. Eight different techniques were compared by imaging four synthetic phantoms designed to provide robust, well-understood, yet relevant sample standards using modern papyrus and replica inks. The techniques include optical (multispectral imaging with reflection and transillumination, and optical coherence tomography), X-ray (X-ray fluorescence imaging, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray micro computed tomography and phase contrast X-ray) and terahertz-based approaches. Optical imaging techniques were able to detect inks on all four phantoms, but were unable to significantly penetrate papyrus. X-ray-based techniques were sensitive to iron-based inks with excellent penetration but were not able to detect carbon-based inks. However, using terahertz imaging, it was possible to detect carbon-based inks with good penetration but with less sensitivity to iron-based inks. The phantoms allowed reliable and repeatable tests to be made at multiple sites on three continents. The tests demonstrated that each imaging modality needs to be optimised for this particular application: it is, in general, not sufficient to repurpose an existing device without modification. Furthermore, it is likely that no single imaging technique will to be able to robustly detect and enable the reading of text within ancient Egyptian mummy cartonnage. However, by carefully selecting, optimising and combining techniques, text contained within these fragile and rare artefacts may eventually be open to non-destructive imaging, identification, and interpretation
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