2,230 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Mutu Layanan Guru Dan Biaya Pribadi Terhadap Kepuasan Siswa Pada SMP Swasta Se-kota Tasikmalaya

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    Kepuasan siswa merupakan target akhir dari sebuah proses pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajar, yang ditandai sikap siswa yang memperlihatkan rasa senang karena adanya kesesuaian antara apa yang diharapkan dan dibutuhkan dengan Kenyataan yang diterima. Pada hakikatnya, penelitian ini mengkaji tentang besaran pengaruh mutu layanan guru dan biaya pribadi pada SMP Swasta Se-Kota Tasikmalaya, maka dari itu siswa sebagai objek penelitiannya yang merasakan langsung kondisi dari kepuasan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengatahui besaran pengaruh mutu layanan guru dan biaya pribadi terhadap kepuasan siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey dengan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui analisis deskriptif dengan korelasional dan regresi.Data diambil dengan menggunakan kuesioner.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP Swasta Se-Kota Tasikmalaya.Sampel penelitian menggunakan teknik Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa mutu layanan guru pada SMP Swasta Se-Kota Tasikmalaya dalam kategori sangat tinggi, biaya pribadi pada SMP Swasta Se-Kota Tasikmalaya dalam kategori tinggi, kepuasan siswa pada SMP Swasta Se-Kota Tasikmalaya dalam kategori tinggi, serta terdapat pengaruh dari mutu layanan guru terhadap kepuasan siswa dalam kategori sedang dan terdapat pengaruh dari biaya pribadi terhadap kepuasan siswa dalam kategori rendah. Kemudian pengaruh dari mutu layanan guru dan biaya pribadi terhadap kepuasan siswa dalam kategori sedang.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, beberapa hal yang perlu direkomendasikan dalam upaya mencapai kepuasan siswa.Mutu layanan guru yang selalu cepat tanggap dalam menangani siswa harus dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan, Biaya pribadi disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa khususnya pada sekolah berasrama (boarding school) untuk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari.Kepuasan siswa merupakan hal yang perlu diperhatikan bagi lembaga pendidikan, karena keberhasilan lembaga persekolahan dapat dilihat dari sudut dan tingkat kepuasan dari pelanggannya. Student satisfaction is the ultimate target of a process of teaching and learning activities, which characterized the attitude of students who show a sense of pleasure because of the suitability between what is expected and required by the accepted reality. In essence, this research examines the amount of influence between quality of service of teachers in junior high and personal cost of private school in Tasikmalaya, therefore the student as an object of research that directly sense the conditions of satisfaction. The purpose of research is knowing the amount of influence the quality of service of teachers and the personal cost to the satisfaction of the students. The method used in this study is a quantitative approach through a survey with a descriptive correlational analysis and regression.Data taken by using the questionnaire. The population in this study are students of private junior high school in Tasikmalaya. Samples taken from this study using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. As a results of this study found that the quality of service of teachers in the Private Junior high School entire Tasikmalaya are very high category, personal cost is high catagory, students satisfaction are the high category, and there are significant of the quality of service of teachers to student satisfaction in the medium category, and there is the influence of the personal cost to the satisfaction of the students in the low category. Then the effect of teacher quality service and personal expenses for student satisfaction in the medium category. Based on these results, a few things need to be recommended in order to achieve student satisfaction. Teacher quality service that is always responsive in dealing with students should be maintained and enhanced, personalized fee appropriated to the needs of students, especially at boarding school (boarding school) to fulfill the daily needs. Student satisfaction must be concerned for educational institutions, because of the success of institutional schooling can be viewed from the one point of view and the level of satisfaction of its customers

    S}afwat Al-tafa

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    Salah satu sarjana muslim yang turut berpartisipasi dalam khazanah tafsir al-Qur'an masa kini adalah Muhammad ‘Ali alSabuni.Salah satu karya monumentalnya di bidang tafsir adalahS}afwat al-Tafa>si>r. Diakui oleh al-Sabuni sendiri, bahwa ia menulistafsir tersebut dalam rangka memberikan pemahaman kepada umatdi tengah-tengah kesibukan mereka yang kesulitan untukmembuka berjilid-jilid tafsir yang ditulis ulama sebelumnya. Di dalamnya, ia merangkum beberapa intisari kitab-kitab tafsir terdahulu dan memadatkannya dalam suatu kitab tafsir. Namun, dalam posisinya sebagai seorang tokoh yang pernah mengajar di Universitas Ummul Qura dan King Abdul Aziz Universtity, dalam aktivitas menafsirkan ayat, al-Sabuni juga menuai kontra dari para ulama di Saudi, terutama terkait tafsir ayat-ayat sifat. Tulisan ini akan membahas seputar al-Sabuni dan tafsirnya Safwat al-Tafasir serta penafsirannya terhadap ayat-ayat sifat yang menuai kontroversi

    3D-FDTD Method for Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Loaded with Anisotropic Dielectric Material

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    One of the most popular techniques to solve electromagneticproblems numerically is using finite-difference timedomain(FDTD) method. The method has been successfullyapplied to an extremely wide variety of electromagnetic problems.The essential reason resides in the fact that the FDTD methoditself is extremely simple even for analyzing in a three-dimensional(3D) system. In this paper, the analysis of resonant frequencyfor a rectangular waveguide which is loaded with anisotropicdielectric material is numerically investigated based on 3D-FDTDmethod. The wave equations and modes that appear in thewaveguide are analyzed theoretically in which the results areapplied to validate the numerical result obtained from 3D-FDTDmethod. For comparison, an empty rectangular waveguide anda rectangular waveguide fully loaded with isotropic dielectricmaterial are also analyzed both theoretically and numerically.From the result, it shows that a good agreement has been achievedbetween theoretical calculation and 3D-FDTD numerical resultswith their discrepancies of 0.26–2.32%

    Automation of Keithley 617 Programmable Electrometer System for Obtaining Current-Voltage Characteristics

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    The hardware and software of the Keithley 617 Programmable Electrometer System, which is used for electrical characterization of materials and devices, have been automated so that users can work under convenient environment. The main constraint in automation of the system was budget. It was decided that the PCL488 ISA card is reused. The computer supporting the ISA bus was Pentium II with 128 Megabytes of RAM and the best operating system for the Pentium II computer was Windows 98 SE. The software driver for the PCL488 card was also updated to be CEC488 v7, which is the latest version for Windows. Interactive software for measurement, processing and displaying data has been written by using the Borland Delphi version 6.0, which is a programming language with graphical-user interface capability. Therefore, users can operate the system conveniently. Keywords: Electrometer, Device, GPIB, I-V characteristic, Material, Programmin

    Pelatihan Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa Krama untuk Usia Dini Bagi Guru RA dan MI

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    Javanese language is very important to students learn since early childhood. Where through Javanese language children can understand the positive value in the self-character. While learning Javanese etiquette in RA Miftahul Ulum and MI Miftahul Ulum 02 is still not optimal. So it is necessary to conduct training for teachers in RA Miftahul Ulum and MI Miftahul Ulum 02 in the lower classes related to the method of learning Javanese etiquette. Through this activity, the team provided training with demonstration methods about interesting learning methods, interactive and can be used to teach Javanese language especially “Krama” to early childhood. In this case early childhood is a low grade RA and MI student and training is given to teachers in RA Miftahul Ulum and MI Miftahul Ulum 02 in the lower class. This service activity has several stages which include, briefing and direction, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. The results of this training received good appreciation from the partners. Partners actively participate in training activities. In addition, through practical activities, participants can practice the learning methods provided, so that participants are able to provide problems solving in the difficulties experienced by teachers in learning Javanese language for early childhoo

    Paraduodenal hernia: A case report

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    Analysis of Simvastatin using a Simple and Fast High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Ultra Violet Method: Development, Validation and Application in Solubility Studies

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    Purpose: To develop and validate an accurate, rapid and reproducible reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) analytical method for the lipid lowering drug, simvastatin, and to apply the developed method to study the solubility of the drug in various oils andsurfactants.Methods: Isocratic RP-HPLC system with a UV-vis detector, and a column with dimensions 4.6 mm x 150 mm and 5ì particle size, was employed. The mobile phase consisted of methanol and 0.01M KH2PO4 phosphate buffer (80:20) at pH 5.5 adjusted with phosphoric acid (2M) and pumped at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Validation parameters, viz, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ) linearity, accuracy, precision, and sensitivity, were established. Solubility study was performed in various oils and surfactants at 25°C and the developed HPLC method was applied to analyze all samples.Results: The developed HPLC method showed good linearity (R2 = 0.9958 ± 0.0040. The intra- and inter-day % accuracy was more than 98 %. LOQ and LOQ were 0.160 and 0.484 ìg/ml respectively. Simvastatin showed the highest solubility in sesame oil (15 mg/ml) and in Tween 80 (11 mg/ml) at 25oC.Conclusion: An accurate, rapid and robust HPLC-UV method has been developed, validated and applied successfully to determine the solubility of simvastatin in oils.Keywords: Simvastatin, Validation, Solubility, Sesame oil, Tween 80

    Solubility and Permeability Studies of Aceclofenac in Different Oils

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    Purpose: To measure the extent of solubility of the lipophilic drug,   aceclofenac, in 13 oils as well as its in vitro permeability from these oils in order to develop optimized topical microemulsion and  microemulsion-based gel for improved bioavailability.Methods: UV spectrophotometeric method was used at the wavelength of 276 nm to measure the dissolved quantity of aceclofenac in each of the oils (almond oil, oleic acid, castor oil, paraffin oil, cinnamon oil, clove oil, canola oil, sesame oil, isopropyl myristate (ipm), sunflower oil, corn oil, coconuts oil and eucalyptus oil) at 25 °C. The in-vitro permeability of aceclofenac in each of these oils was determined at 32 ± 0.5 °C using Franz diffusion cell with phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) as medium with 0.45ì cellulose acetate membrane. The solubility and permeability of aceclofenac were compared with the hydroalcoholic solution of aceclofenac.Results: The highest solubility values of 9.153 and 8.560 mg/ml for  aceclofenac were obtained with almond oil and oleic acid, respectively (p < 0.05). However the solubility and permeability of aceclofenac in hydro-alcoholic solution were 150.65 mg/ml and 14.91± 0.05 ìg/cm2/h,  respectively. Aceclofenac also showed higher permeability values (1.45± 0.04 and 1.21 ± 0.06) in almond oil and oleic acid, respectively, than in the other oils (p < 0.05).Conclusion: These findings show that almond oil and oleic acid are  promising vehicles for aceclofenac as its enhanced solubility and  permeability in these vehicles are suggestive of improved bioavailability.Keywords: Aceclofenac, Almond oil, Solubility; Permeability, Oleic acid, Bioavailability