1,650 research outputs found

    Assessment of Air Pollution and GHG Mitigation Strategies in Pakistan Using the GAINS Model

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    Pakistan's attempt to raise the living standards of its citizens has meant that economic development as largely taken precedence over environmental issues. Uncontrolled use of hazardous chemicals, vehile emissions, and industrial activities have contributed to a number of environmental and health azads. Negative externalities emerge, inter alia, in the form of anthropogenic air pollution and increaed rate of GHGs emissions. This report presents a first analysis of potential implications of the current economic development pans of Pakistan on local and regional air pollution, and explores alternative approaches that could imit the envisaged deterioration of air quality. It also explores the co-benefits of air pollutio cotrol measures on the emissions of greenhouse gases that cause climate change. The analysis has been carried out with the GAINS (Greenhouse gas - Air pollution Interaction and Synegies) model that has been developed by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIAA). The report summarizes exogenous projections of energy use and application of emission controlmeaures up to 2030 and discusses the resulting implications on air quality and GHGs. Illustrative emisson control scenarios assess health benefits of additional measures and associated costs. Scenarios iclude the options of employing cleaner fuels, and of applying end-of-pipe emission control meaures

    Optical Kerr Effect In Supercooled Water.

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    We present molecular dynamics simulations of the optical Kerr effect in liquid and supercooled water and compare with recent time-resolved Kerr spectroscopy measurements [R. Torre, Nature (London) 428, 296 (2004)]. The short time features of the Kerr response, characterized by peaks near 15, 60, and 160 fs, are weakly temperature dependent. The long-time decay is well described by a stretched exponential with a nearly constant stretch parameter and relaxation times that follow a power law approximately (T-T(S))(-gamma), with T(S)=198.3 K and gamma=2.35. Our findings are discussed in the light of the spectroscopy data and previous simulation analyzes of the structural relaxation in supercooled water.9413780

    Using Deep Learning Model to Identify Iron Chlorosis in Plants

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    Iron deficiency in plants causes iron chlorosis which frequently occurs in soils that are alkaline (pH greater than 7.0) and that contain lime. This deficiency turns affected plant leaves to yellow, or with brown edges in advanced stages. The goal of this research is to use the deep learning model to identify a nutrient deficiency in plant leaves and perform soil analysis to identify the cause of the deficiency. Two pre-trained deep learning models, Single Shot Detector (SSD) MobileNet v2 and EfficientDet D0, are used to complete this task via transfer learning. This research also contrasts the architecture and performance of the models at each stage and freezes the models for future use. Classification accuracy ranged from 93% to 98% for the SSD Mobilenet v2 model. Although this model took less time to process, its accuracy level was lower. While the EfficientDet D0 model required more processing time, it provided very high classification accuracy for the photos, ranging from 87% to 98.4%. These findings lead to the conclusion that both models are useful for real-time classifications, however, the EfficientDet D0 model may perform significantly better

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Bermain Rekorder melalui Metode Demonstrasi di SMP

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    This study aims to improve students' skills in playing the flute through the method of demonstration. The research is a form of class action. The subjects were students of class VIII B, for a total of 26 people. This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research tool is the observation sheets and sheets test of skill. The results showed that in the first cycle of students still make mistakes in the position of the recorder under the 30o or 45o above, then students are still using thoracic breathing. The radius of the students still looks stiff in the hole last recorder. All students not yet fluent in the recorder closing holes. In the second cycle, students have been able to maintain properly. some students still use abdominal breathing and chest so the emitted tone becomes unstable found. Students can now close the hole and recorder and not look stiff. It can be concluded that through the demonstration method can improve students' skills in playing the recorder

    Carbon dioxide flux and net primary production of a boreal treed bog: Responses to warming and water-table-lowering simulations of climate change

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    Midlatitude treed bogs represent significant carbon (C) stocks and are highly sensitive to global climate change. In a dry continental treed bog, we compared three sites: control, recent (1–3 years; experimental) and older drained (10–13 years), with water levels at 38, 74 and 120 cm below the surface, respectively. At each site we measured carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes and estimated tree root respiration (Rr; across hummock–hollow microtopography of the forest floor) and net primary production (NPP) of trees during the growing seasons (May to October) of 2011–2013. The CO2–C balance was calculated by adding the net CO2 exchange of the forest floor (NEff-Rr) to the NPP of the trees. From cooler and wetter 2011 to the driest and the warmest 2013, the control site was a CO2–C sink of 92, 70 and 76 g m−2, the experimental site was a CO2–C source of 14, 57 and 135 g m−2, and the drained site was a progressively smaller source of 26, 23 and 13 g CO2–C m−2. The short-term drainage at the experimental site resulted in small changes in vegetation coverage and large net CO2 emissions at the microforms. In contrast, the longer-term drainage and deeper water level at the drained site resulted in the replacement of mosses with vascular plants (shrubs) on the hummocks and lichen in the hollows leading to the highest CO2 uptake at the drained hummocks and significant losses in the hollows. The tree NPP (including above- and below-ground growth and litter fall) in 2011 and 2012 was significantly higher at the drained site (92 and 83 g C m−2) than at the experimental (58 and 55 g C m−2) and control (52 and 46 g C m−2) sites. We also quantified the impact of climatic warming at all water table treatments by equipping additional plots with open-top chambers (OTCs) that caused a passive warming on average of ~ 1 °C and differential air warming of ~ 6 °C at midday full sun over the study years. Warming significantly enhanced shrub growth and the CO2 sink function of the drained hummocks (exceeding the cumulative respiration losses in hollows induced by the lowered water level × warming). There was an interaction of water level with warming across hummocks that resulted in the largest net CO2 uptake at the warmed drained hummocks. Thus in 2013, the warming treatment enhanced the sink function of the control site by 13 g m−2, reduced the source function of the experimental by 10 g m−2 and significantly enhanced the sink function of the drained site by 73 g m−2. Therefore, drying and warming in continental bogs is expected to initially accelerate CO2–C losses via ecosystem respiration, but persistent drought and warming is expected to restore the peatland's original CO2–C sink function as a result of the shifts in vegetation composition and productivity between the microforms and increased NPP of trees over time

    Responses of carbon dioxide flux and plant biomass to water table drawdown in a treed peatland in northern Alberta: a climate change perspective

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    Northern peatland ecosystems represent large carbon (C) stocks that are susceptible to changes such as accelerated mineralization due to water table lowering expected under a climate change scenario. During the growing seasons (1 May to 31 October) of 2011 and 2012 we monitored CO2 fluxes and plant biomass along a microtopographic gradient (hummocks-hollows) in an undisturbed dry continental boreal treed bog (control) and a nearby site that was drained (drained) in 2001. Ten years of drainage in the bog significantly increased coverage of shrubs at hummocks and lichens at hollows. Considering measured hummock coverage and including tree incremental growth, we estimate that the control site was a sink of −92 in 2011 and −70 g C m−2 in 2012, while the drained site was a source of 27 and 23 g C m−2 over the same years. We infer that, drainage-induced changes in vegetation growth led to increased biomass to counteract a portion of soil carbon losses. These results suggest that spatial variability (microtopography) and changes in vegetation community in boreal peatlands will affect how these ecosystems respond to lowered water table potentially induced by climate chang

    Hidden variables unseen by Random Forests

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    Random Forests are widely claimed to capture interactions well. However, some simple examples suggest that they perform poorly in the presence of certain pure interactions that the conventional CART criterion struggles to capture during tree construction. We argue that alternative partitioning schemes can enhance identification of these interactions. Furthermore, we extend recent theory of Random Forests based on the notion of impurity decrease by considering probabilistic impurity decrease conditions. Within this framework, consistency of a new algorithm coined 'Random Split Random Forest' tailored to address function classes involving pure interactions is established. In a simulation study, we validate that the modifications considered enhance the model's fitting ability in scenarios where pure interactions play a crucial role

    Reproducibility of scientific workflows execution using cloud-aware provenance (ReCAP)

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    © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature. Provenance of scientific workflows has been considered a mean to provide workflow reproducibility. However, the provenance approaches adopted so far are not applicable in the context of Cloud because the provenance trace lacks the Cloud information. This paper presents a novel approach that collects the Cloud-aware provenance and represents it as a graph. The workflow execution reproducibility on the Cloud is determined by comparing the workflow provenance at three levels i.e., workflow structure, execution infrastructure and workflow outputs. The experimental evaluation shows that the implemented approach can detect changes in the provenance traces and the outputs produced by the workflow

    Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Pasien Ppok Stabil di Poli Paru RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau dengan Menggunakan Kuesioner Sgrq

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    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of disease that have high morbidity and mortality, even in developingor developed country. One of negative effect of COPD is becoming low in quality of patients' life because this disease has a chronic and irreversible characters. This research was conducted to know about quality of COPD patients' life at Poli Paru RSUD Arifin Ahmad of Riau Province, included about patients' characteristic based on age, sex, occupation, education level, smoking status, and diagnosis level of COPD patients. This research was conducted at Poli Paru RSUD Arifin Ahmad of Riau Province, and the design of this research used cross sectional descriptive design. The sample of this research was COPD patients that has fully achieved of inclusion and exclusion criteria by using collecting consecutive sampling technique with 64 respondents. The data was collected from SGRQ questionnaire. Based on the analyzing of data, there were found that majority of COPD patients contributed onsex (male) (80,28%), elderly (64,78%), primary educational level (36,61%), smoker (61,97%), retired (25,35%), and new COPD diagnostic <3 years (60.56%). In general, the quality of COPD patients' life is not good which showed (61,97%)

    Minat Muda-mudi Hkbp Jeruju Terhadap Ansambel Uning Uningan Sebagai Musik Ibadah

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    This research aims to describe HKBP Jeruju youth's towards the uning-uningan ensemble as the worship music and as the interest of music instrument in uning-uningan ensemble. This research used a survey method in descriptive quantitative type of research. The source of data in this research is the data questionnaire filed by 22 HKBP Jeruju youth as well as the interviewees who has the knowledge and understanding of uning-uningan ensemble. The result of this research is the youth of HKBP Jeruju who has a big interest in uning-uningan ensemble as the worship music with the percentage of 50% for the highest interest. These youth's interest in uning-uningan ensemble is taganing of total 14 people, sulim 3 people, hasapi 5 people, nobody choose hesek
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