251 research outputs found

    Tremor in X-linked recessive spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy's disease)

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    OBJECTIVE: To study tremor in patients with X-linked recessive spinobulbar muscular atrophy or Kennedy's disease. METHODS: Ten patients (from 7 families) with a genetic diagnosis of Kennedy's disease were screened for the presence of tremor using a standardized clinical protocol and followed up at a neurology outpatient clinic. All index patients were genotyped and showed an expanded allele in the androgen receptor gene. RESULTS: Mean patient age was 37.6 years and mean number of CAG repeats 47 (44-53). Tremor was present in 8 (80%) patients and was predominantly postural hand tremor. Alcohol responsiveness was detected in 7 (88%) patients with tremor, who all responded well to treatment with a β-blocker (propranolol). CONCLUSION: Tremor is a common feature in patients with Kennedy's disease and has characteristics similar to those of essential tremor

    The new era and paradigms for patient consent

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    Spinocerebellar ataxias: genotype-phenotype correlations in 104 Brazilian families

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    OBJECTIVE: Spinocerebellar ataxias are neurodegenerative disorders involving the cerebellum and its connections. There are more than 30 distinct subtypes, 16 of which are associated with an identified gene. The aim of the current study was to evaluate a large group of patients from 104 Brazilian families with spinocerebellar ataxias. METHODS: We studied 150 patients from 104 families with spinocerebellar ataxias who had received molecular genetic testing for spinocerebellar ataxia types 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 17, and dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy. A statistical analysis of the results was performed using basic descriptive statistics and the correlation coefficient (r), Student's t-test, chi-square test, and Yates' correction. The statistical significance level was established for p-value

    Decisões a respeito da terapia com estimulação cerebral profunda na doença de Parkinson

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    A doença de Parkinson pode ser tratada cirurgicamente em pacientes que desenvolveram complicações motoras, como flutuações e discinesias, ou tremores refratários ao uso de medicação. Nesta revisão, um grupo de especialistas formulou sugestões para um protocolo de avaliação pré-operatória, depois de revisar a literatura publicada até outubro de 2017. Neste protocolo, são sugeridos critérios de elegibilidade e inadmissibilidade para tratamento cirúrgico, bem como procedimentos que devem ser realizados antes das decisões terapêuticas multidisciplinares. A revisão enfatiza a necessidade de estabelecer “equipes de DBS”, com profissionais dedicados especialmente a esta área. Ao final, a seleção do alvo cirúrgico (núcleo subtalâmico ou globo pálido interno) é discutida brevemente, ponderando prós e contras de cada escolha.Parkinson’s disease can be treated surgically in patients who present with motor complications such as fluctuations and dyskinesias, or medically-refractory disabling tremor. In this review, a group of specialists formulated suggestions for a preoperative evaluation protocol after reviewing the literature published up to October 2017. In this protocol, eligibility and ineligibility criteria for surgical treatment were suggested, as well as procedures that should be carried out before the multidisciplinary therapeutic decisions. The review emphasizes the need to establish “DBS teams”, with professionals dedicated specifically to this area. Finally, surgical target selection (subthalamic nucleus or globus pallidus internus) is discussed briefly, weighing the pros and cons of each target
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