43 research outputs found

    Chemical vapor deposition of TiO2 for photocatalytic applications and biocidal surfaces

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    Through a few examples, we present a short review on properties and applications of TiO2 films deposited by various CVD processes. The constraints due to the growth process make difficult optimization of properties that were correlated with microstructures. We focus on the photocatalytic activity in the visible range and on the antibacterial behavior of these functional thin layers

    Energy Efficiency Analysis in an Integrated Biomass Gasification Fuel Cell System

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    AbstractBiomass gasification for power generation has received considerable attention as a partial substitute for fossil fuels power generation. Gasification is the incomplete combustion that converts a carbon-contain feedstock into syngas including hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water and other gaseous hydrocarbons. To increase power efficiency, fuel cell is one of the most suitable ways to combine with biomass gasification especially solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). SOFC is considered as the most encouraging fuel cell type due to its high power generation efficiency and long term stability. Therefore, to obtain higher energy efficiency, gasification process should be operated with highly efficient power generation as SOFC. The combined cycle is called integrated biomass gasification fuel cell (BGFC) system. Furthermore, to measure a system performance, energy analysis should be evaluated. In this study, Aspen plus 7.2 is used to perform an integrated biomass gasification fuel cell system with rice straw feedstock for power generation. The results show that at the optimal operating condition, the electricity production is 1395.61kW with 69.38% total energy (combined heat and power) efficiency

    Elaboration par DLI-MOCVD de dépôts nanocomposites TiO2-M (M = Ag, Cu) et propriétés antibactériennes de ces surfaces solides

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    La présence de bactéries et biofilms est une préoccupation permanente dans de nombreux domaines. Ils sont à l’origine de nombreux faits d’actualité qui ont un coût important pour le système de santé. L’objectif de notre travail visait à élaborer des films nanocomposite transparents contenant des particules métalliques nanométriques d'élément antibactérien (Ag ou Cu) immergées dans une matrice d’oxyde (TiO

    DLI-CVD of TiO2–Cu antibacterial thin films: Growth and characterization

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    TiO2–Cu nanocomposite films were grown by pulsed direct liquid injection chemical vapor deposition (DLICVD) on stainless steel, silicon and glass substrates with the goal to produce bactericidal surfaces. Copper bis (2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptadionate), Cu(TMHD)2, and titanium tetra-iso-propoxide, TTIP, were used as metalorganic precursors. Liquid solutions of these compounds in xylene were injected in a flash vaporization chamber connected to a cold wall MOCVD reactor. The deposition temperature was typically 683 K and the total pressure was 800 Pa. The copper content of the layers was controlled by the mole fraction of Cu (TMHD)2 which was adjusted by the injection parameters (injection frequency and concentration of the starting solution). The chemical, structural and physical characteristics of the films were investigated by XRD, XPS, FEG-SEM and TEM. Copper is incorporated as metal particles with a relatively large size distribution ranging from 20 to 400 nm (with a large majority in 20–100 nm) depending on the copper content of the films. The influence of the growth conditions on the structural features and the antibacterial properties of the thin films are reported and discussed

    Comparative study of antibacterial efficiency of M-TiO2 (M = Ag, Cu) thin films grown by CVD

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    M-TiO2 (M = Ag, Cu) nanocomposite layers were grown by pulsed direct liquid injection chemical vapor deposition (DLICVD) on various substrates to produce bactericidal surfaces with long term activity. Monodisperse Ag nanoparticles (NPs) with an average size of 5-10 nm are embedded in an anatase matrix. A bactericidal behavior determined by the JIS Z 2801 standard test was found for Ag-TiO2 films for Ag ≤ 1 at. % and above. Higher Ag content is not necessary since efficiency is already at its maximum (relative activity 100%). By contrast, using Cu as antibacterial agent, a larger size distribution of metal particles was found (20 to 400 nm). Cu-TiO2 films exhibit a bactericidal behavior if their thickness is higher than 100 nm and Cu content ≥ 3.5 at. %. These coatings are still antibacterial after 5 months of aging and their efficiency has decreased by only 35%

    CVD elaboration of nanostructured TiO2-Ag thin films with efficient antibacterial properties

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    Nanostructured TiO2-Ag composite coatings are deposited by direct liquid injection metal-organic (DLI-MO) CVD at 683K in a one-step process. Silver pivalate (AgPiv) and titanium tetra-iso-propoxide (TTIP) are used as Ag and Ti molecular precursors, respectively. Metallic silver nanoparticles are co-deposited with anatase TiO2 on stainless steel, glass, and silicon wafers. The silver particles are uniformly embedded in the oxide matrix through the entire film thickness. The influence of the growth conditions, including injection parameters, is investigated on the chemical, physical, and structural characteristics of the coatings as well as on their anti-bacterial activities. The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is employed for anti-bacterial tests. The films are bactericidal, according to the JIS Z 2801 standard test performed in the dark, when they contain less than 1 at.-% of silver. UnderUVirradiation they exhibit a photocatalytic activity which decays by increasing the silver content. As a result of this dual functionality, the TiO2-Ag nanocomposite coatings show promising potentialities as long-term anti-bacterial surfaces since selfcleaning can be achieved periodically under UV light in order to maintain an efficient anti-bacterial activity in the dark or in visible light

    Amorphous Alumina Barrier Coatings on Glass: MOCVD Process and Hydrothermal Ageing

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    Amorphous alumina coatings are applied on the inner surface of glass containers aiming at improving their hydrothermal ageing barrier properties. A direct liquid injection technology is implemented in a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) process to feed the reactor in a controlled and reproducible way with a solution of aluminum tri-isopropoxide (ATI) in anhydrous cyclohexane. Amorphous alumina coatings are characterized by X-ray diffraction, electron probe microanalysis, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and scratch-test method. They are amorphous and hydroxylated at process temperatures between 360 and 420 °C and close to Al 2 O 3 stoichiometry between 490 and 560 °C. Hydrothermal ageing simulated by a standard sterilization cycle results in the increase of the root mean square of the surface of the coatings from ≈17 to 61 nm and in the increase of the porosity without affecting the adhesion of the coatings on the glass substrates

    Antibacterial properties of TiO2–Cu composite thin films grown by a one step DLICVD process

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    The correlations between microstructural features, chemical compositions and antibacterial properties of coatings containing metallic Cu particles embedded in a titanium dioxide matrix have been determined. A Direct Liquid Injection Chemical Vapor Deposition (DLICVD) processwas used for the one step growth of TiO2–Cu composite coatings on various substrates. Titanium tetra-iso-propoxide (TTIP) and copper bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptationate) (Cu(tmhd)2) were used as titanium and copper molecular sources, respectively. This growth process allows a good control of the quantity of metalorganic precursors injected into the CVD reactor and thus of the coating composition. The deposition occurs at 683 K under low pressure (800 Pa). The influence of the main features of the coatings on their antibacterial properties was investigated in order to produce bactericidal surfaces that are durable, non-toxic and containing aminimumamount of active agent. The antibacterial activity on Staphylococcus aureus without any photon activation was measured according to the JIS Z 2801:2000 standard method. An antibacterial activity was detected for a low metal content of ca. 1 at.% Cu, and was found to increasewith the Cu content. It wasmaximal for 3.5 at.% Cu, i.e. TiO2–Cu composite coatings exhibit bactericidal behavior against S. aureus for this optimal composition (relative activity = 100%). In order to better characterize the microbiological behavior of the coatings more discriminating methods derived from the literature were tested to assess the performances of these CVD coatings in terms of efficiency, release of antibacterial agent and accelerated aging