1,962 research outputs found

    HC3N maps of OMC1

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    We have made 3.8 sec resolution maps of HC3N (J = 12-11) and 2.7 mm continuum emission in OMC1 using the OVRO mm interferometer. The continuum map, which traces dust column density, shows that the hot core region consists of several clumps, the densest of which lies 3 sec SE of IRc2. HC3N, which traces dense gas, shows the velocity structure in the region. There is no simple pattern of rotation or expansion, nor does the emission resemble a disk centered on IRc2. Since the velocity difference between the hot core and IRc2 and the velocity dispersion in the hot core are comparable with the orbital velocity at a distance of 3 sec. from a 20 M(solar) object, it is possible that the hot core material is bound to IRc2. In the channel at 10.4 km s(-1) V(LSR), we detect strong emission from the source 20 sec NE of IRc2, which confirms indications from continuum and CS (J = 2-1) maps that this is a very dense, possibly protostellar, object. This emission is clearly resolved from the hot core and is elongated north-south, along the direction of the ridge emission. An additional interesting feature in these maps is a compact high velocity source located 4 sec SW of IRc2. This source has a velocity dispersion greather than 20 km/s (FWHM) and is spatially coincident with the zero-offset source seen by Pauls et al. (1983) and a point source in the near IR images taken by Allen et al. (1984). The large localized velocity, dispersion and the highly obscured IR source suggest that this compact source is an outflow from a young stellar companion to IRc2

    The impact of shocks on the chemistry of molecular clouds: high resolution images of chemical differentiation along the NGC1333-IRAS2A outflow

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    This paper presents a detailed study of the chemistry in the outflow associated with the low-mass protostar NGC1333-IRAS2A down to 3" (650 AU) scales. Millimeter-wavelength aperture-synthesis observations from the OVRO and BIMA interferometers and (sub)millimeter single-dish observations from the Onsala 20m telescope and CSO are presented. The interaction of the highly collimated protostellar outflow with a molecular condensation ~15000 AU from the central protostar is clearly traced by molecular species such as HCN, SiO, SO, CS, and CH3OH. Especially SiO traces a narrow high velocity component at the interface between the outflow and the molecular condensation. Multi-transition single-dish observations are used to distinguish the chemistry of the shock from that of the molecular condensation and to address the physical conditions therein. Statistical equilibrium calculations reveal temperatures of 20 and 70 K for the quiescent and shocked components, respectively, and densities near 10^6 cm^{-3}. Significant abundance enhancements of two to four orders of magnitude are found in the shocked region for molecules such as CH3OH, SiO and the sulfur-bearing molecules. HCO+ is seen only in the aftermath of the shock consistent with models where it is destroyed through release of H2O from grain mantles in the shock. N2H+ shows narrow lines, not affected by the outflow but rather probing the ambient cloud. Differences in abundances of HCN, H2CO and CS are seen between different outflow regions and are suggested to be related to differences in the atomic carbon abundance. Compared to the warm inner parts of protostellar envelopes, higher abundances of in particular CH3OH and SiO are found in the outflows, which may be related to density differences between the regions.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Subarcsecond Imaging at 267 GHz of a Young Binary System: Detection of a Dust Disk of Radius Less than 70 AU around T Tauri N

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    The young binary system T Tauri was observed with the Owens Valley Millimeter Array in the 267 GHz continuum and HCO^+ J = 3-2 emission at 0".8 resolution, with the single-baseline interferometer of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope-Caltech Submillimeter Observatory in the 357 GHz continuum and with the W. M. Keck Telescope at λ = 4 μm. The 267 GHz emission is unresolved, with a flux of 397±35 mJy, located close to the position of the optical star T Tau N. An upper limit of 100 mJy is obtained toward the infrared companion T Tau S. The 357 GHz continuum emission is unresolved, with a flux of 1.35±0.68 Jy. HCO^+ J = 3-2 was detected from a 2" diameter core surrounding T Tau N and S. Both stars are detected at 4 μm, but there is no evidence of the radio source T Tau R. We propose a model in which T Tau S is intrinsically similar to T Tau N but is obscured by the outer parts of T Tau N's disk. A fit to the spectral energy distribution (SED) between 21 cm and 1.22 μm is constructed on this basis. Adopting an r^(−1) surface density distribution and an exponentially truncated edge, disk masses of 0.04±0.01 and 6×10^(−5) to 3×10^(−3) M_☉ are inferred for T Tau N and T Tau S, respectively. A 0.005-0.03 M_☉ circumbinary envelope is also required to fit the millimeter to mid-infrared SED

    Scanning Electron Microscopy in Bone Pathology: Review of Methods, Potential and Applications

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    This article reviews the applications of SEM methods to human bone pathologies referring to studies made at UCL. We consider the methods which may be most suitable; these prove to be not routine in the context of most bio-medical applications of SEM. Valuable information can be obtained from a bone sample if its edges are ground flat, before making either (a) a matrix surface preparation by washing away all the cells or (b) a mineralising front preparation, by also dissolving the osteoid -for which hydrogen peroxide is recommended to produce a robust specimen. BSE contrast from a cut block surface can be used to measure bone phase volume. SE contrasts from natural surfaces (trabeculae, canals and lacunae) can be used to study forming, resting and resorbing* surfaces both qualitatively and quantitatively (*except in the case of histological osteomalacia, where the existence of osteoid will go undetected and reversal lines will be difficult to distinguish from recently resorbed surfaces). We also recommend the use of PMMA embedded bone blocks, which can be used as obtained from the pathologist, but are better embedded by a more rigorous procedure. BSE image analysis can be used to quantitate bone density fractions opening up a completely new investigative method for the future. Osteoid can be measured automatically using CL if the bone sample is block stained with brilliant sulphaflavine before embedding or if a scintillant is added to the embeddant. We give examples of observations made from a number of bone diseases: vitamin D resistant rickets, ostegenesis imperfecta; osteomalacia; osteoporosis; hyperparathyroidism; fluorosis; Paget \u27s disease; tumour metastasis to bone

    Serum Lipid Abnormalities and Atrial Pacing Test

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    Estimations of serum lipids and lipoprotein patterns were made in 32 patients with an abnormal repsonse to an atrial pacing test, and compared with similar estimations in 32 patients giving a normal response to the atrial pacing test. The frequency of serum lipid abnormalities was not significantly different in the two groups. These results were compared with the reported nature and frequency of lipid and lipoprotein abnormalities in patients with angiographically proved coronary artery disease, and the implications of these results are discussed

    H_2 Emission From Disks Around Herbig Ae and T Tauri Stars

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    We present the initial results of a deep ISO-SWS survey for the low J pure rotational emission lines of H2 toward a number of Herbig Ae and T Tauri stars. The objects are selected to be as isolated as possible from molecular clouds, with a spectral energy distribution characteristic of a circumstellar disk. For most of them the presence of a disk has been established directly by millimeter interferometry. The S (1) line is detected in most sources with a peak flux of 0.3-1 Jy. The S(0) line is definitely seen in 2 objects: GG Tau and HD 163296. The observations suggest the presence of "warm" gas at T_(kin) ≈ 100 K with a mass of a few % of the total gas+ dust mass, derived assuming a gas-to-dust ratio of 100:1. The S(1) peak flux does not show a strong correlation with spectral type of the central star or continuum flux at 1.3 millimeter. Possible origins for the warm gas seen in H_2 are discussed, and comparisons with model calculations are made

    Minor versus major mergers: the stellar mass growth of massive galaxies from z=3 using number density selection techniques

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    We present a study on the stellar mass growth of the progenitors of local massive galaxies with a variety of number density selections with n≤1×10−4 Mpc−3 (corresponding to M*=1011.24 M⊙ at z=0.3) in the redshift range 0.3<z<3.0. We select the progenitors of massive galaxies using a constant number density selection, and one which is adjusted to account for major mergers. We find that the progenitors of massive galaxies grow by a factor of 4 in total stellar mass over this redshift range. On average the stellar mass added via the processes of star formation, major and minor mergers account for 24±8, 17±15 and 34±14per cent, respectively, of the total galaxy stellar mass at z=0.3. Therefore 51±20per cent of the total stellar mass in massive galaxies at z=0.3 is created externally to their z=3 progenitors. We explore the implication of these results on the cold gas accretion rate and size evolution of the progenitors of most massive galaxies over the same redshift range. We find an average gas accretion rate of∼66±32 M⊙ yr−1 over the redshift range of 1.5<z<3.0. We find that the size evolution of a galaxy sample selected this way is on average lower than the findings of other investigation

    Absence of detectable pharmacological effects after oral administration of isoxsuprine

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    Isoxsuprine is reported to be a peripheral vasodilator used in human and veterinary medicine to treat ischaemic vascular disease. In horses, it is generally administered orally to treat navicular disease and other lower limb problems. To deflne the scope and duration of its pharmacological responses after oral administration, 6 horses were dosed with isoxsuprine HCI (1.2 mg/kg bwt) q. 12 h for 8 days and then tested to assess the duration and extent of pharmacological actions. There was no significant difference between isoxsuprine and control treatment values for heart rate, spontaneous activity, sweat production, anal muscle tone, core and skin temperatures, and cutaneous blood flow. The lack of pharmacological effect following oral administration was in sharp contrast to the marked response following i.v. dosing reported in earlier experiments

    Frequency distribution of post race urine pH from Standardbreds compared with Thoroughbreds: research and regulatory significance

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    The concentration of drugs and drug metabolites in urine samples of racing horses is strongly influenced by urine pH(Tobin, 1981), depending on whether the drugs are weak acids or weak bases. Drugs that are weak acids tend to concentrate in besic urine. In contrast, drugs that are weak bases tend to concentrate in acidic urine. These relationships have a well-established theoretical basis (the Henderson-Hasselbalch relationship) and have been demonstrated repeatedly in experimental animals and man (Tobin, 1981). More recently, evidence suggests that these relationships also occur with clinically and forensically significant agents in equine urine (Wood, et al. 1990; Gerken et al.1991.
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