548 research outputs found

    Inverse problems for linear hyperbolic equations using mixed formulations

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    We introduce in this document a direct method allowing to solve numerically inverse type problems for linear hyperbolic equations. We first consider the reconstruction of the full solution of the wave equation posed in Ω×(0,T)\Omega\times (0,T) - Ω\Omega a bounded subset of RN\mathbb{R}^N - from a partial distributed observation. We employ a least-squares technique and minimize the L2L^2-norm of the distance from the observation to any solution. Taking the hyperbolic equation as the main constraint of the problem, the optimality conditions are reduced to a mixed formulation involving both the state to reconstruct and a Lagrange multiplier. Under usual geometric optic conditions, we show the well-posedness of this mixed formulation (in particular the inf-sup condition) and then introduce a numerical approximation based on space-time finite elements discretization. We prove the strong convergence of the approximation and then discussed several examples for N=1N=1 and N=2N=2. The problem of the reconstruction of both the state and the source term is also addressed

    A variational approach to approximate controls for system with essential spectrum : Application to membranal arch

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    We address the numerical approximation of boundary controls for systems of the form y′′+AMy=0\boldsymbol{y^{\prime\prime}}+\boldsymbol{A_M}\boldsymbol{y}=\boldsymbol{0} which models dynamical elastic shell structure. The membranal operator AM\boldsymbol{A_M} is self-adjoint and of mixed order, so that it possesses a non empty and bounded essential spectrum σess(AM)\sigma_{ess}(\boldsymbol{A_M}). Consequently, the controllability does not hold uniformly with respect to the initial data. Thus the numerical computation of controls by the way of dual approachs and gradient methods may fail, even if the initial data belongs to the orthogonal of the space spanned by the eigenfunctions associated with σess(AM)\sigma_{ess}(\boldsymbol{A_M}). In that work, we adapt a variational approach introduced in [Pablo Pedregal, \textit{Inverse Problems} (26) 015004 (2010)] for the wave equation and obtain a robust method of approximation. This approach does not require any information on the spectrum of the operator AM\boldsymbol{A_M}. We also show that it allows to extract, from any initial data (y0,y1)(\boldsymbol{y^0},\boldsymbol{y^1}), a controllable component for the mixed order system. We illustrate these properties with some numerical experiments in the full controllability context as well as a partial controllability one

    Numerical controllability of the wave equation through primal methods and Carleman estimates

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    This paper deals with the numerical computation of boundary null controls for the 1D wave equation with a potential. The goal is to compute an approximation of controls that drive the solution from a prescribed initial state to zero at a large enough controllability time. We do not use in this work duality arguments but explore instead a direct approach in the framework of global Carleman estimates. More precisely, we consider the control that minimizes over the class of admissible null controls a functional involving weighted integrals of the state and of the control. The optimality conditions show that both the optimal control and the associated state are expressed in terms of a new variable, the solution of a fourth-order elliptic problem defined in the space-time domain. We first prove that, for some specific weights determined by the global Carleman inequalities for the wave equation, this problem is well-posed. Then, in the framework of the finite element method, we introduce a family of finite-dimensional approximate control problems and we prove a strong convergence result. Numerical experiments confirm the analysis. We complete our study with several comments

    A least-squares formulation for the approximation of null controls for the Stokes system

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    This note deals with the approximation of distributed null controls for the Stokes equation. The existence of L2L^2 controls have been obtained in \textit{[Fursikov \& Imanuvilov, Controllability of Evolution Equations, 1996])} via Carleman type estimates. We introduce and analyze a least-squares formulation of the controllability problem, and we show that it allows the construction of convergent sequences of functions toward null controls for the Stokes system

    A mixed formulation for the direct approximation of the control of minimal L2L^2-norm for linear type wave equations

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    This paper deals with the numerical computation of null controls for the wave equation with a potential. The goal is to compute approximations of controls that drive the solution from a prescribed initial state to zero at a large enough controllability time. In [\textit{Cindea, Fernandez-Cara \& Münch, Numerical controllability of the wave equation through primal methods and Carleman estimates, 2013}], a so called primal method is described leading to a strongly convergent approximation of boundary controls : the controls minimize quadratic weighted functionals involving both the control and the state and are obtained by solving the corresponding optimality condition. In this work, we adapt the method to approximate the control of minimal square-integrable norm. The optimality conditions of the problem are reformulated as a mixed formulation involving both the state and his adjoint. We prove the well-posedeness of the mixed formulation (in particular the inf-sup condition) then discuss several numerical experiments. The approach covers both the boundary and the inner controllability. For simplicity, we present the approach in the one dimensional case

    Best decay rate, observability and open-loop admissibility costs: discussions and numerical study

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    We show that the best decay rate can be estimated by the observability (or controllability) cost and open-loop admissibility cost. Moreover, we propose a numerical strategy to give an estimation for the best decay rate for a large class of evolution systems. Some examples are given to illustrate this new method

    Numerical approximation of bang-bang controls for the heat equation: an optimal design approach

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    This work is concerned with the numerical computation of null controls of minimal L∞L^{\infty}-norm for the linear heat equation with a bounded potential. Both, the cases of internal and boundary (Dirichlet and Neumann) controls are considered. Dual arguments allow to reduce the search of controls to the unconstrained minimization of a conjugate function with respect to the initial condition of a backward heat equation. However, as a consequence of the regularizing property of the heat operator, this initial (final) condition lives in a huge space, that can not be approximated with robustness. For this reason, very specific to the parabolic situation, the minimization is severally ill-posed. On the other hand, the optimality conditions for this problem show that, in general, the unique control vv of minimal L∞L^{\infty}-norm has a bang-bang structure as he takes only two values: this allows to reformulate the problem as an optimal design problem where the new unknowns are the amplitude of the bang-bang control and the space-time regions where the control takes its two possible values. This second optimization variable is modeled through a characteristic function. Since the admissibility set for this new control problem is not convex, we obtain a relaxed formulation of it which leads to a well-posed relaxed problem and lets use a gradient descent method for the numerical resolution of the problem. Numerical experiments, for the inner and boundary controllability cases, are described within this new approach


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    This work is concerned with the numerical computation of null controls for the heat equation. The goal is to compute an approximation of controls that drives the solution from a prescribed initial state at t = 0 to zero at t = T. In spite of the diffusion of the heat equation, recent developments indicate that this issue is difficult and still largely open. Most of the existing literature, concerned with controls of minimal L2-norm, make use of dual convex arguments and introduce backward adjoint system. In practice, the null control problem is then reduced to the minimization of a dual conjugate function with respect to the final condition of the adjoint state. As a consequence of the highly regularizing property of the heat kernel, this final condition - which may be seen as the Lagrange multiplier for the null controllability condition - does not belongs to L2, but to a much larger space than can hardly be approximated by finite (discrete) dimensional basis. This phenomenon, unavoidable whatever be the numerical approximation used, strongly deteriorates the efficiency of minimization algorithms. In this work, we do not use duality arguments and in particular do not introduce any backward heat equation. For the boundary case, the approach consists, first, in introducing a class of functions satisfying a priori the boundary conditions in space and time - in particular the null controllability condition at time T-, and then finding among this class one element satisfying the heat equation. This second step is done by minimizing a convex functional, among the admissible corrector functions of the heat equation. The inner case is performed in a similar way. We present the (variational) approach, discuss the main features of it, and then describe some numerical experiments highlighting the interest of the method. The method holds in any dimension but, for the sake of simplicity, we provide details in the one-space dimensional case
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