8 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Pajak di Kerajaan Mataram Islam Masa Sultan Agung, 1613-1645 M

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    Artikel ini mengkaji pengelolaan pajak di Kerajaan Mataram Islam masa Sultan Agung, 1613-1645 M. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan sejarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa bentuk pengelolaan pajak yang dilakukan di Kerajaan Mataram Islam. Pertama, mengatur birokrasi kepengurusan pajak yang didasarkan pada sistem perwilayahan. Di pusat kerajaan pengelolaan pajak diawasi oleh raja secara langsung, di wilayah negara agung dikelola oleh pejabat dari tingkat bekel, demang, bupati, wedana, hingga patih, di wilayah mancanegara dikelola oleh Tumenggung, dan di wilayah pasisiran dikelola oleh Syahbandar. Kedua, menentukan jenis dan besaran pajak yang harus diserahkan kepada kerajaan, seperti pajak penduduk, pajak tanah, pajak upeti, dan pajak bea cukai barang dan jasa. Ketiga, membentuk lembaga keuangan kerajaan, yaitu wedana gedung kiwa dan wedana gedung tengen untuk mengurusi pemasukan kerajaan. Keempat, mengatur arus distribusi kekayaan kerajaan untuk menggaji para pekerja istana, memberi modal usaha kepada petani, mendukung peperangan, dan membeli barang-barang kebutuhan istana

    The Emergence of Student-Writers in Surakarta: Combating Religious Radicalism Among Youth in the Digital Age

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    The rise of religious radicalism among young people in the Soloraya region has been greatly influenced by digital technology. Efforts to address this issue have emerged from student-writers in Surakarta. This research aims to examine the emergence of these student-writers in Surakarta, their responses to religious radicalism, the discussions on Islam within their community, and their methods of outreach in the digital era. Netnography was never applied to gather and examine data from online sources like websites and social media platforms. The findings reveal that student-writers started their involvement in 2017 through the establishment of the Center for the Study and Development of Islamic Boarding Schools (PKPPN) at IAIN Surakarta. Their discussions focus on unearthing the values of wisdom and Islamic moderation within the pesantren tradition, emphasizing principles like moderation, tolerance, equality, anti-violence, and patriotism. They have initiated the Literacy of Refined and Tolerant Islam (LISaN) program to promote a refined and tolerant form of Islam in daily life, both offline and online. This initiative aims to counteract the surge of religious radicalism among young people connected to the digital world


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    The purposes of this research were (1) to describe the implementation of social ewareness character to students in SDIT An Najah Jatinom Klaten, (2) to describe the change in character building of social ewareness from students in SDIT An Najah Jatinom Klaten. This research was a qualitative research. Methods of data collection were conducted in four ways, namely (1) Observation, (2) Interview, (3) Documentation, (4) Questionnaire containing student social attitude at SDIT An Najah. The results of this research are: (1) the implementation of social character building of students in SDIT An Najah is done through socialization strategy, fundraising strategy and distribution strategy in Islamic philanthropy of Rumah Sabilillah, and (2) Islamic Filantrophy approach of Rumah Sabilillah able to improve character social awareness of students in SDIT A Najah, as evidenced by several things namely; the increasing of philanthropy fund of Rumah Sabilillah, the increasing of the mustahiq that can be supported, and the widespread use of philanthropy fund which is not only limited to the five excellent programs of Rumah Sabilillah, but also able to provide assistance to the construction of mosque in Jatinom subdistrict and surrounding area.The purposes of this research were (1) to describe the implementation of social ewareness character to students in SDIT An Najah Jatinom Klaten, (2) to describe the change in character building of social ewareness from students in SDIT An Najah Jatinom Klaten. This research was a qualitative research. Methods of data collection were conducted in four ways, namely (1) Observation, (2) Interview, (3) Documentation, (4) Questionnaire containing student social attitude at SDIT An Najah. The results of this research are: (1) the implementation of social character building of students in SDIT An Najah is done through socialization strategy, fundraising strategy and distribution strategy in Islamic philanthropy of Rumah Sabilillah, and (2) Islamic Filantrophy approach of Rumah Sabilillah able to improve character social awareness of students in SDIT A Najah, as evidenced by several things namely; the increasing of philanthropy fund of Rumah Sabilillah, the increasing of the mustahiq that can be supported, and the widespread use of philanthropy fund which is not only limited to the five excellent programs of Rumah Sabilillah, but also able to provide assistance to the construction of mosque in Jatinom subdistrict and surrounding area


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    Pada era pasca Orde Baru Indonesia menyaksikan tumbuhnya praktik filantropi di Sekolah Islam Terpadu. Praktik filantropi ini merupakan bagian dari perkembangan praktik filantropi di lingkungan lembaga pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi menguatnya praktik filantropi di Sekolah Islam Terpadu di Indonesia dan mengungkap praktik serta manajamen filantropi yang dilakukan oleh Rumah Sabilillah SDIT An Najah di Jatinom. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan yang dilakukan selama kurang lebih satu tahun dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan sejarah. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara kepada kepala sekolah, pengurus Rumah Sabilillah, dan wali murid di SDIT An Najah Jatinom. Penelitian ini pun menggunakan analisis Martin van Bruinessen yang mengatakan bahwa munculnya lembaga filantropi di seluruh dunia terkait dengan semakin berkurangnya keterlibatan negara (state) dalam mensejahterakan rakyat di bawah kendali neoliberalisme. Penelitian ini juga memakai kerangka analisis Minako Sakai tentang peranan state and non state actors dalam mensejahterakan masyarakat. Tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa tumbuhnya praktik filantropi di Sekolah Islam Terpadu di Indonesia dilatarbelakangi oleh mahalnya biaya pendidikan yang tidak mampu dijangkau oleh kalangan menengah ke bawah karena faktor kemiskinan yang belum berhasil diatasi oleh negara. Praktik filantropi di SDIT An Najah dijalankan melalui lembaga filantropi Rumah Sabilillah sejak tahun 2010 yang digerakkan setidaknya oleh lima unsur, yaitu rasa kepeduliaan, tanggung jawab sosial, keyakinan akan keberkahan, motivasi dakwah, dan adanya misi pendidikan karakter peduli sosial. Praktik filantropi ini pun dikelola melalui tiga divisi, yaitu divisi program, divisi sumber daya dan komunikasi, dan divisi operasional yang didukung dengan dana zakat, infak, dan sedekah dari warga sekolah dan masyarakat umum. Tesis ini juga menunjukkan bahwa Rumah Sabilillah SDIT An Najah muncul terkait dengan semakin berkurangnya keterlibatan negara dalam mensejahterakan rakyat. Kehadirannya sangat berperan penting sebagai aktor non negara dalam mendistribusikan kesejahteraan. Program-progam filantropinya difokuskan pada isu-isu charity seperti pemberian beasiswa, alat perlengkapan sekolah bagi anak duafa, reward bagi hafidz Qur’an, santunan pembangunan sekolah, bantuan meja dan kursi untuk TPA, dana apresiasi bagi ustadz/ustadzah TPA, pembuatan perpustakaan desa, santunan fakir miskin, yatim piatu dan lansia, bantuan kebencanaan/kemanusiaan, pembangunan masjid, tebar hewan kurban, dan donasi untuk orang sakit. Sebagian besar bantuan yang diberikan kepada masyarakat tersebut belum tersentuh oleh perhatian negara

    Predictors of Early Seizures After First Acute Stroke

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    ABSTRACT Background and objective: There is a lack of local data regarding the frequency and predictors of early seizures after stroke. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of early seizures after stroke and identify the predictors which lead to them after first acute stroke. Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was conducted in the Department of Neurology, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad from October 2021 to June 2022. A total of 310 consecutive eligible patients of acute stroke were recruited. Key inclusion criteria included any patient of \u3e20 years of age with confirmed diagnosis of stroke on imaging, non-traumatic, with no history of seizures in past. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 23.0. Results: The mean age of patients in the seizures group was 48.40 ± 20.9 years. Hypertension was the most common co-morbid present in 225 (76.5%) patients. Early seizures were found in 52 (16.8%) patients with 42 (80.76%) having seizures in first 24 hours of stroke (p value 0.001). On National Institute of Health Sciences Scale (NIHSS) score most patients 125 (40.3%) had moderate severity score i.e. score in between 7 to 25 (p value 0.05). Ischemic stroke was identified as the stroke variety with most of the early seizures i.e. 16 (30.76%) (p value 0.003). Conclusion: Early seizures were not infrequent after acute stroke (16.77%) in our study. Early seizures were associated with younger age, cortical region lesion, ischemic stroke, followed by cerebral venous thrombosis. Higher NIHSS score and greater disability was associated with increased incidence of early seizures

    Terson Syndrome in A Patient with Unrepaired Tetralogy of Fallot

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    Tetralogy of Fallot is the most commonly seen cyanotic congenital heart disease. It includes four cardinal features: right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, misaligned ventricular septal defect, overriding aorta, and concentric right ventricular hypertrophy. Intracranial pathologies such as brain abscesses, cerebrovascular accidents, and intracranial haemorrhage all have been reported with Tetralogy of Fallot. Here we present a case who had subarachnoid haemorrhage with vitreous haemorrhage in Tetralogy of Fallot

    Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Experience in Patients Presenting to A Tertiary Care Hospital: A Case Series

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    Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare cause of rapidly progressive dementia, it is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by the misfolding of prion proteins in the brain, and misfolded proteins further propagate by causing misfolding of other proteins. It presents with insidious onset of neurobehavioral symptoms that rapidly develop into cognitive and motor decline and uncontrolled seizures. The diagnosis is established with help of clinical signs and symptoms, and using imaging and lab investigations to rule out other treatable causes. Some imaging findings point to the diagnosis of CJD that will be viewed in the cases below. Diagnosis can be augmented by CSF studies but due to the risk of biohazard and spread of CJD, special care needs to be taken. Confirmation is only via brain biopsy. In this article we share our experience with four cases of CJD that presented to our hospital

    Hypodensities Within Hematoma Predict Outcome After Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage

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    ABSTRACT Background and objective: Radial nerve is injured due to a variety of reasons. The objective of this study was to determine the clinical spectrum, risk factors and electrophysiologic aspect of radial nerve injury presenting to a tertiary care hospital in Lahore. Methods: This descriptive prospective cross-sectional study was conducted at department of Neurology, Mayo hospital Lahore from July 2022 to December 2022 and comprised patients with isolated radial nerve injury on the basis of history and clinical examination regardless of their gender, above 15 years of age. NCS/EMG was done on a Japanese machine Nihon Kohden by an expert as per recommended protocol for electrodiagnostic evaluation of a suspected radial nerve injury and interpreted by consultant neurologist. Results: Of 75 patients, 52(69.3%) were males and 23(30.7%) were females. The most common etiology turned out to be misplaced intramuscular injection in 45(60%) of the patients. The site of lesion in most cases was in the spiral groove in 36 (40%) of the patient. Most of the patients i.e. 71(94.7%) had a wrist drop. Evidence of reinnervation was present in 30(40%) of patients. Conclusion: Most cases of radial nerve injury presented with a wrist drop in which the commonest etiology was misplaced intramuscular injection. The site of lesion in most cases turned out to at the level of spiral groove, and the nature of lesion was primarily axonal loss followed by secondary demyelination