6 research outputs found

    Impacts of streamflow alteration on benthic macroinvertebrates by mini‑hydro diversion in Sri Lanka

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    Our study focused on quantifying the alterations of streamflow at a weir site due to the construction of a mini-hydropower plant in the Gurugoda Oya (Sri Lanka), and evaluating the spatial responses of benthic macroinvertebrates to altered flow regime. The HEC-HMS 3.5 model was applied to the Gurugoda Oya sub-catchment to generate streamflows for the time period 1991-2013. Pre-weir flows were compared to post-weir flows with 32 Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration using the range of variability approach (RVA). Concurrently, six study sites were established upstream and downstream of the weir, and benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled monthly from May to November 2013 (during the wet season). The key water physico-chemical parameters were also determined. RVA analysis showed that environmental flow was not maintained below the weir. The mean rate of non-attainment was similar to 45% suggesting a moderate level of hydrologic alteration. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities significantly differed between the study sites located above and below the weir, with a richness reduction due to water diversion. The spatial distribution of zoobenthic fauna was governed by water depth, dissolved oxygen content and volume flow rate. Our work provides first evidence on the effects of small hydropower on river ecosystem in a largely understudied region. Studies like this are important to setting-up adequate e-flows

    Sensitivity of Remote Sensing Floodwater Depth Calculation to Boundary Filtering and Digital Elevation Model Selections

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    The Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET) calculates water depth from a remote sensing-based inundation extent layer and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). FwDET’s low data requirement and high computational efficiency allow rapid and large-scale calculation of floodwater depth. Local biases in FwDET predictions, often manifested as sharp transitions or stripes in the water depth raster, can be attributed to spatial or resolution mismatches between the inundation map and the DEM. To alleviate these artifacts, we are introducing a boundary cell smoothing and slope filtering procedure in version 2.1 of FwDET (FwDET2.1). We present an optimization analysis that quantifies the effect of differing parameterization on the resulting water depth map. We then present an extensive intercomparison analysis in which 16 DEMs are used as input for FwDET Google Earth Engine (FwDET-GEE) implementation. We compare FwDET2.1 to FwDET2.0 using a simulated flood and a large remote sensing derived flood map (Irrawaddy River in Myanmar). The results show that FwDET2.1 results are sensitive to the smoothing and filtering values for medium and coarse resolution DEMs, but much less sensitive when using a finer resolution DEM (e.g., 10 m NED). A combination of ten smoothing iterations and a slope threshold of 0.5% was found to be optimal for most DEMs. The accuracy of FwDET2.1 improved when using finer resolution DEMs except for the MERIT DEM (90 m), which was found to be superior to all the 30 m global DEMs used

    A multi-sensor approach for increased measurements of floods and their societal impacts from space

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    Abstract Merging observations from multiple satellites is necessary to ensure that extreme hydrological events are consistently observed. Here, we evaluate the potential improvements to flood detectability afforded by combining data collected globally by Landsat, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-1. The enhanced temporal sampling increased the number of floods with at least 1 useful image (≤20% clouds) from 7% for single sensors to up to 66% for a potential multi-sensor product. As dramatic as the increased coverage is, the socioeconomic impacts are even more tangible. In the pre-Sentinel era, only 22% of the total population displaced by flood events benefitted from having high-resolution images, whereas a potential multi-sensor product would serve 75% of the displaced population. Additionally, the merged dataset could observe up to 100% of floods caused by challenging drivers, e.g., tropical cyclones, tidal surges, including those rarely seen by single sensors, and thereby enable insights into governing mechanisms of these events

    Global datasets to evaluate a multi-sensor approach for observation of floods

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    1. Overview This repository contains datasets used to evaluate potential improvements to flood detectability afforded by combining data collected by Landsat, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-1 for the first time globally. The datasets were produced as part of the manuscript "A multi-sensor approach for increased measurements of floods and their societal impacts from space" which is currently in review. 2. Dataset Descriptions There are two datasets included here. (a) A global grid of revisit periods of Landsat, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 Satellites and their combination [GlobalMedianRevisits.zip] A global dataset of revisit periods of individual satellites and their combination based on a 0.5-degree resolution grid. Revisit periods are defined as the time between two consecutive observations of a particular point on the surface, for the satellite missions Landsat, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1. The grid was created using ArcMap 10.8.1 and intersections of the grid were used to create points. For each individual point, average revisit times (i.e., to account for irregular revisits, downlink issues) were calculated for each individual satellite and the composite of the three satellites. Averaged revisit times for each of these points were calculated based on the number of image tiles that intersected a particular grid point with more than a 30-minute time difference between each other acquired between 01 Jan 2016 and 31 Dec 2020. The following equation is used to calculate revisit periods: Average revisit time for a grid point = (Number of days between 01 Jan 2016 and 31 Dec 2020 (1827)) / (Total Number of Images captured) Only revisits occurring between 82.5 N and 55 S of land grid points are considered; Antarctica is omitted from analysis. For satellite missions that consist of two spacecraft orbiting simultaneously (Sentinel-1 A/B, and Sentinel-2 A/B), images acquired by both satellites were used in average revisit period calculation for a given grid point. Sum totals of image tiles of all three missions are used to calculate composite point-based revisit times. (b) Average revisit periods of satellites for flood records in the DFO database [FloodInfo.zip] Average Revisit Times of Landsat, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and their ensemble are calculated for 5130 flood records in the Dartmouth Flood Observatory's (DFO) flood record database. These were appended to the already existing attributes of the database

    Gridded Global Revisit Periods of Landsat, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 Satellites and their Combination

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    This is a global dataset of revisit periods of individual satellites and their combination based on a 0.5-degree resolution grid. Revisit periods are defined as the time between two consecutive observations of a particular point on the surface, for the satellite missions Landsat, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1. The grid was created using ArcMap 10.8.1 and intersections of the grid were used to create points. For each individual point, average revisit times (i.e., to account for irregular revisits, downlink issues) were calculated for each individual satellite and the composite of the three satellites. Averaged revisit times for each of these points were calculated based on the number of image tiles that intersected a particular grid point with more than a 30-minute time difference between each other acquired between 01 Jan 2016 and 31 Dec 2020. The following equation is used to calculate revisit periods: Average revisit time for a grid point = (Number of days between 01 Jan 2016 and 31 Dec 2020 (1827)) / (Total Number of Images captured) Only revisits occurring between 82.5 N and 55 S of land grid points are considered; Antarctica is omitted from analysis. For satellite missions that consist of two spacecraft orbiting simultaneously (Sentinel-1 A/B, and Sentinel-2 A/B), images acquired by both satellites were used in average revisit period calculation for a given grid point. Sum totals of image tiles of all three missions are used to calculate composite point-based revisit times