10 research outputs found

    Analisis Brand Equity Pocari Sweat Dalam Persaingan Industri Minuman (Studi Kasus: Mahasiswa Di Bogor)

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    Isotonic drink is a new kind of product in Indonesian consumer goods. This kind of product entered Indonesian market in mid-80s. However, isotonic drink industry is growing up along with the increase of people\u27s welfare and awareness of body health. One of isotonic drinks marketed in Indonesia is Pocari Sweat, produced by PT Amerta Indah Otsuka, which is the market leader in Indonesian isotonic drink industry. High level of competition put more burdens on the producer. PT Amerta has to ensure that Pocari Sweat get a strong position on consumers\u27 minds. The objective of this research is to analyze Pocari Sweat\u27s brand equity. It covers several elements: brand awareness, brand association, brand\u27s perceived quality and brand loyalty. In order to see the overall competition among isotonic drinks, this research also involves several other brands such as ProSweat, Mizone, Aqua, and Coca-Cola. This research is conducted in three universities in Bogor; Bogor Institute of Agriculture (Institut Pertanian Bogor), Pakuan University and Ibnu Khaldun University. The result shows that in the element of brand awareness, Pocari Sweat is the most memorized brand. The association of brand image in brand association element shows that Pocari Sweat has two brand images: safe for health and fresh taste to kill thirst. Analysis on perceived quality with biplot method shows that Pocari Sweat has several attributive characteristics namely benefit, safe for health, eliminates dehydration and recharge stamina. Meanwhile, analysis in brand loyalty shows that Pocari Sweat doesn\u27t have a strong brand loyalty yet

    Analisis Efektivitas Program Promosi IMOVSES Terhadap Tingkat Penggunaan Produk Microsoft Berlisensi Pada Sivitas IPB

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    Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Microsoft Open Value Subcscription for Education Solution atau IMOVSES merupakan program promosi Microsoft yang dikelola oleh IPB dalam rangka memperkenalkan sekaligus meningkatkan penggunaan produk Microsoft berlisensi kepada sivitas akademika IPB dengan cara menawarkan produk Microsoft berlisensi dengan potongan harga yang signifikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik sivitas IPB terkait keputusan penggunaan software berlisensi, menganalisis respon sivitas IPB terhadap program promosi IMOVSES, serta menganalisis efektivitas penganggaran biaya program promosi IMOVSES. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik sivitas IPB adalah chi square, untuk menganalisis respon sivitas digunakan EPIC Model dan Direct Rating Method, sedangkan untuk menganalisis efektivitas penganggaran promosi digunakan analisis regresi. EPIC Rate yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar 3,15, yang menunjukkan bahwa promosi berada pada rentang cukup efektif. Nilai direct rating (ǧ) diperoleh sebesar 64,14, yang menunjukkan bahwa promosi masuk dalam kategori baik. Persamaan regresi yang diperoleh adalah “Jumlah sivitas = 27,2+0,000027 Biaya promosi” yang menunjukan bahwa apabila biaya promosi ditambah sebesar Rp100.000,- akan menambah jumlah sivitas sebanyak 3 orang. Dibutuhkan setidaknya biaya sebesar Rp127.300.000,- untuk menjadikan program promosi efektif secara penjualan

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Komitmen Organisasional Pegawai Pusat Pendidikan Kelautan dan Perikanan

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    Improving public sevice can be achieved by having employees who have high organizational commitment. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of leadership style and work motivation to organizational commitment on employee of maritime affairs and fisheries education center. The effects were directed to diffrerentiate between transactional & transformational leadership. The sample in this reseach consist of 35 employee of maritime affairs an fisheries education center. The sampling used purposive sampling, data collection methods with questionaires. The data was processed by using Smart PLS with relation of reflective indicator at 95% confidence level. The result shows that the leadership is not significant enough to effect the organizational commitment. Leadership has significantly effect on work motivation, while work motivation has significantly effect on organizational commitment

    Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Jasa Laboratorium Pangan (Studi Kasus Pada M-Brio Food Laboratory)

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    The competition is very tight, so M-BRIO Food Laboratory as one of the food testing laboratory requires suitable of marketing strategy. The purpose of this study were (1) Identify and analyze internal and external environmental factors that affect effectivity of the marketing strategy at M-BRIO Food Laboratory, (2) Recommend priorities and appropriate marketing strategies can be applied to the M-BRIO Food Laboratory. Formulation of marketing strategies that go through three stages, (1) the input stage using EFE matrix and IFE matrix,(2) matching stage using the SWOT matrix and,(3) decision stages using paired comparison method for selecting alternative strategies and continued with the analitycal hierarchy process (AHP) method to prioritize marketing strategies appropriate for the company. Internal environmental factors that become the main force is lead by a food expert that has been recognized nationally and Internationally. While its main weakness are display of exterior and interior of the laboratory building has not been well-organized and performance of employees who have not been standardized. External environmental factors that can be used as the main opportunity is the development of the technology food testing laboratory. While the main threat for companies is bargaining power of consumers against the company's so high. Priorities recommended marketing strategies are (1) Conduct promotion and education to inform the quality of service, scope of product coverage and the parameters that have been accredited, to food companies, (2) campaign of food safety to the public as a form of promotion and education through food expert as endorser

    Analisis Kontribusi Komponen Teknologi pada Perusahaan Jasa Kereta Api Barang dengan Pendekatan Model Teknometrik

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    . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung nilai koefisien kontribusi komponen teknologi (TCC) dan menentukan prioritas pengembangan komponen teknologi di PT. Kereta Api Logistik. Untuk menghitung nilai TCC penulis menggunakan model teknometrik dan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process. Hasil perhitungan TCC menunjukkan bahwa nilai TCC PT. Kereta Api Logistik adalah 0.5 (cukup), sedangkan selang penilaian TCC untuk mencapai tingkat state of the art adalah 1.0, sehingga terdapat peluang bagi PT. KALOG untuk melakukan perbaikan pada komponen teknologi yang memiliki nilai kontribusi paling rendah sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai TCC. Perhitungan nilai intensitas kontribusi komponen teknologi menunjukkan bahwa komponen humanware (0.311) dan technoware (0.289) merupakan komponen teknologi yang menjadi prioitas pengembangan di PT. KALOG kerena berdasarkan urutan nilai bobot kedua komponen tersebut memiliki skor lebih tinggi dibanding komponen infoware dan orgaware. Dengan melakukan tindakan dalam peningkatan komponen humanware dan technoware diharapkan mampu meminimalisir permasalahan operasional PT. KALOG sehingga kinerja operasi dan volume penjualan akan meningkat sehingga PT. KALOG mampu meningkatkan perannya dalam persaingan bisnis

    Pemodelan Ekonometrik Guna Pengembangan Daya Saing Ekspor Agroindustri Lemak dan Bubuk Kakao di Indonesia

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    As the country continues efforts to liberate its market, Indonesias cocoa agroindustries now face a tough competition from industries of developed countries. Many of these industries had already felt the impact of their lack of competitiveness, causing them to lose their marketshare. The objective of this research is to analyze and identify the key determinants of cocoa agroidustry export competitiveness and build an econometric model. Furthermore this research also attempts to forecast the export competitiveness of Indonesian cocoa agroindustries. Results of econometric analysis showed that factors such as: exchange rate index, prices of related commodities, technological advances, per-capita income of Indonesia, and per-capita income of importing countries are factors influencing the export competitiveness of cocoa butter. While cocoa powder export competitiveness is influenced by exchange rate, interest rate, degree of trade liberalization, price of related goods, per-capita income of Indonesia, and per-capita income of importing countries. Furthermore it is forecasted that both commodities of the industry would expirience an increase of export competitiveness in the future