394 research outputs found

    Kartu Permainan: Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Kontekstual

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    Kartu permainan ialah salah satu bentuk media pembelajaranbahasa Arab yang dapat digunakan sebagai bentuk ungkapan secaraverbal yang dituang dalam bentuk tulisan melalui potongan-potongankertas yang keras atau tebal dipotong-potong menjadi beberapabagian sesui selera guru atau penggunanya, sehingga menjadi katukartupermainan bahasa yang unik dan menarik.Kartu Permainan merupakan salah satu media kontekstualkarena media ini secara tidak langsung dapat membawa peserta didikke alam nyata melalui alat peraga (kartu permainan). Ada 12 kartupermainan bahasa Arab yang mudah digunakan yaitu: Kartupertanyaan dan jawaban (Bithoqah al As-ilah wa al-ijabah)., KartuPenyempurna (Bithoqah al Takmilah), Kartu Kosa kata (Bithoqah almufradat), Kartu Tiruan (Bithoqah al mushoghor), Kartu StickFigures (gambar hasil tangan) atau yang disebut bithoqah tashwir alyadi, “Kartu susun kata (Bithoqah tarkib al mufradat), Kartu tusukkata, Kartu pindah gambar, Papan tulis berkata, Temukanpasanganku.Media pengajaran bahasa Arab dapat diklasifikasikan menjaditiga jenis yaitu; “(1) media perangkat/peralatan (al ajhizah),(2)media materi pembelajaran (al mawad al ta\u27limiyah al ta\u27allumiyah),dan (3) kegiatan penunjang pembelajaran (al nasyathath alta\u27limiyah. Penggunaan media pembelajaran apabila “dikaitkandengan indra yang digunakan manusia untuk memperolehpengetahuan media diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga macam yaitu: (a)Media Bashariyah (media pandang/visual) yakni papan tulis dan alatperaga, (b) Media Sam\u27iyyah (media dengar/audio) yakni taperecorder, voic recorder, (c) Media Sam\u27iyyah-Bashariyyah (mediadengar- pandang/audio-visual) yakni TV, VCD, computer danlaboratorium bahasa yang sederhana

    Dakwah melalui Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab

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    Dakwah dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab adalah suatu bentukdakwah atau ajakan kepada sesama untuk berbuat suatu kebajikanyang dilakukan melalui proses pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Dalamhal ini contoh-contoh dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab tersebutdiambil dari ayat-ayat al-Qur'an . Kemudian menjelaskan maknadan kandungan ayat tersebut. Setelah itu dilanjutkan denganpenjelasan materi sesuai pokok bahasan yang akan diajarkan, atausebaliknya menjelaskan materi bahasa Arab terlebih dahulukemudian dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan makna dan kandungan ayattersebut. Sehingga selain peserta didik mendapatkan materi bahasaArab, mereka juga dapat memahami makna dan kandungan ayatayatal-Qur'an yang diambil sebagai contoh dalam materi bahasaArab dimaksud. Untuk mensukseskan hal tersebut di atas, beberapaayat dalam al-Qur'an dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar penerapanmetode dalam pelaksanaannya. Ayat-ayat dimaksud diantaranyaadalah QS. Al-'Alaq ayat 1-5, QS. Al-Baqarah ayat 2, dan QS an-Nahl ayat 89

    Pengelolaan Teknologi Informasi Dalam Menciptakan Model Inovasi Pembelajaran ( E-learning )

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    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dalam dunia pendidikan merupakansatu terobosan yang luar biasa. Dukungan teknologi informasi inidiharapkan dapat menjadi suatu inovasi dalam pembelajaran denganbanyak melibatkan komponen-komponen teknologi informasididalamnya. Teknologi informasi berhubungan erat dengan sistem,teknologi informasi menjanjikan efisiensi, kecepatan penyampaianinformasi, jangkauan yang global, fleksibel dalam pengunaannya.Oleh karena itu dalam era globalisasi sektor pendidikan pun tak luputdari jangkauannya, yaitu dengan melibatkan teknologi di dalamnyadapat menghasilkan suatu sistem pendidikan. Dalam tulisan inidibahas mengenai model pendidikan yang melibatkan teknologiinformasi yang menjadi bagian dari inovasi pembelajaran denganmenggunakan teknologi informasi yaitu E-Learning. Meliputipengertian dari E-Learning,fungsi,manfaat,beberapa kelebihan dankelemahan E-Learning, serta program dan proses pembelajaran ELearning.Dengan demikian, jelas sudah bahwa sistem pembelajaranE-Learning, adalah suatu sistem pembelajaran yang dapatmeningkatkan inovasi dalam pembelajaran diera globalisasi saat ini,dimana belajar atau berinteraksi antara guru atau dosen dan siswa jugamahasiswa tidak lagi terhalang oleh jarak, ruang dan waktu

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Kerang (Kelas Bivalvia) di Perairan Pulau Sibu Kecamatan Oba Utara Kota Tidore Kepulauan

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    Menurut Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI, di Perairan Ternate, Tidore dan sekitarnya memiliki kekayaan hayati laut yang tinggi dan dapat dipastikan bahwa perairan ini merupakan bagian dari pusat kekayaan keanekaragaman laut dunia. Pulau Sibu merupakan pulau yang terletak di Desa Guraping Kecamatan Oba Utara Kabupaten Kota Tidore Kepulauan. Letak geografis Pulau Sibu adalah 0°43′28″LU127°34′50″BT ( Wikipedia, 2016). Kondisi geografisnya yang dikelilingi oleh tumbuhan mangrove dan karang memungkinkan pulau ini kaya akan biota laut, salah satunya adalah kerang yang dalam sistematikanya tergolong kedalam kelas Bivalvia. Selain itu, pulau ini oleh Pemerintah Kota Tidore Kepulauan dijadikan sebagai salah satu tempat wisata. Perlu adanya monitoring tentang kondisi biota laut yang berada di kawasan Pulau tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis dan dominasi kerang (kelas Bivalvia) di Perairan Pulau Sibu Kecamatan Oba Utara Kabupaten Kota Tidore Kepulauan. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, yang berlokasi di Perairan Pulau Sibu Desa Guraping Kecamatan Oba Utara Kabupaten Kota Tidore Kepulauan. Adapun waktu penelitian yaitu selama 3 bulan mulai dari Agustus sampai dengan Oktober 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode line transek, dengan panjang transek/lintasan sepanjang 50 m sebanyak 2 lintasan. Masing-masing lintasan terdiri dari 5 kuadran, dengan ukuran masing-masing kuadran 2x2 m. hasil penelitian di analisis dengan menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman jenis (H') dan nilai dominansi (C). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keanekaragaman jenis kerang di peraian Pulau Sibu tergolong rendah dengan indeks keanekaragaman jenis rata-rata pada lintasan I yaitu 0,23 dan lintasan II 0,28. Nilai dominansi menunjukan bahwa Tridacna maxima mendominasi di perairan Pulau Sibu dengan nilai dominansi pada lintasan I 0,67 dan lintasan II 0,53 yang tergolong dominansi sedang

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Kacang Merah terhadap Kualitas Cookies

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of substituting red bean flour 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the quality of shape, color, aroma, taste and texture of cookies. This type of research is true experimental method completely randomized design with three times the number of panelists penggulangan 30 people, data analysis performed by analysis of variance and Duncan followed with further testing if the results significantly. Results of research on the test levels significantly affected (red bean aroma, sweetness and taste of red beans) and no real influential on the test level (forms a neat, uniform shape, color and texture tawny neat) whereas the hedonic test significantly affected (color brownish yellow and brittle texture) and did not significantly affect the hedonic test (form neat, uniform shape and aroma of red beans). Overall the best value found in red bean flour substitution as much as 50% (X2)

    Analgesic Activity of Conyza Floribunda Extracts in Swiss Albino Mice

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    Traditional medicine still plays an important role in managing infections especially in Africa. Extracts of Conyza floribunda Kunth are used to treat sore throat, ringworm and other skin related infections, toothache and to stop bleeding from injuries. Extracts from the plant have been reported to exhibit antibacterial and antifungal activities. Previous phytochemical studies on the plant yielded terpenoid, sterols and flavonoids. The aim of the present study was to determine the analgesic activity Conyza floribunda extracts. Methanol, DCM and n-hexane extracts of the plant were subjects to toxicity, hot plate latency and acetic acid induced-writhing tests using Swiss Albino Mice. The plant extract showed analgesic activity in both hot plate latency and acetic acid induced-writhing tests. The extracts significantly increased the response time in the animals compared to the negative control. In the hot plate latency test, the analgesic activity of the extracts and that of morphine rose over time to peak at 90 minutes and then decreased afterwards. In the acetic acid-induces writhing test, administration of the plant extracts significantly reduced the number of abdominal contractions compared to the negative control. The percentage inhibitions of abdominal contractions were 67.2, 46.5 and 39.4 for methanol, DCM and n-hexane extracts respectively. The findings from this study have confirmed the folkloric information that extracts from C. floribunda have analgesic properties. We therefore recommend the extracts from the plant for use in pain management. Further studies should be carried out to isolate and characterize the analgesic principles from the plant. Keywords: Conyza floribunda, Toxicity test, Analgesic activity, Hot plate test, Writhing test DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/12-12-01 Publication date:June 30th 2021

    Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using a modified Tollens’ method in conjunction with phytochemicals and assessment of their antimicrobial activity

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    Background: Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have attracted great attention due to their outstanding electrical, optical, magnetic, catalytic, and antimicrobial properties. However, there is a need for alternative production methods that use less toxic precursors and reduce their undesirable by-products. Phyto-extracts from the leaves of olive and rosemary plants can be used as reducing agents and (in conjunction with Tollens’ reagent) can even enhance AgNP antimicrobial activity. Methods: Conditions for the proposed hybrid synthesis method were optimized for olive leaf extracts (OLEs) and rosemary leaf extracts (RLEs). The resultant AgNPs were characterized using UV–visible spectroscopy, an environmental scanning electron microscope, and Dynamic Light Scattering analysis. An atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to measure AgNP concentration. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to determine the specific functional groups responsible for the reduction of both silver nitrate and capping agents in the leaf extract. Additionally, the antimicrobial properties of the synthesized AgNPs were assessed against Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica) and Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus), by using both the Kirby–Bauer and broth microdilution methods on Mueller–Hinton (MH) agar plates. Results and Discussion: A simple, feasible, and rapid method has been successfully developed for silver nanoparticle synthesis by reducing Tollens’ reagent using leaf extracts from olive and rosemary plants (widely available in Jordan). Scanning electron microscopy images showed that the method produces AgNPs with a spherical shape and average core sizes of 45 ± 2 and 38 ± 3 nm for OLE and RLE, respectively. A negative zeta potential (ζ) of −43.15 ± 3.65 mV for OLE-AgNPs and −33.65 ± 2.88mV for RLE-AgNPs proved the stability of silver nanoparticles. FTIR spectra for AgNPs and leaf extracts indicated that the compounds present in the leaf extracts play an important role in the coating/capping of synthesized nanoparticles. The manufactured AgNPs exhibited an antibacterial effect against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of 9.38 and 4.69 μl/ml for OLE-AgNPs and RLE-AgNPs, respectively. The MIC for Salmonella enterica were 18.75 μl/ml for both OLE-AgNPs and RLE-AgNPs. Furthermore, our results indicated that the RLE-AgNPs exhibited a stronger antibacterial effect than OLE-AgNPs against different bacteria species. These results contribute to the body of knowledge on nanoparticle production using plant-mediated synthesis and performance. They also offer insights into the potential for scaling up this production process for commercial implementation

    The Effects of Disinfectants on Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Quality of Impression Materials and Gypsum Casts

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    Abstract Background: The study aimed to evaluating the effect of disinfecting impression materials on the dimensional accuracy and surface quality of the resulting casts

    Efficiency of an intervention package for arterial hypertension comprising telemanagement in a Cameroonian rural setting: The TELEMED-CAM study

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    Introduction: Sub-Saharan Africa has a disproportionate burden of disease and an extreme shortage of health workforce. Therefore, adequate care for emerging chronic diseases can be very challenging. We implemented and evaluated the effectiveness of an intervention package comprising telecare as a mean for improving the outcomes of care for hypertension in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa. Methods: The study involved a telemedicine center based at the Yaounde General Hospital (5 cardiologists) in the Capital city of Cameroon, and 30 remote rural health centers within the vicinity of Yaoundé (20 centers (103 patients) in the usual care group, and 10 centers (165 patients) in the intervention groups). The total duration of the intervention was 24 weeks. Results: Participants in the intervention group had higher baseline systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure, and included fewer individuals with diabetes than those in the usual care group (all p<0.01). Otherwise, the baseline profile was mostly similar between the two groups. During follow-up, more participants in the intervention groups achieved optimal BP control, driven primarily by greater improvement of BP control among High risk participants (hypertension stage III) in the intervention group. Conclusion: An intervention package comprising tele-support to general practitioners and nurses is effective in improving the management and outcome of care for hypertension in rural underserved populations. This can potentially help in addressing the shortage of trained health workforce for chronic disease management in some settings. However context-specific approaches and cost-effectiveness data are needed to improve the application of telemedicine for chronic disease management in resource-limited settings.Key words: Hypertension, control, telemedicine, Cameroon, sub-saharan Afric
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