4,852 research outputs found

    On the Hilbert scheme of curves in higher-dimensional projective space

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    In this paper we prove that, for any n≥3n\ge 3, there exist infinitely many r∈Nr\in \N and for each of them a smooth, connected curve CrC_r in ¶r\P^r such that CrC_r lies on exactly nn irreducible components of the Hilbert scheme \hilb(\P^r). This is proven by reducing the problem to an analogous statement for the moduli of surfaces of general type.Comment: latex, 12 pages, no figure

    The breeding biology of the Acadian Flycatcher

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    Geometric collections and Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity

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    The paper begins by overviewing the basic facts on geometric exceptional collections. Then, we derive, for any coherent sheaf \cF on a smooth projective variety with a geometric collection, two spectral sequences: the first one abuts to \cF and the second one to its cohomology. The main goal of the paper is to generalize Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for coherent sheaves on projective spaces to coherent sheaves on smooth projective varieties XX with a geometric collection σ\sigma . We define the notion of regularity of a coherent sheaf \cF on XX with respect to σ\sigma. We show that the basic formal properties of the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of coherent sheaves over projective spaces continue to hold in this new setting and we show that in case of coherent sheaves on \PP^n and for a suitable geometric collection of coherent sheaves on \PP^n both notions of regularity coincide. Finally, we carefully study the regularity of coherent sheaves on a smooth quadric hypersurface Q_n \subset \PP^{n+1} (nn odd) with respect to a suitable geometric collection and we compare it with the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of their extension by zero in \PP^{n+1}.Comment: To appear in Math. Proc. Cambridg

    Developing transferable management skills through Action Learning

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    There has been increasing criticism of the relevance of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) in developing skills and competencies. Action learning, devised to address problem-solving in the workplace, offers a potential response to such criticism. This paper offers an insight into one university’s attempt to integrate action learning into the curriculum. Sixty-five part-time students were questioned at two points in their final year about their action learning experience and the enhancement of relevant skills and competencies. Results showed a mixed picture. Strong confirmation of the importance of selected skills and competencies contrasted with weaker agreement about the extent to which these were developed by action learning. There was, nonetheless, a firm belief in the positive impact on the learning process. The paper concludes that action learning is not a panacea but has an important role in a repertoire of educational approaches to develop relevant skills and competencies

    Virasoro constraints and the Chern classes of the Hodge bundle

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    We analyse the consequences of the Virasoro conjecture of Eguchi, Hori and Xiong for Gromov-Witten invariants, in the case of zero degree maps to the manifolds CP^1 and CP^2 (or more generally, smooth projective curves and smooth simply-connected projective surfaces). We obtain predictions involving intersections of psi and lambda classes on the compactification of M_{g,n}. In particular, we show that the Virasoro conjecture for CP^2 implies the numerical part of Faber's conjecture on the tautological Chow ring of M_g.Comment: 12 pages, latex2

    Alternating groups and moduli space lifting Invariants

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    Main Theorem: Spaces of r-branch point 3-cycle covers, degree n or Galois of degree n!/2 have one (resp. two) component(s) if r=n-1 (resp. r\ge n). Improves Fried-Serre on deciding when sphere covers with odd-order branching lift to unramified Spin covers. We produce Hurwitz-Torelli automorphic functions on Hurwitz spaces, and draw Inverse Galois conclusions. Example: Absolute spaces of 3-cycle covers with +1 (resp. -1) lift invariant carry canonical even (resp. odd) theta functions when r is even (resp. odd). For inner spaces the result is independent of r. Another use appears in, http://www.math.uci.edu/~mfried/paplist-mt/twoorbit.html, "Connectedness of families of sphere covers of A_n-Type." This shows the M(odular) T(ower)s for the prime p=2 lying over Hurwitz spaces first studied by, http://www.math.uci.edu/~mfried/othlist-cov/hurwitzLiu-Oss.pdf, Liu and Osserman have 2-cusps. That is sufficient to establish the Main Conjecture: (*) High tower levels are general-type varieties and have no rational points.For infinitely many of those MTs, the tree of cusps contains a subtree -- a spire -- isomorphic to the tree of cusps on a modular curve tower. This makes plausible a version of Serre's O(pen) I(mage) T(heorem) on such MTs. Establishing these modular curve-like properties opens, to MTs, modular curve-like thinking where modular curves have never gone before. A fuller html description of this paper is at http://www.math.uci.edu/~mfried/paplist-cov/hf-can0611591.html .Comment: To appear in the Israel Journal as of 1/5/09; v4 is corrected from proof sheets, but does include some proof simplification in \S

    Do it Right or Not at All: A Longitudinal Evaluation of a Conflict Managment System Implementation

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    We analyzed an eight-year multi-source longitudinal data set that followed a healthcare system in the Eastern United States as it implemented a major conflict management initiative to encourage line managers to consistently perform Personal Management Interviews (or PMIs) with their employees. PMIs are interviews held between two individuals, designed to prevent or quickly resolve interpersonal problems before they escalate to formal grievances. This initiative provided us a unique opportunity to empirically test key predictions of Integrated Conflict Management System (or ICMS) theory. Analyzing survey and personnel file data from 5,449 individuals from 2003 to 2010, we found that employees whose managers provided high-quality interviews perceived significantly higher participative work climates and had lower turnover rates. However, retention was worse when managers provided poor-quality interviews than when they conducted no interviews at all. Together these findings highlight the critical role that line mangers play in the success of conflict management systems
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