49 research outputs found

    Adaptation Of Fengshui Based On Windflow On Shop Houses In Medan City Indonesia

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    Fengshui is the science of architecture that evolved as an adaptation of building design to climatic and geographical conditions by the Chinese. Based on the formulation of the principle of windflow, the science of Fengshui has set several rules that regulate the position, direction and elements in architecture, so as to create harmony between the building and its environment. This study aims to identify the application of Fengshui as a form of adaptation of windflow to climatic conditions, by taking a shop house in Medan as the object of study. The principles of wind flow that moves from high pressure to low pressure was adapted to the geography and climate of Indonesia, as the basic formulation of Fengshui applications. From the study of the adaptation of Fengshui based on wind flow principles in the shop house, it can be concluded that Fengshui basically utilize the properties of air movement in an attempt to speed up, slow down, drive or divert air into the building. In architecture, the pressure difference caused by the position of the land, windows, doors and the relationship between the interior spaces was utilized to create optimal flow of ventilation

    Perancangan Interior Flamboyant Ballet School Di Surabaya

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    The interior design of Flamboyant Ballet School in Surabaya aims to provide a forum for residents in Surabaya, especially the ballerina or ballet lovers to delve deeper into the art of ballet and to develop their interests and talents in the world of dance ballet to become a professional ballet dancer. It is therefore necessary to have a facility that can train and support their abilities and talents. The planned facility is a dance studio, auditorium, lobby, shops, cafes, and galleries

    Design of Portable Purchase Display for Small to Medium Enterprise (Case Study of Fish Cracker Village in Surabaya)

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    Kampung Krupuk, a village of traditional cracker makers, the problem solving method is used to answer the following questions: what type of portable purchase display is suitable for the community of the village of Surabaya crackers? Is a need to develop its business promotion and sales through exhibition or local bazaars frequently held in Surabaya. The location of the Kampung Krupuk village in narrow alleys and far from urban roads result in problems of transporting the commodities to the exhibition areas. These problems became a challenge in the learning studio of Interior Product Design 3 course taken by third year students of the Interior Design Department. Brainstorming and Prototyping methods were carried out in the design process to produce designs that suit the conditions in the field. Existing communities were actively involved in the process of brainstorming designs, evaluation and product prototype testing. The result of this research is a purchase display product design that has many advantages: lightweight, easily assembled, economic, and can be transported by a motorcycle. These advantages are the design solution offered to the existing problems that have previously hampered the marketing and productivity of Kampung Krupuk. The resulting design can truly be realized to support the marketing activities of Kampung Krupuk

    Development of Modular Outdoor Furniture Product Using Lightweight Concrete for Public Parks in Surabaya

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    The development of public parks into green city facilities in Surabaya has triggered the need of outdoor furniture designs that can resist the tropical wet and dry weather conditions while also having a certain mobility to support flexible park arrangement. However, present furniture designs made of concrete material are generally heavy and immovable. Flexible designs are needed for various activities that can take place at the same time such as sitting and playing, and to support changes in arrangement to keep the green open spaces attractive from time to time. This research develops the idea of a modular outdoor furniture design using cellular lightweight concrete (CLC) as the main material as a result from observing its resistance towards weather change and its relative light weight. It starts with analysis of problems, formulation of design concept, creation of design alternatives, selection of design, calculation of mouldings, adaptation of design to the mouldings and production of a scaled mock-up using CLC. Findings of this research reveal that the modular design along with the CLC material used not only support the flexibility of change in function and arrangement but also make these furniture resistant to the hot and humid weather of Surabaya

    Desain produk Interior Berkelanjutan: Pemanfaatan Limbah Kayu Industri untuk Fidgeting Dekoratif

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    Perancangan produk interior yang berkelanjutan memiliki peran penting dalam meminimalkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perancangan produk interior berkelanjutan yang memanfaatkan limbah kayu industri sebagai fasilitas fidgeting. Produk interior dekoratif dikembangkan dengan teknik puzzle dan berfungsi sebagai fasilitas pencahayaan ruangan. Melalui penerapan konsep berkelanjutan dan inovasi desain, penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam mengatasi permasalahan kecemasan serta penggunaan limbah kayu yang tidak termanfaatkan secara optimal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Design Thinking oleh Kelley dengan tahapan Emphasize, Define, Ideate, Prototipe, dan Test. Pada tahap Prototipe, ide desain diwujudkan menjadi desain produk nyata dengan memanfaatkan limbah kayu industri dan diuji untuk memperoleh umpan balik dari pengguna. Hasilnya adalah serangkaian desain pencahayaan dekoratif yang menggabungkan konsep fidgeting dan teknik puzzle dalam optimalisasi pemanfaatan limbah industri kayu

    The Role of Interior Product Designers in Improving the Welfare of Craft and Furniture Artisans After Pandemic

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    The creative industry is expected to drive economic growth in Indonesia after the COVID-19 pandemic. Abundant local materials and skilled human resources are two major strengths that need to be optimally managed to increase the selling value of design products. The pandemic has significantly impacted the welfare of furniture and handicraft artisans in Java. This paper aims to demonstrate the process and role of interior product designers (IPDs) in improving the socio-economic welfare of artisans after the pandemic. IPDs collaborated with Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), artisans, private entrepreneurs, governments, exporters, and associations to deal with vulnerabilities after the pandemic to achieve the development of policies and strategies toward sustainable community welfare. This IPDs role mainly focused on utilizing water hyacinth and rattan as the material for interior products to be accepted in local and global markets. The IPDs faced challenges in collaboration and unification of aspirations and interests between each party. The research used Kelley�s design thinking method, implementing the empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test stages. The latest information on commodities produced by SME artisans, the existing advantages and disadvantages, and in-depth studies of developing market issues in Indonesia, Asia, and Europe were explored. The resulting design was then adjusted to the availability of raw materials, the production capabilities of the artisan, as well as the support of tools and technology used. The production process involved the government and industrial assistance in supporting the needs of machinery and production technology. Market tests at home country and abroad were conducted to determine the market response to the product. With a good market response, it is hoped that there will be policy development from the government and industry associations to support joint work to achieve a strategy for the socio-economic welfare of the community, especially groups of artisans

    Modular outdoor furniture product for new normal public space

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    The limitation of shared activities in public spaces during the New Normal period requires flexible, multi-functional furniture that can be applied in public spaces. Outdoor modular furniture that can be flexibly modified to avoid spreading the virus through surfaces is required to add value to the public outdoor facility. Outdoor modular furniture with cellular lightweight concrete (CLC) as its material has been developed to be used in public space sitting areas. The modular furniture produced from this study can function as a sitting, playing and working facility with various arrangements in its geometrical form. The furniture can be used by adult users and children with the dimensions that refer to both variants of the user. The design had been made into a 1:1 scale prototype to produce compositions that can be used by adults and children for various activity. The prototype had also been tested for two years in outdoor public facilities. The test results showed that it is necessary to improve the material weight, give more rounded corners, improve the finishing as well as the construction process

    Makna Ragam Hias Binatang pada Klenteng Kwan Sing Bio di Tuban

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    The Chinese culture is rich with symbols and meanings, particuliarly the ones related to living creatures. The Chinese society often draw relationships between the characteristics of animals to the values in life desired by mankind in order to achieve perfection. The temple is one of the places rich in Chinese animal symbolism. In the temple of Kwan Sing Bio Tuban, the application of animal symbolism is exceedingly prominent. The dragon, phoenix, unicorn, horse and other animals symbolize important values in life such as health, longevity, strength, wealth and protection