65 research outputs found

    The Influence of the Use of Used Syringe Needles, Permanent Tattoos, and Sharing Razors Toward Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Dili City, Timor-Leste

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    The use of used syringe needles, permanent tattoos, and sharing razors has a risk of being exposed to infectious diseases, including hepatitis B disease. People in Dili city, Timor-Leste, are still practicing those habits. Therefore, research was conducted to find out the influence of the use of used syringe needles, permanent tattoos, and sharing razors toward the case of hepatitis B infection in Dili city, Timor-Leste. The research was conducted using a descriptive correlative method. The statistical analysis used the binary logistic regression on a significance level of 5%. The research sample was taken by using a multistage random sampling method which gave 116 persons as the total sample. The result showed that simultaneously, there was a significant influence (p<0.05) between the use of used syringe needles, permanent tattoos, and sharing razors toward hepatitis B virus infection with a score of the influence of 22.0%

    The Synthesis Study of Sulfanilamide Analogue from Natural Substances Papaverine Alkaloid

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    The aim of this research was to synthesize sulfanilamide analogue from natural products papaverine alkaloid. Sulfanilamide is known as an antibiotic which has been used for treatment of infection. Theoretically papaverine could be converted to be sulfanilamide analogue by two steps reactions, first sulfonation of papaverine by sulfonic acid to produce sulfonyl chloride and second reaction of with ammoniac to produce. The formation of this product was analyzed by analytical thin layer chromatography and FT-IR. This analysis showed the formation of product quite difficult since the compound was easily reacted with water to form compound. Infrared spectra supported the formation of which showed vibrations at 1153.4 and 1265.2 Cm-1 due to absorption of sulfonyl group and at 3433.1 Cm-1 due to absorption of –OH group


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dari hasil pengamatan saat peneliti melakukan praktek mengajar di SMP Negeri 1 Licin, serta hasil dari sosiometri yang telah dilakukan saat praktik mengajar disana ada beberapa anak mereka selalu mendapat peringkat dikelasnya dan mendapat nilai yang bagus tetapi mereka jarang dipilih untuk diajak belasar kelompok, serta informasi dari guru BK bawasannya mreka jarang bersosialisasi dan cenderung pendiam. Pertanyaan peneliti ini adalah Efektifitaskah teknik sosiodrama dalam bimbingan kelompok terhadap peningkatan rasa percaya diri siswa kelas VIII B SMP Negri 1 licin semester genap tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif. Disni peneliti melakukan 2 kali penyebaran  angket, angket pertama disebarkan  sebelum melakukan bimbingan kelompok, setelah penyebaran angket pertama diketahu hasilnya peneliti membagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol setelah dibagi 2 kempok dilakukan bimbingan kelompok sebanyak 8 kali pertemuan setelah menyelesaikan 8 kali pertemuan peneliti menyebar angkaet untuk ke 2 kalinya. Setelah mendapatkan hasil peneliti meghitung menggunakan manual dan SPSS untuk mengetahui peningkatan rasa percaya diri siswa.Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah efekti teknik sosiodrama dalam bimbingan kelompok terhadap peningkatan rasa percaya diri siswa kelas VIII B SMP Negri 1 Licin semester genap tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Berdasarkan simpulan hasil penelitian ini, direkomendasikan: (1) Penggunaan teknik sosiodrama dalam bimbingan kelompok untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa, mengingat bahwa masalah percayadiri berkaitan dengan pencapaian prestasi siswa disekolah. (2)   Penggunaan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik sosiodrama akan lebih efektif apabila konselor lebih kreatif mengembangkan naskah drama dan isi drama yang digunakan,yang dapat merubah sikap dan kebiasaan siswa. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Variasi Jumlah Blade Turbin Angin Terhadap Output Daya Listrik

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    Some area in Indonesia such as southern part of Sumatra to Nusa Tenggara have big enough wind speed to produce electrical energy by using wind turbine. However, the potential resources are not yet fully developed, and only 1.4 GW electrical energy has been generating in the Indonesia region. Most of the wind energy generating equipment is designed to the European wind speed which is 10 - 30 knot. So, it is very important to modify the such equipment to be able to implement in Indonesia area which is have a lower wind speed.The purpose of this research is to know the influence of number of blades and wind speed to electricity generated by horizontal axis wind turbine with blade taper inversed linear.The result showed that the highest electrical output power was 2,02 watt produced by 5 blades and 3,5 m/s wind speed. The lowest electrical output power was 2,347 watt achieved by using 3 blades and 2,5 m/s wind speed

    Hubungan Intensitas Pembinaan Guru Dan Tanggung Jawab Dengan Kinerja Di SMA Negeri 4 Kabupaten Tangerang

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    Teacher performance factors that affect the intensity relationship between teacher job satisfaction, organizational culture, teacher responsibility, and the intensity of coaching and teacher welfare from the principal. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the intensity of coaching and responsibility with the productivity of teacher performance at SMAN 4 Tangerang Regency. The method used in this study is a crocoational survey which is associative in nature, the relationship between two or more variables. The data used is quantitative data, which is numerical data in statistical calculations that are collected through research questionnaires from a number of respondents. Validity test such as (a). Classical Assumption Test (b). Hypothesis Testing (c). Multiple Linear Regression (d). Correlation Coefficient Test (e). Coefficient of Determination Test Conclusion: There is a positive and significant relationship between the coaching intensity variable and teacher performance, and a significant positive relationship between the responsibility variable and the teacher performance variable, as well as a positive and significant relationship between the coaching intensity variable and the responsibility variable and the teacher performance variable at SMAN 4 Tangerang Regency  Keywords: Intensity Relationship, Teacher Guidance, Responsibility, Performanc

    Relationship Of Organizational Commitment And Organizational Culture With Teacher's Personal Competency In Vocational School Of Grafika, Tangerang City

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between organizational commitment and organizational culture with teacher personality competencies. The variables in the research we examined were Organizational Commitment and Organizational Culture, Teacher Personality Competencies. The research method with the significance level of the analysis results is determined at 5%. t-table (3035> 2,024). 2) There is a positive relationship between organizational culture and Personality Competence as evidenced by the correlation coefficient value ry.xi = 0.602 and the value of t-count> t-table 2.226> 2024. 3). There is a positive relationship between Organizational Commitment and Organizational Culture together with personality potential, which is evidenced by the correlation coefficient value ry.x1, x2 = 0.700 and the value of F-count> F table (17.735> 3.25).  Keywords: Culture, Commitment, Competence, Teacher Personalit

    Hubungan Kesejahteraan Dan Komitmen Organisasi Dengan Kualitas Komunikasi Interpersonal Pegawai Di Kecamatan Karawaci Kota Tangerang

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    Hubungan kesejahteraan dengan kualitas komunikasi interpersonal, hubungan komitmen organisasi dengan kualitas komunikasi interpersonal, serta hubungan kesejahteraan dan komitmen organisasi secara bersama-sama dengan kualitas komunikasi interpersonal. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai di yang berjumlah 207 orang termasuk yang menyebar di 16 kelurahan, sehingga dengan tingkat error 0,05% diperoleh sampel 99,81 yang dibulatkan menjadi 100 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner tentang ketiga variabel di atas. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan pada taraf signifikan 0,05. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tiga kesimpulan : (1) Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan kesejahteraan dengan kualitas komunikasi interpersonal. dengan koefisien korelasi ry.1 = 0,707 > rtabel (rtabel = 0,159 pada α = 0,05 dan rtabel = 0,210 pada α = 0,01).  (2) Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan komitmen organisasi dengan kualitas komunikasi interpersonal. dengan koefisien korelasi ry.2 = 0,602 > rtabel (rtabel = 0,159 pada α = 0,05 dan rtabel = 0,210 pada α = 0,01). (3) Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan kesejahteraan dan komitmen organisasi secara bersama-sama dengan kualitas komunikasi interpersonal, dengan koefisien korelasi ry.1.2 = 0,784 > rtabel (rtabel = 0,159 pada α = 0,05 dan rtabel = 0,210 pada α = 0,01). Kata Kunci : Kesejahteraan, Komitmen Organisasi dan Kualitas Komunikasi Interpersona

    Segmentation of Facial Bones from Skull Point Clouds Based on Smoothed Deviation Angle

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    The human skull was the subject of study in various fields. Segmentation could be a basic tool for better understanding the skull. One of the most challenging tasks was facial bone segmentation. Our previous study had succeeded in segmenting facial bones from skull point clouds, however the quality of the results needed to be improved. In this paper, we proposed a new method to improve the results of facial bone segmentation from skull point clouds. The method consists of three stages: deviation angle extraction, smoothing, and thresholding. Each point in the point cloud was assigned a value based on the deviation angle. These values then went through a smoothing process to clarify the differences between the facial bone region and other regions. Next, thresholding was performed to divide the skull into two regions, namely facial bone and non-facial bone. The proposed method had succeeded in improving the quality of the segmentation results by achieving precision=0.931, recall=0.9854, and F=0.9573
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