3 research outputs found

    Influential Correlation Factor of the Iva Test Result Towards the Woman Prisoners of II a Class in Semarang

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    . Cervix cancer is number one killing disease among women. Since 2008-2014, Central Java especially Semarang is the second highest prevalence of cervix cancer. Actually the early cervix cancer detection could be conducted through IVA test, because this sort of test is relatively fast and accurate in only one visit and treatment.Woman prisoners are groups of nondependent person and vulnerable in case of reproduction system. According to theobservation, the excessive prisoners and lack of officers would limit health/medical access to its inhabitants. This study employed analytic correlation design by using 44 woman prisoners in prison of IIA class in Semarang. Besides the datawas analyzed using SPSS for windows. The result of the study showed that 29.5% women were positively infected (bypositive result of IVA test). In other hand, there were 52.3% women having sexual intercourse less than 20 years old,65.9% women having sexual partner. Besides, 52.3% women experienced douching vagina, 59.1% women were multiparity obstetric, and 77.3% women did not have any cancer history in their family. Conclusion: There is relatively influential correlation between the age of first time having sexual intercourse, numbers of sexual partners, and obstetric history towards the result of IVA test

    Hubungan Dukungan Pasangan Usia Subur dengan Penggunaan Metode Kontrasepsi Senggama Terputus di Kelurahan Meteseh Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang

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    Data dari Kelurahan Meteseh sebesar 1669 PUS dari jumlah Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) yang ada 4299 jiwa (38,8%) sedangkan di 3 RW yaitu RW XIV dengan jumlah PUS 240 orang yang menggunakan senggama terputus 8 orang, RW XXIII dengan jumlah PUS 75 orang yang menggunakan senggamaterputus 10 orang, dan RW XXIV dengan jumlah PUS 134 orang yang menggunakan senggama terputus 21 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan pasangan usia subur dengan metode penggunaan senggama terputus di Kelurahan Meteseh Kecamatan Tembalang KotaSemarang. Metode Penelitian diskiptif dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional, metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data yaitu berupa analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat. Hasil penelitian dukungan PUS mayoritas responden mendukungantara suami dan istri yaitu sebanyak 20 PUS (51,3%), dan mayoritas responden tidak teratur dalam penggunaan kontrasepsi senggama terputus yaitu sebanyak 21 PUS (53,8%). Dari hasil hubungan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan PUS dengan penggunaan senggama terputus. Simpulan penelitian ini anyak responden yang mendukung maka semakin teratur penggunaan metode kontrasepsisenggama terputus, sebaliknya jika banyak responden yang tidak mendukung maka semakin tidak teratur penggunaan senggama terputus

    Pengabdian Masyarakat : Pemeriksaan Iva Test pada Wanita Usia Subur di Kelurahan Jatisari Kecamatan Mijen

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    Test The purpose of community service is to improve the knowledge of women of childbearing age in the examination of IVA Test, early detection of cervical cancer in women of childbearing age. The method used to achieve these goals is by participatory action research among others through Forum Group Discusion (FGD). Outcomes in these activities in the form of goods and services. Outcomes in the form of goods as the draft articles of scientific publications through proceedings. The outcomes in the form of services is health education of IVA Test and examination of IVA Test in women of childbearing age