28 research outputs found


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    Untuk melindungi sistem tenaga listrik dari kerusakan akibat gangguan hubung singkat dibutuhkan sistem proteksi yang handal. Skema proteksi pada feeder Mata Air, Padang masih memiliki kekurangan karena jika terjadi gangguan pada saluran menuju Komplek Harito, maka peralatan proteksi yang bekerja adalah relai arus lebih yang berada di gardu hubung. Akibatnya seluruh feeder Mata Air akan mengalami pemadaman total. Untuk memperbaiki kondisi tersebut, PT. PLN Rayon Indarung berencana menambahkan peralatan proteksi pada feeder Mata Air. Penambahan peralatan proteksi bertujuan untuk melokalisasi daerah yang mengalami pemadaman agar menjadi sekecil mungkin. Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan perhitungan dan analisa untuk penambahan peralatan proteksi tersebut. Peralatan proteksi yang ditambahkan berupa fuse cut out dengan kapasitas 10 A Koordinasi fuse baru dengan peralatan proteksi yang telah ada (fuse, recloser dan relai arus lebih), kemudian diuji menggunakan ETAP 12.6. Jenis gangguan yang diberikan adalah gangguan tiga fasa dan gangguan antar fasa di beberapa lokasi gangguan. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi, peralatan proteksi arus lebih pada feeder Mata Air sudah berkoordinasi dengan baik. Kata kunci: fuse, recloser, relai arus lebih, gangguan hubung singkat, koordinas

    Perilaku Pemilih dalam Pemilihan Wali Nagari di Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor, Gunung Tuleh, Pasaman Barat, Sumatera Barat Tahun 2014

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    Choosing is an autonomous activity, in the sense of non-pressure and coercion from others. The sociological approach tends to place voting in relation to the social context. The concrete of one's choice in elections is influenced by demographic and socioeconomic backgrounds, such as gender, residence (city-village), occupation, education, class, income and religion. The sociological approach explains, social characteristics and groupings are factors that influence voter behavior.The research method used in this research is descriptive research with qualitative analysis method. This study aims to see how the behavior of voters in the election Wali Nagari in Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor, Mount Tuleh, West Pasaman, West Sumatra Year 2014 that affect the election of one candidate in Pilwana. This study is also to find out how the shift in voter behavior in the context of the social structure of society in Rabi Jonggor kenagarian previously held by other elite groups. So that the influence of various social factors greatly influence voter behavior in determining the choice that make an elite group in government is shifted by other elite group in Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor.The selection of Wali Nagari in Rabi Jonggor Kenagarian Year 2014 shows that the main factor of voters in determining their choice based on sociological approach can be seen from education side, family background or kinship and social class. These three sides determine the voter's behavior in determining the choice because the other side of the sociological approach is not very influential in determining voter behavior, so that the three sides of voter behavior becomes a reference in determining how voters behavior in the election of Wali Nagari Year 2014

    Sistem Pembangunan Sel Photo Voltaic pada TVRI Satuan Transmisi Sipirok

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    Transmisi sinyal Televisi tergantung dari penetapan pada suatu lokasi yang optimal untuk antena pemancar, sehingga diperlukan daerah dataran tinggi. Dalam penyuplaian energi listrik banyak terjadi kendala seperti kendala alam, drop tegangan, dan lain-lain. untuk mengatasi maslaah tersebut pihak TVR1 satuan transmisi Sipirok memasang tenaga listrik dari matahari

    Dandy Walker Variant pada Onset Dewasa

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    Dandy Walker Variant didefinisikan sebagai suatu kelainan kongenital dengan karakteristik dilatasi kistik ventrikel IV, hipoplasia vermis serebelum tanpa disertai dengan pembesaran fossa posterior. Dilaporkan bahwa seorang laki-laki berusia 39 tahun dengan keluhan utama kejang disertai gangguan penglihatan dan hilangnya ingatan, yang dengan didahului adanya trauma pada kepala sembilan bulan sebelumnya. Pada pemeriksaan dengan Computed Tomography scan (CT scan) dan Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), didapatkan adanya hipoplasia vermis serebelum, ventrikulomegali, dan dilatasi kistik ventrikel IV, sehingga diagnosis Dandy Walker Variant onset dewasa ditegakkan. Pada umumnya, gejala Dandy Walker timbul pada masa kanak-kanak karena merupakan kelainan kongenital, tetapi pada beberapa kasus onset dapat terjadi pada orang dewasa dengan adanya pencetus, salah satunya adalah trauma.Kata kunci : Dandy Walker Variant, onset dewas

    Indonesia’s COVID-19 Trend After the End of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern: Preparation for an Endemic

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    Three years into the pandemic, the World Health Organization revoked the COVID-19 public health emergency of international concern on May 5, 2023. This decision sparked debate, notably around the possibility of a surge in cases due to the SARS-CoV-2 mutations. To manage this transition, the Indonesian government enacted stringent controls on case numbers. This case series study provided an overview of COVID-19 case trends in Indonesia following the revocation of public health emergency of international concern status by the World Health Organization. Data were collected for 5 weeks after the statement (May 6–June 10, 2023) from the COVID-19 Task Force’s official online platform of the Indonesian Ministry of Health. The trends were monitored in daily confirmed, active, recovered, and death cases, and analyzed the data using Microsoft Excel and Stata 16. The findings indicated a positive trend for Indonesia, with decreased daily confirmed cases (89.42%) and active cases (44.16%). Recovered cases accounted for 97.47%, higher than the global average (96%). Unfortunately, the death rate (2.38%) exceeded the global statistic (1%). These results highlighted the need for sustained vigilance, enhancement of the 3T strategy (testing, tracing, and treatment), and wider vaccination coverage. It remains critical to uphold the 3M protocols—mask-wearing, physical distancing, and hand hygiene—to prevent a potential rebound in cases, even without the public health emergency of international concern status,as the situation transitions toward endemic COVID-19

    Association Between Adiponectin Levels with Markers of Atherosclerosis in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Background: Several studies have shown that atherosclerosis underlying processes of Cardiovascular disease (CVD), increased in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and occurred early (premature). The cause of accelerated atherosclerosis in RA are still unknown.Adipokines have known that the adipokines play a role in the pathophysiology of RA and CVD. Accumulation of visceral fat associated with dysregulation of adipokinesthat influence the development of the atherosclerotic and disruption plaque. Obesity and pathological changes in fat mass and fat dysfunction as well as a change inthe pattern of secretion of proinflammatory adipokines, may have a correlation between heart disease and rheumatic diseases. Adiponectin is one of the mostwidely-studied adipokines. In RA, adiponectin is involved in the pathophysiology of RA that produces of various proinflammatory and prodestructive molecules. So far, adiponectin has been known to provide antiatherosclerotic effects in patients with non-RA. But, several recent studies in RA patients get opposite results in which increased levels of adiponectin are associated with increased prevalence of atherosclerosis. The effect of adiponectin on atherosclerosis in patient with RA is still unknown.Objective: to determine the relationship of adiponectin with atherosclerosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted on outpatients of the rheumatology clinic at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital from January untilApril, 2013. Subjects consisted of 50 patients were diagnosed based on ACR 1987/EULAR 2010 criteria. The collection of data obtained by consecutive sampling and evaluated the patients' medical data that included age, long-suffering of RA, body mass index (BMI), lipid profile, rheumatoid factor levels, levels of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP), C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rates (ESR), blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, 2 hour post prandial blood glucose, ECG, examination of serum adiponectin levels and bilateral carotid ultrasound to measure the carotid artery intima media thickness.Results: From the results of the 50 patients studied, obtained 28 (56%) of patients had increased levels of adiponectin. Atherosclerosis was found in 13 (26%) subjects. The median value was 9.46 μg / ml with the lowest levels of 4 μg/ml and the highestlevels of 24μg/ml. The Spearman's test showed no significant correlation between adiponectin serum and atherosclerosis in patients with RA (p = 0706 and r = 0.055). The analysis results of the correlation of adiponectin with atherosclerosis based on age, disease duration, ESR, rheumatoid factor, DAS 28, CRP, BMI, dyslipidemia showed no significant correlation.Conclusion : From this study, researchers found no statistically significant correlation between adiponectin levels with marker of atherosclerosis (CIMT) in patients with rheumatoid arthriti


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    Objective: The purpose of this study is to see the correlation between iron overload with the hypogonadal state by analyzing the correlation between ferritin serum, transferrin saturation and pituitary MRI T2 relaxation time with FSH, LH and testosterone levels. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of 32 male subjects with transfusion-dependent thalassemia. The subjects were collected with a consecutive sampling technique in the thalassemia outpatient clinic in National Hospital in Indonesia. Measurements of serum ferritin, transferrin saturation, FSH, LH and testosterone were taken using ELISA technique. Pituitary MRI T2 relaxation time was done using MRI Avanto 1.5 Tesla. Results: In this study, secondary sexual characteristics were not fully achieved in 62.5% of patients. Low testosterone levels were found in 25% of patients. There was a negative correlation between transferrin saturation and pituitary MRI T2 relaxation time in the normal testosterone level group. Conclusion: This study showed a high rate of patients who had not achieve puberty, but a low rate of patients with low testosterone, which means there is a weak negative correlation between transferrin saturation and pituitary MRI T2 relaxation times

    Predictor Factors of Atherosclerosis and Atherosclerosis Plaque in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

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    Background: Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases have been known as the cause of increasing mortality among rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) measurement by ultrasound has been used as surrogate marker of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.Methods: A cross sectional study of 86 RA patients fulfills EULAR/ACR 2010 critera for RA was conducted to study proportion and predictor factors of atherosclerosis and atherosclerosis plaque in rheumatoid arthritis patients.Results: Atherosclerosis and plaque was found in 47,7% and 29 % of patients. Age ≥ 40 yo, hypertension and duration of illness ≥ 24 mo were associated with atherosclerosis in multivariate logistic regression analysis with OR 10.70 (95% CI: 2.93-39.10), 4.99 (95% CI: 1.15-21.61) and 3.66 (95% CI: 1.11-11.99) respectively. Whereas hypertension, presence of antiCCP antibody and age ≥ 40 yo, were associated with plaque formation with OR 3.96 (95% CI: 1.15-13.57), 3.20 (95% CI: 1.11-9.24) and 3.61 (95% CI: 1.03-12.63) respectively.Conclusions: Age ≥ 40 yo, hypertension and duration of illness ≥ 24 mo was the predictors ofatherosclerosis, while hypertension, presence of antiCCP antibody and age ≥ 40 yo was the predictors of atherosclerosis plaque

    Association Between Adiponectin Levels with Markers of Atherosclerosis In Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Background: Several studies have shown that atherosclerosis underlying processes of Cardiovascular disease (CVD), increased in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and occurred early (premature). The cause of accelerated atherosclerosis in RA are still unknown.Adipokines have known that the adipokines play a role in the pathophysiology of RA and CVD. Accumulation of visceral fat associated with dysregulation of adipokinesthat influence the development of the atherosclerotic and disruption plaque. Obesity and pathological changes in fat mass and fat dysfunction as well as a change inthe pattern of secretion of proinflammatory adipokines, may have a correlation between heart disease and rheumatic diseases. Adiponectin is one of the mostwidely-studied adipokines. In RA, adiponectin is involved in the pathophysiology of RA that produces of various proinflammatory and prodestructive molecules. So far, adiponectin has been known to provide antiatherosclerotic effects in patients with non-RA. But, several recent studies in RA patients get opposite results in which increased levels of adiponectin are associated with increased prevalence of atherosclerosis. The effect of adiponectin on atherosclerosis in patient with RA is still unknown.Objective: to determine the relationship of adiponectin with atherosclerosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted on outpatients of the  rheumatology clinic at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital from January untilApril, 2013. Subjects consisted of 50 patients were diagnosed based on ACR 1987/EULAR 2010 criteria. The collection of data obtained by consecutive sampling and evaluated the patients’ medical data that included age, long-suffering of RA, body mass index (BMI), lipid profile, rheumatoid factor levels, levels of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP), C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rates (ESR), blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, 2 hour post prandial blood glucose, ECG, examination of serum adiponectin levels and bilateral carotid ultrasound to measure the carotid artery intima media thickness.Results: From the results of the 50 patients studied, obtained 28 (56%) of patients had increased levels of adiponectin. Atherosclerosis was found in 13 (26%) subjects. The median value was 9.46 μg / ml with the lowest levels of 4 μg/ml and the highestlevels of 24μg/ml. The Spearman’s test showed no significant correlation between adiponectin serum and atherosclerosis in patients with RA (p = 0706 and r = 0.055). The analysis results of the correlation of adiponectin with atherosclerosis based on age, disease duration, ESR, rheumatoid factor, DAS 28, CRP, BMI, dyslipidemia showed no significant correlation.Conclusion : From this study, researchers found no statistically significant correlation between adiponectin levels with marker of atherosclerosis (CIMT) in patients with rheumatoid arthritisKeywords : Adiponectin, Atherosclerosi