29 research outputs found
Career advancement comparative perspective study of university lecturer
Globalization and international standard universities trend drive the higher education system to become more dynamic and innovative. The lecturer is a profession that drives and encourages university competitiveness. Therefore, better career advancement and development are vital in encouraging higher education competitiveness. The United States of America (USA) is currently a world-class university orientation, followed by Australia. Hence, other countries, especially developing countries, should know the USA and Australia higher education system, especially in the lecturers’ career advancement and development. This study is necessary to answer research questions about comparing academic career advancement systems in the USA and Australia. This study will give other countries new insight into academic career advancement. The researchers apply the findings from a systematic review. This study focuses on six aspects discussed: regulations, educational qualifications, lecturer obligation status in the higher education, career ladder, career advancement stages, and the lecturers' duties also responsibilities in lecturer career advancement in the USA and Australia. This study examines the gap between lecturers' career advancement systems in the USA and Australia comprehensively. The researchers observe by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the lecturer career advancement system in the USA and Australia. Also, the researchers compare the results using comparative public administration theory
Model of Local Budgeting System Management: A Case Study in the District of Malinau, North Kalimantan
Implementation of local autonomy in Indonesian government make economic decentralization becomes a part in strengthening the local government. In line with this, the local budgeting issue also becomes a strategic one in the relationship between Central and Local government in Indonesia. On its implementation, local budgeting management is facing the crucial problems, which are the managerial and operational capability of local budgeting management officer and also their low integrity level. Therefore, local budgeting management reformation is needed in forming the good governance which demanding an efficient, transparent, and accountable local budgeting management. Keywords: Reform, Local Budgeting System Managemen
Model Implementation of Infrastructures Development Policy for Backward Community Empowerment at the Border Area in the District of Malinau, North Kalimantan
The causing factors of the underdevelopment of the border area are their geographical locations that are relatively remote from the center of economic growth. The other factor is lack of competent human resources so that they could not be able to manage the available potential natural resources. Therefore, one of the policies which should be immediately implemented is the policy on the development of infrastructures in every aspect in order to open the isolation and give chances for the border area to build interaction with the center of economic growth outside the region. Keywords: infrastructures, empowerment, borde
The Complexity of Coordination Among Indonesian State Intelligence Institutions
The reforms in Indonesia have given birth to innovations in institutional arrangement and has become one of the priorities for democracy that is still being fought for. The problem that arises after the reforms have taken place is not all state institutions are arranged and in accordance with the values ​​and principles of democracy, including the arrangement of state intelligence institutions in Indonesia. The existing State Intelligence Institutions (besides Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and Indonesian National Police (POLRI)) have Task Implementation Operational Standards (SOPT) which are based on the duties and capabilities possessed, but are not supported by adequate capacity building, so that these institutions are less able to carry out the mandate stated in Article 2 of Law No. 17 Year 2011. Not all existing National Intelligence Institutions’ personnels (besides TNI and POLRI) have professional resource capabilities in the intelligence implementation as mentioned in Article 2 and Article 3 of Law No. 17 Year 2011. Almost most of the people or citizens in Indonesia assess intelligence as someone who is looking for information about crime and only in the scope of POLRI and TNI. The complexity of State Intelligence Institutions’ Coordination in Indonesia is not something that needs to be made a scapegoat for the failure of intelligence’s tasks. On the contrary, it must be seen as a source to achieve the success in carring out the tasks. Therefore the solution that can be done is by the Development of Capacity Building of the State Intelligence Institutions which is supported by the Network Type Command (NTC) coordination model, namely HTM, MTM and NTM model developments. The NTC model is a large coordination model with a broad network but still under one control or command, so that information processing can become increasingly faster and more accurate which in turn can increase high power in carrying out early detection and warning. This model is also able to make a more significant contribution in developing the operational plans and strategies of state intelligence institutions in order to achieve the role, purpose and function of state intelligence effectively. Keywords: Complexity, Institution, Intelligence, The Republic of Indonesia DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-1-05
Local Government Preparedness in Response to the Transition from Pandemic to Endemic: An Adaptive Governance Perspective in Surabaya Municipality
According to the declaration of the WHO about the pandemic, COVID-19 is pathogenic in humans. Leaders around the world have implemented strategies to prevent the transmission of this outbreak. The Indonesian government also encountered a similar problem, with the first case of COVID-19 in Indonesia announced around March 2020. Soon after, the number of cases increased dramatically over time. Months later, the Indonesian government distributed the vaccination program throughout the country, reaching more than 70% of the population. As the immune system strengthens, the government is planning a transition from pandemic to endemic based on the condition of each area. Adaptive governance is needed during this transition, and according to that, the local government plays an important role in dealing with the endemic. Further research has been conducted in Surabaya, one of the largest cities in Indonesia with a heterogeneous population. This study used Soft System Methodology to create a model of bureaucracy between local governments in Surabaya, and the results showed that in the relationship between local governments, the mayor of Surabaya Municipality has to be the main commander, with the regional disaster management agency as the leading sector. However, the results showed that adaptive governance in Surabaya has been effectively implemented. This study is expected to be one of the references in preparing for the transition from pandemic to endemic by using an adaptive governance perspective
Health Service from Catchment Area Perspective: An Analysis of System
Indonesia is one of the countries in the world which has a decentralized model of government. The decentralization in the form of regional autonomy aims to improve the public welfare through public services. The services, especially the health service depends much on the wide area and also the geographical condition of the regional. Catchment area covers the complexity of health service’s problems, particularly of those found in Kabupaten Malang (Malang Regency). Thus, it is necessary to do an analysis of systems towards the health service from the catchment area perspectives to solve the present and future problems. Keywords : decentralization, catchment area, health servic
This research is motivated by the implementation of special autonomy in Papua Province to overcome the unequal welfare problems compared to other provinces in Indonesia. The welfare issues raised in this study cover the fields of education, health, finance, and infrastructure. This research views the special autonomy policy of Papua Province as the formation of institutions, the transfer of authority, and financial management to improve the welfare of the community. Therefore, this study aims to explain the facts related to institutions, authority, and financial management in Special Autonomy in Papua Province to improve the welfare of the community. This research was conducted an assessment program activities approach and data collection through in-depth interviews and documents. Institutions and powers to make welfare include institutions and authorities in terms of education, health, finance, and infrastructure, each of which is carried out by the education office, health office, special autonomy bureau of the regional secretariat and regional financial and asset management agencies, and public works services. Meanwhile, financial arrangements in terms of education are carried out with formal and non-formal PAUD financial allocations (5%), 6-year compulsory basic education in elementary school (35%), 3 years of junior high school (25%), high school (10%), Vocational High Schools (5%), Non-formal and Informal Education (10%), other relevant Higher Education and Education (10%), health is carried out with a 15% fund allocation, the finance is carried out with a 25% fund allocation, and infrastructure is allocated funds of 20%
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis praktek inovasi birokrasi dalam penanganan gelandangan di Kota Surabaya, sehingga penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis data model Spradley. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa inovasi birokrasi telah diwujudkan oleh Dinas Sosial Kota Surabaya sebagai aktor utama yang bertanggung jawab terhadap penyelesaian permasalahan gelandangan di Kota Surabaya. Inovasi birokrasi tidak akan tercipta tanpa didasari berbagai kunci sukses yang muncul dari dalam birokrasi, seperti responsiveness yang merupakan dampak dari cultureset dan mindset dari dalam birokrasi. Kata kunci: inovasi birokrasi, kunci sukses inovasi, penanganan gelandanga
Akuntabilitas Eksistensi Organisasi Non Pemerintah dalam Perspektif Governance (Studi terhadap Yayasan Lembaga Pembinaan Masyarakat Desa Lampung)
Theresearch aims to detect and understanding accountability of organization existence YLPMD Lampung with governance paradigm. This research use qualitative method with grounded research approaches with reason is to build theory that start from data. The research finding shows that YLPMD Lampung to carry out accountability organization existence passes some mechanisms, they are: 1). Clarifying guiding philosophy, vision and mission, and goal; 2). Improving certainty and law status clarity; 3). Actuating organization chart based on program; 4). Improving democratic leadership pattern; and 5). Strenghening decision making mechanism and responsibility. The result of this study also provides information that through the implementation of mechanism have been closer NGOs YLPMD Lampung on values such as trust, responsiveness, healthy organization climate, legality and public legitimacy, clarity direction of the organization, rules and laws, and the acceptance of stakeholders and the public. As the research findings, this study proposed a proposition that when the NGO implementing the mechanism of accountability through clarifying guiding organizational philosophy, vision, mission and goals with the foundation of the real problems of society; legal status, structure, functions, and relations between structure–based focus of the work; strong leadership the ideology of civil society, networks, and togetherness; and decision-making mechanisms, and accountabilit. The NGOs can make use accountability values such as trust, responsiveness, healthy organizational climate, legality and public legitimacy, clarity direction of the organization, rules and laws, and stakeholders and public acceptance”.  Keyword : governance, accountability, NGOPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami akuntabilitas keberadaan Ornop YLPMD Lampung dengan paradigma governance. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan grounded research dengan alasan untuk membangun teori, khususnya teori substantif, yang berasal dari data. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa akuntabilitas eksistensi organisasi YLPMD Lampung yang diwujudkan melalui mekanisme: 1). Kejelasan guiding philosophy, visi, misi dan tujuan organisasi; 2). Kejelasan status hukum organisasi; 3). Kejelasan struktur organisasi, fungsi dan relasi antar struktur organisasi; 4). Aturan formal kepemimpinan dalam organisasi; dan 5). Aturan dan pelaksanaan mekanisme pengambilan keputusan dan pertanggungjawaban. Hasil penelitian ini juga memberikan informasi bahwa melalui pelaksanaan mekanisme-mekanisme telah mendekatkan Ornop YLPMD Lampung pada nilai-nilai seperti trust, responsiveness, iklim berorganisasi sehat, legalitas dan legitimasi publik, kejelasan arah organisasi, rule and laws, dan penerimaan stakeholders dan masyarakat. Sebagai temuan penelitian, studi ini mengajukan suatu proposisi bahwa ketika Ornop menjalankan mekanisme akuntabilitas keorganisasian melalui kejelasan guiding philosophy, visi, misi dan tujuan dengan landasan persoalan nyata masyarakat; status hukum; struktur, fungsi, dan relasi antar struktur berbasis fokus kerja; kepemimpinan yang kuat secara ideologi civil society, jaringan, dan kebersamaan; dan mekanisme pengambilan keputusan, dan pertanggungjawaban. Ornop dapat menggunakan nilai-nilai akuntabilitas seperti trust, responsiveness, iklim berorganisasi sehat, legalitas dan legitimasi publik, kejelasan arah organisasi, rule and laws, dan penerimaan stakeholders dan masyarakat.”Kata kunci: governance, akuntabilitas, Orno
Perencanaan Pembangunan Kawasan Ekowisata Taman Buah Jeru Kabupaten Malang (Studi di Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Malang)
Ekowisata merupakan suatu misi pengembangan wisata alternatif berwawasan lingkungan yang tidak menimbulkan banyak dampak negatif, baik terhadap lingkungan maupun terhadap kondisi sosial budaya yang mempunyai potensi penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Untuk mendukung potensi pariwisata, pihak Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Malang memerlukan usaha berkesinambungan dalam kegiatan ekowisata.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Perencanaan Pembangunan Kawasan Ekowisata Taman Buah Jeru Kabupaten Malang (studi di Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Malang). Analisa Perencanaan Pembangunan menggunakan 6 (enam) komponen, yaitu menentukan tujuan perencanaan dan merumuskan perencanaan (The decision to adopt planning), Pengumpulan dan analisa data (Collect and analyse data), Identifikasi tindakan untuk memecahkan masalah (Identyfling alternatives course of action), penilaian untuk mengidentifikasikan kelebihan dan kekurangan dari setiap tindakan (Plan and project appraisal), Implementasi rencana (Implement), dan Monitoring dan Evaluasi (Monitoring and evaluation).
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, Perencanaan Pembangunan dilihat dari 6 (enam) komponen, bahwa pelaksanaan pembangunan kawasan ekowisata Taman Buah Jeru di Kabupaten Malang sudah lebih dari 4 (empat) tahun tetapi pada kenyataannya masih banyak kegiatan yang belum dilaksanakan secara optimal, seperti masih banyaknya hasil fisik pembangunan yang telah selesai dilaksanakan namun masih belum dapat dimanfaatkan karena belum adanya kepastian pengelolaan yang dapat menghasilkan pemasukan sebagai sumber Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD)