175 research outputs found

    The energy method analysis of the Darcy–Bénard problem with viscous dissipation

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    A nonlinear analysis of the effect of viscous dissipation on the Rayleigh–Bénard instability in a fluid saturated porous layer is performed. The saturated medium is modelled through Darcy’s law, with the layer bounded by two parallel impermeable walls kept at different uniform temperatures, so that heating from below is supplied. While it is well known that viscous dissipation does not influence the linear threshold to instability, a rigorous nonlinear analysis of the instability when viscous dissipation is taken into account is still lacking. This paper aims to fill this gap. The energy method is employed to prove the nonlinear conditional stability of the basic conduction state. In other words, it is shown that a finite initial perturbation exponentially decays in time provided that its initial amplitude is smaller than a given finite value

    An Integrated Approach for Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection of Bridges: An Experimental Assessment

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    The issue of monitoring the structural condition of bridges is becoming a top priority worldwide. As is well known, any infrastructure undergoes a progressive deterioration of its structural conditions due to aging by normal service loads and environmental conditions. At the same time, it may suffer serious damages or collapse due to natural phenomena such as earthquakes or strong winds. For this reason, it is essential to rely on efficient and widespread monitoring techniques applied throughout the entire road network. This paper aims to introduce an integrated procedure for structural and material monitoring. With regard to structural monitoring, an innovative approach for monitoring based on Vehicle by Bridge Interaction (VBI) will be proposed. Furthermore, with regard to material monitoring, to evaluate concrete degradation, a non-invasive method based on the continuous monitoring of the pH, as well as chloride and sulfate ions concentration in the concrete, is presented

    Analysis of the integration of the three-way catalyst thermal management in the on-line supervisory control strategy of a gasoline full hybrid vehicle

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    Full hybrid electric vehicles have proven to be a midterm viable solution to fulfil stricter regulations, such as those regarding carbon dioxide abatement. Although fuel economy directly benefits from hybridization, the use of the electric machine for propulsion may hinder an appropriate warming of the aftertreatment system, whose temperature is directly related to the emissions conversion efficiency. The present work evaluates the efficacy of a supervisory energy management strategy based on Equivalent Minimization Consumption Strategy (ECMS) which incorporates a temperature-based control for the thermal management of the Three-Way Catalyst (TWC). The impact of using only the midspan temperature of TWC is compared against the case where temperature at three different sampling points along the TWC length are used. Moreover, a penalty term based on TWC temperature has been introduced in the cost functional of the ECMS to allow the control of the TWC temperature operating window. In fact, beyond a certain threshold, the increase of the engine load, requested to speed up TWC warming, does not translate into a better catalyst efficiency, because the TWC gets close to its highest conversion rate. A gasoline P2 parallel full hybrid powertrain has been considered as test case. Results show that the effects of the different calibrations strategies are negligible on the TWC thermal management, as they do not provide any improvements in the fuel economy nor in the emissions abatement of the hybrid powertrain. This effect can be explained by the fact that the charge sustaining condition has a greater weight on the energy management strategy than the effects deriving from the addition of the soft constraints to control the TWC thermal management. These results hence encourage the use of simple setups to deal with the control of the TWC in supervisory control strategies for full hybrid electric vehicle

    Analysis of strawberry ripening by dynamic speckle measurements

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    This work seeks to determine the age of a fruit from observation of its dynamic speckle pattern. A mobile speckle pattern originates on the fruit's surface due to the interference of the wavefronts reflected from moving scatterers. For this work we analyzed two series of photographs of a strawberry speckle pattern, at different stages of ripening, acquired with a CMOS camera. The first day, we took ten photographs at an interval of one second. The same procedure was repeated the next day. From each series of images we extracted several statistical descriptors of pixel-to-pixel gray level variation during the observation time. By comparing these values from the first to the second day we noticed a diminution of the speckle activity. This decay demonstrated that after only one day the ripening process of the strawberry can be detected by dynamic speckle pattern analysis. For this study we employed a simple new algorithm to process the data obtained from the photographs. This algorithm allows defining a global mobility index that indicates the evolution of the fruit's ripening.Fil: Mulone, C.. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Paraná; ArgentinaFil: Budini, Nicolas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET- Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química (i); Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Paraná; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Santa Fe. Instituto de Física del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Vincitorio, F. M.. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Paraná; ArgentinaFil: Freyre, C.. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Paraná; ArgentinaFil: López Díaz, A. J.. Universidad da Coruña; España;Fil: Ramil Rego, A.. Universidad da Coruña; España

    Detection of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections from Raw Images with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are massive releases of plasma from the solar corona. When the charged material is ejected towards the Earth, it can cause geomagnetic storms and severely damage electronic equipment and power grids. Early detection of CMEs is therefore crucial for damage containment. In this paper, we study detection of CMEs from sequential images of the solar corona acquired by a satellite. A low-complexity deep neural network is trained to process the raw images, ideally directly on the satellite, in order to provide early alerts

    Geochemistry of phosphatic nodules as a tool for understanding depositional and taphonomical settings in a paleolithic cave site (San teodoro, Sicily)

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    Interpreting depositional settings of cave sites is generally problematic, especially in absence of paleontological/archaeological evidence. This is the case of some deposits at San Teodoro Cave (Sicily), a key site for the Mediterranean Paleolithic. In a stratigraphic level interrupted by a carbonatic concretion, phosphatic nodules are present only in the part enclosed between the concretion and the cave wall. The discovery of these nodules combined with the punctual lack of fossils had initially suggested an erosion phenomenon and subsequent formation of nodules at a vadose level. Here we show the usefulness of an integrated, geochemical-paleoecological approach in defining stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. XRD, ICP-OES, ATR-FTIR and EDS analyses allowed the formulation of a new hypothesis regarding the origin of the nodules, the depositional dynamics, and the role played by the guano produced by an extensive colony of bats. The role of barium and rubidium in detecting taphonomical processes has been highlighted

    The Heliospheric Space Weather Center: A novel space weather service

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    The Heliospheric Space Weather Center project is the result of the synergy between the Aerospace Logistics Technology Engineering Company (ALTEC S.p.A.) and the INAF-Astrophysical Observatory of Torino, both located in Turin, Italy. The main goal of this project is to provide space weather medium and short-term forecast, by combining remote-sensing and in situ open data with novel data analysis technologies, giving to scientists the possibility of designing, implementing, and validating space-weather algorithms using extensive data sets

    The “INNOVARE” Project: Innovative Plants for Distributed Poly-Generation by Residual Biomass

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    The valorization of residual biomass plays today a decisive role in the concept of "circular economy", according to which each waste material must be reused to its maximum extent. The collection and energy valorization at the local level of biomass from forest management practices and wildfire prevention cutting can be settled in protected areas to contribute to local decarbonization, by removing power generation from fossil fuels. Despite the evident advantages of bioenergy systems, several problems still hinder their diffusion, such as the need to assure their reliability by extending the operating range with materials of different origin. The Italian project "INNOVARE-Innovative plants for distributed poly-generation by residual biomass", funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), has the main scope of improving micro-cogeneration technologies fueled by biomass. A micro-combined heat and power (mCHP) unit was chosen as a case study to discuss pros and cons of biomass-powered cogeneration within a national park, especially due to its flexibility of use. The availability of local biomasses (woodchips, olive milling residuals) was established by studying the agro-industrial production and by identifying forest areas to be properly managed through an approach using a satellite location system based on the microwave technology. A detailed synergic numerical and experimental characterization of the selected cogeneration system was performed in order to identify its main inefficiencies. Improvements of its operation were optimized by acting on the engine control strategy and by also adding a post-treatment system on the engine exhaust gas line. Overall, the electrical output was increased by up to 6% using the correct spark timing, and pollutant emissions were reduced well below the limits allowed by legislation by working with a lean mixture and by adopting an oxidizing catalyst. Finally, the global efficiency of the system increased from 45.8% to 63.2%. The right blending of different biomasses led to an important improvement of the reliability of the entire plant despite using an agrifood residual, such as olive pomace. It was demonstrated that the use of this biomass is feasible if its maximum mass percentage in a wood matrix mixture does not exceed 25%. The project was concluded with a real operation demonstration within a national park in Southern Italy by replacing a diesel genset with the analyzed and improved biomass-powered plant and by proving a decisive improvement of air quality in the real environment during exercise
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