44 research outputs found

    Improving the Specificity of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Diagnosis in High-Transmission Settings with a Two-Step Rapid Diagnostic Test and Microscopy Algorithm

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    ABSTRACT Poor specificity may negatively impact rapid diagnostic test (RDT)-based diagnostic strategies for malaria. We performed real-time PCR on a subset of subjects who had undergone diagnostic testing with a multiple-antigen (histidine-rich protein 2 and pan -lactate dehydrogenase pLDH [HRP2/pLDH]) RDT and microscopy. We determined the sensitivity and specificity of the RDT in comparison to results of PCR for the detection of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. We developed and evaluated a two-step algorithm utilizing the multiple-antigen RDT to screen patients, followed by confirmatory microscopy for those individuals with HRP2-positive (HRP2 + )/pLDH-negative (pLDH − ) results. In total, dried blood spots (DBS) were collected from 276 individuals. There were 124 (44.9%) individuals with an HRP2 + /pLDH + result, 94 (34.1%) with an HRP2 + /pLDH − result, and 58 (21%) with a negative RDT result. The sensitivity and specificity of the RDT compared to results with real-time PCR were 99.4% (95% confidence interval [CI], 95.9 to 100.0%) and 46.7% (95% CI, 37.7 to 55.9%), respectively. Of the 94 HRP2 + /pLDH − results, only 32 (34.0%) and 35 (37.2%) were positive by microscopy and PCR, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the two-step algorithm compared to results with real-time PCR were 95.5% (95% CI, 90.5 to 98.0%) and 91.0% (95% CI, 84.1 to 95.2), respectively. HRP2 antigen bands demonstrated poor specificity for the diagnosis of malaria compared to that of real-time PCR in a high-transmission setting. The most likely explanation for this finding is the persistence of HRP2 antigenemia following treatment of an acute infection. The two-step diagnostic algorithm utilizing microscopy as a confirmatory test for indeterminate HRP2 + /pLDH − results showed significantly improved specificity with little loss of sensitivity in a high-transmission setting

    Prevalence of molecular markers of antimalarial drug resistance across altitudinal transmission zones in Highland Western Uganda

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    We explored spatial variation in the prevalence of established molecular markers of antimalarial resistance across a geographically diverse, highland region of western Uganda.Weidentified Plasmodium falciparumCQresistance transporter 76T mutations in all pools, but there was no evidence of spatial differences across village-based strata defined by either altitude or river valley. In contrast, we identified a significant inverse association between altitude and the prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum multidrug resistance 1 mutations with the largest proportion of Y184F mutations observed in the low-elevation, high-transmission villages. These results demonstrate the substantial heterogeneity in resistance markers observed across geographic settings, even at relatively small scales, but highlight the complex nature of these ecological relationships

    Practical Implications of the Non-Linear Relationship between the Test Positivity Rate and Malaria Incidence

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    Background: The test positivity rate (TPR), defined as the number of laboratory-confirmed malaria tests per 100 suspected cases examined, is widely used by malaria surveillance programs as one of several key indicators of temporal trends in malaria incidence. However, there have been few studies using empiric data to examine the quantitative nature of this relationship. Methods: To characterize the relationship between the test positivity rate and the incidence of malaria, we fit regression models using the confirmed malaria case rate as the outcome of interest and TPR as the predictor of interest. We varied the relationship between the two by alternating linear and polynomial terms for TPR, and compared the goodness of fit of each model. Results: A total of 7,668 encounters for malaria diagnostic testing were recorded over the study period within a catchment area of 25,617 persons. The semi-annual TPR ranged from 4.5% to 59% and the case rates ranged from 0.5 to 560 per 1,000 persons. The best fitting model was an exponential growth model (R2 = 0.80, AIC = 637). At low transmission levels (TPR<10%), the correlation between TPR and CMCR was poor, with large reductions in the TPR, for example from 10% to 1%, was associated with a minimal change in the CMCR (3.9 to 1.7 cases per 1,000 persons). At higher transmission levels, the exponential relationship made relatively small changes in TPR suggestive of sizeable change in estimated malaria incidence, suggesting that TPR remains a valuable surveillance indicator in such settings. Conclusions: The TPR and the confirmed malaria case rate have a non-linear relationship, which is likely to have important implications for malaria surveillance programs, especially at the extremes of transmission

    Community health workers trained to conduct verbal autopsies provide better mortality measures than existing surveillance: Results from a cross-sectional study in rural western Uganda

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    Background: In much of sub-Saharan Africa, health facilities serve as the primary source of routine vital statistics. These passive surveillance systems, however, are plagued by infrequent and unreliable reporting and do not capture events that occur outside of the formal health sector. Verbal autopsies (VA) have been utilized to estimate the burden and causes of mortality where civil registration and vital statistics systems are weak, but VAs have not been widely employed in national surveillance systems. In response, we trained lay community health workers (CHW) in a rural sub-county of western Uganda to conduct VA interviews in order to assess the feasibility of leveraging CHW to measure the burden of disease in resource limited settings. Methods and findings: Trained CHWs conducted a cross-sectional survey of the 36 villages comprising the Bugoye sub-county to identify all deaths occurring in the prior year. The sub county has an estimated population of 50,249, approximately one-quarter of whom are children under 5 years of age (25.3%). When an eligible death was reported, CHWs administered a WHO 2014 VA questionnaire, the results of which were analyzed using the InterVA-4 tool. To compare the findings of the CHW survey to existing surveillance systems, study staff reviewed inpatient registers from neighboring referral health facilities in an attempt to match recorded deaths to those identified by the survey. Overall, CHWs conducted high quality VA interviews on direct observation, identifying 230 deaths that occurred within the sub-county, including 77 (33.5%) among children under five years of age. More than half of the deaths (123 of 230, 53.5%) were reported to have occurred outside a health facility and thus would not be captured by passive surveillance. More than two-thirds (73 of 107, 68.2%) of facility deaths took place in one of three nearby hospitals, yet only 35 (47.9%) were identified on our review of inpatient registers. Consistent with previous VA studies, the leading causes of death among children under five years of age were malaria (19.5%), prematurity (19.5%), and neonatal pneumonia (15.6%). while among adults, HIV/AIDS-related deaths illness (13.6%), pulmonary tuberculosis (11.4%) and malaria (8.6%) were the leading causes of death. No child deaths identified from inpatient registers listed HIV/AIDS as a cause of death despite 8 deaths (10.4%) attributed to HIV/AIDS as determined by VA. Conclusions: Lay CHWs are able to conduct high quality VA interviews to capture critical information that can be analyzed using standard methodologies to provide a more complete estimate of the burden and causes of mortality. Similar approaches can be scaled to improve the measurement of vital statistics in order to facilitate appropriate public health interventions in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa

    Private sector antimalarial sales a decade after “test and treat”: A cross-sectional study of drug shop clients in rural Uganda

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    Background The World Health Organization has promoted “test and treat” guidelines for malaria since 2010, recommending all suspected malaria cases be confirmed with a parasitological test, typically a rapid diagnostic test (RDT), prior to treatment with antimalarial medications. However, many fevers at private drug shops in Uganda continue to be treated presumptively as malaria without diagnostic testing. Methods The purpose of this study was to document private sector malaria case management in rural Uganda through a cross-sectional survey of drug shop clients in Bugoye sub-county. Drug shop vendors (n = 46) recorded information about sales interactions with clients reporting fever or requesting antimalarials and collected capillary blood samples from clients who purchased medications without an RDT. We estimated the proportion of clients who purchased an RDT, adhered to the RDT result, and received antimalarials without having laboratory-confirmed malaria. Results Most drug shops were unlicensed (96%) and sold RDTs (98%). Of 934 clients with suspected malaria who visited study drug shops during the data collection period, only 25% bought an RDT. Since some clients reported previous RDTs from the public sector, 40% of clients were aware of their malaria status at the drug shop. Among those with negative tests, 36% still purchased antimalarials. Sixty-five percent of clients who purchased an antimalarial without an RDT subsequently tested negative. Conclusions Despite national guidelines, drug shop clients who purchase antimalarials from drug shops in Bugoye are often not tested to confirm a malaria diagnosis prior to treatment. Most clients treated presumptively with antimalarials did not have malaria. Interventions are needed to improve malaria case management and rational drug use in the private sector

    Private sector drug shops frequently dispense parenteral anti-malarials in a rural region of Western Uganda

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    Abstract Background Malaria is a leading cause of paediatric morbidity and mortality in Uganda. More than half of febrile children in rural areas initially seek care at private clinics and drug shops. These shops are generally unregulated and the quality of clinical care is variable, with the potential for misdiagnosis and the development of drug resistance. There is thus an urgent need to identify rural drug shops and coordinate their malaria treatment efforts with those of the public sector. The objective of the study was to identify all drug shops in the Bugoye sub-county of Western Uganda and assess their anti-malarial dispensing practices. Methods This study is a cross-sectional survey of drug shops in a rural sub-county of Western Uganda. In the first phase, shop locations, licensing and shopkeeper’s qualifications, and supply and pricing of anti-malarials were characterized. In the second phase, the proportion of anti-malarials dispensed by private drug shops was compared to public health facilities. Results A total of 48 drug shops were identified. Only one drug shop (1 of 48, 2%) was licensed with the sub-county’s records office. The drug shops stocked a variety of anti-malarials, including first-line therapies and less effective agents (e.g., sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine). Almost all drug shops (45 of 48, 94%) provided parenteral anti-malarials. Of the 3900 individuals who received anti-malarials during the study, 2080 (53.3%) purchased anti-malarials through the private sector compared to 1820 (46.7%) who obtained anti-malarials through the public sector. Drug shops were the primary source of parenteral anti-malarials. Inadequate dosing of anti-malarials was more common in drug shops. Conclusions Drug shops are major sources of parenteral anti-malarials, which should be reserved for cases of severe malaria. Strengthening malaria case management and incorporating drug shops in future interventions is necessary to optimize malaria control efforts in the sub-county, and in similarly endemic regions

    Malaria prevalence and long-lasting insecticidal net use in rural western Uganda: results of a cross-sectional survey conducted in an area of highly variable malaria transmission intensity.

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    BACKGROUND: Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) remain a cornerstone of malaria control, but strategies to sustain universal coverage and high rates of use are not well-defined. A more complete understanding of context-specific factors, including transmission intensity and access to health facilities, may inform sub-district distribution approaches and tailored messaging campaigns. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of 2190 households was conducted in a single sub-county of western Uganda that experiences highly variable malaria transmission intensity. The survey was carried out approximately 3 years after the most recent mass distribution campaign. At each household, study staff documented reported LLIN use and source among children 2 to 10 years of age and performed a malaria rapid diagnostic test. Elevation and distance to the nearest health facility was estimated for each household. Associations between parasite prevalence and LLIN use were estimated from log binomial regression models with elevation and distance to clinic being the primary variables of interest. RESULTS: Overall, 6.8% (148 of 2170) of children age 2-10 years of age had a positive RDT result, yielding a weighted estimate of 5.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] 5.4-6.2%). There was substantial variability in the positivity rates among villages, with the highest elevation villages having lower prevalence than lowest-elevation villages (p < .001). Only 64.7% (95% CI 64.0-65.5%) of children were reported to have slept under a LLIN the previous night. Compared to those living < 1 km from a health centre, households at ≥ 2 km were less likely to report the child sleeping under a LLIN (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.83-0.89, p < .001). Households located farther from a health centre received a higher proportion of LLINs from government distributions compared to households living closer to health centres. CONCLUSIONS: LLIN use and sourcing was correlated with household elevation and estimated distance to the nearest health facility. The findings suggest that current facility-based distribution strategies are limited in their reach. More frequent mass distribution campaigns and complementary approaches are likely required to maintain universal LLIN coverage and high rates of use among children in rural Uganda

    Needs assessment to strengthen capacity in water and sanitation research in Africa:experiences of the African SNOWS consortium

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    Despite its contribution to global disease burden, diarrhoeal disease is still a relatively neglected area for research funding, especially in low-income country settings. The SNOWS consortium (Scientists Networked for Outcomes from Water and Sanitation) is funded by the Wellcome Trust under an initiative to build the necessary research skills in Africa. This paper focuses on the research training needs of the consortium as identified during the first three years of the project

    Reuse of malaria rapid diagnostic tests for amplicon deep sequencing to estimate Plasmodium falciparum transmission intensity in western Uganda

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    Molecular techniques are not routinely employed for malaria surveillance, while cross-sectional, community-based parasite surveys require significant resources. Here, we describe a novel use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) collected at a single facility as source material for sequencing to esimtate malaria transmission intensity across a relatively large catchment area. We extracted Plasmodium falciparum DNA from RDTs, then amplified and sequenced a region of the apical membrane antigen 1 (pfama1) using targeted amplicon deep sequencing. We determined the multiplicity of infection (MOI) for each sample and examined associations with demographic, clinical, and spatial factors. We successfully genotyped 223 of 287 (77.7%) of the samples. We demonstrated an inverse relationship between the MOI and elevation with individuals presenting from the highest elevation villages harboring infections approximately half as complex as those from the lowest (MOI 1.85 vs. 3.51, AOR 0.25, 95% CI 0.09-0.65, p = 0.004). This study demonstrates the feasibility and validity of using routinely-collected RDTs for molecular surveillance of malaria and has real-world utility, especially as the cost of high-throughpout sequencing continues to decline

    “Testing for malaria does not cure any pain” A qualitative study exploring low use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests at drug shops in rural Uganda

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    The World Health Organization recommends all suspected malaria cases be confirmed with a parasitological test, typically a rapid diagnostic test (RDT), prior to treatment. Despite recommendations, many fevers presenting at private drug shops are treated presumptively as malaria without diagnostic testing. The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe community perceptions of RDTs and explore ways to improve malaria case management at drug shops in Bugoye, western Uganda. A total of 63 in-depth interviews were conducted between September and December 2021 with 24 drug shop clients, 19 drug shop vendors, 12 community health workers, and 8 health and community officials. Data was analyzed using thematic content analysis and narrative techniques. While drug shop clients valued RDTs, the cost of the test limited their use. Further, mistrust in negative results and fear about treatment options for conditions other than malaria led to nonadherence to negative RDTs. Improvement with antimalarials after a negative RDT, or no RDT at all, was seen as proof an individual had malaria, reinforcing the acceptability of liberal antimalarial use. Drug shop vendors were knowledgeable about malaria case management but financially conflicted between recommending best practices and losing business. While clients viewed drug shop vendors as trusted health professionals, health officials distrusted them as business owners focused on maximizing profits. Study results suggest public-private partnerships that recognize the essential role of drug shops, better incorporate them into the healthcare system, and leverage the high levels of community trust in vendors, could provide greater opportunities for oversight and training to improve private-sector malaria case management. Interventions that address financial barriers to RDT use, emphasize the financial benefits of malaria testing, increase vendor knowledge about illnesses confused with malaria, and improve the quality of vendor-client counseling could increase RDT uptake and improve adherence to RDT results