8,038 research outputs found

    Effect of contrast on the perception of direction of a moving pattern

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    A series of experiments examining the effect of contrast on the perception of moving plaids was performed to test the hypothesis that the human visual system determines the direction of a moving plaid in a two-staged process: decomposition into component motion followed by application of the intersection-of-contraints rule. Although there is recent evidence that the first tenet of the hypothesis is correct, i.e., that plaid motion is initially decomposed into the motion of the individual grating components, the nature of the second-stage combination rule has not yet been established. It was found that when the gratings within the plaid are of different contrast the preceived direction is not predicted by the intersection-of-constraints rule. There is a strong (up to 20 deg) bias in the direction of the higher-constrast grating. A revised model, which incorporates a contrast-dependent weighting of perceived grating speed as observed for one-dimensional patterns, can quantitatively predict most of the results. The results are then discussed in the context of various models of human visual motion processing and of physiological responses of neurons in the primate visual system

    Study of the use of Metal-Oxide-Silicon (MOS) devices for particulate detection and monitoring in the earth's atmosphere

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    A metal-oxide-silicon (MOS) capacitor-type particulate sensor was evaluated for use in atmospheric measurements. An accelerator system was designed and tested for the purpose of providing the necessary energy to trigger the MOS-type sensor. The accelerator system and the MOS sensor were characterized as a function of particle size and velocity. Diamond particles were used as particulate sources in laboratory tests. Preliminary tests were performed in which the detector was mounted on an aircraft and flown in the vicinity of coal-fired electric generating plants

    Children's development of structure in early mathematics

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    On the Cognition of States of Affairs

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    The theory of speech acts put forward by Adolf Reinach in his "The A Priori Foundations of the Civil Law" of 1913 rests on a systematic account of the ontological structures associated with various different sorts of language use. One of the most original features of Reinach's account lies in hIs demonstration of how the ontological structure of, say, an action of promising or of commanding, may be modified in different ways, yielding different sorts of non-standard instances of the corresponding speech act varieties. The present paper is an attempt to apply this idea of standard and modified instances of ontological structures to the realm of judgement and cognition, and thereby to develop a Reinachian theory of how intentionality is mediated through language in acts of thinking and speaking

    Multipoint, high time resolution galactic cosmic ray observations associated with two interplanetary coronal mass ejections

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    [1] Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) play an important role in our understanding of the interplanetary medium (IPM). The causes of their short timescale variations, however, remain largely unexplored. In this paper, we compare high time resolution, multipoint space-based GCR data to explore structures in the IPM that cause these variations. To ensure that features we see in these data actually relate to conditions in the IPM, we look for correlations between the GCR time series from two instruments onboard the Polar and INTEGRAL (International Gamma Ray Astrophysical Laboratory) satellites, respectively inside and outside Earth\u27s magnetosphere. We analyze the period of 18–24 August 2006 during which two interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) passed Earth and produced a Forbush decrease (Fd) in the GCR flux. We find two periods, for a total of 10 h, of clear correlation between small-scale variations in the two GCR time series during these 7 days, thus demonstrating that such variations are observable using space-based instruments. The first period of correlation lasted 6 h and began 2 h before the shock of the first ICME passed the two spacecraft. The second period occurred during the initial decrease of the Fd, an event that did not conform to the typical one- or two-step classification of Fds. We propose that two planar magnetic structures preceding the first ICME played a role in both periods: one structure in driving the first correlation and the other in initiating the Fd

    Unusual solar energetic proton fluxes at 1 AU within an interplanetary CME

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    In mid December 2006 several flares on the Sun occurred in rapid succession, spawning several CMEs and bathing the Earth in multiple solar energetic particle (SEP) events. O ne such SEP occurring on December 15th was observed at the Earth just as an interplanetary CME (ICME) from a previous flare on December 13th was transiting the Earth. Although solar wind observations during this time show typical energetic proton fluxes from the prior SEP and IP shock driven ahead of the ICME, as the ICME passes the Earth unusual energetic particle signatures are observed. Measurem ents from ACE, Wind, and STEREO show unusual proton flux variations at energies ranging from ∼3 MeV up to greater than 70 MeV. Within the Earth’s magnetosphere Polar HIST also sees unusual proton flux v ariations at energies greater than 10 MeV while crossing open field lines in the southern polar cap. However, no such variation in the energetic proton flux is observed at the GOES 10 or GOES 11 spacecraft in geosy nchronous orbit. Differential fluxes observed at GOES 12 in the 15-40 MeV energy range show some variation. However, the overall energetic particle signature within the ICME at GEO orbits remains unclear. This event illustrates the need for caution when using GEO data in detailed studies of SEP events and in interplanetary models of energetic particle transport to 1 AU

    Baseball Card Pricing Model: A Demonstration with Well-known Players

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    A simple hedonic pricing model is developed for baseball cards, of the type often used successfully to model prices for artworks. The model is estimated for a dataset of twelve well-known players observed at eight points in time over a span of twenty years. Dummy variables are used to capture various relevant characteristics of the player or card. This model was estimated separately for two different approaches or assumptions about rates of return. Estimates perform extremely well, explaining most differences among baseball card prices for the cards in the sample. Among extrinsic variables that represent specific players and card characteristics that differentiate cards issued during the same season, race had a significant positive effect on price for black players. Batting average and number of World Series appearances had significant positive impacts on price, but surprisingly, rookie cards tended to be worth relatively less than non-rookie cards. Similarly unexpected findings with respect to players\u27 death and elevation to the Hall of Fame may result from trying to estimate too many characteristics simultaneously on a limited dataset. Results suggest famous players\u27 cards generally are extremely attractive investment instruments

    Diffusion Coefficients, Short-Term Cosmic Ray Modulation, and Convected Magnetic Structures

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    Three cases of large-amplitude, small spatial-scale interplanetary particle gradients observed by the anticoincidence shield (ACS) aboard the INTEGRAL spacecraft in 2006 are investigated. The high data rates provided by the INTEGRAL ACS allow an unprecedented ability to probe the fine structure of GCR propagation in the inner Heliosphere. For two of the three cases, calculating perpendicular and parallel cosmic ray diffusion coefficients based on both field and particle data results in parallel diffusion appearing to satisfy a convection gradient current balance, provided that the magnetic scattering of the particles can be described by quasi-linear theory. In the third case, perpendicular diffusion seems to dominate. The likelihood of magnetic flux rope topologies within solar ejecta affecting the local modulation is considered, and its importance in understanding the field-particle interaction for the astrophysics of nonthermal particle phenomena is discussed
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