211 research outputs found

    Leverage Keuangan Terhadap Roe Perusahaan Tekstil Di Indonesia

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    The objective of this research was to analyze financial leverage economy conditionand the influence toward Return on Equity (ROE). This research also would like to examinethe difference of ROE from many companies which had lower and higher financial leveragebased on two economic conditions, namely economy in normal condition and in crisis one.The samples were textile companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data of this researchwas the financial statement of the firms and Indonesian economic growth conducted from2005 to 2007. The samples were devided into two groups. First group was the companies thatfinancial leverage was lower than the average financial leverage of textile and textile productcompanies, and the other sample was the companies that financial leverage was higher thanaverage financial leverage of textile product companies. Multiple regression analysis wasused to get estimators of parameter. T test and F test were used to examine partially andsimultaneously significance of variables influencing the ROE. T test for two independentsamples was used to examine the significance of the ROE. Research findings showed thatfirst, financial leverage was statistically negative but significance to ROE, but the economicconditon was not statistically significance in influencing ROE. Second, both economic conditionshad positive influence and was not significant to ROE

    Demokratisasi sebagai Salah Satu Aspek dari Implikasi Globalisasi

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    Globalization, which is energized by the development of information and communication technology, creates an international system which is more open, including the domestic political system. This change is characterized by the emergence of non-state actors together with the emergence of individual awareness on the problem of economy. Politics and society pluralism which consequently develops democratization and political transparency. The success of economic development cannot be separated with the democracy development. One problem of democracy development is that there is still different perception between the supra-structure and infra-structure. In the level of supra-structure democracy tend to go toward representative political institutions and the state power which tend to go toward society pluralism and freedom to unite and to form groups which are free fromthe government control. which is in turn will from the civil society in this cotext. political education is very important in increasing the awareness of people's political right. The government failure in mailing its policies and handling the pro-democracy movement in Indonesia will create new alternatives for those who are available inside the country. This happens because of the existence of global interactions which are more and more intensive as well as the existence of international linkage. Kata kunci : Globalisasi, ekonomi, politi

    Antiretroviral (ARV) untuk Anak dengan HIV di Indonesia : Sudah Siapkah?

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    Anak dengan HIV bukanlah orang dengan HIV dalam bentuk yang kecil. Meski layanan dan obat ARV telah tersedia di berbagai daerah dan tingkat layanan kesehatan, tetapi pemberian terapi ARV secara khusus pada anak masih sangat terbatas. Keterbatasan ini bisa dilihat dari jumlah layanan yang bisa memberikan terapi ARV sesuai dengan pedoman maupun keterbatasan dalam ketersediaan obat ARV untuk anak. Akibatnya jumlah anak yang masuk ke dalam perawatan HIV masih belum optimal meski mereka telah memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh terapi. Jika mereka telah memperoleh ARV, banyak dari mereka memperoleh obat ARV bagi orang dewasa. Demikian pula permasalahan kepatuhan minum obat dari anak yang mengikuti terapi masih jadi pertanyaan karena hingga saat ini belum ada laporan tentang itu. Melihat permasalahan tersebut maka bukan usulan kebijakan yang menjadi rekomendasi dari policy brief ini tetapi mendesak pemerintah sesegera mungkin melaksanakan kebijakan yang telah dibuat secara bertanggungjawab dan meluas ke berbagai wilayah dimana banyak anak dengan HIV yang membutuhkan ARV sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Ketidakmampuan pemerintah untuk melaksanakan kebijakan ARV untuk anak ini akan mengancam hidup anak-anak dengan HIV di Indonesia

    Pengaruh Book Value (BV), Price to Book Value (PBV), Earning Per Share (EPS), Dan Price Earning Ratio (PER) Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Food and Beverage Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2007 – 2010

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    This research aimed to analyze the influence of Book Value (BV), Price to Book Value(PBV), Earning Per Share (EPS), and Price Earning Ratio (PER) to the stock price of food and beveragecompanies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2007-2010. The population in this research was 18companies and the samples in this research were 16 food and beverage companies in Indonesia StockExchange in 2007-2010. This research used method of nonprobability sampling, that was purposivesampling and in determining samples, it used judgment sampling. While the analysis instrument in thisresearch was multiple linear regression. The simultaneous regression testing (F-test) indicated that thevariable of Price to Book Value (PBV), Earning Per Share (EPS), and Price Earning Ratio (PER) hadsignificant influence to the stock price. It could be proved from the F value (6,012) was bigger than Ftable (2.79). In the partial regression testing (t-test), the variable of Price to Book Value (PBV) did nothave siginificant influence to the stock price with t value (-1,737) was bigger than -t table (-2,0049).Meanwhile, the Earning Per Share (EPS) variable had siginificant influence to the stock price with t value(340,925) was bigger than t table (2,0049) and the Price Earning Ratio (PER) variable also had noinfluence with t value(103,571) was bigger than t table (2,0049)

    Karakter dan Pergerakan Massa Air di Selat Lombok Bulan Januari 2004 dan Juni 2005

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    Data CTD pada Januari 2004 dan Juni 2005 dan data ADCP pada Juni 2005 hasil ekspedisi oseanografi program INSTANT (International Nusantara Stratification and Transport) di Selat Lombok dianalisis untuk mempelajari karakter dan pergerakan massa air. Karakter massa air pada lapisan permukaan dan massa air Northern Subtropical Lower Water (NSLW) pada lapisan termoklin memperlihatkan perbedaan yang jelas antara kedua pengukuran yang diperkirakan berkaitan dengan Perubahan karakter dan pergerakan massa air di Laut Jawa dan Laut Flores. Akan tetapi karakter massa air North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) dan massa air lapisan dalam tidak jauh berbeda. Arus geostropik yang ditentukan dari perbedaan kedalaman dinamik dari dua stasiun yang berdekatan menghasilkan variasi kecepatan yang terlalu besar dan kecepatan yang terlalu tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan kecepatan arus yang diukur secara langsung dengan ADCP. Kelihatannya jarak antar stasiun yang terlalu dekat (kurang dari 9 km) menyebabkan kecepatan arus yang tidak akurat

    Akomodasi Komunikasi Antar Mahasiswa Etnis Vietnam Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau dengan Masyarakat Kota Pekanbaru

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    The process of interaction in different cultural happening in society. In the process there is an understanding on the role of verbal communication and nonverbal communication, which is based on the belief that people from different cultures can adjust to accommodate other cultures. In the communication accommodation, there is a strategy used to align the communication process is being carried out, such a strategy is the convergence, divergence, and overaccommodation label. This study aims to determine the forms of accommodation such as strategy in the strategy of convergence, divergence and overaccommodation label to the communications made by the Vietnam Ethnic students and the people in Pekanbaru.To uncover these issues thoroughly and deeply, in this study is used descriptive qualitative method possible and the use of symbolic interaction approach. Data collection technique used observation, interview, and documentation. To confirm the validity of the data is done through the extension of participation and triangulation data. Informants in this study were 8 determined by purposive sampling.The results of this study indicate that the forms of convergence strategies undertaken by Vietnam Ethnic students and the people in Pekanbaru is to use Bahasain good and right way, adjust the speed and volume of sound, adjust clothing used when communicating. Forms divergence strategy is to use a different language tothe communicator, creating body movements indicate disinterest, dominating the volume and speed of speech respectively, making distance limitations. Then cause overaccommodation label is due to misunderstanding the intent to use the language of the speaker and also because excessive body movement. Objectives to be obtained in order to create balanced communication between Vietnam Ethnic students and the people in Pekanbaru

    Perancangan Software Interface Pengendalian Lampu Lalu Lintas Simpang Lima Berbasis Mikrokontroller Atmega 8535

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    Design software interface controlling traffic light intersection ATMega8535 five-basic microcontroller is design to facilitate operator traffic light. This software design involves two different software,software Visual Basic 6.0 and CodeVision avr, Visual Basic 6.0 as a software interface that will send data and CodeVision avr as recipient of the data that is in its hardware. Sending and receiving data here using the existing serial port in komputere that use serial usb rs232 which serves to connect or bridge the respective software sendiri.Pengiriman data through the interface that Visual Basic 6.0, this shipment using the DO pin as data transmission (RX) which in usb serial and in ATMega8535 and received using D1 pin that serves as a data receiver (TX) .Each pin is connected using the USB serial rs232. This method allows an operator to use and change the time when need it. Because the software interface gives the ease of service at rush hour or operarator like solid hours already available, and only enter a number already there dikolom disediakan.Perpindahan in this column automatically, and a solid hour or busy can also be arranged according to the wishes of the operator


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    Data CTD pada Januari 2004 dan Juni 2005 dan data ADCP pada Juni 2005 hasil ekspedisi oseanografi program INSTANT (International Nusantara Stratification and Transport) di Selat Lombok dianalisis untuk mempelajari karakter dan pergerakan massa air. Karakter massa air pada lapisan permukaan dan massa air Northern Subtropical Lower Water (NSLW) pada lapisan termoklin memperlihatkan perbedaan yang jelas antara kedua pengukuran yang diperkirakan berkaitan dengan perubahan karakter dan pergerakan massa air di Laut Jawa dan Laut Flores. Akan tetapi karakter massa air North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) dan massa air lapisan dalam tidak jauh berbeda. Arus geostropik yang ditentukan dari perbedaan kedalaman dinamik dari dua stasiun yang berdekatan menghasilkan variasi kecepatan yang terlalu besar dan kecepatan yang terlalu tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan kecepatan arus yang diukur secara langsung dengan ADCP. Kelihatannya jarak antar stasiun yang terlalu dekat (kurang dari 9 km) menyebabkan kecepatan arus yang tidak akurat.Kata kunci: karakter massa air, arus geostropik
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