23 research outputs found

    Regional management of multi-species fisheries on the basis of shared stocks and property rights: a Mediterranean case

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    Fishery management is a complicated task that often results in overfishing, overcapacity, and low profits for the industry. The management of shared fish stocks is particularly problematic, especially if national authorities pursue different objectives. Multi-species fisheries add further complexity to the problem. It is no accident that management tools frequently used in Northern Europe, such as total allowable catches and individual quotas, are not applied in the Mediterranean Sea, where more target species are caught simultaneously. However, the European Commission intends to introduce a market-based driver for a strong, profitable fishing industry by phasing in transferable fishing concessions. This management approach is new for the Mediterranean, and it requires in-depth examination at institutional, legal, and economic levels. In this paper, after a review of the institutional setting, the economic perspective was analyzed by estimating the production function for the Italian small pelagic fishery in the Adriatic Sea. With the addition of Croatia to the European Union, the Adriatic Sea can become a Mediterranean communal exclusive fishing area. The results indicate that output measures such as total allowable catches and individual quotas should not cause serious discarding problems for this multi-species fishery

    Individual transferable effort quotas for Italian fisheries? A preliminary analysis

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    In the context of transferable fishing concessions, the most well-known tool is probably the individual transferable quota, whereas the case of individual transferable effort quotas (ITEs) is much less often discussed. This study is the result of a project realized in collaboration with Italian fishery associations with the objective of evaluating, in a participatory framework, the possible consequences of the introduction of ITEs. A semi-quantitative survey was carried out over a sample of key stakeholders being experts of bottom trawling fisheries in the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas and the pelagic trawling fishery in the Adriatic Sea. The results and elaborations of the surveys were discussed and validated by a focus group composed of delegates of fishery associations. Two aspects were investigated: the relationships between fishing capacity (i.e. engine power and gross tonnage), fishing activity (i.e. fishing days and fishing hours), revenues, and variable costs (e.g. fuel) and the suitability of different proposals and alternative approaches for the introduction of ITEs. The participation of stakeholders allowed the building of some simple pedagogical tools based on realistic figures collected through the surveys that could be used by managers of associations, cooperatives, and producer organizations to better understand the functioning and possible consequences of ITEs schemes

    Factors Influencing Consumption Intention of Insect-Fed Fish among Italian Respondents

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    The rise in the world’s demand for fish is increasingly met by aquaculture. However, this sector still shows various criticalities in terms of sustainability of practices, first and foremost, that of feed availability. Nowadays, the use of insect meal represents one of the potential sustainable solutions, but consumption intention of fish fed with insect meal and the factors affecting it have not yet been adequately understood. This study investigates 318 Italian consumers’ intentions to buy fish fed with insect meal using an extended version of the Theory of Planned Behavior, including consumers’ moral attitude and sustainability consciousness as additional constructs. The results of structural equation models show that consumers’ high sustainability consciousness (6.16 on a scale from 1 to 7) does not influence their consumption intention of this product. Also, the two moderating variables involved in the model, i.e., the country of origin and price sensitivity, do not significantly affect consumers’ intentions. Since the analysis demonstrates that, for consumers, insect meal-fed fish conforms to their moral principles and a significant positive attitude toward this practice it could be argued that fish fed with insect meal can match the demand from consumers who feel responsible for their consumer behavior. Although the limited area of investigations and the high education of interviewed do not allow for generalizing of the results, this paper provides pivotal food for thought for companies, policymakers, and academics responding to previous research calls on understanding the role of some constructs of consumption intention and highlighting the levers on which to act to foster the consumption intention of insect-fed fish

    The comparative analysis of Mediterranean coastal communities: six case studies

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    The aim of this study is to promote cooperation and actions for the benefit of coastal communities on the Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean region by adopting an approach that integrates environmental, economic and social dimensions. These areas are traditionally based on Fisheries, especially small-scale fisheries (SSFs), which contribute to strengthen social cohesion, in that the seafood value chains still represent the backbone of the coastal economy. The six coastal communities analysed in this paper are located in Algiers port - Casbah (Algeria), Marsa Matrouh (Egypt), Tricase (Italy), Tyre (Lebanon), Nador Lagoon (Morocco), Zarzis (Tunisia). Conclusions emphasise the need to develop a comprehensive reference system for dialogue, cooperation and capacity building both at national and regional level. The cluster approach can help create a favourable cooperation and competition environment, generating income and employment opportunities for local communities.Le but de cette \ue9tude est de promouvoir la coop\ue9ration et des actions en faveur des communaut\ue9s c\uf4ti\ue8res sur les rives Sud et Est de la M\ue9diterran\ue9e, en adoptant une approche qui int\ue8gre les dimensions environnementale, \ue9conomique et sociale. Cette r\ue9gion est traditionnellement ax\ue9e sur la p\ueache, et notamment la petite p\ueache, qui contribue \ue0 renforcer la coh\ue9sion sociale, car les cha\ueenes de valeur des produits de la mer constituent encore la colonne vert\ue9brale de l\u2019\ue9conomie c\uf4ti\ue8re. Les six communaut\ue9s c\uf4ti\ue8res examin\ue9es dans ce travail sont situ\ue9es \ue0 la Casbah- port d\u2019Alger (Alg\ue9rie), \ue0 Marsa Matrouh (Egypte), \ue0 Tricase (Italie), Tyre (Liban), dans la lagune de Nador (Maroc) et \ue0 Zarzis (Tunisie). Dans les conclusions, l\u2019accent est mis sur l\u2019importance de structurer un syst\ue8me de r\ue9f\ue9rence global pour encourager le dialogue, la coop\ue9ration et le d\ue9veloppement des capacit\ue9s \ue0 l\u2019\ue9chelle nationale et r\ue9gionale. Le mod\ue8le du cluster pourrait contribuer \ue0 cr\ue9er un environnement de coop\ue9ration et comp\ue9tition favorable, g\ue9n\ue9rant des revenus et des emplois au niveau des communaut\ue9s locales

    Small-scale fisheries in the Emilia-Romagna region: structural, social and market issues

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    Small-scale fisheries play an important role in the regional fishing industry of Emilia-Romagna, an Adriatic region located in the north-east of Italy. However, when comparing regional data with national averages, some peculiarities do emerge. To gain a deeper understanding of the situation of small-scale fisheries in the region, a survey has been performed through by interviewing a sample of fishers. This study is also focused on the added value issue. In fact, local fish products have low prices on the market; for this very reason, the regional public authority has been interested in creating a collective brand involving all stakeholders in the supply chain. The perspectives from the fishers and other parties regarding the potential offered by such a brand are discussed in this paper

    Modellizzazione bioeconomica per la gestione dei piccoli pelagici nel Mar Adriatico

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    Stocks’ overexploitation and socio-economic sustainability are two major issues currently at stake in European fisheries. In this view the European Commission is considering the implementation of management plans as a means to move towards a longer-term perspective on fisheries management, to consider regional differences and to increase stakeholder involvement. Adriatic small pelagic species (anchovies and sardines) are some of the most studied species in the world from a biologic perspective; several economic analysis have also been realised on Italian pelagic fishery; despite that, no complete bioeconomic modelization has been carried out yet considering all biologic, technical and economic issues. Bioeconomic models cannot be considered foolproof tools but are important implements to help decision makers and can supply a fundamental scientific basis for management plans. This research gathers all available information (from biologic, technologic and economic perspectives) in order to carry out a bioeconomic model of the Adriatic pelagic fishery. Different approaches are analyzed and some of them developed to highlight potential divergences in results, characteristics and implications. Growth, production and demand functions are estimated. A formal analysis about interaction and competition between Italian and Croatian fleet is examined proposing different equilibriums for open access, duopoly and a form of cooperative solution. Anyway normative judgments are limited because of poor knowledge of population dynamics and data related to the Croatian fleet

    Multifunctionality in fisheries and the provision of public goods

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    Multifunctionality is characterized by two key elements: the existence of jointly produced multiple commodity and non-commodity outputs (NCOs), and that NCOs exhibit the characteristics of public goods externalities. The term \u201cmultifunctionality\u201d is almost not used outside agriculture. However, several issues discussed in fishery literature and in international contexts clearly refer to public goods provision and joint production. The key point is to recognize if fisheries, similar to agriculture, provide other (public) benefits beyond their primary food supply function. The paper establishes a theoretical framework for the classification and valuation of multifunctionality in fisheries, and outlines policy options to increase (through multifunctionality) social welfare. NCOs include: ecosystem- and biodiversity-related NCOs, other environmental public goods/bads, cultural heritage and coastal viability, coastal employment externalities, food security, and strategic benefits. The main NCO characteristics to be analysed are the degree of jointness between commodity outputs and NCOs, and the distribution of property rights over fish stocks and NCOs. Policy options to increase social welfare include, among others, command and control schemes, market based instruments (e.g., payment for ecosystem services), and marine protected areas. Customary marine tenure institutions, or other modern fishery organizations, may represent a framework for the communitarian provision of NCOs. Fishery subsidies, which can because of overfishing, are justified if they allow increasing social benefits, given by the sum of catch and NCOs value. Particularly, incentives may be necessary to support small-scale fisheries or other less efficient technologies

    Adaptive capacity to climate change in the wine industry: A Bayesian Network approach

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    This study assesses the main factors influencing the behavior of wine producers and the strategies implemented by them with regard to changing climatic conditions. To do so, we adopted a Bayesian Network combining climatic, technical, and economic factors, as well as farmer perception and environmental actions. Based on the scientific literature reviewed, a set of research hypotheses was formulated and compared with empirical evidence collected in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna. Climatic data, both at the regional and vineyard levels were collected and primary information on wine growing and wine making firms was gathered by means of a producer survey, including 56 wine farms. The results showed that the probability to be negatively affected by the effects of climate change is influenced by structural and technical farm characteristics and by farmer readiness to embrace change. Local climatic conditions, particularly temperature and water surplus, are the factors that most affect both wine production and adaptation behavior in the study area. We conclude that the adoption of focused management and appropriate adaptation strategies, as well as appropriate policies with regard to regulation, incentives and support, are crucial issues for farmers to face the ongoing climatic challenge. Keywords: Climate change, Adaptive capacity, Wine sector, Bayesian Networ

    Water governance under uncertainty: The case study of Users' Associations in Lebanon

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    Governance of water use for irrigation is a challenging topic, due to alteration in climatic patterns and the resulting resource scarcity in arid and semi-arid regions. Success stories can turn quickly into failures when significant disturbances occur. This contribution focuses on the institutional analysis to highlight factors which enable or constrain the role that Lebanese Water Users'Associations can play to tackle current and expected water shortage conditions. Furthermore, by integrating Ostrom's design principles and a dynamic game approach, the study examines the robustness of participative institutions and their operational rules when dealing with climate change generating uncertainty about availability of water resources at local level. Water governance can find a pivotal actor in local institutions (e.g. users' associations) not only if their organization is based on social cohesion, reciprocity, trust, information sharing and accountability concepts, but also and preliminarily, if higher-level external conditions like public recognition and control, inclusion in collective decisionmaking processes, and operative subsidiarity are met