44 research outputs found

    Perjalanan Klinis Pasien Leukemia Limfoblastik Akut Dengan Kromosom Ph-Positif (Philadelphia Chromosome)

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    Penderita leukemia limfoblastik akut (LLA) dengan kromosom philadelphia secara umum mempunyai luaran terapi yang buruk. Dilaporkan perjalanan klinis penderita LLA anak dengan Ph-positif. Pasien laki-laki usia 6 tahun, datang dengan jumlah leukosit 102.000/ul. Hasil pemeriksaan fusi gena menunjukkan Ph-positif (BCR-ABL tipe LLA), sehingga pasien didiagnosis sebagai LLA risiko tinggi. Pasien berhasil mencapai remisi fase induksi, namun mengalami relaps saat fase reinduksi (minggu 17), sehingga diulang terapi dari awal. Dalam fase rumatan awal, penderita mengalami sepsis, batuk-batuk, dan ada massa di punggung. Diagnosis saat itu adalah adanya keganasan sekunder Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, dengan penyebaran ke paru dan hati. Pasien meninggal karena gagal napas akibat metastasis paru

    Speech Functions Used by Speakers in Allison L. Randall's Short Story ā€œEnd of the Lineā€

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    . Conversation is a process of exchanging two variables, there are speech role and commodity exchange, the combination between them is called speech function. This thesis is entitled ā€œSpeech Function Used by All Speaker In Allison L. Randallā€˜s Short Story End of The Lineā€. This study aims at describing the kinds of speech function and interpersonal role created by all speakers in Allison L. Randall's short story ā€œEnd of The Lineā€. They are Liza, Frank, Noah Crawford, Postmaster, Zedekiah Smith and Caleb. This study used qualitative research method. Qualitative research method was used to collect and analyze data that cannot be represented by number. Descriptive research was used in the literal sense of describing situation and event. The result of this study shows that there are 10 kinds of speech functions produced by all characters (Liza, Frank, Noah Crawford, Postmaster, Zedekiah Smith and Caleb). They are 11 statements, 8 commands, 5 offers, 7 questions, 2 acknowledgements, 3 contradictions, 2 acceptances, 2 rejections, 2 answers, and 2 disclaimers. The highest speech function is ā€˜command' produced by Liza because she demands the bank robber to release her from the captive. She also produced highest speech function ā€˜question', because she is the main character. She is a talkative who wants to know everything. The highest speech function produced by Zedekiah Smith is ā€˜statement' because he is bank robber who comes back again to release Liza

    Desain Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Melalui Pemilahan Sampah Organik Dan Anorganik Berdasarkan Persepsi Ibu - Ibu Rumah Tangga

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    Saat ini, volume sampah yang tinggi di Jakarta merupakan salah satu masalah penting bagi masyarakat Jakarta Timur. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Dinas Kebersihan Pemerintah Jakarta Timur, ada sekitar 30% dari volume sampah yang tidak dikirim ke TPA per hari. Masalah ini berkaitan dengan kurangnya pendidikan tentang pentingnya pemisahan sampah oleh sebagian besar warga. Aturan pemerintah tentang pengelolaan sampah masih belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan. Suatu lembaga konseling terpadu yang mengelola sampah untuk semua komponen di masyarakat diperlukan untuk memberikan hasil yang optimal. Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah harus melibatkan ibu-ibu rumah tangga dan harus menerapkan Pemerintah Peraturan Nomor 81 Tahun 2012 tentang tentang Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga dan jenis sampah rumah tangga yang lain. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan sistem pemisahan pengelolaan sampah terpadu, volume sampah akan dturunkan sebesar 33%. Penurunan ini disebabkan karena daur ulang sampah anorganik. Melalui cara ini, pemerintah Jakarta hanya perlu untuk mengelola sampah organik yang yang terdiri 67% dari semua limbah. Ini adalah suatu cara untuk mengurangi jumlah volume sampah di Jakart

    Analisis Kinerja Ekspor Kertas Indonesia ke Amerika Latin

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    In order to increase the trade flow, Indonesia joined an alliance called as South-South Cooperation and Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC). One of commodity exported by Indonesia to Latin America is paper. This research purposes to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesian paper commodity in Latin America, and finding out factors affect paper export Indonesia to Latin America during 2009-2013, using RCA, EPD, gravity model and Porter's Diamond method. This research revealed that the average of RCA is more than 1; three countries placed on the rising star, one country on lost opportunity position, two countries on falling star position, and two countries in retreat position. Variables affect export volume significantly are Per capita riel GDP of Indonesia and export destination country, export price, and economic distance, while exchange rate is not significantly affect the the exports

    Destination Management Organization (DMO): Paradigma Baru Pengelolaan Pariwisata Daerah Berbasis Teknologi Informasi

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    Now days, e-tourism, a part of the face of the development in tourism sector, begins to turn into newparadigm in management system which strongly needs more interactive information technology (IT). Within thisparadigm, stakeholders of tourism sector in one region usually enhance the e-tourism with providing a solidtourism management through a system called Destination Management Organization (DMO). Based on thiscondition, this paper aims to analyze the framework of this new system which has been adopted in some regionsin Indonesia. Using explorative analysis method, this paper finds that DMO in those regions basically stilldepends on the coordination tourism stakeholders, destination crisis management and destination marketin

    Analisis Faktor Eksternal dan Performance Indikator Bprs Indonesia terhadap Pembiayaan Sektor Perdagangan, Hotel dan Restoran

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    The trade, hotels and restaurants sector is one of the economic sectors that have an important role in the growth of the national economy. However, the development of trade, hotels and restaurants are still not optimal, is evidenced by the continued decline in the proportion of financing in this sector. The main problem of the trade, hotels and restaurants in Indonesia is limited access to capital and the regulatory capital faced by the microfinance sector, so that the necessary role of the banking sector one of them through the BPRS. The purpose of this study to analyze performance indicators and external factors affecting BPRS financing for trade, hotels and restaurants in Indonesia. This study uses a model of Vector Error Correction with monthly data from January 2011 to July 2016. The results showed that the BI rate, inflation, PaR and DPK significant effect on the financing of trade, hotels and restaurants, whereas no significant effect Leverage

    Analisis Kinerja Ekspor Elektronika Indonesia ke Amerika Latin

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    Integrasi perdagangan Internasional seperti FEALAC (Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation) dan SSEC (South-South Economic Cooperation) merupakan peluang bagi Indonesia untuk masuk ke pasar kawasan Amerika Latin, salah satunya ekspor elektronika. Elektronika merupakan sepuluh komoditi unggulan ekspor Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis daya saing ekspor elektronika Indonesia, mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi ekspor elektronika ke Amerika Latin dan dinamika pasar ekspor elektronika Indonesia ke Amerika Latin. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari ITC, WITS, CEPII, World Bank, dan UNCTAD. Metode analisis menggunakan RCA dan Porter\u27s Diamond untuk mengetahui daya saing, gravity model untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi ekspor, dan EPD untuk memberikan gambaran dinamika ekspor elektronika Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komoditi elektroniia Indonesia memiliki daya saing komparatif yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai RCA lebih dari satu. Analisis Porter\u27s Diamond menunjukkan bahwa daya saing kompetitif elektronika Indonesia masih lemah. Hasil estimasi EPD elektronika Indonesia rata-rata menunjukkan pangsa pasar dan permintaan ekspor komoditi elektronika yang bertumbuh. Hasil estimasi gravity model menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang signifikan adalah GDP perkapita Indonesia, jarak ekonomi, harga ekspor, GDP perkapita negara tujuan, dan populasi, sedangkan variabel REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) tidak berpengaruh

    Analisis Kesediaan Membayar Pengunjung terhadap Paket Wisata Pendidikan Lingkungan di Taman Wisata Alam Wira Garden Kota Bandar Lampung

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    Lampung is province in Indonesia which is trying to generate income through tourism sectors. One of them is Wira Garden Nature Park (TWA). Wira Garden is located in Bandar Lampung. Activities from tourist increasly effects increase garbage that impact on aesthetics and environmental quality in Wira Garden. So that, takes antourism program based on environmental education. That is able to educate visitors so visitors will participated in activities that aim to promote concern in environment, especially nature tourism. Focus of planning an tourism program based on environmental education is creating environmental education packages, by two activities are planting trees and deposit garbage (deposit refund). Manager of Wira Garden collaborate with BSCH (Bank Sampah Cangkir Hijau) to build garbage deposit program (deposit refund). Environmental education programs in Wira Garden is realized into three types options that are (Personal Green), (Garden Family) and (Jungle Community). Funding for this program is expected from income of (WTP) Willingness to Pay from visitors in Wira Garden